Lux's Farewell

Chapter 62 [0060] Zaan's Bear Child

Chapter 62 [0060] Zaan's Bear Child

The possible "collusion between officials and thieves" obviously aroused Lux's heart of justice. She gave up her remaining half-day vacation and took Ino headlong into Zaun.

According to the map bought in the bookstore, they first went all the way south, passed through the academy district, entered the border area between Picheng and Zaun, and then took the elevator and descended hundreds of meters, before they really entered Zaun .

Then, before Lux could get a good look at Zaun, she returned to Piltover dispirited—literally dispirited.

Zaun's alchemy smog is so severe that Lux coughs and tears when she enters it.

In this case, she had to leave temporarily and go back to Piltover to buy two filters.

"It's unbelievable." Lux, who came to Zaun again, breathed in the air that had a smell even after filtering, and she shook her head helplessly, "The environment in Zaun is so bad, these people The Zaunites... don't they cough?"

"I'm afraid it's because they are used to it." Carya said flatly, "For them, the price of the filter may be very unbearable, and they were born and raised here since they were young, and they may have already I'm used to the air here and the smog here."

"That's terrible." Lux shook her head again, then looked at Ino next to her, "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine?" Ino blinked, "The smell here is indeed a bit bad, but... at least it doesn't have the pungent smell of farmyard manure."

"I'm not talking about the smell, but the smog." Lux wanted to reach out and rub her nose, but in the end she could only knock on the filter, "I even felt like my throat was sealed before—okay , let’s not talk about this topic, I want to take a look at this place... Well, what kind of mural is this? The lines are smooth, but the composition looks like a mess."

"This should be Zaun's art, right?" Kalya also said in surprise, "It's really a bit of a coincidence. Although it's not that fine, it always has a wonderful impact."

Then, just as Lacus was pressing the sword with one hand, looking at the graffiti on the wall while communicating with Karya, a group of children carrying boxes passed by her.

Although it looked like they were trying their best to avoid sideways, there was still a frizzy-looking little guy who accidentally bumped into Lux.

Just when he was muttering something in a low voice and wanted to carry the box and move on, Lux, who was squatting by the wall and staring at the graffiti, suddenly stood up and grabbed him.

Lux picked up the seemingly heavy box he was holding just now with one hand, and clamped his wrist with the other hand—the white and slender hand erupted with astonishing strength, even if The opponent struggled hard, but couldn't break free.

"Petty theft is not a good habit."

Lux glanced at the contents of the box, put it on the ground, and then broke away the grasped hand of the other party.

In the palm of this brat, there is a golden key—the key to the safe where Lux stored all the supplies in the Zodiac basement.

"Let go of me, you Picheng guy!" Seeing that he couldn't break free, the other party raised his fist angrily, "This is not stealing, it's equal revenge!"

While speaking, this group of children also put down the boxes that were used as performance props one after another, and forced them towards Lacus one by one.

It seems like they not only don't think there's anything wrong with stealing, they're going to have a big fight with Lux.

"Equivalent revenge?." Lux shook her head, "I don't remember seeing you before."

At the same time, a crystal clear ice blade appeared in Ino's hands—she showed her mage identity.

Unfortunately, for the children of Zaun, magic...that is something that only appears in stories, and they are more willing to believe that Ino is a juggler.

"Let him go!" These children showed their fists one by one, "Picheng, don't try to scare people with this trick!"

"That's right! Let him go!"

"Go and call someone over!"

"You're done!"



Although in theory, Lux is also their peers, but it is clear that she does not care about the threat of these Zaun children.

In comparison, Lux cares more about the attitudes of these people - obviously they are trying to steal their property, why do they say they are taking revenge?And there's nothing wrong with it?
Judging by their posture, is this going from stealing to robbery?

Before Lux could ask what was going on, these children simply raised their fists.

The next moment, just as they rushed towards Lux, the ground froze.

The Zaun goblins who had never seen the ground freeze quickly lost their balance, and their high-raised fists could only turn into palms in the end, supporting their bodies awkwardly—but even so, they still rolled He rushed towards Lux with a crawl, as if he still wanted to rescue the little guy who was pinched by Lux.

"It's quite loyal, huh?" Lux dragged the unlucky boy with one hand, and easily cleaned up these guys who were trying to make trouble for her with the other hand, causing them to fall all bruised and swollen, "Unfortunately, You are still a little too weak—how about you answer me a few questions and I will let him go?"

At the beginning, none of these Zaun boys agreed, even if they were knocked down by Lux again and again, they would not just grit their teeth and charge forward.

But seeing that everyone couldn't do anything to Lux together, they finally had no choice but to accept the reality.

"Ask!" The group of Zaun boys looked at me and I at you, and finally elected a leader, "If you want to ask anything, just ask!"

"The first question." Lux still held the prisoner with one hand, "Why did you steal?"

"Ha, silly Piltover!" Hearing this question, the leader snorted disdainfully, "What's the reason? Piltover took everything from us, and we took the Piltover, didn't we?" Is it justified?"

(Meanwhile, the one caught by Lux is yelling that this is not theft, but reciprocal revenge and so on.)
This answer made Lux couldn't help frowning. She obviously didn't understand what this guy said, so she simply asked her second question.

"...The second question, how do you know that I am from Piltover? Also, what did the Piltover take from you?"

"Who would wear a filter here except Piltovers and consumptives?" The leading kid twitched his mouth and pointed to Lux's filter, "As for what the Pilters took from me—I Do parents count?"


Lux was stunned by the sudden tiger-wolf words. She blinked her eyes and realized after a while that what this kid said might be...the people from Piltover killed his parents?

Is hatred driving them?

"Did Piltover kill them?" Lux sighed, "But that doesn't mean every Piltover has to pay—"

"Oh, let's get another one." The other party didn't seem to care about this, "The waste water from the Picheng guys splashes over my head every day, making me sleepless, how about it, is that enough reason? Or do you never need to go to the bathroom?"

Even Lux, who has traveled thousands of miles and experienced a lot, couldn't help but be dumbfounded when she heard such a true, direct and impactful answer.

Lux, who thought she was pretty good at communicating with people, suddenly found that she couldn't keep up with the thoughts of this Zaun kid at all—or, the amount of information this little guy revealed was a bit too much So much so that she couldn't digest it at all for a while.

"Last question." Lux sighed, reached out and pressed her temple, "Where are you guys in charge?"

"It's in your hands." The other party pointed to the grinning hapless guy caught by Lacus, "Ike is our head, and we all listen to him."

"I mean, an adult who keeps his word." Lux emphasized the pronunciation of the word adult, "Not the king of kids among you!"

"...Fulgan's Tavern." The other party raised his eyebrows, "You can go to Vander, or Benso."

"The owner of the tavern?!" Lux was completely confused, "Don't you have a leader—a city lord, a governor, or a council?"

"Zuan doesn't have that stuff. If we have to say it, we only have the Alchemy Baron, but unfortunately, they can't control us."

"Okay, okay." Lux felt that it was best not to get entangled with these Zaun kids any longer, "Now, take me to Fulgan's Tavern and meet your manager."

 Karya's Little Classroom Zaun Graffiti:

  Zaun's graffiti murals are known for their bold colors and forward-thinking compositions, but according to some Piltover artists, they are "a shoddy product limited by the poor artistry and poor choice of paints of the Zaun people, which has nothing to do with art." relation".

(End of this chapter)

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