Lux's Farewell

524 Lux's support method [0517]

Things did indeed develop as Karya expected.

When Lux moved out Galio as an excuse and guarantee, and did not agree to the situation of fortifying the wall and clearing the field, General Robles could not directly execute the fortifying wall and clearing the field.

General Robles is a very upright person. Facing the excuse given by Lacus, he explained his thoughts in great detail, hoping to persuade Lacus to be vigilant and not to take chances.

The barbarians of the Freljord are terrifying. Although some tribes can still trade, most of them are a group of cattle and looters. If they relax their vigilance and allow them to invade in large numbers, the entire Forsbarrow will be in depression. , Life is in charcoal!
Presenting the facts and reasoning, the old general spoke very seriously.

But it's a pity that Lux nodded and said yes, while pretending to be confused with understanding.

After several exchanges of opinions, Fossbarrow finally only assembled the army and mobilized the militia, and launched a large-scale inspection of the Dragon's Back Mountains around Fossbarrow—in order not to waste manpower, Lux also Some of the archons were sent to follow the patrol team to observe the icebergs in the north and record the data of the glaciers.

In short, Kalya's plan is going well, but Lux's mood is obviously not high.

Lux doesn't like deception. For her, selective concealment is already the bottom line of morality. To deceive a conscientious general—even if it's just a inducement—makes Lux instinctively uncomfortable.

In fact, along the way, Lax has been very clear that too strict moral self-discipline will only bring trouble, but she knows that because of Kalya's help, she has not actually encountered much setbacks, so she always instinctively He strongly resisted the use of "less domineering means".

Even if Kalya analyzed her friends and enemies and made her understand that although General Robles is worthy of respect, when Fossbarrow establishes a new order, he will be Lux's enemy, and he will use strategic deception against the enemy It's not shameful, Lux is already a little unwell.

However, Lux also knew that she was being hypocritical, so she just kept herself busy to relieve this discomfort.

Then, before Lux could calm down, the latest news from Misil City came.

The Fearless Pioneer took the initiative to attack, the power of Demacia was defeated in a duel with the enemy, and was seriously injured. Mithral City needs support!
The letter sent by the second group of dragon and bird knights who went out to ask for support, hit Lacus on the head like a heavy hammer, making her feel a little dazed.

Brother... seriously injured?


The arrival of the second wave of news disrupted all of Forsbarrow's arrangements.

In the request for help, General Henchal, who was firmly guarding the city, bluntly stated that Mithral City will not be lost. Although these Freljord barbarians have strong morale, they lack the means to attack the city. They want to invade Mithral. City is impossible.

But at the same time, the Second Army of the Northern Territory, which was firmly guarding the city, had no spare energy to go out of the city. In order to implement the previous combat plan, a team of 3000 people, a mixture of militia and soldiers from the Second Army, left Fossby early. Luo, ran to intercept the back lane.

The originally planned front and back pincer attack, hammer and anvil, now turned into dumpling with stuffing exposed. Miyin City has more than enough self-preservation, but it has no spare power to rescue this team, because this team went to intercept Freire. The direction of the Zhuo De people's retreat is in the northwest of Mithral City, so he hopes that Fossbarrow can send a guide to lead this team out.

To be honest, this is more or less like going to the doctor in a hurry, but the Second Army of the Northern Territory in Mithral City is really helpless.

There is more than enough to defend the city, but there is not enough support, but they can't sit back and watch the Freljord turn around and eat this team. In this case, if Fossbarrow can send a guide to transfer this team away, at least it can save strength.

After receiving the news, General Robles found Lacus again, and once again brought up the strong wall to clear the field.

But this time, Lux refused very directly.

"No time."

Lux's response made Robles dumbfounded. He looked at Lux who had changed his armor, and an unbelievable thought appeared in his mind.

She wouldn't be going to rescue herself, would she?
"The letter said that there are a large number of mages among the barbarians who attacked Mihril City." Lux ignored the other party's astonished expression, and said in a calm and firm tone, "So, I will take Galio Go to support."

Hearing Lux's decision, the Robles were all dumbfounded.

The situation in Mithril City does seem tense, but Henchal made it very clear that they are defending the city well, and at most they need us to support the team outside the city!
But looking at Lux's posture, she was clearly going to fight the Freljord barbarians!

Robles knows the relationship between Galen and Lux, and fully understands their brother-sister relationship, but Fossbarrow is nearly a thousand miles away from Mitral City. You send a large army to act, and when you arrive, The daylilies are getting cold!
Moreover, Robles has also seen the mental outlook of the private army under Lux's command that has just been renamed the Northland Walker. Compared with the Third Army Corps in the Northern Territory, it is not inferior, but if such an army wants to march thousands of miles along the Longji Mountains in the Northern Territory in this cold winter, at least one-fifth of its non-combat personnel will be reduced!

In addition, even for the winter, Fossbarrow did hoard a lot of supplies, but when the army is mobilized, the supplies that accompany the army still need to be sorted out and packed. Except for a few that are carried by the soldiers, most of them are in charge of the special logistics team. Transportation, and if you move along the Longji Mountains, even if the soldiers can hold on, it will be difficult for the luggage team to travel smoothly, and once the army runs out of food, it can only collapse in minutes!
Therefore, almost when Lux made his decision, Robles expressed his opposition, and planned to explain the impossibility of this action from a military point of view.

However, just as he spoke, Lux interrupted him on his own initiative.

"General Roberts, the northern border walkers will carry out general mobilization next, patrolling and training in batches, and cooperate with the Third Northern Army Corps to protect Fossbarrow comprehensively without fortifying the walls and clearing the field." Lacus is completely gone at this time. He was easy to talk before, and he no longer upholds the etiquette of the noble model, but said in an extremely direct tone that almost gave orders, "And I will bring some Archons, Galio, and those who are more familiar with the terrain of the Longji Mountains. Herbal picker guide, directly reinforce Mithral City, rescue those soldiers, and repel the Freljord invaders!"

"Galio can't climb the mountain." Hearing what Lacus said, Robles was stunned. "Drag Galio to support, Laxana, you need to calm down!"

"I'm calm." Lux shook her head, "Galio is ready, the Colossus of Justice is about to take off!"

take off?

Robles felt that his head was not enough, and while he was rubbing his eyes, Lux pushed the window open.

"Material preparations are ready, Mr. Roberts, and the defense of Forsbarrow will be handed over to you!"

Outside the window, the giant statue of justice that usually stands on the top of Fossbarrow City is flapping its wings as if warming up at this time. At his feet, a few law-enforcers and a few herbal pickers who have gone deep into the Dragon's Back Mountain Range, A number of boxes full of supplies were being roped together, apparently intended to hang from Galio's lap.

Wait, when did Galio get hooks on his legs?
And, why did the Colossus of Justice come to life?
As the commander-in-chief of the Third Army in the North, Roberts, who was born in the army, has naturally heard the legend that "the Colossus of Justice came alive to help fight magic", but in his opinion, these are just nonsense - according to his understanding Well, the biggest role of the Colossus of Justice in war should be as a magic shield to help soldiers resist the damage caused by magic.

Although when Lux became the lord of Fossbarrow and Robles inquired about the news of Xiongdu, he heard the news that "the Colossus of Justice suppressed the demon-infested" news, but in his opinion, the suppression here should rely on the magic stone to curb the magic.

Later, Lux led the team to drag Galio all the way here, which made Robles believe this point. If the Colossus of Justice can come back to life, then why did the soldiers work so hard to drag it here?
However, right now, in front of Robles' eyes, the motionless Colossus of Justice, which had been standing on the top of the city before, is doing warm-up exercises in earnest.

Roberts felt as if he had some hallucinations.

But it was a pity that no matter how much he rubbed his eyes, Galio was doing warm-up exercises meticulously, his eyes were not blurred, and the Colossus of Justice had indeed come to life.

Then, according to Earl Laxana's intention, next this giant statue of justice will carry reinforcements to support the isolated team and cover their retreat?

Can you do this?

Roberts felt that his cognition had been severely impacted.

However, when he calmed down, he had to admit that if Galio could really fly over to support him, then perhaps the situation of the battle would indeed change.

A giant statue of justice falling from the sky is enough to change the situation of a battle.

Robles, who vaguely agreed with Lux's tactics, did not object any more, but only told Lux ​​not to underestimate the enemy and act safely.

"Mithral City's defense is not a problem, Your Excellency Laxanna must ensure her own safety as her top priority!"

"That's natural." Regarding Robles' exhortation, Lux smiled and nodded slightly, "I'm not my stupid brother."


There was indeed a reason for Galen that Lux chose to go to Mi Silver City for support at this time, but it was not entirely because of Galen.

In fact, after getting the news and recovering from the shock, Lux quickly started thinking about "what can I do?"

The first question to be determined was whether Fossbarrow wanted to help.

On this point, Lax did not hesitate at all—whether it was to abide by the principle of mutual help among the three armies in the North, or to break the wrist with Winter's Claw, or even from the perspective of avenging her brother, Lax No one can ignore Mithral City's call for help.

Gotta do something!
But exactly how to do it is a question.

In Robles' view, Lacus should be a little girl who doesn't understand military affairs, but in fact, although Lacus has no experience in military command, Lacus can see the logistics supply problem that Roberts sees more clearly than him. ——Lax, who has personally crossed the Dasai Desert, understands the importance of supplies better than anyone else. At this moment in the northern border, mobilizing troops to help thousands of miles, that is an out-and-out fantasy!

Sending troops directly is just dreaming.

In this case, Lux's first reaction was Shyvana. The elemental dragon's mobility advantage allows her to quickly arrive at the battlefield and take the initiative on the battlefield. However, Shyvana can lead only limited people, even Lak For a mage of Si's level, it would be very dangerous to reverse the situation on a battlefield with tens of millions of people.

So, Lux set her sights on the Colossus of Justice.

If you fill the Colossus of Justice with magic power, let him be fully activated, bring the elite of the Archons, and carry a sufficient amount of supplies, does that mean that you can be taken to the battlefield by Galio?

Lacus shared her views with Kalya, and Kalya highly supported this—thus, the Archons were immediately mobilized, except for a few such as Fuquelin's team who had tasks in hand, all others Archons are required to act as "magic batteries" to supplement Galio's magic power.

Although Galio had been active many times in the past, every time he was awake at that time, he was bombarded by the enemy's magic indiscriminately. It was the enemy's magic power that gave Galio the motivation to act.

However, this time the situation was completely different.

Under the call of Lux, a large number of archons actively provided energy for Galio. Compared with passive absorption, this active energy supply is far beyond the past in terms of energy supply efficiency and mana replenishment.

According to Galio's self-estimation, after the mana is fully charged this time, he can maintain a state of free movement for at least a month!
And with Galio's activity, Lux finally prepared a candidate to go to Mithral City with her, and then there was a scene where Robles watched Galio warm up.

Everything was ready, after a brief meeting with Sona, and then obtaining a special operation permission from Robles, Lux finally took the Archon, which was held in Galio's palm.

"The ropes are all tied up, right?" Looking at the Archons around her, who looked obviously a little unnatural, Lux didn't immediately talk about the previous defeat, "Now let's officially introduce the mission content..."

Then, amidst Lux's low-pitched explanation, Galio finally squatted down, and quickly disappeared into the sky like a fired bullet.

Hero, coming soon!

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