Lux's Farewell

540 [0534] Forsbarrow's Population Strategy

540 [0534] Forsbarrow's Population Strategy

Carya's plan went very smoothly, and the situation in Mithral City is developing in a better direction.

However, Lux, who was supposed to be very happy, has not been happy in the past few days - it's not that there was any change or accident, but that under the chaos, Galen, who was supposed to preside over the reconstruction of Mithril City, , became the shopkeeper of the hands-off shopkeeper, and came to his sister whenever he encountered any problems.

The so-called "no matter how big or small, it depends on the younger sister".

In this case, Lacus experienced the feeling of "being Carya" for the first time. After Galen clearly realized that he had no political talent, he reincarnated directly as a megaphone without any hesitation. , Don’t understand, don’t know what to do, all thrown to Lux, and it’s called the able one to do more work.

As a result, Lux, who had already planned to return to Fossbarrow, was forced to delay for more than half a month in Mithril City.

If it’s just like this, then Lux can’t say anything—just think of it as deepening her influence in Mithral City. When she presides over the work, she will show her face, and it will be smoother for Fossbarrow’s products to enter Mithril City in the future. , and I had just arrived in Fossbarrow before, and the city of Mithral did give me a lot of support. If I do more work, I will just do some work.

But the problem was that when Lux was forced to take on Galen's job, Kalya went on strike.

According to Kalya, he didn't give any advice "in order to avoid suspicion that Lux is too omnipotent, and to use Mithral City as an examination room to comprehensively examine Lux's ability to preside over the overall situation", but Lux is very determined , this guy is just watching himself busy and feeling secretly refreshed!
Every time Galen asks for help in the tone of "Almighty sister, give me an idea", Kalya doesn't hide his pleasure at all, and sometimes uses a similar tone to tease Lacus - after all, in the past Many times, Lux asked him for help in this way.

In all fairness, this is not a dark history. It is obviously very correct and reasonable to ask your teacher for help when you are inexperienced, but every time Carya repeats what she said like a gramophone, Lux still can’t help it High blood pressure.

"Your attitude is not good." Once again teasing Lacus' previous request for help, seeing that the top of Lacus's head was about to steam, Kalya finally said in a very serious tone, "It's good to know shame, but you can't be ashamed." Surplus, this is not something shameful, young people have nothing to do, it is not shameful to need a teacher to help make up their minds—”

"Shut up if you don't want to be ashamed!" Lux gritted her teeth, "I'm so busy now, you still imitate me from time to time, my dear teacher Kalya, if you are free, maybe Shivana Maybe you need your guidance even more?"

"I'm not idle at all." Karya denied solemnly, "I said, I'm teaching you to overcome unnecessary shame. Fairness and justice are a person's inner persistence, and sometimes shameless His wrist is also a necessary means to deal with things."

"I understand, I understand!" Lacus was quite helpless, "In order to achieve the ideal goal, realistic means must be adopted. I am very clear about this, but lying without changing face and remaining indifferent when being turned over by others is clearly a Two different things, right?"

"Actually, they are almost the same." Kalya said in a tone of someone who has experienced it, "This is something that must be practiced... Where did I say it before, oh, it's the villain, right?"

"Teacher, I was wrong, I was really wrong..."

"No, you didn't, I was a villain."


By the time Lux returned to Fossbarrow, winter in the North was nearly over.

Although he worked hard and endured the ear-piercing ridicule of the magic voice, Lux's trip to Mithral City was totally worth it.

In addition to rescuing his stupid brother and preventing the large-scale land annexation of Mithril City, Laxana and Fossbarrow entered the field of vision of the people of Mithril City for the first time, and there were five side nobles Thanks to the support of Fossbarrow, Fossbarrow's products also have a frontier sales position in Mihril City. After the Freljord trade, Lux's northern integration strategy has once again achieved substantial results.

In addition, due to the severe floods in Mihrin City, almost all the dams were destroyed. In order to restore production as soon as possible, several low-lying villages that were already severely flooded were directly abandoned and turned into flood discharge areas.

Farmers in these places lost their land, had no means of earning a living, and were not even eligible to mortgage their land for grain loans.

And because the port area, which is the most prosperous in Mithral City and provides the most jobs, has also suffered severe floods, so even if these complete bankrupts want to work, they have no chance!
Under such circumstances, Lux happily accepted these homeless victims with a big wave of her hand.

No land, right?

Come to Fossbarrow with me, we Fossbarrow has a vast land and few people, come to Fossbarrow, if you want to mine, gather herbs, or hunt, it’s all right!

What, you don't know any of these?

It doesn't matter, farming will always be possible, right?
We at Forsbarrow are short of experienced farmers right now!
Moreover, Fossbarrow is now a tax-free city, and the whole city will be tax-free for the next four years—and you are victims of disasters. As the lords of Fossbarrow, if you follow me to Fossbarrow this time, you will have an extra year During the tax holiday, don’t miss it when you pass by!

No one wants to leave their homeland if they can survive.

But after suffering successive military disasters and floods, the unlucky ones among these unlucky ones really couldn't survive anymore.

In addition, in this battle to defend Mithril City, Lux herself was really good enough. Whether it was the decisive blow that completely sealed the victory on the battlefield, or she stood up to uphold justice in the turmoil later, she made her stand out among the people of Mithril City. There was a wave of prestige in front of him.

Rather than staying and starving in Mithril City, it would be better to visit Fossbarrow.

In the past, Fossbarrow must have been incomparable to Miraz City, but now that his house is flooded, is there any choice?
In this way, with the help of the Second Legion and the Northwalker, Lacus moved a total of nearly [-] households from the area around Mithril City to Fossbarrow.

Most of these [-] households have no working-age labor force, or only one working-aged labor force. They belong to the kind of people who can't support themselves if they stay in Miyin City as tenants. They are desperate and can only choose to follow Laksana. Your Excellency, try your luck in a new place.

After all, the expenses on the road were borne by Lux. For them, even if they couldn't find a living in Fossbarrow, if they had food and drink along the way, it would be considered a few more days of their lives.

It is not a simple matter to carry out population migration in winter.

Fortunately, for this kind of work, Fossbarrow's private army, which has now been renamed the Northland Walker, is quite experienced. In addition, Sona's temporary suspension of classes and the transfer of a group of archons came over, and more than 1 people finally When they arrived at the temporary camp of the Archons, the total number of casualties was less than [-]%.

For a migration in winter, this number is already quite low, and if Lux does not preside over this migration, I am afraid that half of these people will survive in the spring because of the blessing of Sister Feiyi.

The old, young, sick and disabled who lost their land and their homes were flooded, even in Demacia, have no way out.

After many blows, these people's attitudes were quite submissive, even obedient to the point of a little despicable. In the almost abandoned temporary camp, they strictly carried out all the instructions of Lacus, for fear that the Earl would give up on himself and let himself Go to the north to fend for yourself in the cold wind.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lacus to give up on these people.

Although they were immigrants, and they were old, weak, sick and disabled, this did not prevent these people from becoming the foundation of Lux's rule in Forsbarrow.

Fossbarrow people are willing to accept Lux's guidance, but most of the time this kind of guidance needs to be profitable; but the Archons and these remnants of Mithral City can face some policies that are not very beneficial to them. , Still choose to implement resolutely, this is the greatest significance for Lux to absorb them in addition to supplementing the population.

Of course, having said that, the main purpose of attracting these people to Forsbarrow is to replenish the population.

Fossbarrow's people were too few.

In the past, the sparse population could support themselves through primitive production methods such as hunting and gathering, but after Lux came to Fossbarrow, with the development of technology, the population will inevitably become the biggest constraint on the continued development of Fossbarrow .

So ever since she came to Fossbarrow, Lux has been trying to increase the population of Fossbarrow.

Demacians have a strong desire to have children, so in addition to tax exemptions, Fossbarrow also permanently abolished the population tax and gave children subsidies - any child who has registered with the official household registration will have a discounted purchase share of food.

In addition, if she can immigrate from other places, then Lux will spare no effort.

The walrus tusk is coming, then I will build a new port for you, and send ice and water spellcasters to assist you in fishing.

The scale of the blue ocher industry has expanded and squeezed downstream industries, so why don't you come to Forsbarrow? Our side is tax-free, and if you want to build a factory, the infrastructure can be discussed!
Now that Mithril City is in disaster, it is even more obligatory for Fossbarrow to stand up - Mithril City is the lord's natal family, how can Fossbarrow see his natal family suffer?

Although there is no baby boomer yet, and the immigration is only a small matter, Lacus has already had a preliminary plan to build a new city and a new port. During the three years of living in Zaan, she has fully experienced the scale, Production efficiency brought about by standardization.

To put it bluntly, in Lux's eyes, large-scale, standardized, and magical production is the development direction of advanced productive forces!


Fossbarrow's residents were generally welcoming after hearing the news of another group of immigrants.

In other places, outsiders and locals often have conflicts because of competition for resources, but in Fossbarrow, such conflicts are almost non-existent—whether it is the Archon, or the tusk of the walrus, or even Vero Village. Some of the factory employees who were acquired were not on the same track as the original residents of Fossbarrow.

Turks conflict?

Fossbarrow didn't have that stuff.

Immigrants don't know how to hunt, collect herbs, or mine. What everyone does is not a kind of work, and there is no competitive factor. What is there to be contradictory?
On the contrary, the Archon brought more trade goods and dairy products, and a large number of sea fish brought by walrus tusks. In the eyes of the locals of Fossbarrow, the appearance of these outsiders even enriched their own lives—— At least the dining table is enriched!

Under such circumstances, the people of Fossbarrow naturally don't mind showing a little pity and sympathy for these migrants who suffered from the disaster. When talking about this topic in the streets and alleys, their words are full of compassion.

Lacus is very aware of this, so it is obviously impossible for her to let the more than 1 immigrants, mainly the elderly, the weak, the sick, and the disabled, go to Forsbarrow's inherent territory to involve. Enriching the population is very important, but what is more important is the process In order to ensure internal harmony, don't make a lot of hills, it will be troublesome.

Therefore, for these immigrants from Mithril City, Lacus plans to make arrangements for them separately.

As for the children, Lacus plans to send them all to school for study—after the successful completion of this year's adult education, Fossbarrow will also start the education of minors next, although the conditions are limited, it cannot be done before Like Zaun, there are five full years of compulsory education plus three years of apprenticeship education, but let Fossbarrow's children receive a unified basic education during the four years from eight to 12 years old, Lacus gritted his teeth and should still be able to Affordable.

Basic education can not only improve the population quality of Fossbarrow, but also greatly strengthen the internal unity and unity of thought, and put the children of Walrus' Tusk, Miriam City and Fossbarrow local children Education together, even if they still have the imprint of their background, but the common learning experience will make them have a stronger sense of identity with the Fossbarrow people.

Moreover, in the process of basic education, Lux can also screen out those with special talents, and give them the best channel for advancement——those who are talented in spells will go to the Archon as an apprentice, from the first time From the beginning of showing magic power, they will receive the most formal magic training; those who are in good physical condition will go to the northern border walker as a reserve, and develop towards the direction of serving as a soldier; besides these two, in mathematics, logic, language and Those who are talented in other fields also have ample room for advancement in Fossbarrow.

The elderly need to help the court to do some service industries within their ability, such as washing and cooking, so as to free the court from the daily labor that can be done by ordinary people as much as possible.

As for a small number of middle-aged laborers, they will be sent to Weiluo Village to participate in the blue ochre processing industry. After regaining the ore washing and crushing, Weiluo Village will now consider trying to carry out The next step is grinding.

After being fine-tuned, the immigrants from Mithril City will soon integrate into Fossbarrow and slowly become Fossbarrow people.

And this kind of thing will happen now, and it will continue to happen for a considerable period of time in the future. Fossbarrow will maintain its current posture and accept anyone who is willing to abide by the order of Fossbarrow, no matter whether they come from Frey Erjord, or Demacia.

 Population of Carya's Little Classroom Fossbarrow:
  Through the efforts of four industry associations and clerks, Lacus registered for the first time in Forsbarrow, and according to the registration results, the total registered population in the entire Forsbarrow area is only 16—considering As far as Lux does not charge population tax, even if some of them are not registered, the total population of the entire Fossbarrow area is less than 20.

  This is a rather pitiful number. One must know that the area of ​​Fossbarrow is even larger than that of Mitríl City, and Mithril City is only a city with a total population of 15...

  PS. Dazhang failed, continue to work hard tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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