Lux's Farewell

525 [0519] The voice of all spirits

525 [0519] The voice of all spirits

The eternal thunder rolls in, and the endless storm roars. When Lux closes her eyes, she seems to have returned to the moment when she climbed Mount Targon and faced the glory of the heavens.

This storm, this thunder, this roar, is like the peak of Targon, the brilliant sky behind the titan!

Lux instinctively mobilized her magic power, trying to spread her wings of light, but everything around her was extremely chaotic, and a feeling of oppression that could not be described in words made it difficult for her to mobilize her own magic power. Take the rolling thunder and howling wind.

Then, just when Lux's consciousness was about to fall, a big hand grabbed her shoulder and yanked her body violently.

The next moment, as if falling from mid-air in a dream, Lux's body shook, and she suddenly opened her eyes.

"Your consciousness has entered the spirit world." Kalya's voice came from her ear, and Lacus, who was still in shock, was slightly relieved. "Extinguish the incense, and I will wake up the others!"

According to Karya's request, the incense was extinguished, and Lux ​​stood up in a daze.

He stretched out his hand to open the window of the cockpit, letting the cold wind penetrate into the narrow cockpit, and the howling wind made Lacus shiver uncontrollably.

Just now... who is that?

A while later, with the help of Kalya, several other Archons also woke up one after another. Seeing that they were still in shock, they seemed to have encountered the same experience as Lacus—if Kalya hadn’t appeared in time, I’m afraid they would have lost their way too. In that chaos full of thunder and storm.

What exactly is going on?

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Lacus.

In other words, it landed on the saber in Lux's hand.


"A good news and a bad news." Kalya didn't mean to hide anything, and after confirming that everyone present was awake, he explained immediately, "The good news is that the incense Sona bought is real. After that, it is indeed possible to communicate with all spirits; the bad news is that judging from the situation just now, the old god of the Freljord is also one of the ten thousand spirits."

What Kalya said was straightforward, but the guardians present looked at each other in blank dismay - they didn't know whether it was the spirits or the old gods, so they couldn't understand this cold joke with black humor at all.

"Wild Spirits is the saying in Ionia, which refers to some spirits that do not exist in this world." Kalya further explained, "The old gods of the Freljord should refer to Frel The beliefs of the old days of the Drow, some of the gods they worshiped before the Freljord civilization was born."

When the word "God" came out, except for what Lux had expected, the expressions of the other six archons suddenly changed. Even the oldest and calmest Paloba, there was something wrong with his expression at this time.

"But don't worry too much." Kalya's narration continued, "I was fortunate to study one of the old gods. He was once called the Lund Serpent by the Freljord, but from the results, it just mastered Just a mighty beast with some extraordinary power."

Karya's tone was very relaxed, as if the old gods were really just a group of beasts who had gained power.

For the few archons who didn't know the old gods, they were obviously relaxed a lot after hearing what Kalya said.

Only Lux realized that Carya should be out of comfort, after all, in the chaos just now, the oppressive feeling given to her by the storm and thunder cannot be faked at all.

However, Lacus obviously wouldn't say anything at this time. After helping Kalya to calm the emotions of the other people, Lacus destroyed the incense and simply talked about magic theory with the others.

And under her procrastinating narration, the guardians who had just experienced a mental stimulation couldn't help but began to feel drowsy.

When Lux finished her lecture, they finally couldn't hold on any longer, leaned against the wall of the cockpit, and fell asleep unsteadily.

With the sound of snoring, Lux finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In any case, this turmoil of the old gods is temporarily over.


For Lux and the Archons, the turmoil of the old gods is over.

But for the people of Mithral City, the difficulties brought about by the old gods have only just begun.

When the Freljords began to siege the city, Henchal, who commanded the Second Army in the North, sent the Dragon Bird Knight as a messenger, and in the distress letter, he only hoped that someone could cover that branch to intercept Frey The army of the Eldrodians in the rear.

This is not because he is stubborn, but because the city of Mithril is indeed strong and difficult to break through. After promising the status of knight, Henchal has full confidence in defending Mithril City.

Don't look at the Freljord outside who are cutting down trees and building huge ladders to climb the city walls, but the battle-hardened Henchal is in a very special situation. The defensive capabilities of a city are definitely not wiped out by a few ladders. flat.

The tall city wall of forbidden magic stone is not only strong and thick, able to resist magic, but also can give the defenders a condescending advantage. On the city wall with a height of more than [-] feet, even dropping a single stone is enough to pose a threat to the life of the attacker .

In addition, Mithril City, as an important town in the north and the fiefdom of the Crownguard family, has a lot of food reserves in the city. As long as the morale of the soldiers does not have problems, it is wishful thinking for these Freljord barbarians to capture it!

And at the very beginning, the development of the battle situation was just as Henchal expected.

When the high-morale Winter's Claw warriors, carrying the large ladders that took them two days to splice together, wanted to attack the city wall, they discovered that this huge Mithril City could actually There are very few angles from which to attack.

Located in the hub of water and land transportation, Miyin City is a city "built by mountains and rivers" in the true sense. It is not only surrounded by mountains, but also has a river running through the city, forming a large artificial lake in the city. .

Under such circumstances, the several districts of Mithril City either lean against the cliff on one side and face the lake on the other side, or simply sit on the low hills in the lake. If you want to set up a ladder to attack the city, you can't even say where to put the ladder. .

Among them, the main urban area of ​​Mithral City is located on the mountain peak between two natural waterfalls. Although this mountain peak is not high, it can still look down on the surrounding tens of miles on a sunny day. In the system, the most perfect command post.

Unless the fog is thick, every move of Winter's Claw can be seen clearly by Henchal, who is located in the main city.

And under the mountain peak of the main city, there are two passages to enter here, one east and one west, connected by an elevated stone bridge across the waterfall, and the end of the stone bridge connects the east and west urban areas respectively.

The stone bridge and the two narrow city walls are almost perpendicular, like two horizontal Ts on the left and right, guarding the main city together, and at the top of these two Ts is a vertical rock with a height of [-] feet. wall.

Therefore, if you want to follow the road to enter the main urban area of ​​Mihril City, the correct path is to enter from the narrow north-south entrance of the eastern urban area or western urban area, then pass through most of the DC area or XC area, and follow the elevated stone bridge passage to arrive at The mountain where the main city of Mithril City is located winds up again.

For Winter's Claw, this siege road is not only long, but also unable to deploy teams. The width of the north and south entrance walls of the narrow and long east and west city walls is only more than [-] yards, which is not enough to deploy many teams. The garrison of the Second Legion can completely condescend and deal amazing damage to the Winter's Claw fighters.

If you really want to gnaw it step by step like this, I am afraid that the winter's claws will not be able to break through the main city of Miyin City until next spring!

So, is there no weakness in Mithral City?

The answer is yes.

In fact, as the pearl of the northern border, Mihril City is not only a military fortress, but also an important water conservancy and transportation hub. For the convenience of transportation, there is a most prosperous port area under the mountain where the main city is located.

This port area is the economic center of Mihril City, and it is also the main reason why it is called the Pearl of the North. A large number of special products from the North gather here, and then are transported to the south through the waterway. In Mithral City, the port will be temporarily frozen. When the port is frozen, Winter's Claw can step on the ice and attack the port area without high city walls.

There is also a city wall in the port area, but it is just a city wall, and there are no more natural dangers, so it seems to be the easiest to attack.

But that's just what it looks like.

After finding the East XC area difficult to launch an offensive, Sejuani did lead the team onto the ice and tried to attack from the port area.

But she didn't know that the seemingly thick ice near the port area was actually not as strong as it looked. It was true that Mithral City was located in the northern border, but the northern border and the Freljord were not at all the same In winter, the Freljord no matter what rivers or lakes are frozen, but here in Mitril City, the thickness of the ice layer in winter can only be said to be limited!
Even if it weren't for the extra cold in the north this year and the arrival of Winter's Claw at just the right time, the lake wouldn't even be frozen!

When the soldiers of Winter's Claw dug holes in the ice, set up ladders, and planned to rush to the top of the city, the Demacian soldiers who had been prepared pushed down the ladders and threw special ice-breaking stones down the city wall. , under the action of gravity, the not-so-thick layer of ice quickly shattered, and the Winter's Claw warriors who attacked by stepping on the ice layer fell into the water one after another.

Facts have proved that even the frost-resistant Winter's Claw warriors will get sick, cramp, and drown in the icy lake after an unprepared winter swim, although the spellcasters under Sejuani's command The swift action stabilized the ice layer and prevented the cracks from spreading, but the first batch of soldiers who attacked the city, including the ladders they carried, were all buried under the city.

Seeing the broken ice floes outside the city wall of the port area, Sejuani was once again refreshed by the city defense.

In the past, the Freljords also tried to attack Mithral City, but they were defeated. However, in their poor language description, the walls of Mithral City are only "tall" and "sturdy".

And last winter, Sejuani had already seen a tall and strong city wall in Frost Harbor.

Isn't it just a tall and strong city wall, I've seen it!
But it is a pity that Miyin City and Frost Harbor are not at the same level in terms of defense level. In Frost Port, the elite of Sejuani and Winter's Claw can even charge for a short time with a brave spirit. Going up the city wall, but facing the high wall of Mithril City, she realized that she could not attack by force after only one round.

They can't eat it, and even break their teeth. These warm-blooded people are really good at defense!
However, affirming the enemy's defense level does not mean retreating. If Sejuani said to Silas before that "there are many good things in Mithral City, and food is the least worth mentioning" instead of Completely believe, then now, she firmly believes in this statement.

If there were no good things, it would be impossible for these warm-blooded people to build such a city!

As long as the City of Mithril is broken, maybe Winter's Claw will have supplies for next year!
Therefore, no matter how strong the city is, I must not give up easily!

So, is there any way to capture Misilver City?
When conventional means were ineffective, Sejuani thought of the old gods.

That night, Sejuani found Udyr and hoped that he could contact the old gods. She was willing to sacrifice for the old gods in order to obtain help from the old gods.

As for Sejuani's request, Udyr initially refused.

Not to mention the various problems that will be caused by using the power of the old gods, the most direct point is that the city of Mithral is outside the Freljord, and in the past, the old gods have never left the Freljord or in Freljord. A precedent for providing power outside the Realjord.

Communicating with the old gods outside Mithril City, the result is very likely that they cannot be contacted!
"If you don't try, how will you know?" Sejuani didn't care about Udyr's words at all, "At this time, only the old gods can help us defeat the warm-blooded people and plunder the city of Mithral! "

"But the power of the old gods is very expensive." Udyr shook his head, still unwilling to communicate, "You have seen those lost, that is the price of indulging in the power of the old gods."

"It's indulging, not using." Sejuani keenly grasped the loophole in Udyr's words, "Udyr, you can communicate with all spirits. You are a beast spirit walker. Your will is indestructible. With you Communicate, even if the storm comes, I still believe that you can control yourself."

"You want to communicate with Volibear?" Udyr's eyes widened. "Among the lost, the most numerous are the lost bearmen. Communicating with Volibear is the most dangerous thing!"

"But Volibear is also the most likely to respond to us." Sejuani completely ignored Udyr's warning, "Look at this river, Udyr, the snow water of the Dragon's Back Mountains nourishes her, but Demar The West Asians have built dams and bridges across the river, and if Volibear knew all this, a storm of anger would surely follow!"


"At that time, we will use the power of thunder to take this place and take away enough supplies to support the tribe's consumption for a year!" Sejuani stared at Udyr without blinking, "Oath father, you can do it!" , I can do it, Winter's Claw, I can do it too!"

In the silence, Udyr looked at those familiar blue eyes, opened his mouth several times, and closed his mouth several times. Finally, he nodded silently, and took out a plate of Incense.

 Karya's Little Class Volibear's Raw Wild:
  Volibear is an old god who advocates primitiveness and wildness. Undying Kuanglei unequivocally opposes all artificial transformations of nature. In his eyes, rivers should be free and can be diverted at any time. Floods and ice floods are part of nature , and any man-made dams and bridges are a desecration of nature.

(End of this chapter)

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