Lux's Farewell

Chapter 532 [0526] The wind is rumbling, the grass and trees are all soldiers, the army is broken an

Chapter 532 [0526] The wind is rumbling, the grass and trees are all soldiers, the army is broken and the generals are defeated, the first battle is successful!
The soldiers of Winter's Claw could never have imagined in their dreams that an army would appear quietly behind them, and taking advantage of the short-term chaos of their armed forces, they launched an attack precisely.

Lux came at just the right time.

When Winter's Claw started riding and swimming, and was preparing to swim in the flesh behind, the archon on the mountain issued a signal, and Lux, who got the news, led the team to set off at the first time, just catching up with the violent loser in front and repelling the secret with his life. Silver City's first defense, Sejuani established a forward position in the thigh-deep water in the port area, and then Winter's Claw began to cross the river.

On the side of Winter's Claw, after controlling the forward position and driving away the Demacia defenders on the wall, in order to speed up the speed of crossing the river, they chose to increase the range of crossing the river. The river bank opposite the area is semicircular, and there are many areas for crossing the river. If you want to cross the river as soon as possible, you need to enter the water at multiple entry points.

Don't forget, at the forward position, Sejuani and the cavalry are still soaked in water. Every time the crossing time is delayed, their physical strength will be exhausted. After crossing the river, everyone will attack the main city The line of defense!

And since the Battle Mother had already passed away, the order of the Winter's Claw warriors who stayed on the river bank was naturally a bit chaotic. Although everyone would not push each other, they could not be called orderly at all.

One after another, the Winter's Claw warriors were shirtless, tied their weapons and clothes together, or carried them on their backs, tied them around their waists, or put them on their heads. , entered the icy river, and began to swim across the river with both hands and feet, in order to cross the river quickly.

At this moment, behind them, Lacus led the team holding high the Demacia battle flag, rushed out, and immediately formed a formation along the river bank, rushing towards the Winter Claw warrior who was about to swim, caught off guard, Rin The Winter's Claw turned on their backs and fell into complete chaos!
Although Winter's Claw had a large number of people on the river bank, they didn't have any defenses. Many people's weapons were still wrapped in their clothes, and they couldn't be pulled out.

Facing the Demacian soldiers wearing armor and holding knives and guns, no matter how brave these Freljord people were, they would never be able to make effective resistance, and could only die in vain!

Maybe these Winter's Claw warriors used to be strong enough to hunt ice worms, maybe their throwing skills are superb, but in this situation, they are a bunch of chaotic lambs waiting to be slaughtered!
Except for a few beast spirit walkers and ice bloodlines who can fight with bare hands and barely protect themselves, in the chaos, the other Winter's Claw fighters have no ability to resist at all!

Facing these intruders, the Demacians had no sympathy, only anger. They lurked in a remote mountain for nearly two days, eating cold food and drinking cold water. , in order to completely wipe out these invaders from the Freljord!
Since the arrival of these Freljords, the entire Miraz city has been in a state of turmoil, and the richer villages located on the main roads have been plundered unexpectedly, and Mithral City has been flooded in large areas. Follow Lux The Demacian fighters who rushed out didn't even know whether their wives, children, and children were healthy, and all of this was thanks to these invaders.

So, at this moment, they want to use the sword in their hands to pay back all the pain tenfold and a hundredfold!
Especially the fearless pioneers who charged at the front and the sword formation soldiers of the Second Army of the Northern Territory. They were like killing gods possessed. If the spear got stuck, they would use the short sword. Under the protection of the armor, these barbarian warriors could hardly do any effective damage. They almost turned into berserkers, and even the soldiers in the shield array lost their shields, or swung them wildly!

The warriors of Winter's Claw were stunned.

Hurriedly meeting the enemy, he couldn't fight again, so he could only run while putting on clothes and holding weapons.

And because they were squeezed on the bank of the river, except for some people in the north who could run north, the other Winter's Claw fighters could only jump into the river hastily as soon as they were driven away.

Going directly into the water without warming up, even the Winter's Claw warriors who are extremely tolerant to the cold also suffered from extensive cramps. Many people thumped and tried to balance their bodies, but in the end they were engulfed by the current and headed towards the downstream porous gate. It rushed everywhere, and finally hit the sluice with its head.

The few "lucky ones" who passed through the sluice hole flew out of the sluice hole waterfall like the civilians who fled in embarrassment because of the flooding of Mithril before, and then fell downstream like stones falling into the water, never to return. Did not come up.

What's more terrible is that when a few Winter's Claw fighters relied on the spirit walkers, northern shamans or ice blood to stand firm and began to wait for an opportunity to counterattack, they were shocked to find that there was a steady stream of Demacian reinforcements appearing in the valley , Banner after banner rushed out of the valley, and team after team of soldiers joined the battle. Seeing more and more enemies, even they gradually lost their fighting spirit at this time!
The Winter's Claw warriors in the chaos didn't know that, in order to expand the chaos and shake the morale, Lux deliberately collected the cloaks of all the warriors, added some spears, and hurriedly made more than fifty blue flags , the patterns on these flags are all messed up, but a little dirt is enough to fool the unsuspecting Freljord people.

In order to create a steady stream of reinforcements, militiamen without armor and who are not good at fighting will rush out with a big flag, and then put down the big flag and slip back quietly. On the battlefield, a momentum of "continuous reinforcements" was created, and the Freljord invaders were completely terrified!
Kalya said that unorganized warriors, unless they set foot on the extraordinary realm, are like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered on the battlefield of thousands of troops, and now, the Winter's Claw warriors staying on the shore, It's completely out of control!


Sejuani, who was in the port area, saw this scene and her eyes were tearing apart.

Although this looting was aimed at weeding out the weak, it didn't mean that Sejuani could accept the massacre of her soldiers!

After a moment of astonishment, she rode on the steel mane without hesitation, turned around and crossed the water, intending to go back to gather the team.

And beside her, Udyr didn't care about organizing and establishing a position anymore, he also greeted the Warmother Guards, and immediately began to turn around and cross the river - losing the position in the port area would at most lose the opportunity to attack Mithral City, if Let the soldiers be slaughtered, and the Winter's Claw will be finished!
Then, when the vanguard of the port area started to move here, under the reminder of Kalya, Lux was the first to shout out the Freljord of "Sejuani is dead, and the war mother is defeated".

Afterwards, countless Demacian soldiers, along with the militiamen and engineers who ran back and forth holding the flags, also began to shout loudly according to the previous teaching.

The Winter's Claw warriors in the battle didn't know what happened. Hearing this voice, they subconsciously looked towards the other side of the river, towards the port position, and there, they saw their own port position also began to move. ...

Many soldiers who were still insisting on resisting seemed to be drained of energy at this time, and the soldiers of Winter's Claw finally started to escape.

And Sejuani, who was trying to cross the river on a steel mane, was so angry when she heard the voice. She never expected that the cunning warm-blooded person would use this kind of trick to shake the morale of her side. , she simply took over a battle flag of Winter's Claw, and stood on the back of the steel mane, waving the battle flag vigorously while shouting loudly!
"Sejuani is here!"

"Warriors of the Winter's Claw, regroup!"

Beside her, Udyr was stunned for a moment, and quickly started to greet the surrounding guards of the war mother, shouting along with Sejuani.

While shouting and shouting, Udyr suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why is this scene so familiar to me?
Udyr blinked his eyes, and vigorously shook his head that had been drowsy for the past few days, trying to make himself more energetic.

Where have you seen this happen?
While Sejuani and the Warmother guard shouted loudly, Udyr began to quickly recall the past, thinking about where this inexplicable familiarity came from—then, he thought of Ionia and Navo Lee, I thought of Prestidian.

At that time, in order to help Li Qing, I followed him to Ionia and fought against the Noxians. It seemed that a similar situation had occurred on the side of the Ionians in Preshidian.

The little girl named Irelia, together with the Navoli Brotherhood, shouted that Swain was dead, causing Swain to fly his own flag, and taking this opportunity, Irelia With the most elite squad, completed the critical moment of beheading blow.

At this moment, just like that moment, except that Udyr, who was once a member of the assault team, has now become the target of the assault.

Realizing this, Udyr immediately wanted to speak out to remind Sejuani to be careful, but soon, he felt that he was too nervous because of the will to fight against the old gods——Sejuani is not a weak Swain, if If someone surprises her, the result must be her counter-kill!

For his daughter, Udyr is very confident!
However, just as he raised his vigilance and scanned the battlefield with his eyes, a shadow above the sky finally fell onto the battlefield.


After raising her head, Lux immediately retreated to the rear. Under the cover of a flag, Shivana carried her into the air, and began to patrol the battlefield, looking for Sejuani's figure.

And just as Karya expected, in order to boost morale, Sejuani chose to return across the river and raise the banner of the War Mother!
Condescending to carry out a sneak attack was once something Lux absolutely did not want to do, but after witnessing the tragic situation in Mithral City, she finally understood Kalya's saying that "kindness is sometimes cruelty to one's own people".

So, without the slightest hesitation, she bent down and patted Shivana's back lightly.

Flapping her wings, Shivana quickly entered a dive posture, a pair of dragon wings began to draw in, and she fell straight in Sejuani's direction!
A dragon-shaped shadow fell from the sky, and when Sejuani realized something was wrong, the enemy had already come to her head—— Lacus spread her light-forged wings, holding a light-forged long sword that was brighter than the noon sun at this time. The spear, with the force of a thunderbolt, slammed into Sejuani fiercely!

At the same time, Shyvana's dragon breath also poured down from the sky, blocking the support lines of the surrounding people, providing Lux with high-quality cover!
Sejuani tried her best to twist her body, but as the light soared, even if she "passed by" the spear in the end, Sejuani's right arm and right leg evaporated completely in an instant.

Not even feeling the pain, Sejuani fell headlong on the back of the bristle!

This is not finished.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lacus clenched her teeth and swept across the water with her spear. The light-forged spear carrying the power of the heavens left a dent on the water surface that looked like a substance!

Sejuani, who had lost half of her body, had no room to dodge, and the guards of several war mothers who rushed up to help were directly evaporated by the strong light. At the critical moment, the steel mane suddenly turned over in the water, throwing her master out , but he was directly divided into two by Lux's spell!
Falling into the icy river, Sejuani watched Lux ​​raise her spear for the third time with her face up. Then, just as she closed her eyes, a giant bear appeared in front of her, and a thunderbolt Stop that light-forged spear!

That was her sworn father, Udyr!
At this moment, the beast spirit walker completely abandoned all his persistence and resistance, and accepted the call of the immortal mad thunder.

Wild hair surged from his head, back, and limbs, and his nails became as sharp and sharp as a bear, and danced with lightning.

Udyr, who completely embraced the power of Volibear, turned his head to look at Sejuani for the last time, the brilliance of humanity in his eyes finally dissipated completely, and then greeted the sky light with a howl.

The light-forged spear in Lux's hand swept across again, trying to destroy the guy who resisted her and Sejuani behind.

But beyond her expectations, the guy in front of him who has undergone a strange change seems to have some kind of power that can resist the brilliance of the heavens. Although his hair is scorched and his flesh is crumbling under the burning of the strong light, he still howls to resist. Stopped Lux's blow.

After a few breaths, Udyr seemed to burn out, and finally completely dissipated in the brilliant brilliance, but Sejuani, who fell into the water before, disappeared at this time.

The Warmother guard and some Winter's Claw warriors seem to have gone mad, wanting to come up and besiege Lacus. In their view, the light wings behind this despicable mage who attacked the Warmother have dimmed and may fall into the water at any time , take this opportunity to avenge the war mother!
However, just as more and more people gathered around, a bigger shadow cast down in the sky.

Amidst the cheers of countless Demacian soldiers and civilians on both sides of the river, the giant statue of justice, Galio, spread its wings and descended from the sky with Lux at the center.

The huge colossus fully stretched out, smashed hard on the river, and set off a thousand layers of waves. The Winter's Claw warrior, who was waiting for Lux to fall into the water and to avenge his mother, wanted to hide from the city this time. Unable to dodge, Galio slammed him right in the face!

Not only that, even the Winter Claw warriors who were some distance away from Galio fell into the water were overturned by the sudden huge waves. The Claw warrior rushed in all directions, and as he entered the water perfectly and raised Lux ​​with both hands, the other warriors of Winter's Claw finally collapsed completely at this time.

After paying a terrible price, the few surviving Winter's Claw warriors finally withdrew from the battlefield and ran away.

Escape, escape desperately!
At this time, Lux and the more than 2000 people under her command have long lost the physical strength and ability to pursue, but the Winter's Claw warriors who don't know it have already become frightened birds at this time. scare yourself.

Without the command of the war mother, when the rout soldiers heard the wind and birdsong, they all thought that the pursuers were coming, and they dared not rest day and night;

Some people fled back to the Freljord from the glacier crevasses, some lost their way and went all the way north, and then desperately climbed the Dragon's Back Mountains. Many people were in a trance, tired and hungry, and eventually died trapped in the mountains.

After paying a painful price, Mithral City finally won the defense battle and almost wiped out the Winter's Claw tribe substantially!
We are victorious!

 Karya's Small Classroom · The lethality of celestial energy:

  For ordinary people, celestial energy has an astonishing lethality. In a sense, it can even cause "real damage", which is a very high-level energy damage.

  And to resist the damage caused by the celestial energy, the defender must either have armor that can withstand the impact of the celestial energy, or have the same high-level energy protection.

  Udyr stopped Lux ​​temporarily, relying on the power of the old gods bestowed on him by Volibear—for this stubborn beast spirit walker's refuge, Undying Kuanglei showed amazing and unrequited generosity.

  PS. There is a free extra chapter tonight, [Icacia's Time Mystery Lock], which is about Ezreal and Kassadin's follow-up adventure to Icacia. Relax after the big battle, so stay tuned.

(End of this chapter)

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