Lux's Farewell

529 [0523] Flooded Mithril, Megatron Northern Territory

529 [0523] Flooded Mithril, Megatron Northern Territory

Volibear is an old god who hates man-made changes to nature. For him, Runeterra should be wild and unruly. Any act of building dams and strengthening roads is a blasphemy against wild nature.

Therefore, as Volibear's believers, the Lost under His command will carry out Volibear's will and destroy all human transformation of nature—thus, within the entire Milky Way, wherever the Lost goes, all The dykes were dug, all the canals were blocked, the bridges were blown up by thunderstorms, the aqueducts were knocked down, and the water conservancy facilities that the Demacians of Miriam City had worked hard to build for hundreds of years were destroyed.

For some reason, the Old Gods couldn't appear outside the Freljord, but as a reward for the faithful's return to wild nature, Volibear's thunder blasted the Dragon's Back Mountains, shattering large swathes of glaciers and mixing them with snow and ice. Together with the silt, it poured into the Milky Way.

All of a sudden, the water level of the entire Milky Way skyrocketed.

The Dragon Bird Knight, who found something wrong with the river, wanted to report back to Miyin City immediately, but was knocked over by the lightning that fell from the sky.

Amidst the wailing, Longqin's body was paralyzed, and he barely fell to the ground. While comforting his injured partner, the Dragonqin knight raised his lance, which was not conducive to infantry combat, and rushed towards the losers coming from all sides, and finally fell down. In a flickering arc.

As a "reward" for the brave, after destroying the armor and weapons of the dragon bird knight and eating the flesh and blood of the dragon bird, the loser left a piece of armor and a few feathers as a hanging Spoils of war to boast about.

Since then, the "eyes" of Mithril City have been completely blinded.

When Henchal, who thought he could hold on to the city, finally found out that something was wrong, the water of the Galaxy was already unstoppable.


It is a day destined to be remembered forever by the denizens of Mithral.

They first saw the flashing lightning and heard the rolling thunder in the middle of winter, and then, when they looked up at the sky strangely, and discussed with each other whether the thunder behind the clouds looked like a bear or a pig, something suddenly came to their ears. Listen to thousands of horses galloping, frowns and drums shaking the ground.

The ice layer on the Milky Way River cracked inch by inch, and as the upstream stone bridge collapsed, the flood peak mixed with ice was like a cloudy gray line, roaring towards Miyin City, arriving at the city with lightning speed. out of the port area.

The first flood peak failed to directly cross the tall city wall of the forbidden magic stone in the port area, but it easily broke through the ship lock area without city wall protection at the dock of the port area, poured straight into the dock of the port area, and slapped the port area hard. District Breakwater!
The wave mixed with ice and sand smashed into a piece of fine foam on the breakwater, but before the foam dissipated, the second and third waves followed one after another. The magic stone breakwater could no longer hold on in the face of such a violent current, and was quickly bitten out of a large gap.

And with the breaking of the breakwater, the small dam in the port area of ​​Mihrin City began to face the astonishing flood peak and huge waves!

The hydrological environment of the Yinlin River has always been stable. In addition, there are many reservoirs and dams in the upper reaches of Miyin City. The dams in the Miyin City port area have no flood control function at all. Under the impact of huge waves mixed with ice, this river The last line of defense of Mihril City was like paper, and the dam broke instantly, and the flood began to pour into the port area of ​​Mihril City!
Due to the terrain, the residents in the port area only heard a commotion just now, but most of them couldn't see the distant flood peak. They didn't realize the imminent disaster until the flood was about to rush in front of them!

After a short period of stagnation, the entire port area of ​​Mithril City seemed to explode, and everyone immediately packed up their belongings, helped the old and the young, and rushed towards the direction of the main city.

The flood is coming, and only the main urban area located on the mountain in the lake can take refuge at this time!

However, because the port area is the most prosperous and most populous area in Mihril City, the high land price makes the buildings here extremely dense. avoidance happened.

Crying, wailing, cursing, and roaring sounded together, but they seemed so insignificant against the background of the flood.

In order to guard against the attack of the Winter's Claw, most of the militiamen and the soldiers of the Second Legion were on the city wall at this time, and only a small number of sheriffs were responsible for maintaining order in the port area—after the chaos broke out and spread, Most of these guys who became sheriffs because of their relationship with the Crown Guard family have no intention of maintaining order?

These sheriffs with a lot of family business in the main city can run faster than anyone else!

The conscientious ones ran and shouted to tell others to avoid the water, and the unconscionable ones just ran away in a muffled voice, and the situation in the entire port area was out of control in an instant!
On the city wall of the port area, the soldiers of the Second Legion and the militiamen of Mithril City, who were originally guarding the city wall, were at a loss for a while in the face of the raging water. He died at the observation point, and there was no news from the headquarters. The soldiers on the city wall could only fight individually with the sword formation or the shield formation squad as the basic unit.

Among the team leaders, some judged that the city wall could not be defended, and some believed that the responsibility could not be lost, so some people pulled down the city wall and retreated towards the main city, and some all assembled to prevent the Freljord from attacking by water.

Starting from the port area, the chaos began to spread to other urban areas at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The passage connecting the east and west urban areas and the main urban area was originally a dam, and the sluice was under the road. As the flood hit, the perforated sluice, which was originally both aesthetic and practical, looked like it might collapse at any time—so , even though the eastern urban area and the western urban area are built on the hills and the terrain is relatively high, but seeing the surging waves, the passage connecting the main urban area may be cut off by the flood at any time, and the residents of these two urban areas began to flock to The direction of the main city.

The same chaos began to spread on these two embankment roads, and it was different from the stampede on the other side of the port area. Here, many people were directly squeezed off the embankment road between you and each other, and fell directly into the river. among.

Some of those who lost their footing plunged into the water and were never seen again, some hit the ice in the water and exploded bright red, and some were rushed away by the water gushing out of the porous gate like a rag doll, and their life and death were unknown.

The residents of Mithral City who saw this scene panicked even more, and the panic further aggravated the crowding and shoving...

In front of the flood, the entire Mithral City has become a mess!


Galen is now able to get out of bed and move around.

When the flood came, he was intriguing with the "uncles" of the side branches. Galen, who was not good at this, needed to use all his energy to face these difficult relatives and get rid of them. , dig out some materials that can strengthen the military equipment of Miyin City.

The attack of Winter's Claw this time has proved that the natural dangers of the Dragon's Back Mountains are not a foolproof barrier, and Mithral City should now restore its significance as a military fortress.

However, although Galen wanted to fortify Mithril Castle directly, his uncles did not want it to become a military-first fortress like the Green Tooth Peak.

The Pearl of the North is not only of military significance, the land here is fertile, and the transportation is convenient. The offshoot of the Mianwei family can live so well, not because of military achievements, but because of management!

If Mithral City really becomes a stronghold in the north, how will everyone make money next?
Of course, they definitely couldn't say these words directly to Galen, otherwise Galen's words "for the sake of the family and for Demacia" would make them lose all their excuses, so these cunning nobles moved out of the civilians of Mithral City, as if they Like a good person who considers the livelihood of the common people, he began to mourn the hardships of the people's livelihood.

Miyin City has become a fortress, so the ships that come and go must be more vigilant, and the flow of materials must be checked, right?

But there are so many small traders in Fossbarrow, and they rely on the water transportation of the Milky Way to support their families. If they are delayed in Miyin City, their business for a year will be delayed, and the whole family will be hungry!

Similarly, if Mithril City is fortified, many nearby villages will be fortified accordingly, right?

If the surrounding villages are fortified, a lot of farmland may be abandoned, and the farmers who lost their farmland may be displaced, freeze and starve to death!

Therefore, Miyin City must not be fortified, this is the food and clothing of millions of Miyin City people!

Of course, simply opposing is definitely not enough. In order to persuade Galen not to support Henchal in strengthening the military in Miril City, these guys who have been colluding for a long time have prepared excuses.

This time the barbarians of the Freljord came to the city, it must be because the Henchal outpost detection and the front line defense have not been built, so we can't make the city of Mithril a fortification, and we must repair the front line to the dragon. Go under the Ridge Mountains and defend against the enemy from outside the country!

What is it to have the savages of the Freljord scurrying about like this winter?

It has to be said that the nobles who have all their kung fu on one mouth are really good at speaking, even though Galen originally wanted to support Henchal and hoped that the offshoots of his family would support Henchal's goal of strengthening armaments, but with The "uncles and uncles" took turns to go into battle, and Galen was somewhat embarrassed.

After all, if it is really possible to put the defense line directly at the foot of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range, this seems to be more effective than strengthening the defense of Misilver City, right?
After all, the examples and evidence given by everyone sound like that is indeed the case!

Although Galen, who has been in the army for many years, has a lot of research on troop formations and training assaults, he obviously lacks understanding of logistics and internal affairs-Miyin City is close to the Milky Way, and the transfer of materials is easy. Although Silver City's armaments will affect some people's lives, for most residents of Mithral City, the impact is actually relatively limited.

Once Miyin City strengthens its armaments and has closer ties with Xiongdu, the aristocratic lords who like to play tricks here will have to restrain their actions and avoid people's eyes and ears.

As for their suggestion, to repair the line of defense to the foot of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range...

In the beginning, Mihril City was established because a fortress could not be built at the foot of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range!

Take a look at Fossbarrow's appearance. It would consume an astonishing amount of manpower and material resources to transport a large amount of forbidden magic stones to the foot of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range. Although it sounds beautiful, it is absolutely impossible for Jarvan III to pass this proposal !
To sum up, facing Galen, the offshoot nobles of the Crownguard family chose to simply extremeize the strengthening of armaments and turn it into a castle of Mithril. The operation, the proposal that Jarvan III must reject, the whole process looks like that, but in the final analysis it is sophistry, fooling Galen as a fool.

However, Galen didn't have a stick around him, and he himself had never experienced this kind of intrigue, and the people around him were also fearless pioneer warriors—let him take the lead in the charge on the battlefield, but playing with these people is just a matter of time. Can appear to be careless.

And just when Galen was almost persuaded and was already thinking about going back to have a good talk with Mr. Henchal, the sound of galloping horses came from outside.

The sound seemed to activate Galen's fighting instinct, and even though he was not in good health, he still put on his helmet and smashed his armor immediately.

Halfway up the mountain, seeing that the raging water was about to completely submerge the port area, he sent an order to assemble the Fearless Vanguard, and at the same time ordered people to go to Henchal to discuss together.

Then, Galen quickly got the news that Henchal died in the thunderstorm just now together with his guards and staff officers.

Upon receiving this news, Galen's heart sank suddenly.

Although he didn't know the whole process of the incident, and he didn't know where the flood came from, but at least he was clearly aware that Mithral City was on the verge of life and death.

Without the slightest hesitation, he quickly issued a series of orders, requiring the soldiers of the Second Legion guarding the main city to follow him and the Fearless Pioneer to quickly arrive at the entrances of each city to the main city, and immediately organize order. The Raeljords have not yet attacked this point, and he judged that the opponent has no way to ride the water. Now is a precious window to rescue the residents and restore order!
At the same time, he also sent envoys to gather the soldiers still on the city walls of the port area with his own orders, and strictly ordered the soldiers on the city walls in the eastern and western cities to be more vigilant, although the Freljords could not take advantage of the flood to attack The port area, but you can take advantage of the chaos to attack the eastern and western urban areas!
Then, Galen led the team to take the initiative to go against the crowd, and began to gather soldiers and try to boost morale.

The lost in the distance seemed to have exhausted their strength. Although the water was raging, the dense dark clouds gradually dissipated, and the thunderstorm gradually subsided. With the flag of the Crown Guard family and the battle flag of the Fearless Pioneer being unleashed together, they received clear instructions The soldiers took action, and the order of Mithral City began to gradually recover.

Meanwhile, Galen and his personal guards arrived at the most congested area at the entrance of the main city, and began to evacuate the crowd and restore order.

More and more people left the port area and entered the main urban area with relatively high terrain, and the congestion gradually became crowded. In order to resettle these displaced people, many soldiers began to knock on the gates of the manors in the main urban area, hoping to Can open the door and let these people go in for temporary settlement.

However, almost without exception, these manors belonging to the nobles of Mithril City chose to close their doors tightly, and they simply said, "Our manor does not accept these beggars" until Galen came forward in person. Reluctantly contributing the deserted gardens and verandahs, these startled and tired civilians temporarily settled down.

During this process, Galen finally came to a realization gradually.

The "uncles and uncles" of their own branches are not even willing to contribute unmanned gardens and verandahs to give civilians a rest, so how could they refuse to strengthen their armaments "for the sake of civilian livelihood"?

Although he hasn't fully figured it out yet, at this moment Galen has faintly realized that he seems to be fooled by them!

It's a pity that Galen, who discovered something was wrong, didn't have the time to settle the score at this time - because there was a more important task in front of him, which was to rebuild the defense line of Mithril City.

Most of the port area has been flooded, and the city wall of the port area has almost no room for defense, and it may collapse at any time.

Once the water is under control, or the Freljords have found a way to cross the water, they can calmly gather from the port area and launch an attack on the main city!
There is no city wall between the port area and the main city.

The morale of the soldiers who were in charge of guarding Mihril City, whether it was the soldiers of the Second Legion or the local militia, had fallen to the bottom—this was the case when the news of Henchal's death was blocked by Galen's order and did not spread.

With no protection from the city walls outside and a panicked army inside, at this moment, Miyin City, the pearl of the north, has finally come to the most dangerous moment!

And all of this was clearly seen by Shivana who came to investigate, and truthfully reported it to Lux who was still leading the troops forward cautiously.

 Carya's Small Classroom: The Old Gods Never Walk on Earth:

  The old god born naturally will not leave the land where he was born, but his power and his legend can be spread to farther places through his believers - Volibear gave the lost extra power, this Although the power would make the already wild losers completely lose their human form and become monsters, it did deal an extremely heavy blow to Mithril City, truly flooding Mithril and shaking the northern border.

(End of this chapter)

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