Lux's Farewell

533 Mess [0527]

533 Mess [0527]

Although the victory is overwhelming, it will also take a lot of time to clean up the battlefield-whether it is to capture prisoners, seriously injure the enemy, or seize the time to treat those unlucky ones who are injured, it will take time.

Moreover, the Demacians are not the barbarians of the north who are resistant to frost. It is absolutely impossible to swim across the river in this season. If you want to cross the river and enter Miyin City, you still need boat transportation.

The ships in the port area were almost destroyed when they defended the city, and it was a waste of time to cut down trees to make rafts. Thanks to Galio who helped bring people across the river, they were transported wave after wave. The Silver River was sent to the port area of ​​Mithral City.

Due to the limited "transportation capacity" of Galio, the speed of the soldiers crossing the river is really not fast. Even if the Colossus of Justice is tireless (and even enjoys it), it can only transport less than a hundred people at a time. It takes at least [-] round trips to send them across the river.

The entire process of crossing the river was dragged on for a very long time, and the battlefield was almost cleaned up in the afternoon, but it was not until evening that all the soldiers were transported across the river and entered the city of Miraz.

But even so, when every fighter arrived at the port area of ​​Mihrin City, they were greeted with the most enthusiastic cheers from the people—after the victory, with the lifting of the martial law, many residents of the port area returned to the port area again. And standing on the roof of his house that was still soaked in water, he tirelessly greeted the fighters who had defended Mithral City.

Every time Galio sends a group of soldiers over, they will immediately raise the blue flag, knock on the pots and pans at hand, and cheer from the bottom of their voices. Returning soldiers, enjoy their most glorious moment!
However, cheers are cheers, the flood has not receded at this time, and the buildings in the entire port area of ​​Mithril City are still soaked in the turbid current of thigh depth. Although the military disaster is over, the flood still needs to be faced.

Just when such suffering had not yet passed and hope was shining, Lux met her brother, Galen, in the City of Mithral.


Although I haven't seen Galen for only a year, but I don't know why, in Lux's eyes, my brother seems to have really grown a lot—although my sister said that my brother has grown up, which makes people feel a bit awkward, but at this time The feeling Galen gave Lacus was indeed a kind of maturity after going through wind and rain.

That's right, in the previous correspondence with Xiongdu, my mother was already looking for a candidate for my sister-in-law, and my brother was no longer the one who would push the bed-wetting on himself, his head was so hot that he couldn't even tell whether the opponent in front of him was a man or a woman It's silly.

Galen was the first to come to support the Battle of Mithral City this time. Although his hammer and anvil plan was a bit sloppy, and he was injured in the duel rashly, it is undeniable that it was because of his With determination, persistence and encouragement, Miyin City resisted the riding and swimming of the Winter's Claw man, and won a precious opportunity for the half-way attack behind him.

Thinking of this, Lux suddenly froze.

Why when I "evaluated" my brother, I seemed to subconsciously stand in the perspective of Lord Fossbarrow and choose the identity of Earl Laxana?

As a younger sister, shouldn't my first reaction be to worry about my brother's injury?
However, when Lux was in a daze, Galen strode forward and hugged his sister.

"Great job, Lux," he said sincerely. "You did a great job. Mom and Dad will be proud of you!"

"Then why don't you see who sister Ni is!" Blinking her eyes, Lux hugged her brother's generous body with her backhand, and patted Galen on the back lightly, "I have already said it, dear sister I'm here to save my stupid brother!"

Although the teasing was merciless, at this moment, Lux felt an unprecedented sense of relief, an invisible barrier was easily smashed like soap bubbles, and a bright smile climbed to the corner of her mouth.

"Just let me go." Galen let go of Lacus helplessly, with a wry smile on his face, "I haven't thought about it yet, how to explain to my mother the letter I will send to Xiongdu... She always likes it. Don't worry, the distress letter sent by His Excellency Henchal to Xiongdu exaggerated my injuries in order to get help, and now Miyin City has been completely messed up, dear sister, please help me, this stupid Only my brother will do!"

"I can't help Mother." Lux grinned, spread her hands, and put on a look of helplessness, "Although in my opinion, you should be recovering well now, you are still as strong as a bear. , but who made you rashly fight a duel and get injured?"


"Also, if mother sends you more letters and pays more attention to your body, then I will receive fewer letters reminding me to add clothes." Seeing the bitterness on Galen's face, Lacus even challenged her. He raised his eyebrows, "It kills two birds with one stone, isn't it great!"

"...Well, I admit that my previous plan was really reckless and I should be punished." After a moment of silence, Galen finally spoke again helplessly, "Mother, even if she asks me to return to the male, I will cultivate, even if she Order me to attend the banquet, I can accept it, but here in Mithral City, is there anything you can do?"

"Mithral City, are you talking about floods?"

"The flood is only one aspect, and the other aspect is within the family." Galen lowered his voice subconsciously, "Before, in order to defend the city, I put many relatives of the same clan under house arrest and took over their manors and warehouses. It's not very good looking..."

"And then?" Lux asked back, "You are the next patriarch of the Crownguard family, can they have any opinions?"

"Of course they can't object to what I say, but I can't stay here forever." Galen sighed, "I don't understand local government affairs at all, but now Miraz City has been tossed like this, and the subsequent flood Back off, we still need their help to rebuild, the situation forced us to tear ourselves apart, now that you are here, you must help me to reconcile."

"Me? More reconciliation?" Hearing what Galen said, Lacus was a little confused. She looked at Galen in disbelief and couldn't help shaking her head, "My dear brother, did you hurt your head? Do you still remember what happened last time I came to Mithral City?"

"The disaster patrol knights you promoted last time are very down-to-earth people." Speaking of this topic, Galen immediately thought of those disaster patrol knights, "You have a good vision!"

"Before the disaster patrol knight was promoted?" Lux rolled her eyes, "You should have been there at that time, right?"

Hearing that, Galen suddenly froze in place—oh, he just put these relatives under house arrest and temporarily took over their manor and warehouse. The last time Lux came to Miriam City, it was in front of everyone. In front of him, he directly raised his sword and executed a big living person!

I'm so busy and stupid, how could I think of relying on Lux to ease the relationship between myself and my relatives?

"However, you don't need to show this expression." Now, without Kalya's reminder, Lacus already has an idea, "Although I can't help you mediate, this does not prevent me from scaring those guys for you, so that They voluntarily contributed their monastic wealth to restore the production of Mithral City."

"You are..." Galen looked at his sister in disbelief, as if he was looking at a little devil wagging his tail, "You are extorting!"

"This is not extortion, but to let our uncles understand that money should be obtained from the people and used for the people." Lux shook her head lightly, and immediately refuted Galen's statement, "Believe me, in fact This kind of thing is easy to solve, believe me, they don't have the ability to resist now..."

As she spoke, Lux briefly explained her thoughts, and when Lux finished her plan in a low voice, Galen looked at her with a mixture of sadness and joy.

The sister who used to help him take the blame is gone, she has now become a political figure, and her heart has become dirty-but this plan is really cool!

That night, Galen held a large banquet and invited relatives who had been under house arrest to attend.

At the banquet, Galen announced the victory of the battle, and sincerely thanked the relatives of the family who "provided material support for the defense of Mithril City", and promised to lift the military management and restore Mithril when the water receded a little tomorrow. daily order of the city.

Many offshoots of the Crown Guard family who had already received the news of the victory before, finally felt relieved after hearing the words—although their manors were occupied and their warehouses were also controlled by the military in order to rescue the refugees in the past two days, the victory came very quickly, presumably The consumption is not too large.

In the future, as long as we cry poorly to Mrs. Augesa together, and withhold some tax money later, the meat that everyone has been cut off can be doubled to make up for it.

After all, Mithral City is the fiefdom of the Crownguard family!

Then, as they exchanged glances, Galen spoke again.

"However, the defense of Mithral City this time has indeed exposed some problems in Mithral City. The barbarians from the northern border have driven straight into it, which proves that relying on the Dragon's Back Mountains alone is not enough to rely on."

Hearing this sentence, almost all the nobles tightened their chrysanthemums.

Hell, isn't Galen planning to fortify Miraz?

This is absolutely impossible, once the fortress of Mithral City is turned into a fortress, then the family's business and farm will be finished!
But when the war had just ended, they had no way to object anyway—the barbarians of the Freljord could indeed easily approach the city, and they could also use water instead of soldiers by destroying water conservancy facilities. The situation in Yincheng is indeed not very stable!

Just when they were worried, Galen changed the topic.

"Although we have won the battle, the fact that the barbarians looted beforehand cannot be ignored. Relying solely on Mithral City is no longer enough to guard the safety of the northern border, so I think that in the north of Mithral City, in Dragon's Back At the foot of the mountain range, a forward defensive position should be built, preferably a fortress!"

Hearing what Galen said, everyone was slightly relieved.

Just fix it, you can suggest whatever you want, if His Majesty the King agrees, let Xiongdu allocate funds to repair it, and we will provide all support except help!
"However, according to the kingdom's laws, once a fortress is built in the north of Miraz City, Miraz City will no longer be the front line of the northern border." According to the rhetoric taught to him by Lux, Galen continued, "At that time, The tax paid by Miyin City to Xiongdu may have to be increased a lot..."

Speaking of this, Galen dragged his tone meaningfully, as if he was waiting for everyone to give him a little reaction.

Facing Galen's attitude, the aristocrats of the crown guard family's offshoots all had their eyes brightened.

"Mithral City has just been hit by a disaster, so where are the taxes!"

"That is, first it was invaded, and then there was another flood. For at least five years, Mithral City has no tax at all!"

"Galen, you must make it clear to His Majesty!"

"Who, don't you have two guys who can draw in your family? Quickly let them draw a picture scroll of the flooded Misill City, and send it to Xiongdu. We want everyone to know that Mithril City After a disaster, there is absolutely no way to raise taxes—"

"Even if a fortress is built under the Dragon's Back Mountain Range, it is not considered a city. Mitril City is not considered a border city, so where is the whole of Demacia considered a border?"



Just like what Lux said, in the banquet hall, the nobles seemed to "understand" what Galen meant, and they yelled loudly without grace, as if any proposal related to tax increases It is a great injustice.

In their view, this is Galen putting forward his own conditions. On the one hand, he wants to remove Mithral City from the center of the defense war, but on the other hand, he is unwilling to give up the preferential treatment as a border city-after all, if it is not a border city, even No matter how old and distinguished the Crown Guard family was, they would never have such a large fiefdom, nor would they have such low tax incentives.

And since Galen is willing to say this, it represents his cooperative attitude. A family is a family, and they are all members of the Crownguard family. Maintaining the interests of Mithral City is good for everyone!

Looking at these "excited" relatives, Galen reluctantly kept his expression on his face, but he couldn't help but think of the time when they tried to bribe the barbarians to retreat. I have thought about what Mithril City means to the northern border defense line and what it means to Demacia, and I have never cared about the civilians who "will have difficulty surviving because of tax increases" in their mouths!

The embarrassment he had before completely disappeared at this moment. Amidst the commotion, Galen finally spoke again.

"It seems that you all have the same idea as me, and you are not willing to raise taxes in Mithral City." Galen's voice echoed clearly in the banquet hall, "In that case, when I report to His Majesty, I will replace Everyone applies for the construction of this outpost fortress supported by the City of Mithril."

Hearing Galen's words, the whole hall suddenly fell silent, and many people's eyes widened, almost thinking they had heard it wrong.


When are we willing to afford the construction of an outpost?
"I knew that you all know the general situation." As if he didn't see the astonished faces of the people, Galen continued on his own, "Someone told me before, to bribe the barbarians, buy the barbarians, and make them retreat at the price , This is indeed false."

Galen's words were not loud, but they sounded like a thunderclap to the ears of every nobleman present.

What the hell are you extorting!
We're all Crownguards, how can you turn your elbows out?
 Carya's Small Classroom Mihril City to Dragon's Back Mountain Range:

  The straight-line distance from Mitríl City to the Dragon's Back Mountain Range is less than a hundred miles. Unlike Fossbarrow, what Mithral City guards is not the pass of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range, but the action space that continues south after crossing the Dragon's Back Mountain Range.

  The city is built on the water and has developed transportation. Once the Freljord barbarians go south, the defenders of Mihril City can wait for work and intercept them quickly after receiving the news. With the advantage of water transportation, they are highly mobile. The Second Legion can completely close the door and beat the dog.

(End of this chapter)

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