Lux's Farewell

528 [0522] Wild power

528 [0522] Wild power

Under the command of Lux, the team that was supposed to intercept the return of the Freljord finally changed direction and headed east along the snow-covered foothills of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range.

Along the way, they packed up the discarded tools and supplies, and gradually recovered their spirits. Under the leadership of Galio, they strode forward with a somewhat rainbow-like momentum.

Then, just as the team reached the mountain pass where they had previously planned to stop the Freljord, an accident happened.

On this mountain pass, they were shocked to find that some of the materials and tools they left behind were scattered everywhere like crushed toys. It seemed that someone hated these tools very much. It must be broken, the surface of the spade must be bent, and it must be destroyed to an absolutely unusable state before being thrown into the snow in pieces.

What's happening here?
Were the Freljords here before?

But if the Freljord were here, why did they destroy all the tools left here?

In the eyes of many soldiers, this may be an operation of the Freljord savages to vent their anger, but Lux, who had previously traded with Avarosa, knew very well that the Freljords were actually very concerned about these tools. It is still needed—although steel will become fragile under the erosion of Anivia's breath, compared to the bone and wooden tools commonly used by the Freljord, as long as iron tools are properly maintained, they will last forever. Still good for a while.

So, if Winter's Claw passed by here, then they should have packed up these tools!
Taking a step back, even if Winter's Claw is the kind of tribe that only knows about looting and doesn't care about production at all, they don't need to spend effort to destroy all these tools, right?

Too much strength and no place to use it?

how can that be!

Lux felt something bad in his heart, and immediately organized the archon to activate elemental perception, and observed the tools scattered all over the ground. After that, everyone's expressions became solemn in an instant.

The reason is very simple, on these destroyed tools, they sensed a large number of remaining thunder elements.

"Is this the elemental trace left by the Freljord mage?" Lux asked Kalya immediately, "Why do I have a familiar feeling?"

"Think about that plate of incense from before." Kalya's tone was rare and serious, "This may be the source of your familiar feeling."

The previous...incense?
Hearing this sentence, Lux finally widened her eyes!

"Old God!"

"That's right, Old God." Kalya affirmed Lux's statement, "Or, it's the family of the Old God or something—the Old God of Freljord is already a legend in the past, although in my opinion, The old gods should be as real as the giant gods, but at least now, there has been no trace of the old gods in the Freljord for a long time, and the old gods of the Freljord have never left the Freljord Virtue, so there is a high probability that it should be the family of the old gods."

"Is it the existence of those who believe in the old gods?" Lux took a deep breath, "Like the Rakor people we saw on Mount Targon?"

"It should be about the same, but unlike the Rakkor people, the old god's family members may have the blood power of some old gods." Karya explained, "So, they may be more troublesome than the Rakkor people .”

"This is really a surprise." Although Kalya said they were troublesome, Lux smiled when she heard the words, "Or, this should be the basis for Winter's Claw to break through the city of Miril. ?”

"Oh?" Hearing what Lacus said, Kalya seemed to be interested, "Why, do you have any ideas?"

"My thought is, if we can defeat this family of the old gods, does that mean that all hopes of the Freljords to attack Mithral City will be lost?"

"If it can be done, it should be like this." Kalya affirmed, "However, you should know that this is not a simple matter."

"It's up to people." Lux continued cheerfully, "And, isn't there Youyou and Galio?"

"So, your idea is, relying on Galio's ability to absorb magic, to actively attack those old gods' relatives?"

"That's right, I'm very clear about Galio's restraint on magic." Lux is very confident in her plan, "As long as he appears on the battlefield, within a certain range, mages will face the forbidden magic stone." Suppression, when we attack back and forth, the Freljord will definitely suffer a lot!"

"Well said, but I have a question for you." Kalya did not directly comment on Lux's plan, but asked instead, "Is the city wall of Mithril City the city wall of the Forbidden Stone?"

"Of course, regardless of the port area, the eastern city, or the western city, the city walls are all made of magic stones." Lacus didn't understand the significance of Carya's question, "Mithral City is an important town in the north, and the city walls are naturally made of magic stones. !"

"If the family members of the old gods can break through the city wall of the forbidden magic stone, do you think Galio's restraint effect on them will be very strong?" Carya continued to ask, "And these family members of the old gods should have supported Misill City later Bar?"

"The one who supported Mithral City later?"

"Do you still remember the news brought by the dragon bird knight the day before yesterday? Winter's Claw tried to attack the city wall of the port area, but the attack failed." Carya continued to explain, "If you count the time, these people who came to support the secret The family members of the old gods in Yincheng should have come here after Winter's Claw failed to attack the city, right?"

Lux blinked, then finally understood Karya's meaning.

"You mean, these old god's family members are likely to be the means of Winter's Claw to deal with the city wall of the Forbidden Stone?"

"That's right." Kalya affirmed this point, "Although you have seen the remnants of the thunder element, it is not enough to prove that the retinue of the old gods are all spellcasters, and the spellcasters may not be completely restrained by the forbidden magic stone—— You can’t take things for granted in war!”

Lux blinked her eyes, and only then did she realize that she seemed to have made a preset position, pre-identifying that there are elements left = mage, and Galio = restrained spellcaster.

"So, the information is insufficient, and we need to strengthen the investigation?" Realizing that her thinking had fallen into a misunderstanding, Lacus suddenly said, "First figure out what kind of existence those old gods are?"

"That's right, we can't wait for the news from Mithral City." Kalya chuckled, "Sylvana should move around now!"


After realizing the existence of the old god's retinue, Lux led the army to reduce the speed of advance, and asked Shivana to conduct a reconnaissance in the direction of Mitral City.

On the side of Mithral City, Henchal, who originally thought the situation was still under control, was now facing an extremely severe challenge.

The Freljord... have come to help.

In fact, according to Henchal's plan, the defense of Mithril City should not be a problem, because the two previous attacks of Winter's Claw have proved that there is nothing they can do with the city wall of the Forbidden Stone, Mithril They don't even have an angle to attack the city. Unless they are willing to go outside the eastern city or the western city and spend their lives in a narrow area to consume the arrows of the defenders, otherwise they want to break through Mithril City. defense, that is simply a dream.

As the pearl of the northern border, Miyin City's defense system can be said bluntly. It is an integration of water, land and air. The city surrounded by mountains and rivers, the narrow attack area, and the protection of the air by dragon, bird and knight knights. Under the defense of the Trinity, Want to siege?

Then, when Henchal was thinking about whether he could take this opportunity to train the Second Legion in actual combat, and use Galen to beat the nobles who always caused trouble for him, a strange team followed The river bank came to the city of Mithral.

And with this team came another piece of bad news: the Dragon Bird Knight, who went out routinely, did not return on time.

Today's weather is good, the sky is clear, there is no haze, and the battlefield has a good view.

On the high podium in the main city, Henchal used the hex telescope bought at a high price to observe the Freljord reinforcements from a distance.

Then he was extremely surprised to find that these newcomers looked a little... not very human.

Literally not human.

In the slightly distorted field of view of the Hexascope, Henchal saw a group of guys in strange clothes and hair. This made Henchal, who knew a little about the legends of the Freljord, think of it immediately. The legendary snow monster.

But the snow monster...can it also become an army?

Henchal's eyes began to patrol these strange guys, and then his eyes suddenly widened.

These weirdos are all wearing a lot of weird jewelry and ornaments, and one of them has a bunch of feather-shaped armor connected with iron chains!
This kind of armor is very light, and it can also resist wind when it is densely arranged. In Demacia, this kind of armor that is light, wind-resistant, and slightly inferior in defense ability is the standard equipment of dragon bird knights!

Shocked, Henchal finally narrowed his eyes and carefully observed the Dragon Bird Knight armor on this guy. Under the sunlight, the continuous armor pieces were shining with the unique metallic brilliance of rune steel, although there was no complete set of armor. , but Henchal still dared to say that this is definitely a fragment left after a carefully maintained armor was demolished!
Realizing this, Henchal had a bad expression.

The appearance of such armor fragments meant that something had happened to the long-awaited Dragon Bird Knight.

And judging from the fact that the dragons and birds have not returned and the fragments of the knight's armor have become trophies, it is likely that what happened was a sacrifice.

You must know that the normal flight altitude of the Dragon Bird is often above [-] yards, even if it is a low-altitude reconnaissance, it will not be lower than [-] yards. The last time the Dragon Bird Knight had a problem, it was encountered by a large number of Freljords throwing weapons However, this time, a dragon and bird knight sacrificed, I am afraid that his situation will be even worse.

In the previous siege battles, the long-range attack method of these Freljord people was a very primitive sling, and the threat to Mithral City was quite limited.

But judging from the fact that the other party obtained the armor of the Dragon Bird Knight as a trophy, they clearly have the ability to attack dragon birds flying at least a hundred yards high...

Comparing the two, this support army probably has quite astonishing long-range firepower!
Previously, the Freljord had no way to take the city wall of the port area. It was because they had no foothold to attack the city. The ice surface near the city wall of the port area was cut open, and the magic ice making would be interfered by the city wall of the magic stone.

But now, if the opponent has powerful long-range firepower, and then shoots at the defenders on the magic-reinforced ice far away from the city wall of the port area, I am afraid that the soldiers of the Second Legion guarding the city wall will usher in a lot of trouble. casualties!
This is really bad!

Then, when Henchal was thinking about how to strengthen the shooting level on the city wall and suppress the firepower of the support army, an amazing scene appeared.

On the bank of the river, these strange people suddenly danced without warning, and the strange man wearing the trophy of the dragon bird knight armor seemed to have noticed Henchal's gaze, twisting his body like a giant bear, On the one hand, he turned his head to look at Henchal at an extremely strange angle—within the field of view of the Hex telescope, Henchal suddenly saw a cruel and strange smile, which made him almost throw away the telescope.

Accompanied by a strange dance and a strange smile, the sky in Miyin City suddenly became gloomy without warning.

Henchal, who put down the Hex telescope, frowned. Could it be that these weirdos caused the changes in the weather?

Just when he was in doubt, a shocking roar sounded from the north. This time, Henchal had seen it clearly without the need for a Hexa telescope.

The mother river of Miriam City, the Yinlin River that provides important water conservancy and shipping resources to the northern border of Demacia, seems to be completely boiling at this moment!

In the upper reaches, the stone bridge across both banks of the Yinlin River collapsed, and then the whole river seemed to have received an order, and it came to life completely. The violent river water crushed the ice on the river surface like a boa constrictor turning over. A roaring giant wave was rolled up and swept towards Mithral City!

Henchal has been guarding Miral City for decades, but he dares to swear that he has never seen such a raging river!

You must know that the source of the river water in the northern border is snow-capped mountains, and the precipitation in the entire northern border is not high, so the river flow has always been very stable except that the river will rise in spring!
In addition, along the Yinlin River, Demacia has built many dams and artificial canals. Even in spring, the water flow is extremely stable!

But now, the Yinhe River, which has always been regarded as a golden waterway, suddenly showed its wild side. Seeing such an astonishing scene, Henchal felt as if struck by lightning, and a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

Could it be that the dams on the upper reaches of the Yinlin River have been destroyed like this stone bridge?

Then, just when Henchal got up quickly, intending to change the command plan and go to the front line of the port area in person, the sky completely darkened.

In the gloomy sky, dark clouds as black as ink rolled violently.

Above the clouds, a flash of lightning flashed, and looking through the thick clouds, it seemed that a giant bear was roaring with its head raised!

The howling wind suddenly rolled up, and when Henchal squinted his eyes, he was struck by real lightning.

A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck the podium at the highest point in the main city of Mithril City. This is the commanding height with the best view of the main city area of ​​Mithril City, and it is also the place where the entire main city area is most likely to be hit by lightning.

Henchal, who was wearing the rune steel armor, never dreamed that a lightning storm would come in this cold winter.

It was too late to let out a scream, and Henchal and his guards were knocked down by lightning.

At the same time, the berserk Milky Way also surged towards the city wall of the port area with huge waves.

The city wall in the port area is tall and thick.

But in front of a rolling turbid wave, it is so small and pitiful.

Following the will of the old gods, the lost people who went south all the way destroyed all the man-made objects. They dug the dams and blocked the ditches. Driven by them, the Milky Way seems to have accepted Volibear's will and became a The whip in the god's hand lashed fiercely at the city wall of Mihrer City's port area.

The city wall, which was strong enough to stop the army of Winter's Claw, still stood in the river, but no one knew how long it could last.

The soldiers of the Second Northern Army Corps who had been waiting on the city wall stared blankly at the vast and unfamiliar river, and their minds were almost blank.

They needed clear orders, but unfortunately, their commander-in-chief had fallen on the scorched earth plowed by lightning on the podium at this time.

Mithral City... Dangerous! ! !

 Carya's Small Classroom Galaxy:
  The Yinlin River is the most important waterway in the northern part of Demacia. This river originates from the Longji Mountains. Although there is a large drop, the water flow is relatively stable, and the river is very deep, suitable for shipping. It is a golden waterway in the north.

  The valley of the Silver River is the wealthiest and most commercially developed area in the northern border of Demacia, including Miriam City, Velos, and Rithos, all along the banks of this river, fifty miles southwest of Rithos In addition, the Yinlin River finally merged into the Meilan River, and continued southward, and finally flowed into the sea at Xiongdu Bay.

  In order to maximize the value of the Galaxy, Demacia built a large number of water conservancy facilities near the Galaxy. The dams and reservoirs ensure the stability of the river water, and the canals allow the Galaxy to nourish a large area of ​​land. It is not an exaggeration to say The most fundamental reason between the poverty of Fossbarrow and the prosperity of Miraz is that the rivers near Fossbarrow are all seasonal rivers crushed by glaciers and living in no fixed place, while the silver here in Miraz The Lin River has an extremely deep river bed, stable water flow, and is suitable for shipping.

(End of this chapter)

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