Lux's Farewell

521 [0514] Battle

Speaking of Demacia's military system, people's first impression is often the "elite soldier strategy". In Demacia, there are not many soldiers, but in fact, as a big country that can stand tall in Valoran, Demacia's military system is also quite complex.

Generally speaking, the entire Demacia soldiers can be divided into three types.

The first type is the elite soldiers in people's impression, that is, the elite armed forces of Demacia.

Almost every elite armed force is famous in Valoran, such as the Fearless Pioneer and the Winged Legion.

Different elite armed forces have different characteristics and venues, but what they have in common is that they are all the elite among the elite. Although there are not many in number, they are well-equipped and have amazing combat effectiveness.

In the several wars that broke out directly with Noxus, these elite troops were often able to outnumber ten without losing the wind.

Of course, such a strong combat power naturally requires very strict selection and extremely high logistical support. It’s not that Demacia doesn’t want to expand the number of elite armed forces, but unfortunately, they can’t afford it—there aren’t that many people who can pass the test , There is not so much money to purchase equipment.

Take the most famous Fearless Pioneer as an example. Soldiers who want to become a Fearless Pioneer have two channels. Among them, transferring from another legion is more complicated.

In terms of physical fitness, marching one hundred pounds and one hundred miles in one day is the most basic requirement. Even in Runeterra, where the average physical fitness of each person is good, those who can do this can only be described as one in a thousand.

In addition to physical fitness requirements, the fearless pioneer also requires soldiers to be able to ride horses, swim, climb, and use a variety of weapons to fight, and master the formation elements of sword formations and shield formations, in order to become grassroots soldiers in chaotic situations. officer……

And this is just a requirement for soldiers.

From the perspective of the kingdom, Demacia needs to equip each soldier of the Fearless Vanguard with a rune steel armor, a military horse, several sets of winter and summer clothes, seven times the supplies of ordinary soldiers (half of which are for military horses), generous Salary and pension benefits and follow-up arrangements after retirement...

According to Carya, Demacia's elite armed force is "the Legion of Ascendants without Ascendants".

The second type is the permanent defense force on the border, that is, the local garrison army.

Compared with those elite troops, Demacia's Border Guard Corps has a lot more people. They will be stationed in the kingdom's border areas in an organized manner to guard against any enemies that may threaten Demacia.

Local legions are often named after the places where they are stationed. For example, the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]rd legions in the northern border are located in Irwindale, Mithril City, and Fossbarrow respectively, and are the strongholds of the northern defense line; It guards the Green Tooth Peak, the east gate of Demacia; in addition, there is the Sorrow Gate Legion, which, as the name suggests, is responsible for guarding the Sorrow Gate area and protecting the pass of the Silver Mountain Range.

These local legions are also Demacia's standing army. The soldiers in them are not only the main force to defend the border, but also the reserve members of the elite armed forces.

For most Demacians, joining the local garrison is also a very good way out, a very decent job.

As for the combat effectiveness of the local legions... It's not easy to say, it generally depends on the local environment and the requirements of the commander. Generally speaking, the Green Tooth Peak Legion should be the strongest, followed by the Northern Three Legion and the Sorrow Gate Legion, and finally the Garrison Legion.

In addition to the above two professional armies, Demacia actually has a less professional army - the noble private army.

This part of the legion is stronger than the militia, but its strength is limited. Usually, in addition to assisting the local legion to perform security tasks, it also undertakes the task of maintaining law and order. Compared with the other two types of regular armies, most of these noble private armies have limited combat effectiveness. , When a real war breaks out, he can only be responsible for garrison tasks and logistics.

Because of the huge differences between these three armies, there is often a phenomenon in Demacia that seems strange but is actually quite normal: high-ranking officers are commanded by low-ranking officers.

Just like now.

Although Galen was only the captain of the Fearless Vanguard, and his official military rank was only captain, after he led the team to Mithral City, Henchal very actively and naturally gave up part of the command.

Galen wasn't too polite, and after learning about the battle intelligence of Mithral City in the recent period, he took the initiative to participate in the formulation of the counterattack plan.

"We're going to give these Freljord savages going south a heavy uppercut." Galen waved his fist as if there was a Freljord savage in front of him, "They must be hurt In order to avoid endless harassment."

"That's right." Henchal, who had already suppressed his anger, nodded and agreed, "They must pay the price in blood!"

"I remember that Mithral City had been invaded several times in the past." After reaching an agreement with Henchal, Galen's eyes fell on the military map, "But it has never been on such a large scale. Those barbarians are Have you found any loopholes in the defense?"

"The reconnaissance team has found the invasion point." Henchal clicked on a place that was circled many times on the military map. "The barbarians of the Freljord seem to have found a crevice in the glacier."

"In this case, then we will block this road and fight hard!" Galen nodded, "Build a temporary line of defense there to prevent the Freljord from fleeing north. Look for opportunities for a decisive battle in the plains!"

"Will this be a bit risky?" Henchal couldn't help but frowned upon hearing Galen's idea of ​​beating dogs behind closed doors, "Blocking their way of escape, these savages will turn their heads and go all out." .”

The saying, don’t hold back when returning to the teacher is also true in Runeterra. Although Henchal is also full of anger, it is still too risky to build a temporary official to block the glacier fissures according to Galen’s request.

"How can we really hurt these savages if we don't block the way they escape?" Galen was not too worried about Henchal's concerns, "As long as the fearless vanguard launches an attack and smashes the enemy, the next chase During the war, no matter how many of them there are, they will not cause us any trouble."


"The Fearless Vanguard will become the hammer that smashes the formation of the barbarians in the Freljord." Seeing that Henchal still hesitated, Galen further persuaded, "And as long as they are on the way back, they must be on the defensive. , put on an anvil, even if these Freljords are all made of iron, they will still be hammered to pieces!"

Facing Galen's insistence, Henchal finally nodded after thinking for a while.

"It takes time to build temporary fortifications." General Henchal finally spoke again after calculating in his heart, "However, in order to prevent the Frel drow from discovering the interference earlier, during this period of time, we need to do Something to get their attention."

"This is easy!" Galen puffed up his chest, "I heard that the Freljord people care about personal bravery—so, I'm going to call for battle!"


The fact that the Fearless Pioneer rushed into Mithral City obviously couldn't hide it from Sejuani - when they entered the city, they even killed a looting team, and there were several fighters who Sejuani was quite optimistic about.

However, despite the loss of a few promising fighters and the addition of a group of elite enemies, Sejuani is in a good mood.

The enemy has reinforcements, and they are reinforcements with good combat effectiveness. In this case, they should not be willing to sit and guard the isolated city, right?
For Winter's Claw, an elite enemy team is not a problem, but the tall and strong walls of Mithral City are the problem!
Then, just as Sejuani was preparing to adjust her strategy, an unexpected news came.

After annihilating several looting teams, a small number of Demacian soldiers were rushing towards the place where Sejuani's army was stationed.

Sejuani was a little dazed when she received the news.

What is this for?

What do these Demacians want?
Although these people were riding back and forth on horseback, they were still shouting loudly, but because the two sides did not speak the same language, the scouts who came to report the news did not know who these people were or why they came.

Surprised, Sejuani simply found Silas and took him to the place where the Demacian soldiers were wandering. She wanted to see what these Demacians were doing!
After receiving the order, Silas was in position quickly, and Sejuani called her war mother guards and rushed straight to the scene of the incident. Here, she finally saw these Demacians.

Sejuani looked these Demacians up and down, and was a little surprised to find that their height could be called tall even by the standards of the Freljord.

Without exception, these people rode tall horses, wore uniform armor, and almost all the weapons they used were heavy weapons.

No wonder it was able to wipe out an entire raiding party!
Then, when Sejuani was sizing up the rushing team, the other party apparently also spotted Sejuani, the leader gave a whistle, and all the riders could quickly assemble, and then lined up in a frontal formation, galloping their horses They rushed towards Sejuani like an arrow leaving the string, separated from the left and right tacitly a hundred steps away from the banner of the War Mother, and then circled half a circle each, and joined together tacitly.

It seems that after a special rehearsal, when approaching Sejuani's battle mother guard, the riders of this team spoke in unison and shouted a few words in Demacia.

"What did they say?" Seeing these Demacians flitting past a hundred paces away from her, Sejuani narrowed her eyes slightly, and touched the handle of the North Wind Flail, "Sai Lars, translate!"

"He claims to be the power of Demacia." Silas had a subtle expression, "I want to fight you."

"The Power of Demacia, what is that?" Sejuani blinked, "Is it a title?"

"Demacia held a martial arts competition before, and he was the winner." Silas actually didn't know much about this part, after all, he was still in prison at that time, "He called himself Galen, Galen... ...the crown guard?!"

When Galen announced his surname, Silas's tone finally changed slightly. This change was not hidden from Sejuani. She looked at Silas in surprise, and then the corners of her mouth turned up slightly. point.

"You know him?" Sejuani asked, "Or, do you know his family?"

"The Crownguard family, my enemy." Silas clenched the chain on his wrist, "Your Excellency, Warmother, I apply for a duel with him!"

Sejuani has never seen Silas in this state. In her impression, Silas is a very cunning person. In many ways, he is as impressive as those Frostguard priests who always have plans. She was vigilant, but this Demacian didn't have any roots in the Freljord, so Sejuani used him without any scruples.

Now, however, it seems that Silas' anger has been ignited simply because of a surname.

Is this the power of hatred?
really interesting!
Although she wanted to laugh in her heart, on the surface Sejuani still put on a supportive look, agreed to Silas' application for a duel, and personally handed over a flag representing Winter's Claw to him.

Silas took the flag and carried it on his shoulders. Then, while wrapping the magic stone chain around his wrist, he walked slowly towards the direction of the fearless vanguard.


Galen's main task was to provoke and prepare for Mithral City's rear line of defense.

Therefore, he chose to bring the members of the Fearless Pioneer, rode a horse, and took the initiative to gallop back and forth within the range of the Freljord people's activities.

During the period, although several self-sufficient guys could not understand Demacian, they still took the initiative to greet them, and as expected, they were quickly dealt with by Galen.

Galen doesn't understand Freljord, but he knows the flag of Winter's Claw - when Sejuani came to see it in person, he recognized that side from a distance, which was obviously taller than other war chess pieces There are a lot of flags, so I took the initiative to show a wave of cavalry charge, and chose to fight again.

What surprised Galen happened, he took the initiative to find himself with a battle flag on his shoulders!

Taking a blue long-tailed battle flag representing a charge from the rider behind him, Galen urged the horse and quickly ran in the direction of the Freljord.

The distance between the two sides was quickly shortened to about ten steps.

During this period, whether it was Sejuani and her battle mother guard, or the fearless vanguard following Galen, they kept a hundred steps away from them, and both sides seemed to approve of this duel.

near, near.

After estimating the distance between the two sides, Galen held the battle flag, got off his horse, and with a sudden force, inserted the flagpole of the battle flag in front of him.

At the same time, the Freljord opposite him did the same.

Glancing at how deep the two sides had inserted the flagpoles into the ground, Galen felt a little relieved. He drew out his big sword and gestured for the opponent to attack first.

But at this moment, the other party suddenly raised his face, revealing a Demacia face.

"I can understand your words!" He stretched his hands forward suddenly, "I used to be a Demacian!"

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