Lux's Farewell

Chapter 66 [0064] Zaan Dilemma

Chapter 66 [0064] Zaan Dilemma
The conversation with Fander in Fulgan's Tavern opened Lux's eyes.

She couldn't imagine that a chaotic place like Za'an, where everything is in a mess, could become a city-state recognized by people, and the people of Za'an were quite proud of it!

Here, as long as Piltover is involved, it seems that everything is reasonable and allowed except direct killing.

But when Lux asked them why they hated Piltover and were at odds with Piltover, they hesitated to say anything accurate.

The people of Zaun knew there were problems, but they didn't know what the problems were and couldn't solve them.

"Is this what you think Zaun looks like?" After leaving the tavern, Lux pressed his hand on the hilt of his sword and said to Kalya, "It's all messed up, without any clue?"

"There may be some deviations in the specific details." Carya thought for a while, and gave an answer, "But generally speaking, the difference is not that big—at present, this is indeed a ruin."

"Why, do you think that Vandell guy is not lying?" Lux suddenly became curious, "Just now in the tavern, you asked me to drink the goat's milk. This is not your style."

"The goat's milk of banyan is a good thing." Carya heard this and laughed, "The banyan is also called mammoth sheep, and it is a specialty of Belgun. Their milk is the most famous tonic in the local area. He took out this stuff , I didn’t intend to poison you—and, Ino didn’t drink it.”

"Well, the taste of that thing is really good, but it's a bit greasy. I need to move around and digest." Lux smacked her lips, "What should we do now? Go to the factory of the alchemy barons? Van der said Now the workers are not off work."

"Good idea." Kalya affirmed Lacus's thoughts, "Although I think what that guy said is probably the truth, but if you listen to it, you will understand. If you go to the Alchemy Baron's factory now, you can also see Zaun. Maybe the other side of it?"

"That's it!" Lux imitated Vi's appearance before, trying to snap her fingers but failed to do so, "Do we need to put on a little makeup—just like when we were in Mihril City?"

"In Zaun, makeup may not really make you blend in here." Kalya's tone was a bit helpless, "As long as you wear a filter mask, they will treat you as a person from Piltover."

"Ah..." Lux blinked her eyes a few times, "But if I'm allowed to breathe freely here, I'm afraid I won't be able to help coughing."

"So, my suggestion is not to pretend to be from Zaun at all." Kalya chuckled, and made a completely different suggestion from Mithral City before, "Let's just pretend to be from Piltover."

"Pretending to be a Piltover..." Lux blinked, and then quickly understood Kalya's meaning, "You mean, if Van der and Vi didn't lie, those alchemy barons are the lackeys of the Piltover, Pi Is the identity of a city person more useful?"

"That's right." Kalya said with a teachable look, "It just so happens that the people of Zaun can't pretend that you are so glamorous. Ino might as well play the role of a maid, maybe you can see it from another angle. How about another face of this city?"


In an alchemy factory closest to Fulgan's Tavern, Alchemy Baron Finn is sitting in his office, playing with an exquisite lighter.

Finn is fond of lighters.

He likes the feeling of igniting a flame from scratch.

He is obsessed with the feeling of rubbing flint and turning sparks into flames—in Finn’s view, his alchemy factory is a lighter, the workers are the gas, the roaring machine is the flint, and his wealth is the explosion. out of the flame.

Every time he lit a lighter, he would think of the days when he left his hometown.

That's how he rubbed the flint that day and ignited the willows in the village, leaving the stubborn elders who said he was untalented and unworthy of being a ranger to lose their sanctuary to the Noxians sword.

In the raging flames, Finn's village was burned, and the Noxus who invaded the village were also strangled in the forest's fury. As for the instigator, Finn left the village first and fled to Weili. Set sail in that port.

Then...he was robbed by pirates from Bilgewater and sold to Zaun.

When he first came to Zaun, Finn was a bonded laborer, responsible for digging for people.

He didn't know the language of Zaun at the time, nor could he understand their culture, but that didn't matter to Finn.

At least in Zaun, no one will judge a person's future just because of a few weird rituals.

Even as a miner, Finn has been working hard to climb up.

However, unlike other honest Zaun people, Finn's way of climbing is somewhat different—he didn't dig hard, and he didn't think of any good ways to improve efficiency. His way was more direct, If you want to become a foreman, kill the current foreman.

In this way, Finn climbed all the way to the position of pit master in a mine, and then he found that after reaching this position, the fist could no longer solve the problem.

Fortunately, Finn has a head in addition to his fists.

At this time, he had already learned the language of Zaun, and even scolded people better than Zaun people. When he realized that his fists were not enough, he found a few guys with hard enough fists .

Although in Finn's opinion, that guy named Vander is stupid, but he has prestige and fists, so it should be good to hang out with him.

In this way, Finn followed Vander, and got to know more and more Zaun people, all of them were similar to Vander, and they were all stupid, and Finn waved the flag behind these stupid guys. , After they thought they had mastered Zaun, they watched them lead the team to Piltover and rushed to the Sun Gate.

Then... those stupid guys were all felled one by one in front of the guns of the Piltover, as if they had been mowed, and their blood stained the seawall.

In the end, only a few people fled back to the dark alley, licking their wounds like bereaved dogs.

Finn, who was on the sidelines, has already seen that the Pilters need Zaun, they need Zaun's ore, they need Zaun's metal, they need Zaun's black market, they need Zaun's smart people, Fandre and those fools are scared Picheng Guy, now is the time to rise up.

After silently lighting a lighter in the distance and giving those stupid guys a cigarette, Finn approached the Piltover Council—he promised the Piltovers what they wanted, and got a large amount of low-interest gold Max built his own factory, specializing in the processing of highly polluting products that the people of Piltover were unwilling to process by themselves.

Finn transformed himself into the new Alchemy Baron.

However, Finn's ambition is far more than that.

He longed for more golden hexes, more power—if he could, he'd love to hire workers for less and dump waste water directly into Zaun's subterranean rivers.

If that was the case, Finn would be able to earn enough golden hexes to buy a house at Blue Smoke Manor, and even a seat in the council, and become a real Piltover.

But it's a pity that he can't do that now.

Fandel is not dead, he does not allow himself to do this, and if he disobeys Fandel, Finn's alchemy factory will not be able to recruit people.

Even though Vandel is a fool, other fools of Zaun always believe him.

Even many unlucky people who believed in him died on the seawall of the Gate of Sun.

Just now, someone sent the news that a Picheng guy with an unusual identity and escorted by a mage found Vander's Forgan Tavern, and finally broke up with Vander, and now he is heading towards his factory come.

A Piltrow with mage guards...

Are they finally going to bypass Vander?
Finn leaned back and leaned back in his large chair.

In his right hand under the table, the lid of the lighter was uncovered again.


The orange flame was ignited again.

 Karya's Little Classroom: Baron Alchemy:
  Alchemy barons are not nobles. They are the owners of various alchemy factories in Zaun. Their factories undertake the most important production tasks in the city, from mining to washing, from rough forging to pickling, which many people in Piltover do not do. Their factories are responsible for high-pollution projects.

  In addition, these alchemy factories will also undertake some special research and development that only Zaan has. The lives of Zaan people are cheap enough, so they can skip animal experiments and use many medicines directly on the experimenters—because of this " Advantage", Zaun's alchemy and potion levels are one of the few items that surpass Piltover.

(End of this chapter)

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