Lux's Farewell

534 [0528] The aunt of the crown guard family

534 [0528] The aunt of the crown guard family
After hearing Galen's words, many offshoot relatives of the Crown Guard family could not restrain their expressions of dissatisfaction.

That's right, in the past, facing the fierce offensive of the Freljords, they did consider paying money and supplies in exchange to bribe these barbarians to retreat-but in the final analysis, isn't it just a plan?

Now that the defense of Miyin City has won a complete victory, what is the little thought before?
Everyone has never experienced this kind of thing, and some words are just indiscriminate in the panic, why bother to go online?
Why did these offshoot nobles of the Crownguard family dare to propose this plan?

It is true that they are greedy for life and fear of death, and do not want their own interests to be harmed. On the other hand, and more importantly, in their view, the Crown Guard family is one!

Although the clan and the side branches sometimes have conflicts on some issues, in external situations, the interests of both parties should be completely consistent.

From their point of view, it is understandable that Galen did not implement the bribery plan, because under the circumstances at the time, Galen's main battle could wash away the shame of his previous ineffectiveness; I don't want to waste too much of those mud-legged people's lives, blocking their lives.

The two sides disagreed on this point, which eventually led to Galen adopting a tough military control, which was acceptable to the branch nobles.

You, Galen, have a good sister, and you won in the end. Before that, we were under house arrest, our manor was conscripted, and our warehouse was taken over. We recognized all of these!

However, after the victory, you took out our previous attitude of peace as a threat, and put on a posture that if you don't support you, you will settle accounts later, which is obviously wrong.

Why are you threatening us?
You know, in the eyes of outsiders, no matter the main family or the offshoots, they are all members of the Mianwei family, and to leak the fact that someone wants to negotiate a peace is to lose face of the entire Mianwei family.

You know, proposing a peace, but not actually giving any materials, will not suffer any substantial punishment, but it will shame the family. If Galen really leaks this matter, he will also lose face together. !
Everyone is a member of the Mianwei family. Although there are branches of the main family, they are truly all prosperous and all damaged. If you expose the matter, it is true that our side branch will be killed, but your main family will better?
No one would say that the clan killed relatives righteously, they would only say that the entire Crown Guard family was a nest of snakes and rats, or even say that you, Galen, the power of Demacia, has no name but nothing.

Are you out of your mind, poking this out after the fact to make everyone look bad?

Moreover, with such no room for leeway, do you Galen want to directly engage in an internal strife between the crown guards, and the side branches of the clan will fall apart?
Yes, you are the clan, your father is the head of the clan, and family affairs can be decided.

But there are only five people in your family—oh, Tiana and Laxana are not counted now, there should be only three people left—without our help, why should your family of three be popular in Xiongdu? Spicy?

People from your family are all in high positions, whether they are the marshal general who controls the military power, or the future star of the fearless vanguard, but don't forget that in our Demacia, even the most respected officers themselves are not How much is the salary? The bricks and tiles of the Xiongdu Mianwei Manor were all built with the support of Mithril City!
In the entire Demacia, which family is not rooted in the fief, and the main family is in Xiongdu to display its ambitions?

Now you, Galen, are as big as you are. With a single mouth, you want to reveal the things we planned before and haven't really implemented. The things that show your face belong to your clan, so we should be stepped on by you?
Now that Mihril City is under military control, can it be said that Mihril City will still be under military control in the future?
After a moment of astonishment, many of the side branch nobles rushed towards Galen, some even raised their fists regardless of demeanor, and then, under Galen's instruction, all of them were stopped by Galen's guards , and looking at these guards who were extremely supportive of Galen, many of the side nobles seemed to be poured cold water on their heads, from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet.

Now in this situation... Maybe Galen can really do it!

The confidence of these offshoot nobles of the Crownguard family ultimately comes from their control over Mithril City. In the huge Mithral City, the offshoot nobles of the Crownguard family are united from top to bottom, intertwined, and their people are everywhere.

It is no exaggeration to say that without their support, the Zong family would not be able to do anything in Miyin City.

However, under the current situation, Galen, who has the power of a great victory, may really have the ability to change this situation.

Henchal was killed in battle, and the Second Army in the Northern Territory has no commander for the time being. Even if Xiongdu responds immediately, it may be at least a few months before the new commander comes here to take office— —Although Mithril City is located in the northern border, the nobles who are willing to come here to command the Second Legion can line up from the Grand Plaza to Dawn Castle. It is not so easy to decide on a suitable candidate!

Although the military situation is urgent, but the savages of the Freljord have just been defeated, and the city of Mithril has suffered another flood. Compared with changing the commander rashly, I am afraid that Xiongdu is more happy to see Galen presiding over here more. situation for a while.

Who doesn't know that the head of the Crownguard family is a famous loyal dog of the royal family?


As if silence could be contagious, the entire banquet hall quickly became strangely quiet.

Then, just when everyone was uncertain whether Galen really planned to completely control the military, when they were hesitant, the door of the banquet hall was suddenly opened.

A gust of cold wind poured in.

Many nobles subconsciously looked in the direction of the door, and then couldn't contain the panic in their hearts any longer, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

With the six guardians, Lux stepped into the banquet hall with a smile on her face.

She was wearing a light blue dress, which showed her slim figure to the fullest, and anyone who saw her would say "what a handsome girl".

However, for the aristocrats from the branch of the crown guard family present, the bright red flowers on the skirt of this light blue dress reminded them of some not-so-good memories!
Especially when Lux held on to the hilt of the sword, and her eyes seemed to inadvertently sweep across the vital points of everyone, this anxiety was almost condensed into reality!
After all, just six years ago, Lux was like this. Wearing a clean dress and holding a long sword that looked like a sacrificial weapon, she easily cut off Cordora's arm and killed him. Kill on the spot.

For this great aunt of the Crown Guard family, the numerous crown guard branch nobles present were terrified to the bottom of their hearts!

This time they dared to besiege Galen largely because they had received news that Laxana was exhausted and went to rest early.

Who would have thought that instead of going to rest, this aunt is waiting here!
"Why don't you talk anymore?" The smile on Lux's face was sincere and bright, but in the eyes of these uncles and uncles, it made them feel as if they had fallen into an ice cave, "Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

Who dares?
In the awkward silence, Lux shook her head as if she had expected it, and then waved to the Archon behind her.

Then, these court guardians were not polite at all, and ran directly to the position of the orchestra, "borrowed" various instruments from the orchestra on the spot, and played on the spot.

Since Sona is one of the main education leaders of the Archons, the Archons also have many small music groups of their own in their spare time. Although only two of the Archons who came with Lacus have actually practiced the piano, but The other four were more or less able to put on a show, and the six of them fiddled for a while, and they really "played" a very outrageous dance music in the literal sense.

The extremely clumsy performance echoed in the ornately decorated banquet hall of Mithral City, filling the scene with an indescribable weirdness. Many nobles from the side looked at each other, embarrassed but didn't know what to do.

Under such circumstances, Galen took the initiative to walk to the center of the dance floor, and began to twist his body like a bear while waving his arms up and down, barely getting caught in the beat.

After seeing this scene, the other nobles finally ignored their demeanor, stepped onto the dance floor one after another, and started a wild dance of demons.

Finally, as the song ended, Lux casually picked up a glass of wine and held it up high.

"Then, let's raise our wine glasses, and wish the Northern Fortress a smooth completion, and wish Miyin City long-term peace and stability!"


Under the threats of Galen and Lux, the crown guards of Mithral City finally acquiesced in their request to contribute money and efforts to help build the northern fortress.

After the banquet, Galen held Lux ​​very excitedly and talked for a long time. He didn't hide the part that these "uncles" had lied to him before, and his words were full of exalted excitement.

Lux also responded with a smile to her brother who smiled like a bear, and told him to rest early after he had laughed enough—Galen, whose injury was not fully healed, took the lead in stopping Winter's Claw in the port area today. The leading troops have delayed for a lot of time, and now they are holding on.

Then, when Galen nodded in agreement, hoping that Lux would also rest early, and finally left, Lux, who had been smiling before, could no longer smile.

Galen was pleased with the results of the pressure.

However, in Lux's heart, she was actually not satisfied.

In Galen's eyes, it is a good choice to let his own branch manage the fiefdom. Although the main family and the side branch have differences, the two sides can always discuss it, and sometimes they can each take a step back.

But in Lux's view, Mithral City can actually develop better.

In other words, it was precisely because Fossbarrow personally led a series of reforms that when she looked back now, she felt that these relatives of hers were extremely hateful.

Miraz City is also located in the north, but its climate is much better than that of Fossbarrow, and it can even grow winter wheat.

Unfortunately, compared with Fossbarrow, who was thriving and everything seemed to be developing in a better direction, Mithral City gave her a dull feeling, like a pool of stagnant water.

Before that, Lux had promoted a group of disaster patrol knights in Miyin City. Those people were old farmers with many years of experience, and Kalya personally interviewed them.

In addition to reporting the disaster, these disaster patrol knights also had the task of supervising agricultural production. At that time, Lux didn't fully understand why Kalya had such a insistence, thinking that it was just to cause some trouble for the nobles of the branch and let them It is not enough to cheat the world and give farmers a way out at the same time.

But after Fuquelin's team at Fosbarrow's side cooperated with herbal pickers to study the cultivation of saffron, Lacus has realized the significance of this technical exchange.

This time when she came to Miyin City, she found that only half of the disaster patrol knights she had appointed were left, and there was no follow-up.

At this moment, Lux realized very clearly that the aristocratic rule of Demacia not only brought about the oppression of the nobles on the common people—compared with it, more importantly, the existence of the nobles itself has hindered Further development of the whole country!
It is precisely because she has been to the most barren place and has seen the miracle of Shurima in the yellow sand; it is precisely because she has presided over Zaun's three-year plan and led the transformation of Fossbarrow, Lux knows better than anyone else. , Mithral City, or the entire Demacia, what an amazing development potential!
And because of the existence of the aristocratic system, the development potential of Demacia can only be the development potential, which cannot be realized at all.

In fact, after getting acquainted with Kalya and seeing the huge split between nobles and commoners, Lux has been thinking about a question: What does noble mean to Demacia?
At the very beginning, Lux thought that the powers and obligations of the nobles were equal, because the nobles had to go to the battlefield to defend the country, and the head of the defending family could also be called a loyal hero of the times.

But later, in the mouths of the common people, Lacus was surprised to find that the sacrifice of the nobles for the country was an unattainable opportunity for many common people.

In this case, Lux thinks that the biggest problem between nobles and commoners is fairness. Compared with commoners, nobles inherently have more rights.

This kind of cognition even caused Lux ​​to have self-doubt to a certain extent, as if the nobility itself was a kind of original sin.

It was also at this stage that under Karya's plan, Lacus left Demacia and came to Zaun, where she saw an unprecedented form of organization and division of labor, and under Karya's guidance, led the Zaun's first three-year plan.

In the eyes of Zaan people, Lax and Ino are fierce girls from heaven, but in fact, in the past few years, Lax has been studying and thinking. In Zaan, she really realized that development can bring What, for the first time, I really understood what the "original sin" of the Demacian nobles was.

Three years later, she and Ino left Zaun and crossed the vast Dasai Desert. On the way, they saw many ruins of the former Shurima Empire, felt the glory of the former Shurima Empire, and saw Countless people have nostalgia for that great empire.

Sometimes Lux thinks, if Demacia is gone, will people in the future still miss Demacia?
And no matter how many times you think about it, the answer may be no - Demacia has its own glory and history, but if one day this kingdom is destroyed like the Shurima Empire, the people who live in this land later, I am afraid Demacia will not be missed.

Time will dilute and eliminate the traces of Demacia's existence, instead of becoming a pan sheep, a thousand river dam, or an underground waterway like the Shurima Empire, and it will stay by people's side forever.

Later, when she returned to Demacia, when Lux told the history to the archon and the soldiers, teaching and learning benefited each other. The beginning of a great development, at this moment, Lacus finally has a conclusion about what the nobles of Demacia are.

They were once the generation of pioneers who opened up this country, and they were also heroes who sheltered countless people in the Rune Wars. obstacles to progress.

And now, my mission is to crush these obstacles, sweep the old aristocracy and aristocratic politics into the garbage dump, and keep the meaningful parts in the museum.

Starting from Fossbarrow, from Mithral City, we will continue to usher in a new era.

 Karya's Little Classroom Lux's view of history:
  For Lux, at the beginning, history was a story, what happened in the past; later, as she saw more, she discovered that history could be a mirror of reality; and later, as she did more, she finally felt When it comes to myself, I am also a part of the future history, and I also shoulder the mission of history.

(End of this chapter)

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