Lux's Farewell

Chapter 537 [0531]

Chapter 537 [0531]

Demacia has never had any laws or regulations that prohibit the military and legions from engaging in commercial activities.

But in fact, except for a few private armies of the nobles who would guard the lord's caravan, the army in the entire Demacia area often has nothing to do with commerce.

Why does this happen?
In fact, the reason is very simple - under the policy of elite soldiers, the status of Demacia soldiers is very high, and the number is not large. The Kingdom of Demacia bears all the expenses of the army, and has its own logistics system, which is in charge of special personnel , and will always be watching the distribution of military pay and supplies.

From the perspective of Demacian soldiers, although they accept the leadership of officers, their military salaries are paid by others. In this case, it is neither advantageous nor necessary for the army to do business.

Like elite armed forces like fearless pioneers, each of them is a promising generation with a truly promising future. They are often in the process of being transferred, and their daily training tasks are extremely heavy. Naturally, it is extremely difficult for them to separate manpower to do it alone. operate.

As for the garrison troops stationed in various places, although they are often stationed in a certain area, they can be regarded as a big tree with deep roots, but don't forget, there are only a few places where there are military garrisons!
Places like Fossbarrow, before Lux arrived, could only be described as a bird's shit. The local businessmen were not doing well, and the army didn't want to pay them well. Could it be that they ran to drive a truck to transport food? And mountain goods?Wouldn't it be good to train hard and strive for promotion through promotion of military rank?
The business conditions of Miyin City are not bad, but if you want to conduct trade in Miyin City, the best way is to use the waters of the Yinlin River to engage in water transport trade, but that requires all soldiers and officers of the Second Army to raise funds together To be supervised by someone, the previous commanders of the Second Legion did not deal with the offshoot nobles of the Crown Guard family very much, how could it be possible to make a good trade?
Within the entire Demacia area, the garrison of Green Tooth Peak is most likely to engage in barracks trade, but unfortunately, the area of ​​Green Tooth Peak is the territory directly under the king, which belongs to the lifeblood of the Lightshield family. For the Green Tooth Peak Legion, The kingdom treats them very high and treats them very strictly, and they have no possibility to do business.

After all, Demacia is an agricultural country with extremely underdeveloped commerce. In Demacia, the profits that commerce can generate are extremely limited. It is really a thankless task for the army to do business. Compared with the risk of competition, the military actually prefers to own military land.

That's right, the biggest cry from the Demacia army in the political field is "I hope that the local garrisons can be stationed and have military fields that can directly supply the local garrisons", but it is a pity that this call has been going on for hundreds of years. Still shouting.

Under such a big environment, the aristocratic lords of Miyin City really never dreamed that when everyone was happy to engage in mergers, the military, which had never had a sense of existence before, would suddenly jump out without warning. , Give everyone a blow to the head.

In addition, Galen is such an idiot. When he heard that the military promised that the proceeds would be used to build northern fortresses and strengthen the front-line defense of the Longji Mountains, he turned neutral. At last there was no other way.

Everyone can still vividly remember the previous victory. Under the siege of the flood, the soldiers of the Second Legion are the main defenders of order and the last line of defense. They have just witnessed these soldiers fighting bloody battles with the Freljords. .

Conversely, don't they know what kind of a group of nobles are the crown guards?

Not to mention, after the flood, if not for Galen's forced request, they would not even allow the refugees to enter their manor to rest; Under such circumstances, who would want to deal with these vampires?
Things have developed to this stage, and the offshoot nobles of the Crown Guard family are really anxious and angry, but as a large amount of food and supplies begin to be loaned out, the panic they worked so hard to create before is visibly dissipating with the naked eye!
Although this time the merger, except for the five unlucky ones who invested more in advance for the sake of share, the other side nobles actually didn't pay much, but if the merger is not successful, it means that they will lose a lot of money, and for them If you earn less, you will lose money!
We noble lords can't suffer from this!

After gathering together again to discuss, the aristocrats who came back to their senses finally realized that in this situation, the disadvantage they suffered was that they were not recognized by the common people. After realizing this, these vampires did not Self-reflection, but as if he had found a punching bag, he began to berate the troublemakers, saying that they were stupid and hopeless.

However, after venting the emotions, the problem is still there and has not been resolved.

It is impossible to stop, the fat meat that is targeted by the nobles, how can it be snatched away when it comes to my mouth?

Even the army returning from a great victory must not snatch food from the mouths of the nobles!
After a heated discussion, the nobles of the side of the crown guard decided to pay respects first, and invited Polgar, who presided over the loan, to participate in the banquet to see if a cooperation could be reached, even if everyone shared a share of the proceeds with the military?
In this way, Polgar was invited for the first time to participate in the banquet hosted by the nobles of the crown guard family. At the meeting, the nobles praised Polgar and flattered him loudly, as if he was the whole Demacia. A rare military genius, he will surely leave his name in history, and almost lift him up to the sky!

For these compliments, Polgar was not very used to it at first, but gradually he enjoyed them visibly, and even nodded his approval from time to time.

Then, seeing that the fire was almost over, the nobles of the crown guard branch finally tried to see it, and put forward the idea of ​​cooperating with the military.

In order to show their sincerity, they even thoughtfully put forward the suggestion of "giving a share of the merged land to the military, and we will help manage it in normal times". It seems that they are really considering Polgar, and their attitude can be said to be extremely sincere.

Polgar, who has been with his uncle Henchal since he was 16, is very aware of the meaning of the military field. He expressed that he was very moved by the nobles of the crown guard and side branches, and then he chose to refuse very decisively.

Facing Polgar's refusal, the scene became a little awkward for a while. Seeing that the situation was not good, many people took the initiative to stand up and try to smooth things over, and then started the second round of negotiations.

But unfortunately, Polgar did not give them a second chance after the rejection, and left the banquet scene in stride, leaving only a sentence of "no comment", and they ran away a long way in the blink of an eye.

Now the nobles finally got angry.

Well, you Polgar, you don't eat the toast, you don't eat the fine wine, right?

Okay, you have your means, relying on the people's trust in you to grab food from our mouths, then don't blame us for flipping the table too!
You have won the battle and obtained the capture, but don't forget that your capture was taken from the people by the Freljord!

Since you don't give me face, then I won't give you face either. You take the things that the people robbed by the Freljord and lend them to the people at high interest rates. Do you think the people will not be dissatisfied?

Since you are a bastard and are determined to ruin our merger plan, then we will simply take out our grain reserves and start a head-to-head price war with you, so that you will never even think about lending any money in the future!
As for the follow-up fortress in the northern border, we don’t spend a single penny. If we ask, we will use all our wealth to help the people. Let your military solve the military’s problems by yourself!

We want to see, who has the final say within the range of Mithral City!

Mergers and mergers rely on hoarding goods under harsh conditions and relying on single-handed monopoly. Seeing that Polgar disrupted the situation and completely destroyed the monopoly, there is no possibility of annexing the land. took his own revenge.

Who doesn't know how to lend food?
Although there is no way to make permanent profits by annexing land, taking advantage of the current shortage of food, it is also profitable to lend food at high interest rates!

In addition, they also mobilized their own contacts to quickly spread the news that the food of the Second Army was "taken from the people and used for the people"—do you think the Second Army is a good person?In fact, the food you borrowed was all robbed of you before!
Under the full retaliation of the nobles, all kinds of news quickly spread throughout Mithril City. The people who had previously borrowed food from the Second Legion couldn't help but mutter in their hearts after hearing the news.

Yes, where did the food for the Second Army come from?
It must have been seized!
Where did the seized food come from?
The Freljord took it from us!
Although many people knew in their hearts that this was not the same thing at all, under the instigation of caring people, the tide gradually surged.

Like to be nice?
Then you will not be human inside and out!
However, what the nobles didn't understand was that Polgar, who was in the center of the vortex, was calm as if he had nothing else to do, and he was still sitting in the camp, borrowing money with peace of mind.

The soldiers of the Second Army, faced with the questioning of their fellow villagers, all of them were confident, what to do, and when they asked urgently, they would say "Military secrets, no comment", as if they were confident and justified.

Seeing this situation, the crown guard and side branch nobles couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Those who dare to play this set of cleansing in front of the public will clean themselves up, you really have never tasted the taste of making money!

Okay, if you persevere, the reputation of the Second Legion will be completely rotten in the mud. Maybe if you want to recruit soldiers in the future, you will have to pick up the leftovers of our private army defending Miyin City!

Then, just when the nobles of the crown guard branch began to figure out how to use this to gain greater benefits for themselves, the five nobles who had previously signed the share transfer contract with Lacus were rarely invited by Lacus again. .


Compared with other crown guards and offshoot nobles, these five nobles are actually quite thoughtful.

These five companies could not only detect the implication of Lacus in the first place, but also acted quickly. Even after the merger failed, they decided to sell it to Lacus after private discussion. Considering the materials already given—after private discussions, they decided that Fossbarrow might have good room for development in the future, and these materials were regarded as early investment in favors.

It has to be said that from the perspective of nobles, these five families surpassed the other offshoots of the Mianwei family in terms of vision and courage.

No matter how smart they were, after accepting Lacus' invitation, the heads of the five families were at a loss.

Your Excellency Laxana, what are you looking for us for?
Full of doubts, the five patriarchs came to the place where the private banquet was held, a noble restaurant not far from the temporary military camp in the main city.

Tonight, this restaurant is booked out by Lacus.

"Five uncles, welcome." Seeing the five people coming together, Lux was not surprised at all, but smiled all over her face, "Please sit down, please sit down!"

Lux, who once again played the role of aristocrat, entertained the five guests with impeccable etiquette, and the more she smiled, the more confused the five people became, and they couldn't figure out what was going on after thinking about it.

Soon, one dish after another was served on the table, and the dinner officially began.

During the meal, these five people tasted the delicious food on the plate that they had never eaten before, and at the same time they tried to find out why Lacus entertained them. In the face of their questions, Lacus never leaked, as long as you don’t ask questions directly, I can always do Tai Chi well.

Seeing that the desserts were served, and looking at the cake covered with light yellow grease, which they had never seen before, the five people made eye contact with each other, and finally pushed out a representative, who directly asked them A question that has puzzled me for a long time.

"Your Majesty Laxana, why did you ask us to share delicious food this time?"

"Just call me Lax, the name Laxana is too outlandish." Lax shook her head, "Actually, it's not a big deal, didn't we reach a transfer contract before, look at it now Come on, the land annexation is no longer acceptable, but I have already taken all the things—so, I thought of a different way of cooperation for everyone.”


We have already regarded it as an investment in human favors, and you feel bad after taking advantage of it?

For a moment, the expressions of the five people were a little subtle.

"This is the new contract I drafted, everyone can take a look." When the five people looked at each other, Lacus took out five contracts and handed them over to the five patriarchs in front of him, "I'm not boasting, Fox Bailuo has great potential for development, and the trade in the northern border also has great room for development in the future, so you should think more about it."

After accepting the contract at a loss, the five Patriarchs were shocked to find that Lacus was quite generous and willing to use the food, tools and supplies as an advance payment to buy Forsbarrow's special products that were significantly lower than the market price. There is even no shortage of such hard currencies including saffron and blue ocher dyes!

But judging from this transaction, the five family heads can make a lot of money, and the benefits are not inferior to taking it out and lending it to civilians.

However, the better Lux's attitude was, the more uneasy the five people felt.

The so-called not getting rewarded for nothing, in their impression, this Earl Laxana is not a simple person.

Five years ago, although they were not at the scene, they heard about the process of Corrado being executed on the spot and the nobles of the crown guards being cleaned up. It's the silly daughter of the landlord's family who litters pies everywhere!

What is she for?
The five of them were thinking hard, and Lacus was smiling. After half a day, some of them finally realized something, and their eyes widened in disbelief.

"Could it be that the Second Army borrowed grain?"

"You're so smart, Uncle Forbras." Lux nodded with a smile, and even clapped her hands, like a little girl winning a guessing game, "Thank you five for your support. Yincheng does not know how many people have lost their land and shops, and become slaves and tenant farmers!"

The other four people's eyes widened almost at the same time when they heard the words. They looked at the extremely happy Lacus in front of them in disbelief, and they almost gave up their breath in unison!

You released the news, lured us into the bait, and then used the food obtained in exchange for the sale of the share to relieve the victims, break the monopoly, quell the panic, and smashed the pot with your backhand? !

What is creating something out of nothing, and what is an empty glove white wolf?
"Looking at Mithril City's next posture, there might be people with unclear minds attacking the barracks." Lux continued to say happily, as if she didn't see the five uncles' pale faces, "I hope the five uncles will It is time to stand up and clarify the situation..."

Hearing this sentence, the five of them subconsciously wanted to refuse, but they could only keep their mouths shut when facing Lux's half-smile eyes.

At this moment, even if they summoned all the nobles in time to explain that they were singled out by Lux, it would be meaningless—they were indeed singled out, but this did not prevent other nobles from angering at the failure of the annexation Take it out on them!
If you can't offend Laxanna, the aunt, and can't control the military, can't we deal with you?

At the beginning of this meal, they had already boarded Lacus's thief ship. Now instead of returning to the other nobles to explain and become a punching bag, it is better to re-examine the Earl Laxana and Fossbarrow .

The five of them didn't even dare to look directly at Lux's smiling face, because after some thinking, they finally figured out the cause and effect in hindsight, and they already respected and feared Lax from the bottom of their hearts.

After this incident, Lux not only rescued the victims of Mithril City, curbed land annexation, but also directly divided the formerly monolithic crown guard into two parts, and even made an investment for Fossbyrollo , Opened up a market!
Finally, after more than a quarter of an hour of speechless silence, the five picked up the contracts in front of them one after another, and began to think about the follow-up actions and ways out of themselves and their offshoot families.

 Carya's Small Classroom · Chain Meter:
  During the whole plan, Kalya used the method of making something out of nothing at the beginning, and made a time difference. First, he sold the merger share that was just an option, and replaced it with real supplies and food, and then handed it over to the second legion who completely trusted Lacus. The soldiers made loans and used the excuse of loot to hide the sky and divert the attention of the nobles of Mihril City to other places. In the end, they found the five side nobles who had bought their own options. In the face of the merger and bankruptcy, the five of them could only be forced to side with Lacus.

  Creating something out of nothing, crossing the sky, cheating the sky—the above are the chain tricks Kalya provided for Lacus.

(End of this chapter)

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