Lux's Farewell

Chapter 65 [0063] A Misunderstanding

Chapter 65 [0063] A Misunderstanding

Fandre turned around and entered the warehouse behind.

After a while, Lacus finally got a cup of goat milk—although it was only blended with milk powder.

Just when Lux took the glass, the entire Fulgan's Tavern was quickly emptied. Although the drinkers seemed to have some unfinished business, it was clear that they were willing and needed to give Vander a face.

The annoyed Wei was also taken away by Ben Suo. Before she left, she showed her fist to Lacus again, and kept muttering "have some respect for Van der".

"You are very concerned about your reputation, and you don't want people to know that you have a good relationship with the law enforcement officer, right?" Holding the warm goat's milk in her hand, with the help of Kalya, Lacus successfully dissected the The crux of the matter, "It seems that here, you are really not a small person."

"You don't understand the situation here, and I don't want any surprises, so it's still the same sentence, you leave here now, which is good for everyone." Van der didn't answer this question directly, but poured himself a glass Liquor, "Also, I have already expressed my sincerity."

"You also have a share of the gold hex? It seems that the situation is different from what I thought." Lux took a deep breath, as if enjoying the taste of goat milk, "I thought this was a bad In the attack, the law enforcement officer was bribed, and the matter was finally defined as an accident..."

Lux's words left Vander dumbfounded.

This surprise didn't seem fake, so Lux could only shrug her shoulders in embarrassment—she wasn't lying, that's what she thought before.

No way, from her perspective, the whole thing looks really bad,

A building exploded in the street, but the witness received a sum of money from unknown sources, and the owner of the house was arrested for illegal experiments.

However, Lux also saw some fleeing figures. These guys were hunted down by the law enforcement officers for a day, and then they appeared in Zaun in a big way...

When these things are combined, Lux will naturally have some strange ideas.

Isn't this a premeditated criminal conspiracy?

Law enforcement and criminals colluded and put the problem on the owner of the house... something.

However, judging from the current situation, this doesn't seem to be the case - looking at the attitude of those children towards Piltover, I'm afraid it's really just out of revenge.

The atmosphere was slightly awkward.

"I'm an outsider." Holding the hilt of the sword with one hand, Lux finally picked up the cup and lowered her head to take a sip of goat milk. "I'm just curious about the relationship between Zaun and Piltover."

"It's good for young people to be curious." Seeing that Lux was willing to drink goat milk, Fandre shook his head helplessly, "But excessive curiosity will always lead to trouble, even if you are a mage, these troubles are not so good Dealing with it - prudence and self-defense is also a good character."

"Unfortunately, I have already been involved." Lux finished drinking all the goat milk, "And, I just know what caused the explosion. If I read correctly, those children took a lot of things with them when they escaped." package, I'm afraid they'll have what I want there."

"Since you are willing to remain neutral, then I can also be more direct." Vander also drank the wine in the glass, "I lost something, because it will cause trouble."

"Lost?" Lux blinked, apparently not expecting such an answer, "So, what did those kids do? They went to the college district and blew up a building, and then lost the things that came out of it ?”

"...a perfect summary." Vander nodded, "So this is the end of this matter."

"Is this what you expect as the Keeper of Order in Zaun?" Lux finally frowned upon hearing Vander say this, "Blowing up a house, but no one was punished and learned a lesson? "

"Ha, what are you talking about?" This time it was Vander's turn to be confused, "This is the Zaun people's own business, the Zaun people follow the rules of Zaun, is there a problem with blowing up the house of the Picheng guy? And it didn't kill anyone?"

"When I was facing Ike before, I wondered who instilled such a bad idea in him." Lux put down the glass, "It turned out to be you, Mr. Vander, who believed that stealing was innocent, but In your opinion, blowing up a building is not a problem?"

"Of course there's nothing wrong with that!" Van der knocked on the bar, making a clattering sound, "Ike and Vi found the wrong person, you're not a Picheng guy, so you can beat them up and teach him a lesson— —As for the fact that they blew up a building, this is a matter between us and the Picheng guys, and has nothing to do with you."

"Sorry, I can't understand." Lux shook her head, showing just the right doubts, "I really want to know what caused all this between Piltover and Zaun."

"Because Piltover took everything from us, but threw garbage, smog, and waste water to us!" Vander's tone finally rose slightly, "The Zaun built Piltover, but we can only Hide in dark alleys, hide in gutters!"

"Did you also build the Sun Gate?" Lux raised her eyebrows, showing a look of disbelief, "Sorry, with all due respect, I only saw a group of idle children in Zaun."

"That's because you came on the wrong day." Vander snorted, "The bombing made the Picheng guys a little nervous, and the black market had to shut down for a few days - only those unconscionable factories will work overtime at this time." start."

"Conscientious factory?" Lux showed interest, "Can you tell me about it?"

"What are you doing, outsider?" Fandre finally stood up, staring at Lux condescendingly, "What are you looking for? Or do you think a mage can do whatever he wants in Zaun?"

"Neither." Lux shook her head, and stroked the hilt of her sword. "If I have to say it, I'm an investor, and I'm hoping to find a suitable place to invest."

"Zuun doesn't need patrons."

"But I think Zaun needs it." A smile appeared on Lux's face. "Although it's a mess here, at least the salary level matches what I can offer."

"Speak clearly, what are you going to do?!" Vander clenched his teeth, "What are you plotting?"

"As I said, I'm just here to invest." Lux let go of the hilt of her sword, and finally spread her hands. "According to what you Zaun said, this is probably a dangerous experiment?"

"Experiment?" Van der narrowed his eyes, "Human experiment? Don't even think about it!"

"Huh?" This time it was Lux's turn to be confused, "Human experiment? What is that?"



Finally, when Lux finally puts on the filter again and leaves Fulgan's, she feels like her head is getting bigger.

She couldn't come to an agreement with Vandel, nor did Vandel think that an outsider would actively wish to change Zaun's environment.

But at least from Vander, she learned a lot about Zaun.

Even though he had heard a lot of bad rumors about Zaun, even if many people in Piltover would be full of contempt whenever they mentioned Zaun, but when they really saw this city and heard about the past of this city from Vander , Lux still couldn't help marveling at her lack of imagination.

Lux once thought that the civilians of Demacia were miserable. They depended on the sky, had to pay a lot of taxes to the lord, and had to bear a lot of intangible needs from the nobles, and there was almost no way to rise.

But after seeing the situation in Zaun, she was shocked to find that compared with Zaun, the civilians of Demacia lived a fairy life.

Child labor, excessive labor, environmental pollution, lack of supplies, lack of security... Zaun's problems are far more serious than Lux imagined.

Unlike in Demacia when the common people envied the nobles, in Zaun, the people of Zaun were full of anger towards Piltover. Lux even felt that these two cities were sitting on a powder keg, and they might explode at any moment.

In this case, even if Van der seems to be a guy with a good nature, all he can do is maintain order in a tavern, nothing more.

"Is this Zaun?" Lux murmured, "Kalya, you are right, this is nothing but ruins..."

 Karya's Small Classroom Zaun's Up and Down:
  On the whole, Zaun can be roughly divided into upper and lower parts. Upper Zaun is a residential area, connected to Picheng by elevators; The place where An Ren usually works—well, including some children.

(End of this chapter)

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