Lux's Farewell

Chapter 531 [0525] Fierce battle

Chapter 531 [0525] Fierce battle
Sejuani was in a state of surprise right now.

Don't look at her extremely firm attitude when she asked Udyr to communicate with Volibear, but in fact, she was not sure whether the old gods could help her break through the seemingly invulnerable Misill City.

However, Sejuani never expected that although there were some ups and downs in the communication between Udyr and Volibear, and her oath father is still a little sluggish, these lost people sent by Volibear , but solidly gave himself a big surprise.

When the water of the Silver River rushed down violently, carrying icicles and silt, it rushed through the sluice gates of the port area of ​​Mithril City and poured into Mithril City; when there was chaos visible to the naked eye in the city, countless Demacians Running around, it seemed that the out-of-control Ernuk group was trying to enter the main city; when the lightning storm came, it swept across the mountains in the city with a thousand supernatural powers and tremendous power, making everyone in Demacia panic, even if it was always Sejuani, who didn't have much interest in faith, could hardly help but throw herself in the face of Volibear.

Fortunately, Udyr, who was sick, noticed something was wrong and reminded her in time, which made Sejuani's sudden idea of ​​"converting to Volibear" gradually extinguished, and she focused on the next siege .

According to Sejuani, the siege of the city is very simple. You only need to cut some wood around, tie them together to make a simple raft, wait for the water to slow down a little, cross the river by raft, and arrive at the port area, and then you can Attack from the port area.

But what she never expected was that the one who raised objections to this safe plan was none other than the loser!
According to the meaning of the loser, crossing the river by raft is against the wild nature. Winter's Claw must swim physically according to Volibear's will!
Hearing this request, the Sejuanis were dumbfounded—she was secretly happy before that it wasn't the Demacians who built the dam to draw Volibear's anger. I'm afraid it's not as simple as using water to replace soldiers, but she turned around , the trouble fell on his own head.

Can't you just make a raft?
Although Sejuani also hates the warm-blooded people's management of the territory, she is obviously different from the losers who fanatically believe in Volibear. It is absolutely unacceptable for her to sit and watch the soldiers under her command lose their strength in the icy river !
However, when she wanted to argue with reason, when she thought of the thunderstorm before and saw the mighty river in front of her, she could only forcefully swallow the words that came to her lips.

Bastards, the losers!
Udyr is right, they are not worthy of full trust, they are a double-edged sword!

It's a pity that with Volibear paying attention to this group of losers, Sejuani really couldn't disobey their choice, so she could only secretly make up her mind that after the war, she must order her tribe to stay away from them as far as possible. Well, losers are losers, they have no brains!
In this way, with the insistence of the loser and Sejuani's helpless consent, the soldiers of Winter's Claw waited for two days until the water stabilized a little, and finally began to assemble a team and prepare to swim with arms.


To the west of the western part of Mitrín City, there is a hill. On the map, its official name is Lianyin Mountain—of course, the locals of Mitrín City prefer to call it West Mountain.

The peak of the West Mountain is not high, but its mountain body is extremely steep, especially on the east side, it is almost a cliff like a knife and axe, and the western city of Miyin City is located under this cliff.

The special mountain makes the West Mountain a natural barrier and west city wall in the western part of Mihril City. It is very difficult for foreign enemies to climb up. The place on the top of the mountain is narrow, not enough for many people to settle down, and even if you want to throw objects at high altitudes, it will not pose much threat to the western part of Miriam City.

Therefore, although the army of Winter's Claw had surrounded Miyin City long ago, Sejuani Xishan did not arrange for a team to station after seeing it in person—this kind of broken place is purely asking for trouble for herself!

However, no one expected that at night when Sejuani was waiting for the water to subside a little, a giant elemental dragon quietly sent the three of them to the west mountain under the cover of night.

These three people are all Archons, and they carry Lux's Hex telescope with them, and they are the "observation post" left by Lux here.

Once the three see the Winter's Claw army crossing the river, they activate the magical circuits on the Arcatraz Tablets, which fire off a special "celestial firework".

The celestial fireworks are very special. They are made by Lux with her own celestial power. It looks like a bright starlight to the naked eye. This level of light cannot be seen at all during the day. Only those who have lived through the sky will discover its particularity.

"Be sure to activate the magic power circuit as soon as you confirm that Winter's Claw is starting to cross the river." When handing over her hex telescope to Proba, Lacus exhorted very seriously, "You three , is the eyes of all of us, and the hope of everyone in Mithral City!"

And Lux ​​herself led the army, quietly lurking in a remote mountain depression ten miles away from the Miyin City River Valley, patiently waiting for news with a silent attitude.

She has already briefly explained the situation in Mithral City to all the soldiers.

At the very beginning, some people couldn’t believe it, some wanted to return to help immediately, some had emotional breakdowns, and the whole team almost collapsed——No way, most of the family members of these soldiers were in the city of Mithril, and they learned of what happened to the city of Miril. Such drastic changes were naturally difficult for them to accept.

However, under the reassurance of Lux and the squad leaders, the soldiers' emotions finally gradually stabilized. Taking advantage of this time, Lux briefly described her battle plan for half-strike.

Standing in Galio's hands and being held up in mid-air, Lux, facing all the restless Demacian fighters, used her inspiring words to deliver a final speech before the stand.

"Mithral City has reached the most critical moment. Under the impact of the river, the port area, eastern urban area and western urban area are already in danger!"

"However, in Miraz City, the flag of Demacia is still flying high, and Miraz City has not given up. Parents, wives and children who stay in Miraz City are still waiting for rescue!"

"And we are the nearest reinforcements to them!"

"I know that at this time, everyone is like me, hoping to gain wings and rush to Mihril City, but the more critical the moment, the less we can lose our reason."

"Fearless is not reckless and impulsive. We only have 3000 people, and 3000 people are exhausted. With us, we have a chance to defeat an enemy ten times our size head-on, but it is not perfect."

"Mithral City cannot afford any mishaps!"

"So, we need a more definite plan that can defeat those Freljord people and make them pay with blood!"

"And on the west mountain, the guardian is ready."

"Once those barbarians start crossing the river, they will send out a signal, and we will strike while we are halfway across, and drive those cunning and shameless Freljord barbarians into the river in one fell swoop!"

"They dug the dam, thinking they could replace soldiers with water, but in the end they were destined to choose water burial for themselves!"

"Now, all fighters of Mithral City, gather your strength, suppress your anger, and join me, waiting for the moment of counterattack, waiting for the fatal blow to our enemy!"

"I swear, in the name of Laksanna, I will charge forward in this battle, fight endlessly, do not break the enemy's army, and die without hesitation!"

"I swear, any enemy who invades Mithril City will pay in blood for their choice."

The breeze sent Lux's inspiring voice to the ears of every Demacian warrior present, making pairs of eyes full of pain, anger, and grief shine with the light of hope again.

When they were in pain and confusion, Lux was like a ray of bright light, showing them the possibility of victory again—yes, hitting halfway, while they crossed the river triumphantly, ruthlessly Kick those brute asses!
In the next moment, Galio raised his other arm high and shouted "We must win".

And the warriors of Demacia also followed Galio and vowed to win!

The last rations and supplies were distributed to everyone, and two words of Freljord were passed on to every Demacian soldier.

This army of surprise soldiers is finally ready for the final battle, waiting for the opportunity to strike halfway, and let those invaders who dare to invade their homeland pay the most painful price!

Galen and the warriors of the Fearless Vanguard watched the Winter's Claw warriors preparing to swim from a distance at the junction of the port area and the main city.

Galen finally took control of the situation in the city after putting a heavy hand on the side of his family and putting Mihril City into a state of complete military control.

With food and supplies, the mood of the refugees gradually stabilized. After eating, many people began to sign up to join the militia, hoping to contribute their strength to the next battle.

The morale of the soldiers defending the city has also gradually recovered. After the nobles who had been pushing back and forth before were all in bad luck, they finally fully recognized the identity of the commander-in-chief of Galen, and together with the militiamen, they built a new line of defense for the city of Mithril. line of defense.

Everything seems to be going in a good direction.

However, Galen knew very well that the crisis in Mithral City hadn't eased—the water was receding at a speed visible to the naked eye, and those Freljords were probably ready to cross the river. It is the moment that decides the life and death of the whole city of Miraz.

Galen didn't have the confidence to win at this time, but whether he was facing the soldiers or the people, he had to cheer up and say the phrase "Demacia will win", not only to inspire others, but also to inspire others. It's to cheer yourself up.

The arduous task of visiting the front line made Galen very tired, but more serious than the physical exhaustion was the mental pressure. The failure of the previous duel, coupled with the deterioration of the situation in Miril City, made Galen nervous, even Sometimes trance occurs.

After looking at the other side for a while, he felt dazzled, as if he saw those Freljord people jumping into the icy river on their own initiative...

Wait, this is not an illusion!

Those Frel drow are really starting to swim!

"Blow the horn and get ready for battle!" Galen picked up a battle flag and waved it vigorously while giving the order, "Assemble, assemble, we will give them a head-on blow in the port area!"

On the other side of the Milky Way, Sejuani has already started crossing the river.

The first batch of warriors to cross the river were warriors with mounts. Whether it was the Juvask wild boar or any other large mounts, they were generally able to swim. They could carry their masters across the icy river, Sejuani Lead the team to cross the river first, intending to use this team to gain a firm foothold in the port area first, and open up a stable position, so that the subsequent soldiers who can only swim across the river can safely cross the river.

Then, just as the first batch of Winter's Claw warriors headed by Sejuani started riding and swimming, Galen's vanguard team had already arrived at the outskirts of the port area along the Forbidden Stone city wall exposed from the water. , Prepared the first line of defense, using bows and throwing objects to interfere with crossing the river.

However, due to the collapse of the sluice gates at the docks in the port area, the interference effect is limited. Although many unlucky people were hit by arrows and flying axes, the attack range of the soldiers on both sides of the city wall was limited, and it was not enough to form crossfire In the end, they only slightly delayed the enemy's crossing speed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the fearless pioneer fighters and some elite soldiers of the Second Legion waded through the icy river up to their thighs, entered the port area, and began to fight against the Winter's Claw fighters, trying to block them at the pier.

On the one hand, there are warriors defending their homeland, and on the other, high-morale looters. The two sides engaged in a bloody battle in the icy river!

The roar, the clash of swords, the shattering of armor, and the wailing of death came together, and together with the blood, they stained the river and the pier in the port area of ​​Mihrin City red, the blue team and the gray turbid current When they collided together, a bright red flower unexpectedly popped out abruptly!
At the very beginning, the Demacian soldiers led by Galen waited for work at ease, occupying a considerable advantage, and almost drove these Freljords off the dock, but at this moment, a group of losers Roaring into the battle, they ignored the pain caused by the sword, and used thunder and sharp claws to cause amazing damage to the Demacians-these violent beasts would not retreat, shouting "No!" In the name of Mie Kuanglei, he moved forward bravely, abruptly repelling the formation of the Demacians, and gave Winter's Claw a foothold!
When the strength of these lost people was finally exhausted, they were divided and surrounded by the fearless vanguard fighters, and they were completely wiped out. Under the leadership of Sejuani, Winter's Claw has completely established its foothold. The follow-up Winter's Claw fighters Also began to swim physically!

Seeing this situation, although he was unwilling, Galen could only fight and go, preparing to rely on the newly built defense line, and then fight the Winter's Claw for the second round-if you are capable, you will stay in the water all the time , otherwise come to bite the line of defense hard!

Seeing that the defenders were retreating to recuperate, Sejuani finally breathed a sigh of relief. She jumped off the mane's back, tore off a corner of her clothes, and began to wrap the wound on her hind leg for it, even though it was soaked in water. It is true that she will lose a lot of physical strength, but she believes that when the next warriors arrive, Mithril City will definitely open the door for itself!

However, at this moment, there was a commotion on the other side of the river.

The Winter's Claw warriors who were halfway through the swim never dreamed that a Demacian army with a clear banner appeared behind them without warning!

 Carya's Small Classroom·Fireworks in Heaven:

  Celestial energy can also be guided and used like magic power, but if the difficulty of controlling magic power is 1, the difficulty of controlling celestial energy is at least 7-just like it is difficult for people without magical talent to perceive magic power, without going through the power of heavenly energy It is also difficult for those who are baptized to perceive the celestial energy.

(End of this chapter)

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