Lux's Farewell

Chapter 61 [0059] The Unfortunate Plaintiff

Chapter 61 [0059] The Unfortunate Plaintiff

The next morning, when Yinuo, who had slept for nearly twelve hours, woke up, she looked much better.

Judging from Ino's mental state, the slight overdraft of magic power yesterday did not have any substantial impact on her.

As Kalya said—the exaggerated magic effect yesterday, the mana consumption was not entirely from Ino himself.

Then, when the relieved Lacus and Ino finished their breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel, the law enforcement officer who sent them back yesterday found them on his own initiative.

He very politely said that he needed to invite them to take notes and record what they saw yesterday.

Naturally, Lacus and Ino are perfect.

Following in the footsteps of the law enforcement officer, they soon arrived at the law enforcement officer's office hall.

In the innermost office on the second floor, they met the leader of the Piltover law enforcement who was in charge of the matter.

"This is Ms. Grayson." The law enforcement officer who led Lacus over introduced, "It's the sheriff of Piltover, mainly responsible for the work within the college area."

"Ms. Grayson." Lux nodded politely, "So, what exactly do you want to know?"

"It's mainly about the specific details of yesterday's explosion." Grayson's complexion was dark, but even so, she still couldn't hide her serious dark circles. "Tell me, what did you all see yesterday."

"There was an explosion, and the building exploded." Lux replied in a calm tone, "The four-story building was completely torn apart from the middle, even the road was torn apart."

"Thank you very much, miss." Grayson nodded, obviously not surprised by the answer, "So, before the explosion, did you hear or see anything?"

"No." Lux put on a thoughtful look, then shook her head, "It's just a normal walk on the street - I just watched the performance at the time, it was wonderful, and I was discussing the plot with my friends."

"Thank you very much for your news." Grayson said in a routine tone, "Also, this is the mage lady who helped yesterday? The Gilaman family is very grateful for your help and entrusted me to hand over a bonus you."

With that said, Grayson took out a bag from his drawer, and handed it to Ino along with a certificate of award.

"Sign your name here with the recipient——Ino, it's really a rare name...Okay, this matter is over for the two of you, and you won't be far away."

Eno took the bag and the documents, and after carefully looking at them, he finally signed his name on the witness position at the bottom.

Then, the two were politely sent out by the law enforcement officer.


Led by the law enforcement officer, Lacus and Ino just left the office when they ran into another group of people in the corridor.

"Hey, Marcos!" The oncoming law enforcement officer seemed to be a lively figure, and he reached out to greet the law enforcement officer with Lux, "Is the boss still in the office?"

"She's here." Marcos nodded, "I suggest you don't make a playful face, she's annoying now!"

"Hey, even if she is really angry, that anger will not come to me." The lively law enforcement officer smiled, "Mr. Jess is probably the one who really bears the anger..."

"Please, Brummer, stop teasing me, okay?" The guy named Jess sighed helplessly, "It's bad enough for me to go from bombing victim to prisoner, your mission is to take me Going to see the sheriff and maybe including sending me to jail, but there's no verbal education part anyway."

"Okay, okay." Brummer shrugged, showing a clear look, "The part of verbal punishment is taught to our boss, you should be lucky, but fortunately she is not a talker..."

"The victim of the explosion turned into a prisoner?" Lux looked at Jess a little strangely, "You were also involved in that explosion?"

"That's right." Jess nodded subconsciously, and replied mechanically as if he had said it countless times, "I conducted a little independent research, and I'm sorry that the research is dangerous—wait, who are you? ?”

"The key witness in the bombing case is an enthusiastic citizen." Marcos replied in a low voice, "You should thank her. If it wasn't for that little girl with pale blond hair, you might have been buried alive."

"Those ice!" Jess widened his eyes excitedly when he heard that, "Did you make those exaggerated ice yesterday?"

"Hey, pay attention to your identity!" Seeing that Jess seemed a little too excited, Brummer quickly grabbed his handcuffs, "Calm down, Jess, you will make it difficult for us all!"

"Sorry..." Jess stopped in a little embarrassment, trying to control his emotions, "I mean, you made those ices, using magic, right?"

"Episode magic." Ino nodded, showing a warm smile, "It would be great if it helped you."

"Thank you very much - thank you very much, uh..."

"My name is Ino."

"Thank you very much, Miss Ino." Jess let out a long breath, "I am Jess, and I am also the owner of that studio. I am very grateful for your help. Without your help, everything I have Material and data would have been destroyed in that explosion."

"Although it's also being seized now." Brummer said tirelessly to Jess, "Don't waste time, Jess, the boss is still waiting for us."


"It's really a bit subtle." Walking out of the building, Lux couldn't help but sigh with emotion when thinking of Jess who just met in the corridor, "The people of Zaun blew up a building in Piltover, only to find that the studio in the building was Conducting dangerous experiments——Piltover really has an unknown side!"

"There are too many unknown things." Kalya's tone was also surprised, "Moreover, this illegal experiment has something to do with world runes..."

"To be honest, Karya." Lux's tone became serious, "What you told me before, about the things left in Zaun, is it related to the world runes?"

"Indeed." Kalya admitted Lux's guess, "Why, I can't wait to end my vacation and want to visit Zaun?"

"It's not impatient." Lux shook her head, "I just think it's a little unusual."

"Of course it's unusual." Carya snorted and pointed out the crux of the problem. "That Ms. Grayson's attitude is quite wrong."

"Is something wrong with Ms. Grayson?" Lux was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted, "Yes, she wants to calm things down—so she actually paid for that bonus?"

"But she said that the money came from a family named Gila Mann?" Mentioning the bonus, Eno, who was happily counting the money, raised his head strangely, "I also signed a letter of commendation It's written!"

"Although I don't know what the Gilaman family is." Lux glanced at the money in the bag with a smile, "But I know very well that if the money comes from a business family, it is absolutely impossible to get it in this form." Leave it to you—the person who can get a large bonus won’t use the note paper commonly used by law enforcement officers in the thank you letter, right?”

"Keep observation, Lacus." Kalya finally said approvingly after hearing this, "In short, there are enough things for us to care about in this explosion, whether it is the gem of enlightenment, or the subtle law enforcement officer, and the Bombers in Zuun...I smell conspiracy."

 Karya's Small Classroom Sponsor:
  Piltover scientists are dependent on funding from their funders, and in return, the funders have priority over the use of their research results.

  Of course, there are also independent researchers who earn their own money and spend it on their own. This kind of person will either soar into the sky, or become insolvent, and then go to Zaun in despair.

  PS. Karya doesn't know the plot of the Battle of Two Cities.

(End of this chapter)

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