Lux's Farewell

Chapter 64 [0062] Chaos City

Chapter 64 [0062] Chaos City
Knowing that Lux is not from Piltover, but from a place called Demacia, Vi's attitude becomes friendly visibly to the naked eye.

Even when Lux said she was going to Fulgrim's Tavern, she took the initiative to lead the way and sent away the angry Zaun kids around.

Although this "friendly" way is still very rude and unreasonable, Lux can clearly feel that Vi's disgusting attitude seems to be completely aimed at Piltover.

"So you're not a Picheng guy—you should tell me earlier next time." After shaking off the trash on her body, Wei offered to stretch out her fist, "As you can see, we Zaun people are not involved in the Picheng guy's issue." Usually, it's very friendly."

"So can you talk to me about Zaun?" At Kalya's prompt, Lux touched Vi with her fist. "About your opinion of the city—in all respects."

"What can I think about Zaun?" Wei grinned at Lux's question, as if you were bored, "Zuan is Zaun, I grew up here, since I was a child Looks, wet, dirty, everybody's a pauper—the only difference is, I had my parents back then, and now I just have Vander and Boom."

"What do you usually eat?" Lux asked the most basic question very seriously, "Where does the food come from?"

"Huh? What do you eat? Of course it's food!" Wei showed a silly expression, "Some people eat bread, others eat fish. Personally, I like the magic marsh frog better. I can invite you to try it if you have a chance—" Tastes great."

"Aquatic animals... There is a river in Zaun?" Lux blinked her eyes in surprise, "I only know that there is the Pilt River, which is in the north of the city."

"There must be a river in Zaan!" Wei nodded, "How can we mine or wash mines without a river? But most of that river is underground, and those who can catch fish in it are good hands."

"Then do you farm?"

"Farming? What is that?" Wei showed a puzzled expression, "I know about planting flowers, and many Picheng people like those tunes, but farming... Wait, I seem to have heard Vander mention this word—— Forget it, I can’t remember, anyway, I’ve never heard of anyone farming.”

"No one farms!" Lux said, "Where does your bread come from?"

"I bought it from a bakery." Wei shrugged. "Don't ask me where the bakery's bread comes from. They made it themselves, using wheat mixed with sawdust."

"I mean, where did you get the money to buy bread!" Lux realized that her way of speaking seemed a bit too euphemistic for Wei, so she changed to a more direct way of saying, "Also, it seems that the bread The number of fish is also limited, so you have to catch fish or catch toads, isn't that right?"

"Yes, yes, that's right!" Lux's repeated confirmation made Wei a little impatient, "The bread must have been bought in exchange for hard work—are all of you guys in Demacia so gritty?"

"Sorry, I just want to know about this city." Lux asked the next question, "So, what do you usually do?"

"Work? That's a lot." Wei thought for a while, and then snapped his fingers lightly, "Some people dig mines, some wash mines, some go to factories to operate machines, some make flesh and blood, and some serve as thugs." , Of course, there are still people who open taverns or bakeries, and there are also people who are responsible for collecting protection fees...Of course, everyone may cheat the city gangsters."

"Then do you have any merchants?" Lux continued to ask while listening to Wei's words carefully, "Specialized merchants or merchants who buy and sell bulk items?"

"There are no big merchants in Zaan." Wei shook his head, "People who specialize in buying and selling have gone to Picheng, how can they stay in Zaan?"

"Then do you know about the Alchemy Baron?" Lux continued her question, "Those nominal rulers of Zaun."

"The Baron of Alchemy? The ruler of Zaun? Where did you hear about this?" Hearing this question, Wei Wenyan couldn't help but burst out laughing, "A group of wagging tails are waiting for the Picheng guys to throw them away. A dog with a bone is also worthy of being called the ruler of Zaun?"

"The titular baron, another harvest." Lux nodded, and pushed open the door of the tavern in front of her, "Last question, did you blow up a building in Picheng yesterday?"

"That's a blast—you're talking to me!" Wei's eyes widened, "Damn it, you're a cop!"

"Ticket? What's that?"

"Stop playing dumb with me - hell, you're a bloody Piltover!"

The next moment, Wei raised her fist again.

However, Lux didn't move at all this time - because when Wei was furious, the boss who had been behind the bar suddenly rushed out and pulled her behind.

"Wei!" The man as strong as a giant bear called Wei helplessly, "Didn't I tell you to be more honest recently?!"

"Ike's in trouble!" Wei gritted her teeth and glared at Lacus, "Besides, now that the police from Piltover are here, it's useless to be honest!"

"This is Mr. Vander?" Lacus looked carefully at the burly man in front of him, showing a surprised expression, "Nice to meet you."

Speaking of which, since leaving Demacia, it was the first time that Lacus had seen a guy of this size—in terms of physical strength alone, Fandre was almost catching up with Pete.

However, unlike Pete's heroism, Van der's appearance should be described as tough, and it makes people feel full of deterrence at a glance.

"You are not a law enforcement officer." Fandre held back the excited Wei, turned to look at Lux and Eno behind her, and couldn't help frowning after seeing Eno's hair color, "But you It seems that I know something that I shouldn't know."

After Fandre said these words, the drinking customers in the tavern stopped their movements one by one, and looked at Lacus and Ino with unfriendly eyes.

"If you're talking about the explosion, I already know about it." Lak didn't care about these gazes at all, and walked to the bar and sat down, "Besides, I was there at the time—please give me two glasses Goat milk, add more sugar, thank you."

"The bar doesn't sell goat's milk." Fandre gave Wei a wink, making her find a chair to sit down in dissatisfaction, and he returned to the bar, "Outsider, you'd better leave Zaun and Peel now. Twolf, this is the last mercy of the dark alley."

"What a pity." Lux naturally picked up two glasses, filled them with water, and handed one of them to Ino, "I'm already involved in it."

The next moment, when Ino took the glass, the water in her glass froze in an instant, smashing the glass to pieces—as the glass shards splashed, the entire tavern was instantly silent.

At this time, Wei, who had been dragged by Fandre and had no chance to intervene, finally confirmed Yinuo's identity.

"You are yesterday's mages!"

"Correct answer." Lux rubbed her saber and nodded, "Unfortunately, there is no reward."

The identity of a mage still makes everyone in Fulgen's Tavern fearful.

Although Lux found that there were still many people with their hands on their weapons, at least they didn't dare to look so unscrupulously at Lux.

They don't want to be an enemy of a mage if they can.

"This matter has nothing to do with you!" Facing Eno who revealed his identity, Van der was unmoved, "For you, this matter is over!"

"If it seems familiar, that money really has something to do with you." Lux gently took off the filter, revealing a young and clean face, "So, what is your relationship with her—"

"Come on, we can have a good talk." Hearing what Lacus said, Fandre finally sighed helplessly, "There is still some dry milk powder in the warehouse, it should still be drinkable..."

 Karya's Little Classroom Zaun's Imp:
  Most of the children and teenagers in Zaun belong to idlers. The best education system here comes from traditional and primitive masters and apprentices—but considering the poor average life expectancy of Zaun people, those who are eligible to accept apprentices Not many.Only a few really talented guys can pass the entrance examination of Piltover Academy of Science and Progress through self-study, but unfortunately, they often cannot find a patron who is willing to support themselves after graduation. Usually you need to be an assistant in someone else's lab or something until you have a little fame and a few patents.

(End of this chapter)

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