Lux's Farewell

Chapter 538 [0532] A good show

538 A good show [0532]

If possible, the heads of the five offshoots really want Lux to pay a heavy price, and let her be responsible for the failure of the merger, and let her bear the anger of all the nobles of Mithral City.

Unfortunately, this is not possible.

At the core of the whole plan Kalya provided for Lux was to create established facts through deceit and concealment.

Lux's special status makes it possible for her to be interfered with and unable to do what she wants to do in Mihril City, but similarly, after she has done something, she can completely walk away, and no one can do anything to her.

Before the annexation fails, all crown guard nobles can unite to obstruct Lux; but if the annexation fails as a fait accompli, then they will have nothing to do - they have the ability to stop Lux, but not the ability to punish Lux.

They were the first to feel that Lux wanted to sell the shares before. These five Patriarchs were obviously not empty-headed people, so it didn't take long for them to figure out the key, and then decisively came to Lux's boat.

It is also an established fact that their family has offended other nobles of the branch. At this time, it is meaningless to be dissatisfied with Lacus. For them, there is no right or wrong in things, and there are only interests.

Man is a creature who habitually likes to judge others by himself.

In the minds of these five people, it is absolutely impossible for Lax to do this for the sake of commoners—with such flexible wrists and such careful planning at such a young age, Miss Laxana really deserves to be a model of nobility. In Demacia, the core characteristic of nobles is to be responsible for the interests and honor of themselves and their families.

Therefore, in their eyes, the only motivation for Lax to do this is for the development of her own territory, Forsbarrow, and for the growth of her future Laxana family.

And the new contract that Lacus took out has become strong evidence to support this point.

Look, she's making a big push for Forsbarrow.

It's a pity that they never imagined that the little princess of the dignified defending family, the founder of the future Laksanna family, and the model of the aristocracy of Demacia, in their hearts, is a person who believes that the aristocratic class of Demacia is corrupt and backward The iron rebel who is slowly sweeping into the dustbin of history!
From the point of view of these five people, since Lux’s boat is already on board, it’s better to sit on this boat and see if the source of food for loan will be exposed tomorrow. How many interests have been fought for in the contract.

Anyway, they have already backstabbed the side branch noble alliance of Miyin City, so they must not backstab in vain, they have to make some money, right?

Fur, blue ochre paint, sage...

Maybe try to create a pop?

The other offshoot nobles in Mithral City obviously don't know about the traitors appearing in their ranks.

What's more, they don't know that Polgar's previous statement that "loans of grain come from seizures" is actually a trap.

After being smashed by the Second Legion, they began to rob business by lending the grain in their warehouses, and at the same time mobilized their hands to encourage those who had been looted by the Freljord and were unwilling to lend grain. civilians, let them charge for themselves.

The next day, not long after the food loan point of the second army had just opened for normal operation, a group of menacing guys rushed towards the food loan point.

"The queue for food loans!" The soldier in charge of maintaining order shouted loudly as always, "Get ready the mortgage title deeds, go to the back of the line, and prepare to come one by one!"

"We're not here to borrow grain!" The leading burly man in the crowd said in a vicious voice, "We're here to get back our own grain!"

As he spoke, a group of people dressed as civilians behind him also spoke in agreement.

"That's right, take back our food!"

"Take back the stolen food!"



Looking at the excited crowd in front of him, the soldier's expression was extremely delicate.

"What are you talking about?" He scolded loudly, "There is no food for you here, and the Second Legion has never done anything to loot civilians! We fought bloody battles to protect Mithril City, and the glory cannot be slandered by you!"

The Second Army, which had just won a brilliant victory in the defense of Mithral City, is fully qualified and confident to say such words, and the soldiers who were arranged here were all carefully selected loud voices, as he spoke , Whether it was the people watching the excitement or the people preparing to lend food, the expressions they looked at these people became subtle, and low voices of discussion began to appear, mixed with a lot of laughter and spitting.

In this situation, the leading strong man was obviously a bit shorter, but he quickly puffed up his chest again and continued to speak loudly.

"The warriors of the Second Legion won the war so valiantly, we all saw it - but the food you took from the Freljord was taken from us by those vile savages. Stolen! Now, the robbers have been defeated, and the food that was stolen from us should be returned to us instead of being used by you for high-priced loans!"

"That's right, give us our food back!"

"Return to the original owner!"

"That's all our food!"



This group of people seemed to have been rehearsed in advance, and they shouted loudly in front of the food loan point, and as they shouted, other people's discussions gradually became louder, and what was different from before was that the people looked at the soldiers again The look in his eyes became more or less subtle.

There is no doubt that this is a very sensitive topic.

From a legal point of view, the soldiers seized in the war should belong to the soldiers and the army. If the grain loaned out is indeed captured after defeating the Freljord, then the Second Legion did nothing wrong .

However, from a personal point of view, the people of Miyin City obviously do not support this kind of behavior. The wool comes from the sheep, and these grains belong to the farmers of Miyin City in the final analysis, and now they need to bear the high interest rate to loan it out , whoever puts this on will feel bad.

Moreover, some of the troublemakers who had been prepared for a long time made the slippery slope fallacy, shouting "in case you deliberately put those barbarians in"-although they were covered by their mouths before they finished speaking, and then disappeared into the crowd However, a thorn pierced the hearts of the people around Miril City.

The idiom of raising bandits and self-respect does not exist in Demacia, but hearing such heart-breaking words under such circumstances, the people of Miyin City who are watching will feel a little bit guilty in their hearts.

Of course, it's just a murmur at the moment—the bloody battle of the Second Legion is still in sight, and relying on just a few words can only play a limited role.

Most of the people who came to make trouble this time were money-obsessed people. They just yelled loudly according to the content they were taught before, completely unaware that the people who drove them behind actually intended to treat them as victims. Create a little bloody tragedy, completely stain the honor of the Second Legion with their blood.

But before the guy hiding in the crowd wanted to escalate the confrontation, a few guys with special identities came to the gradually chaotic scene.

"What are you arguing about? What are you arguing about?" The leader, a middle-aged man wearing a long robe, shouted loudly, "How many people are waiting for food loans to feed their families, and seeds for spring plowing? , who is making trouble here?"

"We are not making trouble!" The strong man in the team leader saw the man dressed as a nobleman, and his eyes lit up instantly. "We want to get back our things."

"Your stuff?" The nobleman in robes looked puzzled, "What is your stuff?"

"Our grain!" The strong man shouted, "Take back our own grain!"

"Could someone be grabbing food?" The nobleman frowned. "What's going on? I'm the rotating arbitrator, Thistle Crownguard—tell me clearly, what happened?"

Hearing that this person's surname is the Crown Guard, the strong man seemed to have found an organization, and began to complain about his sufferings, as if it was not the barbarians of the Freljord that snatched food from them, but these Second Legion soldiers.

During this process, the surrounding people gradually became quiet.

The farmer from outside the city didn't know Sissel, but many of the citizens of Mithril City present still knew the rotating arbitrator. He was a relatively humanoid among the insects of the Crownguard family.

The identity of the crown guard's nobles made Sissel the rotating arbitrator for arbitrating conflicts in the city of Mithral, ​​and he is the most popular arbitrator in the city of civilians - not because he is impartial, but because he likes to be in public Arbitrate and prescribe arbitrations that are more favorable to the common people and the weaker side, as a way to beat competitors.

Then, when the strong man had finished speaking and the people thought that the arbitrator would once again uphold justice for the common people, Sissel raised his eyebrows.

"Who told you that the grain loaned out is the spoils captured by the Second Army?"


The strong man who was used as a gun is at a loss. Isn't this the news provided by you nobles?

However, when he was confused about the situation, Sissel suddenly raised his voice.

"Answer me, who told you that the food that is being loaned out is the spoils captured by the Second Army? Or are you maliciously slandering the Second Army and these glorious soldiers based on your own groundless speculations? them?"

The brawny man was completely dumbfounded. This sudden incident was completely beyond his expectations. In his expectation, the next step should be Sissel use his status as a nobleman to exert pressure, and then find a way to prove that the food was from Mithral City. The savings of the peasants are right, why did the style of painting suddenly change, and it became the source of the nobleman questioning himself, and even vaguely accusing himself of slandering the glory of the Second Legion?

You must know that in Demacia, glory is a very important word, and it is a symbol of social status. When destroying glory, it is a duel between nobles, and it is normal for civilians to fight. If civilians slander soldiers, then he is likely to be thrown directly into prison and be cast aside by others!

Realizing this, the strong man finally shivered, and his whole body seemed to be a little more awake.

"I heard……"

"Aha, I heard." Sissel repeated, "When did hearing become an excuse and a reason?"

Just when the strong man was speechless and looked at Sisr awkwardly, not knowing whether to reveal his source, Polgar appeared at the scene of the incident with a group of soldiers.

"Slander the soldier without factual basis, destroy the glory of the soldier, and detain him!"

With a big wave of Sissel's hand, several security officers around him stepped forward, directly blocked the strong man's mouth, and pushed him aside.

Then, just when the people thought that this matter was about to end, facing Polgar who walked over with a smile, Sisr went up to him without hesitation.

"Mr. Polgar, although a bastard just spoke rudely, but in order to dispel some unnecessary doubts, I hope you can give a reasonable explanation for the source of the large-scale loan of grain." Sissel put on a straight face, as if he was stern and selfless. He took the initiative to ask, "As an arbitrator, I respect the glory of the Second Legion; but at the same time, I believe that the Second Legion will not want such clumsy clowns to come out from behind, jumping up and down, and attracting attention."

Sissel's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing, but his core purpose was very clear - he also seemed to be suspicious of the source of food for the Second Legion!
The people who were just about to disperse couldn't help but widen their eyes. Good guy, there is a second act in this play?

It's everyone's nature to watch the excitement, and this matter has something to do with me. In a short time, before the food loan point, more and more people gathered.

However, unlike the burly man who was at a loss when facing Sisle, Polgar in military uniform stood up straight, as if he didn't care about Sisle's attitude at all. Facing the question, he just dropped the sentence "No comment ", ordered the soldiers to start organizing order.

Sissel obviously wouldn't agree to this, he stepped forward, stopped in front of the soldier, and simply tore off the crown guard family crest on his chest which represented the identity of the arbitrator.

"I respect the glory of the Second Legion." He said loudly again, "Please also ask the Second Legion to respect the rights and order of the Crown Guard family in Mithral City!"

"What do you mean?" Polgar puffed up his chest, "Speak clearly!"

"I just need to know where these large amounts of food, which are enough to affect the market order in Mithril City, come from!" As if he was a fighter pleading for the people, Sissel almost stuck to Polgar, "I want the truth, just like the people of Mithral City!"

Like cows, one of Sisr and Polgar was wearing a robe and the other was wearing armor. The two refused to give an inch. For a while, everyone around the food loan point dared not even vent their breath.

Then, when the situation became more and more tense, an old voice suddenly came.

"That's the grain in my warehouse, not some captured grain!"

Everyone subconsciously looked at the person who spoke, and was surprised to find that another noble lord had come.

The public did not know this grey-haired but hale and hearty old man, but both Sisle and Polgar softened their attitudes after seeing him.

"Sisle, you are too reckless!" The old man raised his crutches and smacked Sisle's buttocks, and said in a tone of great heartache, "You are a descendant of the Crown Guard family, and the blood of glory flows in your body , how can you be so reckless and disregarding the consequences?"

"Uncle, it's not recklessness, it's about maintaining pure glory!" Although the facial muscles couldn't help twitching, Sissel still didn't admit defeat, "Don't say anything about the overall situation, I agree with the law and Recognize that the Second Legion is qualified to handle their spoils, but the Medal of Glory will never shine until it is wiped with a real silk cloth—”

"Bastard! I don't need you to teach me what I taught you!" The veins on the old man's forehead swelled, "Do you think I'm one of those little bastards? The grain loaned by the Second Army is from my family! Not only My family, and the Permers, and the Duses, and the Psychees!"

"Mr. Mitz!" Polgar's eyes widened, "You—"

"I've been questioned about this, why are you still acting like a gourd?" Mitz turned his head, looked at Polgar, and gave him two sticks, hitting the armor of the forbidden magic stone, sending out With a bang bang sound, "You are not surprised by honor or disgrace, but what about the soldiers of the Second Legion? Are they going to suffer such suspicion?"

"We have a clear conscience—"

"Dog X has a clear conscience. This is not something to be ashamed of. What can't you say?"

"But you sabotaged their land acquisition and store purchase plans..."

"Then do I just watch them mess around and take advantage of the war to make money?" Mitz said as if he didn't care, "The insects in the Crown Guard family want to take advantage of the war to monopolize food and force Mithril The folks in the city are selling shops and fields, can't I use some small means to stop their immoral behavior?"

This time, before Polgar and Sisr opened their mouths, the surrounding crowd was already in an uproar.

The previous increase in food prices, the additional farmland and store sales contracts when buying food, the subsequent food loan from the Second Army and the subsequent drop in food prices, and the strong man who just went looking for trouble, all of these are clearly presented in the In front of the onlookers in Mithril City, the promoter of the whole matter is almost ready to be revealed.

Could it be that the previous increase in food prices was not temporary, but was caused by some nobles who were hoarding goods and wanted to merge land and shops, and this old man Mitz couldn't come forward directly, so Entrust Polgar and the Second Army to help stabilize food prices?
"Mr. Mitz, in this case, will you..."

"No!" Mitz interrupted Polgar again, "The price of food has already come down, what am I afraid of as an old bone? It happens that everyone is here, let me show you now, these grains Is it the booty snatched from the barbarians of the Freljord, or is it our family's stockpile!"


"No, but, this is my family's food, and I have the right to display it!"

In this way, at the insistence of Mr. Mitz, part of the temporary fence of the grain loan point was dismantled, exposing several temporary warehouses behind.

Afterwards, the warehouse door was opened, revealing the various grains inside.

"Look at it, look at it!" Mitz said loudly, "It's all refined grain, it's all public grain!"

The onlookers watched with their feet on their feet, but due to the distance, except for a few with excellent eyesight, they couldn't see very clearly.

"Go and inquire with those who have already borrowed grain, whether these are refined grains or public grains!" Mitz continued, "If it is really the grains that were snatched by the barbarians of the Freljord and captured by the Second Legion , can it be all refined grains and public grains?"

"Who else doesn't believe it? If you don't believe it, come and line up to see clearly one by one!" The old man seemed to fight for his breath, and the whole person went all out, "Come, let's all take a look! See clearly!"

Things have developed to this point, and the source of the grain in the granary is actually very clear - the public grain paid by the Demacians must be full of grains according to the requirements, so after the autumn harvest, most farmers will use the best quality grain. Come to pay the public grain to avoid repeated tossing because of unqualified acceptance.

And in this way, the quality of the grain kept by each family naturally varies, and the difference between public grain and private grain can be clearly distinguished by farmers at a glance!
Although the grain in these granaries varies from old to new, they are all public grain, and definitely not private grain from ordinary farmers’ homes; the grain loaned out before is also of good quality. The quality of the grain ordered was no different from the grain lent by several other nobles.

After some comparison, the people of Miyin City got a real hammer: someone in the Crown Guard family wanted to annex the land by manipulating the grain, but the four families headed by Mitz were unwilling, but they were not good at confronting everyone else. They could only take out their own food reserves, hand them over to the Second Legion, and lend them to the people to help them overcome difficulties, forcing other nobles to abandon their land acquisitions and lend food instead.

In pursuit of the truth and true glory, the upright Mr. Thistle recklessly smashed through all this, so Mr. Mitz chose to make everything public in order to maintain the reputation of the Second Legion.

As for the group of guys before, it was completely other nobles who deliberately retaliated——speech, it's really not a thing, it's an insult to the glory of the defending family!

In less than half an hour, such a drama with a cause, a development, a climax, and a reversal was perfectly presented in front of all the melon-eaters. When the news was received, the entire Miyin City had already spread, and it was impossible to cover it up...

Considering how much the people of Mithral City like to gossip, this good show carefully designed by Kalya may spread throughout Mithral City at an extremely fast speed. Thinking of this, many nobles smashed the meal Pan——This group of ugly people, can't you see that Sissel and Polgar are laying the groundwork and singing double reeds?

Can't you realize how coincidental it all is?

Old Immortal Mitz, and Thistle, Poma, Duss, and Psyche, you shameless traitors!

Then, when the blood pressure of many aristocrats rose and they began to plan to get together for lunch to discuss how to deal with the matter, a worse news came.

The incident alarmed Laxana's aunt, and under her personal auspices, the guy who was instigated to make trouble was recruited.

This guy's mouth is not as reliable as his size. After seeing everything, facing Lux's interrogation, he said tearfully that he was cheated. — Then he was beaten by Mitz with a crutch, and he could only say that he was hired to do this, and there were thirty silver coins under the mattress of his bed as a reward.

Oh hoo, all the stolen goods.

After a set of combined punches, the aristocratic gentlemen in the main city finally lost the mood to have lunch together this time.

Eat a fart!
 Karya's Little Classroom Cast:
  Sissel and Polgar, who are well known to the public, are responsible for advancing the plot and forging the emotions. Mitz, the oldest and most believable, appeared on the scene to redress his grievances. Very smooth!
  What's more, in fact, apart from the inner monologues of the characters, everything shown to the people of Mithral City is iron-like facts, and lies mixed with the truth that cannot be falsified are destined to become part of the truth.

  Taking advantage of the fact that the nobles tend to get up late, and the commoners have already come out to work but the nobles are still having breakfast, Karya once again created a fait accompli.

(End of this chapter)

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