Lux's Farewell

Chapter 63 [0061] Wei

Chapter 63 [0061] Wei
I heard that there is a "Alchemy Baron" in Zaun, so Lux instinctively thinks that the Alchemy Baron is the manager of Zaun, and she wants to hand over this guy who wants to steal her things to the Alchemy Baron.

But judging from the current situation, the facts seem to be slightly different from her understanding.

Lux can be regarded as a person who "travels thousands of miles", but whether in Demacia, Kalamanda in Shurima, or the mud town of Noxus, stealing is punished-the difference is only Whether it is light or heavy, even in Kalamanda, where the law and order is the worst, a thief caught in the port will be cleaned up by the guards of the Governor of the Harbor.

It may not be locked up, but at least it will be beaten.

It's a pity that in Za'an, it seems that the Alchemy Baron doesn't have any requirements for law and order, as if they wish this place would get worse and worse.

On the contrary, when Lux said that she wanted to go to Fulgan's Tavern, all the Zaun kids around laughed happily, and seemed to be quite supportive.

"Did they think that I would be beaten when I went to Fulgan's Tavern?" Looking at this group of happy little devils, Lux remained calm and asked Kalya in her heart, "Why is Zaun like this? Ah, look at these boys, they don't think it's wrong to steal, and they don't know what the law is!"

"Maybe they have rules, but the rules are to follow the boss." Carya's tone was also a little emotional, "It's really a terrible rule."

"Sounds like a story you told me—everybody listened to Setaka."

"But Setaka is also a man of written law."



Then, when Lux and Kalya were quietly complaining about Zaun's poor education, a teenager who looked fifteen or sixteen years old came out of nowhere and stood in front of Lux with his arms open. .

"You Picheng guys, let go of Ike." After the other party spoke, Lux finally confirmed her gender, "Otherwise, you will taste it, you are such a cute little girl, after being punched, You must be crying a lot, right?"

"Ike—oh, this guy you're talking about? Then, who are you?" Lux looked up and down at the girl with her fist raised in front of her, feeling inexplicably familiar, "Their... big sister's head?"

"Big Sister? I like this title very much, and you can think so too." The other party put on a boxing stance, "My name is Wei. If you have any problems with Ike, I will pick it!"

The other party's reaction made Lacus stunned for a moment, and it was only after Karya's reminder that she realized that it meant "to take responsibility on Ike's behalf".

"I caught him stealing from me." Lux responded fairly, "So I think I should take him to a place where I can teach him a lesson. After all, stealing is not a good habit."

"Picheng, your law enforcement officer can't control Zaun." The other party showed a mocking expression, as if he wanted to say something more cruel, but considering that Ike was still in someone else's hands, he ended up abruptly Swallowed, "In Zaan, follow the rules of Zaan!"

"So, what are the rules of Zaun?"" Lux asked, "I really want to know. "

"Fight with me, if you win I'll beat you up - if you lose, I'll beat you up."


Even if Lux already has some understanding of Zaun and knows that it is full of chaos and violence, there is still a big gap between hearing what others say and seeing and experiencing it with her own eyes.

"Don't stand still." Before Lux could speak, Wei raised her volume and put on a posture, "Come on, either fight me, or let Ike go and leave Zaun, here Not a place for a lady like you to come!"

"You people of Zaun all talk with your fists, right?" Blinking, Lux finally found a little trick to communicate, "Okay—if that's the case, answer me obediently if you lose How about a few questions?"

"Deal!" The other party seemed very satisfied with Lacus' straightforwardness, "That's it!"


After handing Ike to Ino, Lacus came in front of the eldest sister.

The surrounding Zaun goblins formed a faint circle, cheering Wei at the top of their voices.

Hearing the sound of cheering, Wei stretched her neck, then jumped back and forth twice nimbly.

It can be seen that she seems to be very good at using her fists, and her steps are flexible enough.

Coupled with the arm span far beyond ordinary people and tall figure, if it is a street fight, no matter how you look at it, Lux is not her opponent.

Unfortunately, this is not a boxing match, and Lux ​​is not an ordinary underground boxer.

Facing the menacing fist, Lux resisted the opponent's tentative jab with her forearm, while sticking out her fist straight out.

Seeing Lux's reaction like this, a confident smile appeared on the corner of the other party's mouth - the fist speed is good, but it's a pity that the posture is like a rookie, and it looks like it has never been practiced at all!
When the body is not dominant, instead of relying on agility to win, he blocks and counterattacks in a regular manner... I have never been beaten!

Following Lux's punch, Wei strode forward and actively stretched out her left arm to block, while her right arm was gathering momentum, intending to hit Lux's shoulder hard.

Well, since nothing happened to Ike... let me teach you a less serious lesson!

However, things did not develop in the direction Wei expected.

The fist she swung didn't hit the target, and she flew out sideways first - when Lux's white fist touched her left arm that was actively blocking, a gleam of light flashed on her fist passed away.

So, obviously it was a seemingly light punch, but Wei seemed to be hit by a big pendulum in an amusement park, and the whole person flew out sideways, until he hit the garbage dump on the corner of the street, and then fell headfirst into it.

Lacus withdrew his fist expressionlessly.

The surrounding Zaun goblins were all dumbfounded.

Their cheering was blocked in their throats, and they all stared at Wei in the garbage dump, and Lacus who was expressionless, and some even rubbed their eyes.

Just now... was that light?
But, obviously there is nothing now!
Wei, on the other hand, struggled to get out of the rubbish dump after thumping for a while. She strode up to Lux, gnashing her teeth and staring at the person in front of her who had closed her fist and held the hilt of the saber. guy.

Looking at her expression, it seemed that she was about to raise her fist again in the next moment.

But in the end Vi just snorted.

"You win, Picheng!" Wei shook off the dirty garbage on his body while hugging his head, "Tell me, what do you want to ask? Hurry up and beat me up!"

"I want to ask Zaun." Seeing the other person's appearance, Lux finally showed a smile on her face—it seems that the way of shopping first and asking questions later in Piltover doesn't work in Zaun, and the rules here are pretty good. Not the same, "Ask Zaun in your eyes—I just came here, and I found that this place is different from the places I have seen in the past."


"Also, I'm not Mrs. Piltover, I'm from Demacia."

 Carya's Little Classroom Zaun's Boxing Game Machine:

  The entertainment of the Zaun people is not lacking. They are very good at using some garbage that the pilgrims don't use to make up interesting gadgets for themselves. The boxing game machine is one of their achievements.

  Interestingly, because the garbage is non-standardized, every boxing game box boxing routine is different, and in terms of training effect, the junk of Zaun is even better than the product of Piltover.

(End of this chapter)

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