Lux's Farewell

Chapter 522 [0515]

As the champion of the United Tournament, Galen's title of "Might of Demacia" is not a boast.

Although not all the masters of Demacia participated in the martial arts competition, such as Xin Zhao and Fiona did not end, but became referees, but Galen is still the absolute master of the entire Demacia in the younger generation.

Therefore, Galen is still very confident in taking the initiative to challenge and fight duels to attract the attention of the invading Freljord.

But no matter how confident Galen was, when he heard the "Freljord man" in front of him speaking Demacian with perfect accents, the movements of his hands froze.

Once a Demacian?

Grasping this short moment, Silas threw out the magic stone chain on his wrist, quickly wrapped it around Galen's wrist, and then exerted force!

During this period of life in the Freljord, Silas's body became stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his close combat ability was also greatly improved. Grasping Galen's small flaw, he Quickly made a set of combination punches.

However, although Silas' combined punches were quick, he obviously underestimated the opponent's strength.

Although the wrist was immediately entangled by the magic stone chain, and as Silas' body rushed forward, Galen's center of gravity was also unstable, but Galen, who had experienced many battles, obviously would not be easily defeated by this little trick .

Instead of taking the initiative to untie the chains of the forbidden magic stone around his wrist, Galen immediately chose to lower his center of gravity to restore his stability.

At the same time, he held the sword in both hands, and the sword was moving backwards to accumulate strength. At the same time, he turned half of his heavy body to the side, using his thick shoulder armor to meet the impact of Silas.

Silas's original idea was to take advantage of the time when the magic stone chains locked Galen's hands, to bully him and close the distance, so that the great sword in Galen's hand could not be used, but in the end, Galen turned around and slammed it. With a tug on the ground, he was about to hit his head on the shoulder armor!
Under such circumstances, Silas adjusted his body shape to avoid losing control of his center of gravity, and at the same time raised his fist, intending to give Galen a hard blow to the head.

It's a pity that this hasty change of move did not pose much threat to Galen. He twisted his neck to avoid the punch, and raised the sword in his hand, directly cutting towards Silas's body. trunk.

"Cunning villain!" Galen's great sword glowed faintly, "You have betrayed your own country!"

"Betrayal?" Silas took the initiative to loosen the chain, turned and retreated aside, rolled half a circle on the spot and got up, "It was Demacia who betrayed me!"

"Nonsense!" Galen clenched the hilt of his sword with both hands, stepped forward, and slashed straight at Silas, "Demacia never gives up on any of its people!"

Facing Galen's slash, Silas did not choose to dodge. Instead, he crossed his arms and used the magic stone shackles on his wrist to forcibly catch Galen's slash, a powerful blow His body fell suddenly, almost kneeling on one knee - but Silas, who was gritting his teeth, resisted after all.

Feeling the wonderful power coming from the shackles of the Forbidden Stone, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of Silas's mouth.

"Demacia will not give up any nobleman."

"Whether noble or commoner, they are all citizens of Demacia!" Galen wrestled with his arms, and pushed Silas aside, and then swung the sword in his hand again while he was not on his footing, "Noble There are rights of nobility, but also duties of nobility!"

"Well said." As if hearing something funny, Silas clapped his hands like no one else, "You bastards will always make excuses for yourself!"

Looking at the almost crazy guy in front of him, Galen finally stopped talking to him, but swung the big sword in his hand, drew a circular arc, and slashed straight at the opponent's waist and abdomen.

Galen prefers to reason with physics rather than with words.

The next moment, something that Galen never expected happened.

Just when he swung his big sword to judge the other party, a phantom of a big sword suddenly appeared in the hands of the guy who betrayed Demacia.

This great sword was so familiar to Galen that he couldn't believe his eyes—it was clearly the one in his hand, not only the shape and structure, but also the patterns on it were exactly the same!
The other party is a cunning mage? !
Just when Galen was astonished, Silas showed a mocking smile on his face.

"Why, noble lords who can use magic freely without punishment, didn't you think that ordinary people who are humble in your eyes can also use your power?" Silas The magic sword in his hand looked extremely light, and he swung away Galen's sweep with just a light swing, "The power of the famous Demacia only relies on the magic weapon in his hand!"


Galen was also a little confused for a while, he never thought that one day he would have something to do with magic, and just at this moment, Silas raised the magic sword in his hand again.

"Now, come and taste your own magic!"

While speaking, the great sword in Silas's hand began to dissipate, and on Galen's head, a similar great sword began to take shape rapidly. Galen, who was pointed at by the blade, dodged back immediately, but this But the big sword followed like a gangrene, and slashed straight at Galen.

In this case, all Galen can do is barely block.


The big sword pierced the sky, and a piece of floating snow flew.

Although he barely avoided being pierced by the magic great sword, the heavy blow still made Galen almost completely lose his fighting power. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and now the whole person has almost lost the ability to move.

Looking at Galen who fell to the ground in a panic, Silas had a mocking smile on his face, strode up to him, and grabbed the cloak around his neck.

"The power of Demacia?" Silas squinted his eyes and squinted down at Galen, "With the power of Demacia using magic weapons, why didn't the demon hunters arrest you and put you in the Arcatraz? "

Galen's consciousness was a little fuzzy, he coughed twice, a lot of blood foamed from the corner of his mouth, obviously unable to answer Silas's words.

"Say, talk!" Seeing this scene, Silas started to roar a little frantically, "The power of Demacia, answer me—why didn't the demon seekers find you and send you into the forbidden world?" Where is the magic prison?!"

"Why can you nobles use the most docile magic as you like? Why do civilians drink potions that are worse than death when they are infected with demons, are exiled from their homes, and thrown into dark prisons?!"

"Say it, answer me!"

It's a pity that Galen, who was seriously injured, couldn't speak. He could only pant hard without saying a word.

The fearless vanguard warriors who came with Galen in the distance had already urged their horses. Seeing this scene, the corners of Silas's mouth twitched, as if he felt a kind of emptiness and boredom—he could see it, and his hands This guy may not even know what the big sword in his hand means.

This kind of "don't know" falls in Silas's eyes, which makes him feel particularly ironic.

The famous Power of Demacia enjoys the benefits that magic brings to him, but he foolishly thinks that he has nothing to do with magic at all, and maintains a high attitude of judgment when facing mages...

Demacia like this—destroy it!

With a curl of his lips, Silas wrapped the chain around Galen's neck, intending to give him the final fatal blow.

And at this critical moment, Galen's war horse suddenly lowered its head and rushed towards Silas.

Although wearing heavy armor, this majestic mixed-breed warhorse started at an astonishing speed, and rushed straight to Silas, and rushed to his master whose life was hanging by a thread.

Since Silas kept his eyes on the fearless vanguard rushing forward in the distance, when he heard the sound of horse hooves and turned his head, the horse had already come to his side.

Facing the war horse that was also wrapped in horse armor and facing him, Silas naturally couldn't foolishly resist with his body. Then, when he dodged sideways and staggered with the horse, the horse The horse raised its hooves sharply.

Since Galen was still being held by his hand, Silas, who was immobile, was almost covered in the kick. In order to avoid close contact with the horse's hoof, he had to loosen Galen's neck and dodge again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the war horse lowered its head, grabbed a corner of Galen's cloak, and dragged him a few feet on the snow.

During this delay, the fearless vanguard who was a hundred paces away had already rushed over at full speed. At this time, Silas stepped forward to finish Galen, and he might not be able to retreat completely. In this case, he coldly hummed With a cry, he pulled up the flag that Galen brought, and carried it on his shoulders together with the Winter's Claw battle flag that he brought, and retreated slowly on guard until he and Sejuani and her subordinates The guards of the war mother gathered together.

And the fearless vanguard who rescued Galen didn't have the time to take care of that battle flag - as the horn sounded, the large army of Winter's Claw had a faint tendency to encircle him. In this case, they must Get out and evacuate, or you will all be left here!
So, after carrying Galen on their horses, the warriors of the Fearless Vanguard began to retreat in an orderly manner. Relying on the advantage of their mounts, they successfully rushed out before the opponent could complete the encirclement, and headed straight for the city of Mithral. .

The soldiers of Winter's Claw chased after them for a while, but unfortunately, in this kind of plain area, neither the Juvask wild boar nor the Yucal could run against the Demacian northern warhorses. The distance was getting bigger and bigger, and seeing it became thousands of yards, I could only watch them leave in the end.

Seeing that they were too late to catch up, many soldiers showed angry expressions—not only because they failed to catch up with the enemy, but also because Silas, an outsider, had made a lot of military exploits.

After all, whether in the Freljord or in Demacia, capturing the battle flag is no small feat.

As for the emotions of the tribe, Sejuani is happy to see the results. Only when there is dissatisfaction can there be competition. With the accumulation of emotions, the soldiers can vent their endless anger on the heads of those Demacians!
"Send my order!" Sejuani's voice penetrated the fine snow that did not know when it fell, "Stop the small-scale looting, gather the whole army, and go to Miyin City!"

Following Sejuani's order, the Winter's Claw army, which had been gradually dispersed due to the looting, finally began to gather again. In the past half a month, they have already moved from Misil City The surrounding villages and towns plundered enough supplies to support them for a month, and in the duel just now, the most capable guy in Mithril City was seriously injured by Silas, and the flag was taken by Silas. Delmar in Mithral City The West Asians are already terrified!

Next, it's siege time!
The war mother gave orders, the whole army assembled, and with one effort, took down the city of Miril!

The assembled Winter's Claw is like a rainbow, and correspondingly, the city of Mithral is gloomy and gloomy.

The majestic power of Demacia actively sought a duel to divert the attention of these Freljord savages, but was seriously injured, and even the battle flag was taken away... When the warriors of the Fearless Vanguard escorted Galen back , the morale of the entire Mithral City was depressed.

Originally, the Demacian soldiers had a psychological advantage when facing these barbarians in the north. In the past, the Freljords also went south to plunder many times. Ridge snow-capped mountains, so the scale of looting is often small, and there is a lack of command. They have always been tough on the city wall, and then they were defeated by the Northern Army Corps relying on the city wall for defense.

But this time, things have changed.

The Freljord mobilized unprecedented large-scale troops through the glacial fissures, and there was also a cunning commander who looted around without attacking the city walls immediately, which directly led to the offensive and defensive momentum of both sides. There has been a change.

When it was necessary to take the initiative to attack and seek annihilation, Galen formulated a plan with a hammer and an anvil. As a result, he was seriously injured before he could go out. Under these successive blows, the soldiers of the Second Army in the North finally fought Depressed, morale plummeted.

Fortunately, although Galen was seriously injured, Henchal was still there. As the commander of the Second Northern Army, he held a military parade in the city immediately, and publicly announced that the support of the First and Third Northern Army was on the way. Only then did morale recover a little bit.

Seeing that the barbarians outside the city began to gather, just to be on the safe side, Henchal gritted his teeth and imitated Laxana's old wisdom, drew a big cake and prepared to set up a "barbarian knights" for the next Fossby. Those who have made great achievements in the defense of Luo provide extraordinary title rewards——As the news was announced, the frustration caused by the failure of the previous Galen duel was finally swept away, and the soldiers of the Second Army in the North began to fight again palm.

When the great war was about to break out, due to the delay of the news, Fossbarrow and the Third Army of the North finally received the news that the Freljord barbarians in Mithral City had invaded massively.

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