Lux's Farewell

Chapter 58 [0056] Nostalgia

Chapter 58 [0056] Nostalgia

As the waiter at the front desk said, the blue smoked grass bath bag of the blue smoked manor is really good.

After drifting on the boat for half a month, Lux was finally able to clean herself completely—although because Ino can make ice, Lux does not lack clean water even at sea, but the problem is that Ino can only Make ice water.

For Lux, who is physically strong, taking a cold bath is not a problem, but if the cold water is used to take a bath, it is a bit unacceptable.

It's all right now, there is 24-hour hot water supply, and a good-smelling blue smoked herb bath bag. Lacus soaked in the bathtub for almost an hour, and Karya over there gave Ino a class. She Just out of the water!

"Go take a bath!" Wrapped in a towel, Lacus happily came to Eno's side, dragged her to the bathroom, "Must wash for an hour! We paid for it!"

The reason of "spending money" made the always frugal Ino shut up obediently, and with the mentality of "spending all the money", she honestly started to take a bath according to Lacus' request.

In fact, Ino also likes to stay in hot water to warm her whole body - but before receiving Kalya's tutoring, her bath water always cooled quickly, and she couldn't take a good bath at all. hot shower.

Now, after studying with Karya for a month, she can easily control the magic power in her body. In this case, she can finally enjoy a happy hot bath!

Warm water, fragrant blue smoky, Ino even buried his head in the bathtub like a child, gurgling bubbles.

Little Ino was flopping about in the big two-person bathtub, like a free fish.


Outside the bathroom, Lacus wrapped her golden hair, then leaned back, and lay on the big soft bed.

She straightened her limbs, stretched herself completely, and let herself sink into the bed, completely wrapped up.

Delicate quilts of velvet, soft quilts of Nasheramai silk.

At this moment, Lux felt vaguely at home.

Lying on the big bed of the top hotel in Lanxun Manor, looking out the window at the still brightly lit port pier, at this moment, Lacus seemed to have returned to the capital of Demacia and her own small bedroom in the Crown Guard Manor.

Ino in the bathroom stopped spitting bubbles, but poked his head out of the water, happily humming the country tunes of Mithril City.

And when she heard Ino's singing, Lux suddenly felt sour for no reason.

She stretched out her hand to hold the hilt of the saber, and without wiping off the dust on the scabbard, she hugged the sword in her arms and bit her lip lightly.

"Kalya!" Lux said in a low voice, "I'm homesick."

"...Good boy." Kalya said softly, "Who doesn't want to go home for children who leave home?"

"I miss my mother." Lux closed her eyes, "I also miss my father, my brother, my aunt, and Sona——I really want to tell them what I saw."


"I really want to tell them the stories I've heard, stories that are different from Demacia." Lux sniffed, "I don't know if Dad has returned from the door of sorrow, and whether Mommy will still blow it." Dizi, whether my brother is used to it in the military camp, whether my aunt has left Xiongdu, whether Sona is going well in the orchestra."


"Just now, Kalya, just now, I almost thought I was in my own bed." Lux blinked, and big drops of tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes, "Really—you know, I really thought I was at home, in my own bed!"


"I told myself that I don't regret leaving Demacia." Lux choked up, "But, Kalya, I miss them so much!"

Speaking of this, Lux finally couldn't restrain her sadness any longer, she curled up with her sword in her arms, and finally broke down in tears.


"Karya, we can definitely go back, right?"

"You promised me that you will return with glory in the future!"

"Woooo, am I stupid and fragile?"



Karya just listened in silence.

He didn't speak again until Lux was tired from crying.

"My silly girl, although you are sometimes silly, you are not vulnerable at all - it is not shameful to miss your hometown, let alone your relatives."


"Only those who miss happiness have the courage to continue on the unknown path!"


"I'm homesick too—I promise, you'll return to Demacia with glory, but I'll never go back to my home."


"Okay, clean up when you've cried enough, don't embarrass yourself in front of your junior sister—"

"Don't say it!" Hearing this sentence, Lux finally pouted, "If you dare to say it, I will... I will throw you into the toilet!"


Ino, who came out of a hot bath, didn't find any problems.

However, maybe because her feet were on the ground, maybe because she had been wandering before, after the lights were turned off, she held on to Lux, but she was still unwilling to fall asleep.

"Go to rest early, Ino." Lux, who was stuck close to him, said helplessly, "We still have a lot of things to do tomorrow!"

"I can't sleep, Lacus." Ino whispered, "I've never slept on such a soft bed, and I always feel uneasy."

"How about... we remove a layer of the mattress?" Lux made a suggestion, "Maybe it will make you more comfortable?"

"Will this make you uncomfortable?" Yinuo was a little embarrassed, "If it's a little softer, I'll just get used to it, and it should be fine—"

"Get up!" Lux smiled, pulled up the quilt, and pulled Ino out of the bed, "Hurry up! We have to go to Zaun in a few days, when you get used to the soft The bed, the hard bed will be changed by then!"

While the two little girls were giggling, they quickly removed a layer of soft cushions, and then lay side by side on the bed again.

This time, Yinuo finally felt a lot more comfortable.

Lying on the bed, she felt the softness similar to that at home, and she also thought of the small yard far away on the outskirts of Mithril City.

Yinuo wanted to hold his breath, but the more he didn't think about some things, the more he would think about them—soon, Yinuo's low sobs sounded in the dark night.

"...Ino, you can cry if you want to cry." After being stunned for a moment, Lux stretched out her hand and patted Ino's shoulder lightly, "Who wouldn't miss home for a child who has left home?"

"My brother may have become a knight, and he can go out with the army." Ino continued to sniff, "But I still can't help crying..."

"There's no shame in crying—only those who miss happiness have the courage to continue on the unknown path!"

 Karya's Little Classroom Piltover's North and South City:
  The entire Piltover Grand Canal divides the city of Piltover into two parts from the middle, into north and south parts.

  The environment in the southern urban area is relatively poor, mostly industrial areas and college areas; the environment in the northern urban area is relatively good, mainly high-end residential areas and trade areas.

(End of this chapter)

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