Lux's Farewell

535 [0529] Merger after disaster

535 [0529] Merger after disaster

The invaders of the Freljord have retreated, and the nobles of Mithral City have also shrunk their tails. The dawn of hope finally appeared in front of the people of Mithral City again.

However, the water potential of the Yinlin River is still strong, and most of the port area is still soaked in water. Moreover, under the scouring of the flood, the city walls of the port area, the eastern urban area, and the western urban area are all slightly unstable. Trends, man-made disasters are suspended, but natural disasters are still the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of all the people of Mithral City.

The aristocratic lords in the main city did not immediately ask the common people to leave their manors, but in this winter, the noble manors who have been staying in the main city are not like that?
If possible, the people of Mithral City want to go home even more!
The life of the "city dwellers" in Mihril City is already so difficult, but for the peasants living in the suburbs or villages around Mihril City, this winter will undoubtedly be even more difficult.

Some villages and towns looted by Winter's Claw resolutely resisted, and eventually the city was destroyed and slaughtered, and some had no choice but to take out their food savings. Now they are all starving, and they don't even have seeds after the spring.

Although the haze of the war has dissipated, the entire Mithral City is still in a state of desolation.

Under such circumstances, a difficult question was posed in front of Galen: How to restore the vitality of Mithral City?
Undoubtedly, for Galen, this problem is beyond the scope - Galen, who has been learning combat skills since he was a child, and went to the army before he was a teenager, may be a good fighter, but governing the local For him, this kind of thing is really like blowing fire with a rolling pin, and he doesn't know anything about it.

However, he was unwilling to hand over the reconstruction of Mithril City to his relatives. After a series of previous incidents, he now has a relatively clear understanding of his "good relatives".

Let them preside over the reconstruction of Mithril City, who knows when Mithril City will be able to complete the reconstruction.

In fact, Galen's idea is somewhat biased. Although the offshoot nobles of the Crownguard family are not reliable at all, they are still willing to do their best to rebuild Mithril City at least, but the direction of their efforts It may be more biased towards itself.

According to their logic, the best way to rebuild Mithril City is to take advantage of this opportunity to buy all the land in Mithril City at a low price. In this way, all the land in Mithril City will be controlled by the Crown Guards. In your hands, how to rebuild and how to plan at that time, you can sit down and discuss, and the efficiency will definitely be much higher!
What, what do you say about those self-cultivators who have lost their land, and small businessmen who have lost their shops in the city?
After we have acquired all the land, can we rent it out again!
You must know that Demacia has pioneering laws. Any reclaimed wasteland will become private land recognized by the Demacia government after registration. , Part of the right to profit, not ownership. In Miyin City, the Mianwei family does own a large area of ​​land, but among the fiefs, only a small part of the land belongs to the Mianwei family.

As mentioned above, the fact that the lords annexed all the land and then rented it out to farmers is actually widespread throughout Demacia—or, for most of the lords, they After obtaining the territory, the first thing to do is to merge all the land and turn all the land in the territory into their own private land. Even for this kind of merger, the local civilians will not resist it too much.

The nobles who have just arrived want to annex the land, and usually they will give a certain amount of money. After the farmers get the money, they can rent the land later. Although the proportion of the subsequent land rent is higher than the tax as a self-cultivator, there is no way matter.

At least after getting this amount of money, they still have a chance to fight for the next generation, prepare their own armor and horses for their sons, and try to join the army. If they join the army and make meritorious service, they may be able to Become a noble lord.

In Demacia, most of the areas are the fiefs of nobles, and most of the nobles' fiefs are not too large. While controlling the nobles' fiefs, the king also restrained the larger-scale annexation of land to a certain extent. This kind of grassroots order is an important foundation for Demacia to maintain stability.

However, the situation in the north is somewhat different.

For example, in Fossbarrow, there is not much arable land there. Even with the pioneering decree, the Fossbarrow people do not have the ability to turn the frozen soil with extremely poor soil quality into good land.

As for Miyin City, the natural environment here is much better, and the crown guard family has a large land. Although it was merged at the beginning, as more and more land was reclaimed and the crown Within the Wei family, there were more and more divisions between the main family and the side branches, and this kind of merger had to be stopped in the end.

It’s not that the successive members of the Mianwei family didn’t want to annex the land. It’s because the entire Mithral City has not reached the limit of land reclamation. Cultivate new land instead of choosing to rent and cultivate already cultivated farmland.

In addition, the Mianwei family also has a large number of people, which hinder each other. Compared with annexing all the land at one go at a high price, it is better to let the farmers cultivate the land. It is more convenient for everyone to use their brains on the taxes paid.

However, now with the invasion of the Freljords, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is presented to the aristocrats of the crown guard family of Mithril City. Now within the range of Mithril City, many people have lost their food reserves in the flames of war. , It is the time of poverty, if you can take advantage of this opportunity to annex all the land and bring it into your own control, and then lease it out later, the income will be more than the tax increase first, and then withhold the tax!
Moreover, due to the destruction of a large number of water conservancy facilities, even if the civilians wanted to reclaim new land later, they would not have the ability—in fact, after the flood, many reclaimed farmlands in Miyin City had been destroyed. If someone wants to reclaim new ones, it will be almost impossible until the water conservancy facilities are restored!

Although Galen and Lux ​​had just combined to make a big deal out of this place, in the next day, many nobles from the side of the crown guard gathered together excitedly, and began to excitedly discuss the purchase of land again.

From their point of view, most parts of Mithril City have been hit by disasters, and many people have nothing to eat. Now that their own warehouses have been brought back, it will be good to buy the land in the hands of these civilians directly with grain, maybe after signing When signing the contract, you can sign the rent contract of the shop connected to the field together, and when Miyin City recovers later, everyone can make a lot of money.

How can collecting taxes be as cool as directly collecting tenants and renting?

Moreover, not only farmland can be merged and rented, but the port area of ​​Miyin City has been completely destroyed. In this case, the commercial area of ​​the port area can also be sold as a whole!
After such a war, the shops of small merchants were soaked in water, and the goods were also soaked in water. If they still have contracts in their hands, the liquidated damages will be a huge sum, so why not take this opportunity to buy at a low price? Their shops turned them from the owners of small merchants into their own servants specializing in business?

Then, when they reached a certain level of agreement internally, found Galen, and took the initiative to give up the biggest piece of cake to the defending clan, Galen also expressed his approval of their ideas.

From Galen's point of view, this is indeed a good idea.

However, in line with the principle of "professional matters are best consulted by professionals", Galen did not agree immediately, but found Lacus, and happily told his sister about the "correction of evil and return to righteousness" of the side relatives. "——In his opinion, through this method, the people who were hit by the disaster in Mithril City will have a livelihood, and the side nobles will devote themselves to the subsequent reconstruction of Mithril City. It is not too profitable!
As for Lacus, after hearing about the abacus of the nobles from the side of the crown guard, although her face was expressionless, her heart skipped a beat.


Although anxious in her heart, Lacus remained calm on the surface, and said that she had to think about it and see "if there is any hidden conspiracy".

Then turning her head, she found Karya immediately.

"What should we do now?" Facing the current situation, Lux asked at a loss, "It seems that Galen is also willing to let those bastards annex the land of Mithril City and the shops in Mithril City!"

"For the Mianwei family, this is a good thing." Carya said in a helpless tone, "Because the fiefdom is located in the northern border, the Mianwei family has to bear heavier defense responsibilities and the natural environment is worse, so the There will be such a large fiefdom, if you take this opportunity to annex all the internal resources, then the Crown Guard family will become a great nobleman who is qualified to fight against the Light Shield family, and your father may even have a chance to become Grand Duke Peter..."

"Cal! Er! Ya!" Lux couldn't help but anxiously said, "You know I don't mean it—the northern border is the most suitable place to initiate changes. There is a problem with planning!"

"So you plan to prevent the merger after this disaster?" Carya continued, "Even if this merger is beneficial to the Crown Guard family?"

"But this kind of merger is harmful and not beneficial to Demacia!" Lacus said firmly, "Stop making such jokes, Carya, you understand that I am serious, although I am indeed from the Crown Guard family and love me very much My parents, aunts, and brothers, but I really don’t want this kind of thing to happen in Secret Silver City.”

"As I told you, mergers are very easy to occur after disasters, because civilians have poor resistance to risks, and they have no choice in order to survive." Carya's tone finally became serious, "So, if you want to avoid In this situation, the best way is to give the people of Mithral City a choice not to accept the merger."

"But I can't think of such an option!" Lacus said helplessly, "Right now Miyin City is in short supply of food and supplies, the floods have been lingering, the water conservancy facilities have been completely destroyed, and next year's spring plowing will also be severely affected. To be honest, if those bastard relatives of mine don’t come up with money and supplies, the civilians of Mithril City may encounter a terrible disaster.”

"So, the current situation is that if the civilians of Mithril City want to survive, they can only rely on the food and supplies in the hands of the nobles of Mithril City." Carya concluded, "and let the nobles of Mithril City come up with The way to get food and materials in hand is to let them merge freely."

"Yes." Lux nodded helplessly, "That's what I'm worried about."

"It seems that the two are completely closed and there is no choice." Carya chuckled, "However, we can create something out of nothing and create an extra choice!"

"Create one more choice?" Lux obviously didn't understand Kalya's meaning, "How to create it?"

"You also have bargaining chips." Kalya reminded, "You are the lord of Fossbarrow!"

"Forsbarrow relies heavily on imports for food and supplies!" Lux spread her hands, "I can't make Fossbarrow starve because of helping the civilians in Mithril City! And the population of Mithril City is at least It is ten times that of Fossbarrow, even if I mobilize all the food supplies in Fossbarrow, it will only be a drop in the bucket!"

"Well said, but the name of the lord of Fossbarrow already has a lot of room for manipulation." Kalya continued, "Think about it, Lacus, the people of Mithral City are more willing to trust you now, Or would you rather trust your bastard relatives?"

"It should be more willing to believe me." For this, Lux is still very confident, "Their performance before was really bad."

"So, given your willingness to lend them money, would they rather sell the land shop to your bastard relative, or borrow from you?"

"That must be willing to borrow from me." Lux continued to nod, "But I don't have money, and what they lack is not money, but food and tools!"

"Yes, you don't." Carya's tone became dangerous again, "But your bastard relatives do!"


At this moment, Lux's eyes widened in astonishment, disbelief written all over her face.

"What are you doing, Carya!" She suddenly raised her tone, "The situation in Mithral City is not yet violent, and it can no longer support a war here—"

"What are you thinking, Lacus." Facing the suddenly excited Lacus, Kalya finally laughed, "Don't think of me as a war madman! What I mean is, you can create something out of nothing, Borrow chickens to lay eggs, borrow food, tools, and supplies from your bastard relatives, and then resell them to lend to the victims to help them survive this difficult winter!"

"How is this possible?" Lux was at a loss. "Although my relatives are bastards, they are not fools after all. How could they give up the merger at this juncture and instead lend me supplies?"

"Maybe they don't look stupid." Kalya said in a meaningful tone, "However, under the temptation of greed, many people will become stupid—I have an interesting plan..."

 Carya's Small Classroom Demacia's Land System:
  As a country established by refugees who fled during the Rune Wars, Demacia has always maintained the Wildlands Act, and any wasteland opened up is registered as private ownership.

  At the beginning, the nobles of Demacia were just more prestigious people among a group of refugees, so at the beginning, they had no ownership over these new lands, only jurisdiction and partial usufruct rights, and they could collect them in their own territories. Tax, as long as part of the tax is given to the king, the rest is his own.

(End of this chapter)

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