Lux's Farewell

523 [0516] Carya's flexible wrist

Because of the time difference, Fossbarrow received the news that "the barbarians of the Freljord are invading massively, Mithral City is standing firm and waiting for help, and other important towns in the northern border should step up investigation and be careful of possible barbarian invasions ".

When this news came out, the direction of Mithril City and even the invading tribes were still unclear. Regardless of the fact that Demacia's northern border defense has been relatively stable for many years, this stability mainly comes from the strength of the natural barriers. Static defense, not knowing yourself and your enemy.

On the contrary, it was Fossbarrow who was thousands of miles away from Miril City, and immediately after receiving the news, he judged the identity of this southward tribe - through the messenger's simple description, Lacus concluded very firmly , the comer is definitely the Claw of Winter!

After determining the identity of the enemy, Lux was somewhat worried about the situation in Mithral City.

Lux has never personally come into contact with Winter's Claw, so she should know nothing about Winter's Claw, but don't forget, as early as this spring, Fossbarrow sent a special intelligence team Gather information in areas including Hong Kong.

Considering that last winter, Avarosa just fought against Winter's Claw, and the intelligence team collected quite a lot of information about Winter's Claw.

Although these pieces of information are often mixed with a lot of bragging about her own tribe and belittling Winter's Claw, after "squeezing the water" a little bit, Lux still has a lot of respect for Winter's Claw in recent years. The rapidly rising marauding tribe has a clearer understanding.

There is no doubt that this is a cunning tribe with a strong strategic purpose. In the war last winter, the surprise attack tactics adopted by the war mother Sejuani almost directly broke Frost Harbor, even if Ashe Quickly returning to the aid, they also ran to the north to show off their might, and squeezed a lot of soft persimmons before "returning happily".

Even considering the poor mathematics of the Freljord people, the figures told by these witnesses are not accurate, but considering the situation of the battle at that time, the number of mobilized people in the entire Winter's Claw must have a five-digit level.

If fighters of this magnitude choose to come out in full force and successfully pass through the Dragon's Back Mountain Range, the pressure that Miyin City will face will probably be quite astonishing.

Lux knew something about the surrounding environment of Mithral City, and she could be sure that these Freljord fighters were enough to plunder a large number of villages before Mithral City's walls were cleared!
Lux didn't know if Sejuani would be the first one, but as the saying goes, the enemy is lenient, and the judgment of the battle situation can never be pinned on "the enemy's stupidity".

Fortunately, according to the messenger, at this time Mithral City's choice is to stick to it and wait for help. Without the support of the Fearless Pioneer, it will not take the initiative to attack, which makes Lux slightly relieved.

Also receiving the news was the Third Northern Army Corps.

The three towns in the northern border need to watch and help each other, but according to the messenger, there will soon be mobile support from the Fearless Pioneer in Mithral City. What Fossbarrow needs to do now is to gather troops, strengthen security, and expand the scope of investigation. If these They are all done, and if you have spare energy, you can help sweep the foothills of the Longji Mountains and support them all the way east.

Thus, the Third Army moved quickly.

General Roberts immediately activated martial law. Although Mithral City was under attack, Fossbarrow must be careful—according to the messenger, the Freljord people can cross the Dragon's Back Mountain range, in this case, the defense pressure faced by the entire northern border will be greatly increased!
Since Demacia is almost in a static defense posture on the entire northern defense line, neither Fossbarrow nor Mithral City know much about the Freljord people or the Freljord tribe. Facing the menacing attack and the possible failure of the Longji Mountains defense line, they can only choose to use full martial law at the highest price.

In this case, he took the initiative to propose to Lacus, hoping that the clerk would cooperate with him to carry out the plan to fortify the wall and clear the field.

However, Lux, who has been working happily with Robles in the past, did not give a positive answer this time.


Roberts proposed to fortify the wall and clear the field in order to prevent Fossbarrow from being similarly attacked across the Dragon's Back Mountains.

But for Lux, who has an information channel in Frost Harbor, there is actually no need to worry about Fossbarrow's safety.

Unless the Avarosa tribe suddenly tore up all trade agreements and marched southward, the western front of the northern border where Fossbarrow is located is still very safe on the whole. It is guaranteed.

However, although Lacus is clear about the situation of Fossbarrow, after analyzing the current situation of Fossbarrow clearly, a problem is placed in front of Lacus.

Information, do you want to share it with General Roberts?

In Demacia, the border defense has always adopted the strategic deployment of "the frontier garrison is the mainstay, the lord's private army is supplemented, and the elite armed mobile support". Although Lacus is the lord of Fossbarrow, but for Fossbarrow's For territorial defense, Roberts, the commander of the Third Northern Army Corps stationed here, is the first person in charge and the first commander.

For commanding the army to carry out defensive operations, Robles can be regarded as a veteran, and there is no need to worry about it at ordinary times.

However, Robles doesn't have a clear understanding of the current situation in Fossbarrow. His vision is still at the level of the past, and he lacks an understanding of the distribution of forces in the Freljord.

Although it is a very safe choice to mobilize the clerks to help the Fossbarrow people to clear the walls and clear the field when Misill City encounters a large-scale attack, but from Lux's perspective, this is obviously a waste of manpower and material resources.

As the lord of Fossbarrow, Lux hopes to persuade Robles to deal with the crisis in the north in a more active and targeted way.

But the problem is, unless the intelligence channels are shared, Lux can't find a way to convince the old general for a while!

As a veteran who has been guarding Fossbarrow for many years, Robles is very prejudiced against the Freljords—although he will not overstep his authority on Lux's northern trade, no He would rashly interfere with the establishment of Xingang and the immigration of Walrus' Tusk, but in response, after communicating with Lacus, he took the initiative to form a special guard to keep an eye on Xingang and the caravan.

Therefore, if Lux came directly to the door and said that she had information channels in the Freljord, and that the northern invasion force was not at Fossbarrow this time, we should not waste manpower and material resources to fortify the wall and clear the field. I am afraid that this old general will not easily believable.

After getting along for nearly a year, Lacus has already gotten to know Robles to a considerable extent. He is a very principled person, meticulous in matters within his scope of responsibility, and not strict with matters outside his scope of responsibility. If Lux took the initiative to mention Fossbarrow's defensive strategy, the other party would not easily accept it.

If you want to gain the trust of Robles, the best way for Lux is to share the entire northern intelligence network with him. I believe that this old general is not an unreasonable person. If he can sort out the relationship, he should be happy too. Accept Lux's information.

But the problem is, the intelligence network in the north... cannot be shared!
Not to mention the problem that most of the intelligence personnel are spellcasters, but the meaning behind this intelligence system is enough to keep Lacus silent!

In Demacia, it is normal for nobles to have their own information channels, and it is normal for nobles to rely on geographical location to engage in trade.

But the trade between Fossbarrow and the Freljord, is that pure trade?

That is clearly a diplomatic activity under the guise of trade!
Robles is not a fool, and Lacus is very convinced that if she really shared the intelligence network, then this General Roberts will definitely write to His Majesty Jarvan III as soon as possible, telling you about Laxana Crownguard Well done by this paragon of nobleman at Forsbarrow!

When she chose Fossbarrow as the place of business, what Lacus liked was that the sky is high and the emperor is far away. She can cross some boundaries and accumulate a force capable of changing Demacia, and with the "official endorsement", even in the The power of magic was used in the construction of Fossbarrow, so as long as it is not publicized, it is not a big problem.

Build walls high and accumulate food widely!

Before this force takes shape, she must play her role as a "model of nobility".

Now the relationship between Lux and Robles can only be regarded as "good relationship", and it is far from the point of confiding in the heart and pulling him into the Fossbarrow chariot!

Therefore, sharing intelligence networks is absolutely impossible!

And the promise of empty teeth and white teeth can't take effect at all. Is it possible to watch Roberts fully mobilize, fortify the wall and clear the field, and just toss all winter?

Thinking of this, Lux couldn't help rubbing her temples—Lax, who has learned to count and count, feels a throbbing pain in her heart when she thinks of the astonishing consumption of Jianbi Qingye. The accumulation of the Luo people's hard work for a year has been smashed into the hard walls and clear fields in winter, which will cause huge troubles for the subsequent development of Fossbarrow.

Forsbarrow people are poor, have less money in their hands, and their spending power has declined.

More importantly, this kind of tossing is obviously not conducive to the population siphon plan that Lux will launch in the future!
Now Fossbarrow's population is too small, if you want Fossbarrow to rise, you must let the city absorb a large number of people from the surrounding areas!
No Demacian is willing to go to a place where martial law will be imposed in winter and the walls will be cleared, even if there are good job opportunities and remuneration here.

"This is really a headache." Lux murmured, "Kalya, think of a way, how can we stop this meaningless clearing of the wall?"

"There are many ways." The problem that caused Lux ​​a headache, it seems to be no problem for Kalya, "The simplest way, in fact, you can be more willful."

"Be more self-willed?" Karya's words made Lux a little confused, "What do you mean?"

"You should know what kind of people the nobles of Demacia are." Carya's tone naturally contained some subtle sarcasm, "Although you are a model of nobility, to be honest, your performance in Fossbarrow It's still too prominent."

"Too prominent?" Lux was a little confused. "To be more specific, Teacher Kalya, I have a headache and can't guess riddles."

"That is to say objectively, after you came to Fossbarrow, everything is doing very well, and you don't see the greed and shamelessness that a Demacian nobleman should have." Kalya explained in the most direct words, "For Building a territory and striving to improve the living standards of the residents of the territory, this kind of lord is really out of place in Demacia, even if it is a noble model, it is too conspicuous."

"So?" Lux blinked her eyes, she seemed to have some understanding, but she couldn't explain clearly, "Continue?"

"You can be greedy, and directly refuse to fortify the wall and clear the country, so as not to suffer heavy losses to the economy of Fossbarrow, which has just started to improve." Lacus was stunned by the method Kalya gave, "Be more self-willed, take out Demacia The greed that a noble lord should have!"

"It's impossible." Lux shook her head like a rattle when she heard the words, "It's my duty for the lord to assist the border army during the war, and self-willedness should not be self-willed in this regard!"

"Of course I'm not teaching you to tell Robles directly like this!" Carya sighed, "This is the attitude you want to show to Roberts, but on the surface, you have to cover up this attitude and use more tactful, more A form consistent with the duties of the lord."


Lux put down her hand rubbing her temples, crossed her fingers, narrowed her eyes slightly, and fell into deep thought.

Karya's words were clear.

I want Roberts to think that my refusal to fortify the wall and clear the country is for the development of Forsbarrow and for the tax revenue after five years.

But this reason cannot be said on the bright side, so I have to create some illusions and prepare some excuses to influence Roberts, so that he has to hold his nose to accept this.

But the question is, what are the conditions that allow Robles to hold his nose and accept the cessation of fortifying the wall and clearing the field when he thinks that he is protecting the development of Forsbarrow?
"Ka~er~ya~old~teacher~" Lax stretched out the syllable, and put on a rare coquettish posture, "I'm really not good at this kind of thing!"

"This is the most basic political method!" Kalya snorted helplessly, "I'll give you a hint, open the window and have a look."

Upon hearing this, Lacus opened the window directly according to Kalya's request. Her gaze swept across the manor in front of her, the street in the distance, and finally landed on Galio standing on the head of Fossbarrow City.

"The Colossus of Justice?"

"Is there a better choice than him?" Kalya said in the tone of teaching a silly child, "You can guarantee that Galio can handle everything, and then let it out, saying that you will never accept Fossby Luo's solid wall clears the field."

"Because Robles doesn't know Galio well, and he can't get involved with the Archons, so he has no way to deny my guarantee." Lux suddenly said, "And the news that was passed on in private is for me. Insist on finding an excuse!"

"That's right, in this situation, no matter how dissatisfied Roberts is with your request, he can at most mobilize the strength of the Third Legion to strengthen the defense. Without the support of the lord, Fossbarrow cannot fortify the wall and clear the field." Carya hehe With a smile, "Then, as long as Fossbarrow is safe and sound throughout the winter, when everything is over, he wants to use this to attack you, and it won't stand—after all, nothing really happened to Fossbarrow."

After listening to Karya's explanation, Lux stared blankly.

Taking advantage of the fact that "Robos doesn't understand the Archon and Galio", Kalya eats him to death. In this way, from Robles' point of view, it is Lux who is doing it for the blessing. Sibarrow's development is risky, but he still can't grasp the evidence!
Good guy, is this the method of the Shurima Regent?
All of a sudden, Lacus didn't know whether to say that Kalya had a way, or that her teacher's methods were not very bright.

"A moral role model with a mental cleanliness is often not able to accomplish anything." In Lux's sluggishness, Kalya said pointedly, "There is never a perfect world, and sometimes, a flexible wrist is also a good choice. "

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