Lux's Farewell

Chapter 530 [0524] Make a plan!

Chapter 530 [0524] Make a plan!

There is a lot of water, the most prosperous port area in Miyin City in the past is now a swamp country, some residents of the port area escaped from birth, shivering in the corner of the manor of the high-ranking officials and nobles in the main city, and some fell in the cold In the river, Ling fell on the way to escape.

Before you know it, night falls.

Although the Freljord people outside the city did not launch an attack, countless low weeping voices became an elegy for the northern border in the dark night.

After half a day of hard work, Galen, who hadn't found a way to defend the city of Mithral, ​​received another invitation from the "uncles" to go to a banquet.

After getting the news, Galen finally couldn't hold back his anger—going to the banquet?It's already this time, what kind of banquet are you going to?

When a flood came down, the outer defenses of Mithril City were gone. Now that the flood is still there, the Freljords cannot attack, but once the water subsides and the Freljords launch an offensive again, the entire secret Yincheng is really safe to defend!
Moreover, the residents of the port area, the eastern urban area, and the western urban area have all flooded into the main urban area, becoming outright refugees. Galen can't even come up with a plan to settle them now!

Don't take advantage of this short window to rebuild order, organize defenses, and appease refugees, and you ask me to go to the banquet?
At this moment, Galen was finally outraged, and a thought he had with Lux clearly appeared in his mind at this moment: How can we do a good job in the city of Mithral when we are with these insects?
But be angry, Galen will still go to the banquet.

There is no way, in order to strengthen the defense, part of the grain stored in Miyin City was transported to the port area, the eastern urban area and the western urban area for use. As a result, a flood flooded all the grain and lost all the military equipment. There are so many, and now in this Mithril City, only the manors of these dignitaries have enough supplies to support soldiers and refugees.

In any case, we are all members of the Crown Guard family, and at this time, we should help each other in the same boat.

However, Galen, who was wearing armor and hurried to the banquet site, never dreamed that there would be a bigger surprise waiting for him at the banquet—after he gorged on cooking to recover his strength, and thinking about how to make these relatives wake up When he came over, someone took the initiative to find him, and as before, began to use words to induce and hint.

Of course, these people did not directly express their feelings directly, but, as always, seemed to be standing in Galen's perspective, regretting his injuries, and then raised the banner of the residents of Mithril City again, expressing the danger of war. , now that the outer city wall has been destroyed, if the fight continues, the residents of Miyin City will suffer even more. If it is possible, it is a good thing to exchange life with supplies.

Galen was not a fool, so he naturally understood what the other person said clearly. What does it mean to "think about the lives of the residents of Mithril City"?
If this is the case, when the refugees enter the main city, why do you block them one by one when they occupy some places in your manor?

What you are worried about is not the residents of Mithril City, but your own property!
Galen figured it out this time. These guys already understood that if they stick to Miril City, they will definitely ask them for food and supplies. In the eyes of these "relatives", compared to using food as military supplies, It's better to use it to satisfy the appetite of those Freljord savages and let them retreat obediently.

They were frightened by the previous failures and this flood, and they dare not continue to fight, and they are unwilling to continue to fight. In their eyes, even if food and materials are used to bribe the invaders, it is better than letting the people stick to the city !

At this moment, Galen's chest seemed to be burning with anger, but his hands and feet seemed to touch Zhenbing, and he couldn't stop shivering.

The clan uncle who came to imply that Galen saw this scene, and even took the initiative to comfort Galen, asking him to "consider his own body and reputation", as if Galen should be the same as himself after the failed duel Give up resistance.

Then, just as the guy was halfway through his comforting words, he suddenly heard a bang—Galen, who could no longer contain his anger, forcibly broke the dinner plate in his hand!

Realizing that his persuasion might backfire, he subconsciously wanted to make amends, but before he could speak, Galen picked up a bottle of wine by the table and slammed it on his head.

The wine bottle sent the wig flying, and it shattered on his bald head. At this moment, the entire banquet hall finally fell silent.

The next moment, Galen's angry voice echoed in the quiet hall.

"I know what you are thinking, what you are worrying about, you are worried about failure, you are afraid that your family will be robbed, and you are afraid that the wealth you have accumulated will be plundered by the Freljord just like the villages that were robbed before!"

"But this war is far from over, and we are not yet at the point of defeat!"

"The flood was submerged and the city wall was lost, but the people of Mithril City are still there, the soldiers of Mithril City are still there, and the soldiers of the Second Northern Legion are still there!"

"Dragon Bird Knight has sent a message. The large forces of the Fearless Pioneer and the Flying Wing Legion are already on the way, and Irwindale and Fossbarrow are also ready to support them!"

"Without the city wall of the port area, without the geography of the eastern and western urban areas, the mountains in the main urban area are still our barrier!"

"The flood is so vast that the Freljords won't be able to attack it for a while. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can completely re-establish our defense line!"

"The Crownguard family was able to obtain the fiefdom of Mithral City, never by making peace with the enemy or losing the will to fight at a critical moment!"

"Don't use the name of the people of Mithral City to suppress me and point fingers at me again. If you really consider the residents of Mithral City, then you should spend all your wealth and arm every Mithral City citizen. Adults, let them also participate in this glorious defense battle - under the tricks of the Freljord people, they lost their families and lost their wealth, they are the last ones to give up !"

"Stop trying to sway me with your cunning words. I, Crownguard Galen, swear here that in Mithral City, I will fight to the last moment and never retreat!"

"Where the people are, the city is here!"

The eloquent words stunned the high-ranking dignitaries at the banquet. Just when they wanted to continue to say something, Galen directly issued an order, asking the fearless pioneer fighters who came with him to directly block the hall. , and then led the team to take over the manor and property of all the people present.

If you don't want to be decent, I can give you face!

After Galen finally saw through the true face of his "relatives", Shyvana, who had come to Secret Silver City to investigate, also brought the first-hand news here to Lux.

After learning the news that Mithril City was flooded and in chaos, Lux, who was originally full of confidence, finally couldn't laugh anymore.

Although she had long understood that the Lost Ones were not a group of simple people who might be able to threaten the walls of Mithril City, she would never have imagined that the way the Lost Ones threatened the city walls was this way.

Destroy the water conservancy facilities to create floods, thereby submerging the port area of ​​Mihril City...

Doesn't that mean that the defense of the entire city wall around Mithril City is useless at this time?

"What should I do?" Lacus immediately found Kalya, "The situation in Mithral City is dangerous!"

"The more the crisis is, the less you can be anxious, take a deep breath first." Kalya calmly guided Lacus, "The Lost One led the flood to attack the city, which indeed put the city of Mithral into crisis, but in my opinion, It’s not time for this crisis to erupt.”

"Isn't it time to erupt?" Lux blinked after taking a deep breath, and then was a little stunned, "Under the current situation, Winter's Claw can't launch an attack?"

"That's right. As a great city in the north, even if Mithril City loses the outer Forbidden Stone walls, it can organize defenses." Kalya affirmed Lux's statement, "However, this crisis has not erupted yet. But the outbreak is not far away, we really need to act quickly!"

"What are we going to do?" Lux stood up a little nervously, pacing, "In this case, with the troops in our hands, I'm afraid it's no longer possible to cooperate with the inside and outside of Mithril City, right?"

"The flood has blocked the inside and outside of the city, so it is no longer possible to cooperate with the inside and the outside." Carya quickly analyzed the battle situation, "Now the Winter's Claw should be gearing up and preparing to attack. At this time, take the initiative to attack, and the result can only be that the morale is high. They are outnumbered, even with Galio's help in this situation, our chances of winning are very slim."

"Then what should we do?" Lux licked her somewhat dry lips, "Should we just avoid it from such a distance and sit back and watch the attack on Misil City?"

"Of course not!" Carya didn't panic at all, and his tone was still confident, "Tell me, what is the biggest advantage of our team?"

"Advantages?" Lux blinked, "We...we don't seem to have any advantages?"

"Wrong, we have a huge advantage!" Kalya raised his tone, "We are a surprise soldier, a surprise soldier who is completely out of the eyes of Winter's Claw, these Freljord people absolutely don't know, there is another A team of 3000 people is swimming around the battlefield at this time, and may launch an attack at any time!"

"But our combat power is very limited..." Lux was a little puzzled, "Now that Mithril City is trapped in an isolated city, what can our 3000 people do?"

"If you set up an formation in an open space, the 3000 people really can't do much. After all, there are many militiamen and engineers in this team." Carya laughed, as if he had planned it long ago, "But if under special circumstances, 3000 people plus the War Colossus is enough to completely change the situation of the battle!"

"A special situation?" Lux was still a little confused, "Is there any room for change in the current battle situation in Mithral City?"

"Of course!" Carya said firmly, "When Winter's Claw crosses the river and officially launches an attack on Mithral City, it will be our fighter!"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lux's eyes finally brightened: "Have you hit halfway?"

"Not only that!" Kalya sped up his speech, "Winter's Claw doesn't have a navy. For them, if they want to cross the water to attack Mithril City, they must either build a simple raft or swim across the water. Either way, you need to wait until the river calms down a bit.”

Lux nodded upon hearing that—according to the news Shivana brought back, the entire Milky Way is now in a rage, and the coldest time of the year is about to pass, and the chance of crossing the river by ice is gone , Winter's Claw wants to launch an attack on Mithral City, the best way is to arrive at the port area first, and then attack the main city from the port area!

"Taking advantage of this opportunity, we can lurk as close as possible to the battlefield and wait for the river crossing to begin." Kalya continued to talk about his plan, "With Shyvana's help, and the soldiers are all locals of Mitral City People, we can hide under the eyes of the Winter's Claw and wait for them to show their flaws. Taking advantage of this opportunity, you must teach everyone a few words of Freljord."

"Freljord?" Lux was stunned for a moment, "As long as you can speak, I can teach it, but... what?"

"Sejuani is dead!" Kalya said first in Demacian and then in Freljordian, "The battle mother is defeated!"


"In addition, we cannot say that we are members of the Second Legion, but we must raise the banner of the Fearless Pioneer." Kalya continued to arrange, "If the Archon wants to make a noise, the bigger the noise, the better. It’s best to hear the arrival of thousands of troops! Make sure that the Freljord who knew nothing about us during the river crossing must believe that Demacia’s large-scale reinforcements have arrived, and their invincible Warmother has fallen. In a duel!"

Hearing what Kalya said, Lux finally came to a realization.

"That's it, can we defeat Winter's Claw?" Lux thought for a moment, then suddenly hesitated, "Strike halfway and bluff, these are good ways, but if Sejuani controls the army ..."

"Don't worry, the above is just a foreshadowing." Kalya signaled Lux ​​to stay calm, "These small tricks can disrupt the Winter's Claw team, but they can't guarantee that they will be repelled. We expect the enemy to be lenient. There is still a next killer move.”

"What killer move?"

"In the Freljord, the majesty of the war mother is the best weapon to suppress the chaos." Kalya's tone became more subtle, "Once this happens, Sejuani will definitely stand up and show herself to the tribe. existence to stabilize the morale of the army."

"That's right." Lacus nodded, "Yino also said that the prestige of the War Mother is amazing, she is not only the chief of the tribe, but also the leader of the organization."

"And take advantage of this opportunity, you have to take her directly." Kalya lowered her voice, like a poisonous snake in the shadows, finally showing her fangs, "The Sejuani who shows her existence will be you The best sniper target, during the whole battle, you have to rely on Shyvana to wander outside, just wait for this opportunity, and complete the deadliest beheading under the watchful eyes of all armies!"

When Lux heard this, her eyes suddenly widened.

"The death of the war mother, the Freljord people may not collapse, but under the watchful eyes of everyone, if the war mother is attacked and beheaded by someone, the Winter's Claw will definitely collapse! Halfway through, the dragons have no leader, these Freljords Destroyers of morality will taste the taste of war!"

The whole plan that Kalya narrated was not sunny, and it was even insidious in some links, but this time, Lux didn't have any intention of resisting.

She didn't know why Cao Mu became a soldier, but she nodded without hesitation when she thought that all the hard work built in Miyin City would be destroyed, and that the life and death of countless residents of Miyin City under a piece of land would not be known.

Then according to what Kalya said, all trees are soldiers!

 These few chapters are not watery at all, hey, the plot of the Battle of Secret Silver City has been carefully designed, how can you say water!
  If you have to say it...even if it's short!

  Oh oh oh!
(End of this chapter)

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