Lux's Farewell

Chapter 59 [0057] Piltover Socioeconomic Survey

Chapter 59 [0057] Piltover Socioeconomic Survey
Although the bed was very comfortable, neither Lux nor Ino had a good night's rest.

So much so that when they woke up the next day, the eyes of the two little girls were swollen.

Under such circumstances, they could only embarrassingly postpone their plan to go around the streets and learn about Piltover—the two of them had a whole morning of magic training under the supervision of Kalya, during which everyone had a tacit understanding No mention of what happened last night.

They didn't leave the room until noon, and after eating something in the restaurant of the hotel, they dragged the two huge boxes and left the hotel.

They need to store some of them in the vault first.

After spending ten gold hexes, Lacus rented a large safe in the Zodiac basement, and then stuffed her two suitcases into it—the daily necessities and two sets of armor had been taken out, and the rest Part, except for some gold being exchanged for gold hexes, Lux didn't move.

After getting the exclusive key, Lacus and Ino let out a long sigh almost at the same time.

I finally saved these things, and then I can move freely!
"What are you going to do next?" Ino walked side by side with Lux, and put his hand on the hilt of Lux's sword, "It's almost dusk—Kalya won't ask us to go back to study by ourselves at night, right? ?”

"I'm not that strict." Kalya snorted, "Next... let's investigate this city carefully. Without investigation, you have no right to speak."


Investigating this kind of thing sounds complicated, but for Lux today, it is very simple.

When she was in Mihril City, she had already tried to investigate the way of life of Demacian civilians—although her main purpose at that time was to find out the frost situation, but in the process of lodging, she still learned from the locals. I learned a lot about their way of life.

When promoting the disaster patrol knight, she learned a lot of information and data about farmers' cultivation.

Later, when she was on the Taiyinshi, under the guidance of Kalya, Lacus had a lot of exchanges with people of all kinds.

Lux was originally optimistic, cheerful and easy to get close to people. After this journey, she has become a social person-the kind who can chat with anyone in most cases.

In Piltover, what she needs to investigate is the daily life of the people in Piltover, basic necessities of life, food, clothing, housing and transportation. These things are trivial and detailed, but usually you can get a lot of useful information just by shopping a little and chatting with the boss. For Lacus, this level of communication is a piece of cake, nothing to worry about!

Prices and commodity quality and sources; salary and job specific content; land prices and geographical location and surrounding environment...

During this seemingly casual chat, Lacus got a lot of information, while Kalya quickly sorted out pieces of data.

During the day, Lux wandered around, and at night, Karya collected data alone.

Mrs. Piltover's positive attitude towards business has greatly accelerated the speed of Lacus's investigation.

Here, each store will put up the recruitment notice in the most conspicuous place in its window; and many houses that are exchanged or sold will also openly show the price tag-these price tags are of course suspected of exorbitant prices. But the data itself is still enough to be a reference.

At the beginning, Lux didn't quite understand why Kalya insisted on investigating Piltover herself.

However, as she and Ino walked down for a few days, without even needing to compare the data obtained by Kalya, Lacus could clearly perceive the difference in this city.

It seems like there's nothing gold-hex can't handle in Piltover - and if it can't be fixed, there just aren't enough gold-hexes.

For example, in the entire range of Piltover, the manor area in the north of the city has the least number of shops, but the prices are astonishingly high, and the variety is enough to dazzle Lacus.

She even saw a dragon lizard for sale at a pet store somewhere!

Looking at these little guys with six-figure prices, Lux couldn't help thinking that "in Piltover, as long as you have money, you can buy anything".

And when Lux explained her status as a tourist, she would often hear Piltover proudly boasting about Piltover.

"We don't have nobles, and commoners don't need to be firewood for the empire like the Noxus. Here, everyone is equal before Jinhex—oh, thank you for the tip."

Yes, in Piltover, gold hex is everything, even political power is affected by money - in the papers of Piltover, someone is soliciting sponsorship in fairly direct language, hoping to collect enough deposits to join Parliament, and he, after his success, will give investors "reciprocal returns" and so on.

Everything looked extremely good, and everything seemed to be just like what the people in Piltover said, everyone was equal before Jinhex.

But... is that really the case?

According to the survey data, the further south the entire Piltover is, the lower the land price, commodity price and salary, and the reduction ratio is extremely mismatched—when it is close to Zaun, the salary here is even less than [-]% of that in the north of the city. One-third of that, but the prices and land prices are still one-third of those in the north of the city!

It is also a job as a waiter. In the Blue Smoke Manor in the north of the city, you can earn about ten gold hexes per month; but in the south of the city near Zaan, you can't earn two gold hexes.

Then if you arrive in Zaun...

Thinking of this, Lacus shook her head—unknowingly it has been the tenth day of Piltover's investigation, and now only the academy area is left, and when she finishes walking the academy area, she will go to the "Another World" Check it out.


The next morning, the sky was bright and clear.

Lux, who had something on her mind, woke up early, and the sun hadn't even risen when she opened her eyes.

But Yinuo got up earlier than her, and when Lux finished washing in a hurry, Yinuo had already returned with a small notebook.

"I just asked the front desk about the academy district." Eno held up the notepad in his hand, "He said that Piltover's Evolution Day is about to happen, so there is a big public performance at the theater , and the Academy of Science and Progress has several open classes—I have copied the schedule."

While putting on her sword, Lacus took Ino's notes.

"Open class? Does Piltover still have this tradition?" Kalya was a little surprised, "It seems that the people of Piltover are quite generous with knowledge, let me see what they have to say—oh, when I don't Say."

"What do you mean?" Lux obviously didn't know why Kalya suddenly changed her words. "Is there something wrong with the course schedule? Ino copied it wrong? Why do I feel like I can't understand the names of these courses?"

"It's fine if you don't understand it. It's a cunning trick. It's said to be an open class, but normal people can't understand it at all." Kalya sighed, "Sure enough, I shouldn't expect them to be really willing to share knowledge."

"So are we going to the class?"

"Listen to a hammer, none of us can understand." Kalya said helplessly, "Look at this class schedule, composite tidal power engineering machinery, can this thing be taught as an open class?"


"So you should go to the theater, go out early, maybe you can get a good seat." Kalya chuckled, "The investigation task is almost completed, I haven't sorted out the data here, you go to the theater today Turn around and take it easy."

"Then, it's time to go!" Lux picked up the headband and put it on her head, "Hurry up, Ino, we have to hurry up!"

After a hasty breakfast, the two little girls left the hotel hand in hand, heading straight for the Piltover Theater in the academy district.

Then, a block away from the Grand Theater, they saw a long, hopeless line.

They're all here to get tickets.

For performances on Evolution Day, the ticket price was so cheap that it was almost free.

As for things that don’t cost money, there are naturally people who are snapping them up—and since this place is close to Zaun, many people from Zaun will also come to “see the world” at this time.

Looking at this twisted and twisted team that went around several times, but still couldn't see the end at a glance, Lacus was dumbfounded. She knew that there were many people in Piltover, but compared to the calculated data, it was still the result of this crowded scene. The direct impact is greater.

Then, when Lux was hesitating whether to give up her plan to watch the drama, there was a burst of shouting from her side.

"Do you want infield tickets? The last two tickets!"

Scalper tickets at a premium - well, it's very Piltover.

 Carya's Small Classroom Piltover Pioneering Art:
  The Piltover Grand Canal, which monopolizes the trade between the two oceans, has brought amazing wealth to Piltover. These wealth have greatly stimulated Piltover's economy and supported scientific and technological research, and at the same time promoted the development of Piltover's avant-garde art. The artists here have broken away from the cage of classicism and developed a unique Piltover avant-garde art—however, in the eyes of traditional classical artists, this art form is a kind of sensationalism caused by "more money and burning". ".

(End of this chapter)

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