Lux's Farewell

Chapter 541 [0535]

Chapter 541 [0535]

Lux returned to Fossbarrow after her trip to Mithril City, and her life was back on track again.

During the time she went to Mi Silver City, a lot of work was piled up in the education of the archon, the canal excavation project, and the organization and management of clerks, which made Lacus severely overtime—— A week had passed when I received the news from Mithral City.

The Dragonbird Knight brought Galen's letterhead, which said that the general order of Mithral City had been restored, and Polgar would become the acting commander of the Second Legion. When Lux received the letter, he should have already Set off, with the fearless pioneer warriors, began to return to the station.

In addition, Galen also said that if he had time, he would go to Fossbarrow to take a look, mainly to help his mother see if his dear sister's fief was "as remote as in the legend".

Although Galen's choice of words and sentences in this paragraph are very normal, Lax is keenly aware of the schadenfreude. After all, she reported her brother to her mother Augsa before, and it is foreseeable that when Galen returns home, Augesa will definitely "remonstrate" in his ear, so Galen will definitely try to make himself enjoy his mother's remonstrance as revenge.

But obviously, Galen's revenge is destined to be impossible to succeed, not to mention that Madam Augesa has no time to leave Xiongdu recently. life is satisfied.

I'm not you, stupid brother!

With a subtle curve at the corner of her mouth, Lacus finally put down the letterhead in her hand, and when she carefully put it back into the envelope and sandwiched it in her letterhead storage note, Kalya suddenly spoke.

"Stop that stupid grin—don't you feel something is wrong?"

"Ah?" Lux, who was happily humming a ditty, blinked her eyes, her hands froze, "What?"

"I mean, don't you see anything wrong with Galen's letter?"

Lacus was stunned, then quickly took out the letterhead, started with wax paint, carefully studied the content and handwriting on it, but was still at a loss.

"I didn't find anything wrong with it." She spread the letter on the table blankly, "It was indeed written by my brother."

"I'm talking about the contents of the letter." Seeing that Lacus seemed to have misunderstood what he meant, Kalya explained helplessly, "Looking at Mithril City's handling of the aftermath of the war, don't you feel a sense of disobedience? ?”

Hearing what Kalya said, Lacus blinked her eyes a little strangely—although she didn't know what the sense of disobedience Kalya was talking about, she still started from the beginning, read the letter again carefully, and then , she really found a little problem.

"Bogar seems to be less than 30 years old this year, right?" Lacus recalled carefully, "Although he is only the acting commander of the Second Army in the Northern Territory, according to the kingdom's practice, as long as he does not commit any problems during the one-year acting period , and it will turn positive later on.”


"So, he will become the first legion commander in Demacia under the age of 30?" Lux was finally a little surprised, "Even if the Second Northern Army is a garrison army, it is also a large army that governs more than ten thousand regular troops. Just leave it to Polgar?"

"Not only that." Carya added, "Galen has now returned with the Fearless Pioneer, which means that the defense of Mithral City is over, and in the whole process, you can think about it, Xiongdu What have you done?"

Hearing what Karya said, Lux finally narrowed her eyes.

During the entire Battle of Mithril City, starting from the south of Winter's Claw, Henchal reported to Xiongdu as soon as possible, and according to the usual practice, he made a request to the nearest elite armed force, the Fearless Vanguard under the jurisdiction of Galen. support.

After Galen got the news and confirmed that the Freljord's invasion was true, he mobilized mobile forces and began to support Mithral City, but then the hammer and anvil tactics failed, and Henchal defended the city while also attacking Fossby. Rowe and Irwindale sent letters asking for support.

In response, Lacus led Galio and the Archon to personally support them, and Urwendale supported a small group of dragon and bird knights. The three towns in the northern border can be regarded as watching and helping each other.

When the two sides dispatched troops to support, the loser destroyed the dam and flooded Mithril, and then the magical soldiers of Lux descended from the sky and attacked halfway through, beating Winter's Claw with jittery winds and rumbling winds, and all the trees and trees were full of soldiers.

After that, in the chaos, Karya cleverly used a series of tricks, which caused a split among the royal guards of Mithral City. When Lux left, she took more than 1 people with her.

As an important participant in this battle and the biggest beneficiary, Lux, who was in the game, subconsciously substituted her own point of view in the process of reviewing the Battle of Mithral City, so she didn't realize there was any problem at first. .

However, under Karya's reminder, she was surprised to find that as early as the beginning of the battle, Xiongdu should have received the news of Mithral City, but until now the war is completely over, Galen led the team to leave, the new The commander-in-chief of the Second Army of the Northern Territory took office unexpectedly, and Xiongdu did not provide any substantive support.

This is very abnormal!

Even when Henchal asked for help for the first time, Xiongdu made the judgment that "with the support of the Fearless Vanguard, defending the city will not be a problem", but they should not completely stand still-not to mention that shortly after that, Miyin City It was flooded, and the situation in the entire northern border was in jeopardy!

As the key land of the northern border, Mithril City, the pearl of the northern border, is undoubtedly of great significance to Demacia. If Mithril City is broken, then the follow-up Freljord barbarians really want to go south. He went south casually, so as long as Jiawen III does not have dementia, then he will absolutely not sit back and watch the city of Miyin fall!

After realizing this, Lux quickly remembered a chat between herself and Galen when she was in Miril City-at that time, because Galen "no matter is big or small, it depends on the sister", Lax asked He complained a few words, and then Galen hurt each other because people of Lux's age had no plans to get married.

Considering that Galen is much older than herself, Lux naturally couldn't spare him, and retorted on the spot, "You are also old, and you rush forward on the battlefield. This year, I must remind my mother to find myself a sister-in-law.

Hearing what Lax said, Galen was anxious at the time, so after thinking for a while, he began to ask Lax seriously if he had the idea of ​​becoming Queen of Demacia. According to his guess, the reinforcements from Xiongdu are already on the way Yes, the person in charge of the command is most likely your elder brother Jiawen, and you two haven't seen each other for a long time...

Before he could finish speaking, Galen was thrown out of the room by his sister.

For Lax, this is just a small episode. After becoming the Earl of Laxana, her married parents can no longer control it. That is already a matter for the future Laxana family.

However, looking back at this letter now...Galen did not mention the reinforcements from Xiongdu in the letter at all.

Although it takes time to assemble troops and move them northward, even if Xiongdu had already started preparations when Mithril was flooded, by the time the army arrived at the northern border, the battle would have ended long ago.

Of course, this does not mean that the support army will turn around and return after hearing the follow-up information-under normal logic, the second army in Mithril City suffered heavy losses, and the reinforcements from Xiongdu should have arrived in Mithril City After that, reorganize with the remaining Second Army, and then leave a fully organized Second Army.

Moreover, Galen's judgment at the time was actually quite correct. The most likely commander of this northward reinforcement army was Jarvan IV.

Jarvan III is getting older, and his energy is getting worse and worse. It is a matter of time before Jarvan IV takes the throne. According to the tradition of the Light Shield family who has always been close to the army, in order for Jarvan IV to To better control the army, this opportunity to lead the army is absolutely not to be missed.

After all, in Demacia, military merit is the clearest way to advance. Grabbing the army is not only grabbing the barrel of a gun, but also grabbing part of the personnel rights!

If the king wants to rule stably, he must control the army and establish his prestige in the army. Therefore, no matter what aspect is considered, Jarvan IV should not miss this war!
However, Galen did not mention reinforcements or Jarvan IV in his letter at all, and Polgar also succeeded as the commander-in-chief of the Second Army in the Northern Territory very abnormally...

Could it be that Xiongdu didn't send reinforcements at all?
After this idea appeared, Lacus instinctively felt a kind of absurdity. Jarvan III was not a foolish lord. He couldn't just sit back and watch the City of Miranda lose something. How could it be possible not to send troops to support it?
But judging from the results, he might not have sent troops!

After realizing this, Lacus finally understood the seriousness of the problem. She quickly wrote a letter to Polgar, superficially congratulating him on succeeding her uncle as the commander of the Second Northern Army Corps. But he asked for news about Xiongdu's support on the sidelines.

After finishing writing, she carefully covered the letter with sealing paint, and then told Shivana to send the letter to Mithril as soon as possible and hand it over to Polgar.

Four days later, Shyvana came back with a reply from Mithral.

Lacus who opened the letter took a glance at ten lines, and then got a piece of shocking news.

Even if Miyin City almost fell, and Winter's Claw almost drove straight in, Xiongdu didn't send even a single reinforcement!
So Yiye Zhiqiu, the current Lacus is no longer the ignorant little girl who relied on Kalya's analysis in the past-she knows very well that there must be something big in Xiongdu for this kind of thing to happen, big enough to ignore the secret News of Yincheng's disaster!

Realizing this, she immediately wanted to write to her mother.

But after a moment's hesitation, she looked up at Shyvana.

"I'm afraid I will trouble you again."


Shivana accepted Lux's mission and went to Xiongdu to inquire about the news.

But this time, she was no longer alone.

Although Lacus couldn't leave, but this time Karya would go with her.

Due to her ignorance of politics, Shivana still can't fully understand all the logic behind this, but after hearing that Kalya will act with her, she still clearly feels the seriousness of the problem.

You know, now is the critical period for the construction of the canal before the beginning of spring. Now that Carya leaves, the entire construction period of the project may be greatly affected, or even postponed as a whole.

But he will still act with himself.

This shows the seriousness of the problem.

"Let's go, little Xixi." Just when Shivana was a little nervous, Kalya said suddenly, "Don't be so nervous, the teacher is here!"

The name "Little Xixi" is the nickname Kalya gave to Shivana. Speaking of it, Kalya is sometimes scheming and sometimes naive. Since she doesn't know much about Shivana's dark history, Kalya simply chooses She used a nickname to tease Shivana, which made Shivana quite helpless—but, although she resisted the nickname on the surface, deep down, she actually liked the nickname Karya gave herself. of.

Laxana's nickname is Lux, Sona and Ino's names are simple and don't need a nickname, and Shyvana's name comes from her mother, Iva - Shyvana doesn't like this name .

But Xiao Xixi is different. According to the logic of Shurima's language, Xiao Xixi actually means "little girl", a nickname that is a little childish for children, but just right for Shyvana.

Although Karya did not raise Shivana, he was Shivana's teacher, the spiritual father who educated her in magic and let her learn to act in human society with a normal state of mind.

So, when Kalya opened her mouth to see Xiao Xixi, Shivana snorted expressionlessly, but the previous tension gradually dissipated.

"Let's go, let's go!" Kalya continued, "Don't waste time, I don't want to be Lux's political consultant here, it's still interesting..."

Facing Karya's undisguised "disgust", Lak made an impolite gesture without hesitation.

However, when Shivana suppressed her smile and turned to leave, Lux's extended middle finger quietly turned into a thumb.

This guy Kalya...Although he always likes to use some very shameful and embarrassing methods, it is undeniable that he does it as a teacher, and it is often very effective.

Eliminate tension with ridicule, and relieve stress with anticipation. In the past, when this method was used on her, Lux didn’t have any clear feeling, but after watching Karya use this method to appease Ino, educate Sona, and guide Shiva Na, Lacus really admires her.

Thinking about it carefully, when Carya calculated the enemy, his plan was coherent and vicious, and sometimes even the executor himself couldn't help but stand up;

Is this the Prince Regent of Shurima?

 Carya's Little Classroom Demacia's personnel rights:

  In Demacia, military merit is the best way to advance, so controlling military power also means controlling personnel power.

(End of this chapter)

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