Lux's Farewell

536 White Gloves [0530]

536 White Gloves [0530]

Regarding the issue of merging land, Lacus did not express any objection to Galen—however, she also made a "kind" reminder, hoping that Galen would carefully control the degree of mergers, and strive to make the share of each merger similar, and The Zong family must take the lead.

Obviously, Lux's statement is very suitable for her identity, and there is no problem.

So when Galen communicated with other branch nobles according to what she said, everyone acquiesced that both Lux and Galen could come to share a piece of the pie and take the big head.

And considering that Lux is the savior of Mithril City, a trip is not in vain, and Galen represents the main family, so he must also eat a piece of cake. Two-fifths of the share will be handed over to Lux and Galen.

They even generously stated that which piece of land or which shop you are interested in, you can give priority to mergers and acquisitions. Anyway, the two of you don't know much about Mithral City.

The water level of the Yinlin River is slowly dropping.

In the port area of ​​Mithril City, the residents who originally lived here are waiting for the water to drop a few minutes before they can go home.

Although the houses and shops in the port area may already be full of mud and dirt, as long as you spend some effort and tidy up, everything can start again.

Of course, in addition to anticipation, many people are also full of hesitation.

Miyin City has never been subjected to such a war. Many people carry commercial contracts on their backs. Contracts that have been stamped by the sheriff are legally valid. If they cannot produce the goods at that time, they will be thrown into prison. ——In this case, many people are wondering whether they can find someone to accommodate them later.

As the water level lowered, more and more farmers began to gather in the eastern and western urban areas of Miriam City.

Most of these farmers are from the villages on both sides of the Milky Way, and they were the most severely affected in this war. Some of the villages were forced to hand over almost all of their grain when facing the Claw of Winter. The flames of war spread, but the farmland at home suffered disasters due to the floods of the Yinlin River. For those who planted winter wheat, the wheat seedlings were submerged in water or suffered severe frost. Water diversion for irrigation has also become a big problem.

Under such circumstances, those who have no surplus grain in the village hope to come to Miyin City to buy grain; those who have problems with the farmland hope to buy more grain while the grain price is not high in winter, so as to restart reclamation next year.

Everyone wanted to buy food at this time, and as a result, the price of food in Mithral City began to soar at an incredible speed.

Due to the good climate and fertile land, farmers in Demacia generally have a decent life, so if the price of food is only high, they may not be able to hold on to their teeth.

But after a flood, the port area is still a flooded country. The grain merchants who usually collect grain think of the contract they signed before, and they are so anxious that they want to hang themselves. Their shops are still soaking in the water. The granaries have been completely destroyed by the barbarians of the Freljord.

Do you want to buy food?
I still want to buy it!
Then, something even more terrible happened: when the price of grain soared, no one sold grain.

Panic began to spread.

Many civilians in Mithral City, who were finally slightly relieved because of the defeat of the Freljord barbarians, suddenly found out in astonishment that after the war, they would no longer be able to afford food!
Don't look at the fact that the offshoot nobles of the Crown Guard family were more crotch than the other when facing the flames of war, but when they used their brains to merge land and shops, they were extremely logical.

Seeing that the port area of ​​Mithril City is the largest trading place, and that the grain warehouses of the grain merchants are all ruined, they simply sit back and watch the price of grain soar.

The higher the better!

If it is placed in normal times, at most until the beginning of spring, such grain prices will attract a large number of foreign merchants to come to sell grain.

However, the situation in Mithral City this year is completely different. With the submergence of the port area, the commercial order of the entire Mithral City has suffered a devastating blow. The local grain merchants are about to be hanged. place for sale!

Moreover, as the rulers of Mithral City, the nobles of the crown guards will not easily allow food from other places to come in this time - all people who are about to run out of food in Mithral City must use their own land and their own shops. Buy food from Noble's new franchise store.

After all, within the entire Mithral City, only those private warehouses in the main city area still have a sufficient amount of food!
Of course, as a benevolent aristocrat, as long as you are willing to sell farmland and shops, and are willing to sign lease contracts and operating contracts, the price they sell food can even be par.

After all, farmland always needs people to cultivate it, and shops also need people to take care of it!

In this way, before the flood was over, a gluttonous carnival of mergers had already kicked off.

The civilians whose homes were destroyed and who lacked food and clothing had been arranged clearly by the big shots before they could receive relief food.


The common people are watching the market price of food rising day by day, and they are very anxious.

But in the castle in the main city, the crown guard family's banquets continued day by day.

With the side branch nobles willing to support the construction of the front-line fortress, Galen's mood improved a lot.

For him, this war was a complete victory, and the follow-up Crown Guard family can fully integrate the land resources and commercial resources of Mithral City. Even if he is injured and needs to participate in boring banquets, it is still worth it.

Therefore, although wearing armor and being unsmiling, Galen will still be present at the banquet for the distribution of land and shops.

Compared with Garen, Lux seems to be more suitable for this scene.

Once again, she took on the posture of a "noble model", and she can always express her views clearly with the language that goes around.

At this time, no one dared to take the words of the aunt of the crown guard family seriously. For a while, Lacus seemed to be the center and organizer of the banquet.

Then, as Lux attended the banquet again and again, a good news began to spread among the offshoot nobles of the Crownguard family.

The content of this gossip is very simple. It basically means that Lux wants to get a share of this merger feast, but she is not interested in land and has limited interest in shops.

The source of the news is unknown, but all the nobles who heard the news felt that it was highly credible—Lacus is the little princess of the Crownguard family, but she is also the Earl of Laxanna after all, starting from the next generation. Not counting as members of the Crown Guard family, the land of Miraz City is in the hands of a Fossbarrow nobleman, and it is not very convenient for both parties.

After hearing this news, many people with flexible minds naturally had further thoughts.

Since Laksana is not very interested in land and shops, can she find a way to pry her share out of her hands?
You must know that for these crown guard nobles, it is not the farmers and businessmen who have lost their ability to resist under the high food prices that prevent them from eating the cake this time, but the cake distribution within the nobles!
In places affected by military disasters and floods, the land and shops will be annexed, but who owns these lands and these shops is a consensus reached during the banquets!
Everyone wants to eat more, but since they pass each other, they must abide by the rules.

No matter how greedy people are, they can only take their own share. This is the common interest of the nobles.

But in the same way, as long as you get your own share, how to deal with the land and shops in the future is a personal matter.

In other words, after the shares are divided, what you want to do with the share that belongs to you, whether it is a transaction or a transfer, is up to you.

If Laxana really doesn't like land and shops, does that mean that everyone can get her part of the share from her after paying a certain price?

The local nobles in Mithral City will definitely cling to the land, because it is wealth that can be passed on to future generations, but Laksana has no shortage of land!

In this way, during the banquet, more and more people gathered around Lacus, and some people dared to test her attitude!

Then, facing the temptation, Lacus expressed in euphemistic and clear language that she did not have much enthusiasm for the land. Compared with the land, what Fossbarrow lacked was food, tools, and livestock.

Hearing Lacus's words, although the surrounding nobles had no expression on their faces, they applauded loudly in their hearts.

The warehouses of the nobles are all in the main city, and there is no disaster. They have food and tools!
Although there are not many livestock...but they are rich!
At the banquet, the nobles heard the words and praised Lacus as worthy of being a model of the nobles, and they only cared about their fiefdom.

But after the banquet, Lux soon welcomed many visitors.

And the purpose of these visitors, without exception, is to take her share of the land and shops from Lacus!

For these visitors, Lacus responded very gracefully one by one, and bargained with them very actively, and even frankly provided the conditions of other competitors, and expressed that she supports splitting, but payment in installments is not allowed .

According to the previous plan, Lux has a fifth share of the merger.

Apart from her and Galen, there were 32 side branches of the crown guard who participated in the cake sharing.

If any family can swallow Lux's share, he will become a character like Corrado in the future!

However, since Lux's asking price is too high, no one can eat alone.

In the end, after the sharing meeting ended, the five families found Lacus and held a small closed-door meeting with her. In the end, they gritted their teeth and paid most of the inventory in their warehouse in exchange for the full share.

Lux, who was like a bloody Shura in Miyin City before, was like a kind businessman this time, and reached a deal with the five of them.

Although the land and shops belonging to Lacus have not yet arrived, she still signed the transfer contract, and based on this, she took away a large amount of food and tools in the five warehouses, as well as a large sum of money.


The price of grain in Mihril City is still rising steadily.

The commoners who did not have food in their hands were frowning, while the nobles who had a lot of food were gearing up, waiting for someone who could no longer support them and began to sell their land and shops.

Then, just as the time had come for many people to stop cooking and annex and collect the net, in Mithral City, the Second Northern Army Corps, which had been repairing before, suddenly made a move.

Colonel Polgar took out a large amount of grain and began to take the initiative to lend to farmers who had no grain.

The sudden entry of the "military" caught the nobles of the Mianwei family by surprise. They never expected that at this juncture, the army would provide grain to the people of Mithril City for loans!

Where do you get your food from?

Facing the nobleman's question, Polgar, who was in charge of the grain lending work at the beginning, ignored it. It was not until Galen came forward that he reluctantly gave an explanation: These are our trophies, they were seized!
In Demacia, there is no such thing as capture and return to the public. After the victory of the army, whoever captures the spoils belongs to whom-so, according to Polgar, they struck halfway and smashed the Freljos. German barbarians, then all the spoils belong to them.

Among these trophies, the amount of food was too much, so they simply took out part of it and used it directly for loans.

The crown guard and branch nobles who got the news were going crazy.

At this juncture, take out grain for loan, are you sick?

You have a lot of food, let’s say it earlier, the big deal is that when we are discussing the merger of the land, we will give you a share. If you take the initiative to borrow food now, isn’t that ruining our business?

And now that the price of food is so high, if you don't sell it at a high price, why do you borrow money?

Realizing that something was wrong, the nobles hurriedly began to inquire about the news, and then they quickly obtained the "Disaster Relief Loan Plan" from the Second Army.

The method of borrowing is actually very simple. Now the military lends grain to farmers to survive the famine. Later, when the grain is harvested this year, the farmers have to take out part of the harvested grain to repay the loan.

If you look at the interest rate alone, the military's borrowing is very unscrupulous, and it is a super usury that uses land and shops as collateral.

However, according to the agricultural level of Demacia, the interest rate of this loan can actually be repaid.

More importantly, if we don't look at the amount of food, but calculate it according to the current food price and the food price in Miyin City in autumn, then this disaster relief loan plan is completely a profit of a charitable nature!

The Second Army had just achieved a brilliant victory, and the former commander Henchal was unfortunately killed in battle. Now is the time when the public has the best sense of the Second Army. At this time, the nephew of General Henchal stepped forward, When everyone is most short of food, borrowing food in a form that is almost charitable, the people who are short of food will naturally welcome it wholeheartedly.

The Second Legion did not know that they found several businessmen who were about to go bankrupt, paid them a sum of gold coins, and then asked them to help write the contract.

Around the temporary barracks, there was a scene of vigor and vitality, and all things were competing for development. The people who borrowed "usury" were all happy and thankful.

Anxious side branch nobles hurriedly found Galen, hoping to put pressure on the Second Legion through Galen to prevent them from doing so much damage.

But the result was useless—Galen himself welcomed the annexation of the land, and he also welcomed the behavior of the Second Army to help civilians, so he clearly insisted on the Second Army and said, "If the people support , it will be easier for us to build a fortress in the north." After that, he stopped insisting.

This time, the offshoot nobles of the Crown Guard family were finally dumbfounded.

 Carya's Small Classroom Captured:

  In fact, the Second Legion did not seize much this time. Although the Claws of Winter did loot a large amount of food, some of it was eaten and the other part was fed to livestock—after the siege of the city, the Claws of Winter The Claws thought they had the chance to win, and they were just waiting to break through the city of Miril and plundered it wantonly, so the livestock began to eat fine grains. As a result, although the Winter's Claws were defeated, the capture of the Second Legion was pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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