Lux's Farewell

Chapter 60 [0058] Sudden explosion

Chapter 60 [0058] Sudden explosion
The repertoire was wonderful, and Lacus's two golden hexes were not wasted.

Even though Lacus has heard many wonderful epic stories told by Kalya, watching a play on a multi-dimensional stage is still a novel experience for her.

The actors participating in the performance are all first-class performers in Piltover. Every line of their lines is clear, full and full of emotion, and the coordination with music and lighting is also extremely delicate. Compared with them, the form of Demacia choir is too much. A little monotonous.

As for Yinuo... the little girl who had never seen anything in the world was dazzled and overwhelmed.

In short, both of them are very satisfied with the play. Even after the show, they are still discussing the story in the play while walking on the streets of the college district.

However, at this moment, Lux suddenly heard a noise above her head.

Sensing something was wrong, Lux raised her head subconsciously, but saw nothing.

Did you hear it wrong?

The next moment, when Lux was wondering, a house not far away suddenly... exploded.

As the astonishing energy escaped, the shock wave almost swept almost the entire block.

Lux, who immediately realized something was wrong, grabbed Ino who was beside her, and held her to avoid the shock wave. When the two raised their heads again and looked at the place where the explosion happened, their eyes widened in unison.

When the smoke and dust cleared, an experimental building that was originally extremely beautifully decorated has now been reduced to a pile of ruins - a huge crack started from the fourth floor and spread to the road, even the floor tiles on the ground collapsed A big piece!

Although the explosion has stopped, the building still has a lot of rubble and debris, glass keeps falling, and the main body of the building may collapse at any time.

Law enforcement officers patrolling nearby had heard the news, and while calling for help and evacuating the crowd, they approached the building cautiously.

"Do me a favor, Ino." Kalya sighed helplessly, "I can't just watch it fall... The magic power is fully output, and the epigenetic resonance!"

"No problem!" Hearing this, Yinuo took a deep breath, "Physical resonance—let's all freeze!"

With Yinuo's hands on the ground, large pieces of ice spread from her palms, and the moisture in the air was quickly frozen, turning into large pieces of ice crystals, attached to this crumbling dangerous building. , it was able to maintain its stability.

Seeing this astonishing scene, the law enforcement officers nearby were already stunned.

The explosion just now was shocking enough.

An ordinary-looking little girl froze the building that was about to collapse as soon as she touched the ground with her hands, which made them unable to believe their eyes!
Under the full output of magic power, Ino's magic power was quickly drained - when she got up again, her body swayed, her feet staggered, and she almost fell on the spot.

"What are you still looking at?" Lux quickly supported the unstable Ino, raised her eyebrows, and shouted at the law enforcement officers, "Hurry up and evacuate the people inside! Do you have to wait for the ice to melt?" Do you want to act again?"

The sluggish law enforcement officer woke up like a dream, and then, just as they were about to enter the dangerous building, several shadows suddenly flashed on the roof.

"Who's there?" the leading law enforcement officer said nervously, "Come out!"

It's a pity that his words seemed to scare those few people. As he shouted these words, those colorful figures rushed faster, and rushed to the other side of the street in the blink of an eye.

Looking at each other, the law enforcement officers quickly divided into two teams, one team stayed here, and the other team went to chase those sneaky figures.

Silently comparing the speeds of the two sides, Lux shook her head silently in her heart - it seems that these law enforcement officers can't catch those people.

These people are the culprits of the explosion?

They don't look that big!
Why do a few kids who are about the same age as me run to blow up the house?

At this moment, Lux's little head was filled with great doubts.

Because Ino's state was a little weak, the law enforcement officer didn't directly keep her and Lacus for questioning, but instead sent a special person to send them back to the hotel.

The young law enforcement officer who was in charge of sending them off seemed to be a rookie—Lacus could clearly see that his expression relaxed a lot after he learned that he lived in Blue Smoked Manor.

"The guests who came from afar are really thanks to your help." On the way, the young law enforcement officer chattered and expressed his gratitude to Lacus, "She is such a powerful mage, I have never seen With such a powerful spell..."

Lux chatted with him politely for a while, trying to learn more about the investigation results of the explosion.

It's a pity that although this is a rookie, his mouth is quite strict. Lacus chatted with him for a long time, but after all, he failed to get any useful information.

In the end, the law enforcement officer politely sent them back to the hotel, and then told the front desk a few words, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and closed the team back to the law enforcement officer hall.


"Kalya, did you find something?" After returning to the hotel, he comforted Ino and went to sleep first, and Lacus sat on the leather sofa, "Ino's state looks a bit wrong today, could this be What's the danger..."

"There will be no danger. I am very aware of her magic power—and, the so many ice crystals attached just now are actually not her own power." Kalya's tone became rare and serious, "I call She made the move mainly because she sensed a familiar yet unfamiliar energy, and while asking Ino to help save people, she could also try to determine the source of this energy."

"So, what is the result of your judgment?" Lux frowned when she heard the words, "It will encourage epigenetic resonance... Could it be an elemental tide? This is impossible!"

"It's not an elemental tide." Carya sighed helplessly, "I found the power of enlightenment—Mrs. Piltover's mind is really flexible!"

Although Kalya's words seemed to be boasting, Lux always felt that he was gnashing his teeth when he said these words.

"Enlightenment?" Lux was stunned for a moment, "You don't seem to have taught me this part?"

"The content of the advanced version, you still can't access it now." Kalya was also a little helpless, "It is related to the world runes."

"World Rune!" Hearing this name, Lux finally widened her eyes, "World Rune appeared? Are we going to change the original plan, as you said, it is a very dangerous power!"

"That's not necessary." Carya thought for a while, and replied, "It's not the body of the world rune, but something like a gem or mineral that carries part of the power of the world rune——Ino's spells are enhanced by them .”

"So, what are we going to do now?" Lux blinked her eyes, looking eager to try, "Sneak back to the scene and find out what exactly is the enlightenment you mentioned?"

"That's causing trouble." Kalya denied the proposal, "This matter won't be over for a while, we don't need to worry, those law enforcement officers who are slow to move can't catch those escaped brats."

"Look at the speed." Lux hesitated, "But... the law enforcement officer is the person responsible for maintaining the order in Piltover after all. If you want to arrest a few children, you can always catch them, right?"

"It's like this in Piltover." Kalya smacked her lips, "But judging from the current situation, those children are from Zaun!"

 Carya's small classroom about Hextech:

  Mrs. Piltover discovered the hex crystal very early. Although they were obsessed with the energy in it, but because of the high price of natural hex crystal, this precious energy from Kalamanda was not available at first. Really popular, only a small range of applications.

  Later, the Philos family researched artificial hex crystals, but unlike natural hex crystals, the energy of artificial crystals is not stable enough, and it is difficult to use, so most of the time, people in Piltover regard it as a black A high-level replacement for gunpowder—at least when Lux arrived in Piltover, the application of artificial hex crystals was still in a rather simple and crude stage.

(End of this chapter)

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