Lux's Farewell

Chapter 542 [0536] Cicada Escape

Chapter 542 [0536] Cicada Escape

Unlike the ever-changing Fossbarrow, Demacia Xiong always seems to be like this. No matter when you come here, you will see bustling crowds, tall and magnificent buildings, noisy streets, and various manors There are rows of tall gates outside.

Spring has not yet arrived, but Demacian Xiongdu, which is located on the edge of the Watching Sea and close to the Xiongdu Bay, has a somewhat warmer climate. Unlike Fossbarrow people who can only choose cat winter in winter, even if it is In winter, the people of Xiongdu are still very active - even now because of the approach of the New Year, the people of Xiongdu are very active.

There is no caravan as an outpost, and Lux ​​specifically told them not to go to the Crownguard Manor. Under such circumstances, if Shyvana wants to collect information, the best way is to go to the Art Support Association. The party has a somewhat uninhibited artistic atmosphere, and there is no one to control the mouth, it is simply the best source of information.

With this in mind, Shyvana went straight to the Arts Support Association after tidying up her appearance a bit.


Compared with the last time I came here, the Art Support Association has hardly changed, and even the "artists" talking at the door look the same as before-maybe the people have changed, but at the few convenient gathering spots, they are still the same. A group of people gathered and discussed.

Walking slowly into the corridor, Shivana's eyes wandered between the paintings hanging on both sides of the corridor.

Different from the last time, this time, among the themes of the work, the proportion of the legend of the Feiyi sisters has been pitifully small. I roughly estimated in my heart that among the ten paintings, three of them depict winter scenes, and two of them are themes. It is to celebrate the New Year, and the two paintings have a strong personal style, while the remaining three paintings are suspected of being fake.

This ratio can almost show that the popularity of Feiyi sisters has dissipated in Xiongdu, and the previous angel's arrival has changed from the center of discussion to perhaps an urban legend.

This preliminary conclusion drawn by Kalya surprised Shivana. When she came to Xiongdu to inquire about the news last time, the people of Xiongdu really cared about the matter of Feiyi sisters. The legend disappeared without any trace, which surprised her.

Confused, Shivana simply took out her previous identity again, and as a Vazuan architecture enthusiast, she asked the front desk of the Art Support Association why the style of the Art Support Association changed so quickly.

And the guy who was on duty at the front desk was also idle and bored. Now that someone came to inquire about the news, he was also happy to fish while working, so he simply opened up the conversation box and started chatting with Shivana.

"Sister Feiyi, it all happened last year!" This guy put on a posture of a well-informed person, pretending to be mysterious and said, "Xiongdu is no other small place, there are many people here, artists There are too many, and the speed of the wind direction is also changing very quickly—half a year has passed, and the style of the Feiyi sisters has long been outdated!"

"But I heard at the time, wasn't there an angel descending event?" Shivana raised her eyebrows, showing a puzzled expression, "What...Sister Feiyi?"

"It's just a historical legend, it's an old trick of the Illuminati!" The receptionist waved his hand, showing an attitude of knowing the king, "Before Xiongdu had a little trouble, they lost face in front of everyone, naturally they found a way to get rid of it. Make up for it..."

"Shame?" Shyvana put on a look of a curious baby, "Is there another problem? Tell me more about it!"

"Don't spread the word!" The receptionist lowered his voice mysteriously, "The Illuminati released the news the year before last, saying that they had found a climber, and the original Demacia Shield suffered The punishment of the stone crown, and then converted to the Illuminati!"


Although Shyvana knew far more about this matter than the winking receptionist in front of her, she still cooperated exaggeratedly with Kalya's request.

"It turned out later that the original Demacia Shield was actually possessed by a demon!" Seemingly satisfied with Shyvana's attitude, the front desk continued, "Your Excellency Laxana of the Crown Guard family exposed everything and prevented You may not have heard of the demon-infested person who wanted to take the opportunity to escape at that time, Laxana, because after that, she went to the northern border, to a place called Frobbai?"

"Oh, oh!"

Shyvana still nodded vigorously, as if excited too.

"Taking demon possession as a climber, the Illuminati lost face at that time!" The receptionist who said this topic seemed very proud, "Later, in order to save face, these guys came up with an angel descending It's a drama, playing tricks on mysteries!"

"So, Angel's Arrival is fake?" Shyvana asked strangely, "But I remember when I came here last time, the corridors were filled with paintings on this subject..."

"It costs money to play tricks!" Facing this problem, the receptionist finally straightened his back, "Inviting artists to paint is also a way to build momentum - I heard that the Illuminati had contacted many people in private and asked They painted with the main theme of the arrival of angels, which formed the huge momentum behind..."

Facing this answer, Shivana showed an expression of "I see" on the surface, but she felt more and more puzzled in her heart.

Although it is still unknown what exactly happened at that time, what is certain is that the Illuminati was definitely not the only one who contributed to the incident of the angels descending at that time. It is also extremely important!

But then again, the royal family obviously attached great importance to this, and specifically consulted what to do if the statue of Feiyi sisters were erected in Hongwei Square, but now there is no statue of Feiyi sisters in Hongwei Square.

Moreover, not only was there no statue, but there was no intention of carving a statue or vacating a space, as if Jarvan IV was really just asking and inquiring!
This is very strange!

According to the correspondence between Lacus and her mother later, the result of the angel's arrival was nothing. The royal family and the Illuminati seem to have reached a tacit agreement, so please don't mention it again.

For the nobles, this result is undoubtedly acceptable. They don't want the angel to come down, nor do they want the light to jump up and point fingers. It would be great if this matter can be regarded as nothing happened. But that's all.

For this reason, Augesa even praised Jarvan III in the letter, saying that he is "as calm and wise as ever" and so on.

And judging from the reaction of the front desk, this kind of nothingness seems to have given the public a lot of room to play. The arrival of angels quickly became a strange thing that is close to urban legends. It seems that everyone has tacitly agreed that there are no angels. Arrival, that is just some small means of the Illuminati.

But is it really so?

Shyvana, who left the Arts Support Association, finally frowned deeply.

I always feel that behind this incident, there are other things.


In addition to the Art Support Association, Shivana took Karya to many places with rich information.

Then, in the Xiongdu Grand Market, Grand Plaza, Concert Hall, Tavern, and Architects Association, the judgments given by the citizens on the arrival of the angels cannot be said to be exactly the same, it can only be said that they have nothing to do with each other.

Every place has its own explanation for the arrival of the angels, and these explanations are not only very different, but there is no substantive evidence at all. They are all the personal speculation of bystanders, and have no reference value at all.

Shyvana was a little confused about this situation.

After that angel came, what happened between the royal family and the Illuminati?
Is it meaningless to inquire about the news circulating in the market?
Facing such a situation, when Shivana didn't know what to do next, Kalya decisively gave her own solution.

"It can be basically confirmed now that the royal family and the Illuminati are very strict about this matter." Carya said in a tone that had been expected, "So, our next step is to go to the Illuminati. There may be people we want there. The news is also uncertain.”

"Since it's confidential news, the low-level missionaries on the side of the Illuminati probably know about it?" Shyvana hesitated, "If it attracts too much attention, wouldn't we be in a trap?"

"Although inquiring about the news of the arrival of angels is a good way to find out what happened in Xiongdu, it is not the only way." Carya explained with a smile, "We are more sensitive to things, but we can deal with people!"

"To people?" Shyvana was a little puzzled, "How to treat people?"

"Now we know that at least the cardinal and Jarvan III are insiders in this matter, right?" Carya said with a relaxed tone, "Besides them, the other bishops, as well as Jarvan IV, have a high probability Know something, they just don't say it."

"That's right." Shyvana nodded, "I had a brief conversation with Jarvan IV before, and he seemed quite concerned..."

"In this case, then we can go and find out where the prince has been and what he has done." Carya continued to explain, "Although it is very sensitive to inquire about the prince's whereabouts, it is also in the mixed and invalid information. Compared to sifting through reliable information, this one is easier."

"Won't this cause misunderstanding?" Shyvana was a little incredulous, "To inquire about the whereabouts of a prince, no matter how you look at it, it looks like an assassin or a spy, right?"

"It's not that serious, at least not so serious in Demacia." Carya said with a chuckle, "Don't forget, you have met and chatted with that prince, as long as you are more generous and timely After presenting this experience, everyone will at most regard you as a clinging person."


According to Karya's method, in the next period of time, Shivana changed the way of inquiring information, instead of collecting gossip among ordinary people, she started to take the high-level route, as if she wanted to rely on her original side Because of the fate, let's take a walk through the door of His Highness the Prince.

For Shyvana, who was extremely eager, both the construction association and the nobles who were asked maintained a demeanor on the surface-they couldn't figure out what this foreigner from Vazuan and His Royal Highness had. In the face of some seemingly innocuous questions from Shyvana, they were also happy to give an answer that was not a secret.

In the eyes of these people, this guy from Vazuan is obviously a clinging person, hoping to follow the way of His Royal Highness to achieve some of his own goals.

As for this kind of people, they don't intend to support or offend them, so they just say some information that everyone knows to fool them, so there will be no problem.

However, Karya captured their mentality. When guiding Shivana to collect information, she always adopted a progressive approach, and the information collected became more and more accurate—from the standpoint of some people , They will subconsciously think that if they know information A, they must know information B, so when Shyvana actively discloses information A and tries to ask for more information, they will often respond with information B.

But what they didn't know was that Shyvana's information collection was completely different from theirs. The information A here might just be the rumors she occasionally heard at a certain banquet, and after being packaged by Kalya's language, it suddenly became an established one. information, and then successfully fished out B information.

In this way, after working in Xiongdu for more than half a month, Shyvana was shocked to find that with Karya's continuous efforts, she could really simply outline the general trajectory of Jarvan IV's actions in this year!
This... is this also possible?
What surprised her even more was that since the beginning of winter last year, Jarvan IV had completely disappeared from the circle of nobles in Xiongdu. Many nobles knew this, but when it came to what he did, Differing views and opinions—and, each thinking his own judgment was right, unaware of the possibility of his own being wrong!
For example, the nobles who are not very good at military affairs and have no connections in the army generally think that Jarvan IV led the army to support Mihril City.

The nobles who had some connections in the military and who might have their own information channels in the City of Mithril believed that Jarvan IV presided over the logistics of the reinforcements, so he should have gone to a fief directly under the royal family.

However, for those nobles whose fiefdoms are adjacent to the royal fiefdoms, they think that Jarvan IV left Demacia and went to the Principality of Valoran to preside over diplomatic work, and is now busy...

When these pieces of information were pieced together, Shivana discovered to her astonishment that the dignified prince and the future heir of Demacia had disappeared without anyone noticing, even hiding it from everyone's eyes!
And he was able to do this largely because Jarvan III seemed to have suffered from a serious illness last year. Due to physical reasons, he could not preside over the plenary meeting of the noble council, and instead worked at home in Dawn Castle. If there is something to do, call the relevant personnel to come and have an audience.

At first, it seemed that there was no problem with this matter. Jarvan III is also a man of his age. It is not unacceptable that he is in poor health and temporarily working from home. I heard that his health has improved significantly recently. .

But if considering the disappearance of Jarvan IV...

At this moment, Shyvana and Kalya smelled a conspiracy at the same time.

 Carya's Small Classroom · Killing two birds with one stone:

  With the help of Jarvan III's illness, Jarvan IV successfully disappeared from the sight of the nobles - Jarvan III's home office prevented the nobles from holding meetings, and the king's illness greatly reduced the frequency of noble banquets , and the new year is approaching, all the nobles in Xiongdu did not realize that their prince, His Excellency, had quietly disappeared for a long time...

  PS. No yang, just a cold, thank goodness.

(End of this chapter)

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