Lux's Farewell

543 Where is Jarvan IV?

543 Where is Jarvan IV?

I have to say that Jarvan IV's escape from the golden cicada was very beautiful.

If there is no double lock of "Finding that Mithril City does not have reinforcements led by Jarvan IV" + "Sylvana once had a relationship with Jarvan IV", I am afraid that even if Kalya comes out this time, he will not realize that Jarvan IV Shi quietly left Xiongdu and is currently missing.

Jarvan III's illness came at a very timely time. Jarvan IV had already been busy on behalf of him during the Angelic Descending incident. I haven't seen him in time, and I will follow Jarvan III's guidance and subconsciously think that Jarvan IV has some things to be busy.

Even Galen, who had a good relationship with Jarvan IV and grew up together, didn't find any problems, which shows that the whole thing was carefully planned.

However, Jarvan IV's departure is doomed not to be concealed for a long time, and Jarvan III cannot stay sick all the time - if His Majesty the King continues to be "ill", the noble council may start to think about the next king's succession. So if nothing unexpected happens, Jarvan IV will need to appear again by the beginning of next spring at most.

After realizing this, Kalya didn't let Shivana continue to inquire about the news. He knew very well that if Shyvana continued to dig deeper into Jarvan IV's whereabouts under such circumstances, she might also expose herself completely. Come out, so, he decisively stopped Shivana's actions, and then changed the next strategy.

It is known that Jarvan IV is not in Xiongdu, and he left without telling the noble council and everyone. Even if Mithril City was attacked, it did not appear that it almost fell.

It is also known that in the previous incident of the angel descending, the royal family and the Illuminati reached some tacit agreement and unified their positions.

And even the Crownguard family and the Bouvier family, who are the most loyal to the royal family, have not received any news in advance and know nothing about it.

Combining the three pieces of information together, Karya already had a vague inference in his mind.

The next thing Shivana has to do is to find a way to prove the authenticity of this inference.

This step is not difficult, and Shivana doesn't even need to do it herself, as long as some wind is released, someone will soon be unable to sit still.


Three days later, the "ill" King Jarvan III received the new Cardinal of the Illuminati on his sickbed.

Then, the usually personable and kind king lost his temper rarely.

"Who leaked the news?" Like an old lion, he stared fixedly at the cardinal with his head bowed in front of him. "Tell me, who in the Illuminati know about this?"

"The news is definitely not from the Illuminati." Although the cardinal lowered his head, his tone was extremely firm, "In the Illuminati, there are very few people who know about this matter, and even the silent people don't know our plan. , it is impossible to leak secrets here."

"Could it be that I leaked the news?" Jarvan III was furious, "Or, do you think Xin Zhao is talking indiscriminately?"


The cardinal licked his lips in embarrassment. He really wanted to say that Xin Zhao was suspected, but when the words came to his lips, he found that he didn't believe it.

Who doesn't know the sincerity of the chief executive of Debang to His Majesty?

Even in the mouths of some vicious nobles who are dissatisfied with the royal family, the steward even has the nickname "Princess" - not to say that he and Jarvan III have any relationship beyond friendship, but because he and Jarvan III educate Jarvan together Four lives, one civil and one military, just like parents.

The actions of Jarvan IV this time, if it is said that Xin Zhao leaked the news, it is more likely to say that he talked in his sleep and leaked the news while sleeping.

"The matter has come to this point, maybe it's just because His Royal Highness hasn't appeared in front of everyone for a long time." Shaking his head helplessly, the cardinal could only barely explain, "Even though the noble council has not held a formal meeting for a while , this matter is destined not to be concealed forever..."

"But it's too early!" Jarvan III frowned with a serious expression. "Now is the most critical time for him. At this time, we must eliminate all factors that may interfere with him!"

"Forgive me, Your Majesty." Regarding Jarvan III's statement, the cardinal obviously had a different opinion, "Calculating the time, the test of His Royal Highness has officially begun, and even if everything is made public at this time, it will not have any impact—— "

However, he was only halfway through his words before being glared back by Jarvan III.

"Don't think about playing such a trick with me!" The king looked at the cardinal condescendingly, "You have no right to say that to me!"

The cardinal's lips moved, but no words came out after all.

There is no way, the situation is stronger than people, even if this matter is supposed to be led by the Illuminati, but because of successive failures before, even the gods of the Illuminati are unwilling to believe in their believers, and instead chose His Majesty the Prince as a tester. Practitioner, in this case, the Illuminati has no other choice but to cling to the royal family's thigh.

"Hide it for as long as you can." Seeing that the cardinal closed his mouth and put on a respectful look, Jiawen III finally lay back on the bed, "As long as the trial is completed, all problems will be solved. Rumors that no one cares about are destined to be just rumors."

"Yes, Your Majesty."


Under the guidance of Jarvan III, the royal family and the Illuminati reached a consensus and ignored the rumors that "His Majesty the Prince fell ill" in the market.

Apparently, Jarvan III made up his mind this time, procrastinating, just procrastinating, as long as no one asked him face to face, he would not open his mouth, and just waited for Jarvan IV to complete his task and come back.

Seeing that the rumors of the prince's sudden illness began to decrease, Karya, who had been watching the changes, finally came to the conclusion she wanted after seeing the cardinal's audience with Jarvan III.

"Let's act." Sighing, he finally gave Shyvana the next step, "Let everyone—especially those who may have the right to inherit—know that not long ago, Myth Silver City was almost destroyed The barbarians of the Realjord fell, and even so, Jarvan IV did not appear."

"This may cause trouble." Shyvana now also has an understanding of the basic political logic, "If someone really believes these words, they may really have some thoughts that they shouldn't have."

"If there is no fool who has such an idea, how can anyone be a pawn?" Kalya's voice contained no joy or sorrow, as if the discussion was not on the topic of royal inheritance, but just explaining what to eat tomorrow, very plain, "Jiawen III His ambitions are too great, and his political means are good, but it seems that Lux has created some illusions for him, making him think that political means can check and balance everything, and with this means, he can trade with those giant gods who eat people but don't spit out their bones... …We are doing this in good faith to dissuade."

"...Have you confirmed that he has traded with the giant?"

"Except for the temptation to become a god, I really can't think of any benefits that are worthy of His Majesty the king's abandonment of all contradictions, and once again get mixed up with the Illuminati." Carya snorted, "I really didn't expect, the dignified prince of Demacia, To climb Mount Targon, you still have to do it secretly!"

"Why?" Shyvana obviously didn't understand very well, "Can't he go straight?"

"Climb Targon upright, what if you fail?" Kalya saw clearly, "Now Demacia's royal power completely overwhelms the divine power, and as soon as the news of Jarvan IV climbing Targon comes out, the divine power will instantly To become an existence above the royal power, unless the climb is successful, then Jarvan IV will be both a king and a god, and the Orthodox Church will be one."


This part of the content was a bit out of class for Shyvana, she blinked her eyes, as if she couldn't fully understand it.

"Anyway, let's act now." Kalya didn't continue to explain in depth, "I was negligent before, I really didn't expect Jarvan III and Jarvan IV to be so cruel to father and son-but it doesn't matter, there is still time to act now !"


At Kalya's request, soon, the information he wanted was spread all over the streets and alleys of Mithral City—no way, the royal family passed on this kind of news, and it was very exciting to hear, after Jarvan III "illness" before , many Demacians are worried about his body.

But now, the rumor that "His Majesty's serious illness is caused by His Royal Highness's sudden illness and mental exhaustion" carefully organized by Karya perfectly fits the mood of the people in Xiongdu. It is the favorite type of commoners, and it is winter, which is the most leisure time of the year. Everyone does not have much work, so they will naturally exchange gossip when they get together.

So among the people, the news began to spread rapidly and intensified.

Of course, this level of rumors can only deceive the public. For the nobles who often go to Dawn Castle to meet, the appearance of Jarvan III has nothing to do with physical and mental exhaustion-but it’s okay, Kalya has a supplementary version of the rumor : Mithral City was attacked and almost fell, but His Majesty the King suppressed the news.

If civilians got the news, they might not understand the meaning behind the news at all—isn’t Mithral City the Great North?
It's normal for the Freljords to plunder the broken place in the northern border. Isn't this not occupied?

However, in the eyes of the nobles, this article has an extended meaning: Jarvan IV had a way to build meritorious service, but he gave up this way.

This is a bit unbelievable. Who doesn't know that Jarvan IV, as the heir to the throne, needs the military's endorsement the most?

In this case, the barbarians in the north went south to plunder, and the task of defending the city and supporting them was not a proper daily military exploit?
Previously, only a few families including the Crownguard family knew of the attack on Mithral City. For these families, Jarvan III patched them up immediately. The responsibility of the commander of the Second Legion; Galen later received the second batch of support from the Dreadnought Vanguard, and the reinforcements were also handed over to him to command.

After such an operation, the insiders have shared the benefits. Even if it is a little strange why Jarvan IV did not come to command and support, they will believe Jarvan III's words, "The prince will handle diplomatic affairs, and this credit cannot be given to others." hint.

However, after the news was passed on in this way, the families related to diplomacy quickly discovered that something was wrong.

The essence of the deception lies in the lack of communication between the two ends. Now through the rumors spread by Carya, the news about the fall of the northern border has become public news. In this way, even if everyone does not believe the fantasy of Jarvan IV's sudden illness, but for the They still noticed something obviously wrong with Jarvan III's behavior!

Your Majesty the have something to hide from us!
Dawn Castle became lively.

After receiving three batches of nobles who came to visit with the goal of inquiring about news, Jarvan III, who finally ended his work today under the pretext of being unwell, called the cardinal again.

"Who leaked the news?" Jiawen III finally couldn't maintain his elegant posture anymore, "Now everyone knows that he is not here!"

"There is no point in pursuing responsibility now." The cardinal bowed his head and said, "The most urgent thing now is what to do next..."

"Shut up your little thoughts!" Jarvan III raised his voice, "Until it succeeds, the Light Shield family will not admit all of this!"

"This is meaningless, Your Majesty the King." The cardinal spread his hands, "His Royal Highness has been destined to stand by our side since the moment he set off!"

"We are not the only branch of the Light Shield family." To the Cardinal's surprise, Jarvan III actually gave an answer that seemed impossible to him, "If everything fails, there will be a branch that will inherit the throne, and At that time..."

Jarvan III didn't continue talking, but just shook his head, with a pair of cloudy eyes, he looked firmly at the cardinal who thought he had the chance to win a second ago.

"Even if you let the side branch take over?"

"If everything fails, my son will also be buried on the snow peak." There was an undeniable meaning in Jarvan III's voice, "If things really develop to that point, why not?"

The cardinal blinked, and finally understood Jarvan III's thoughts - this cunning old guy never let go, even now, he is still putting on a stance of blocking both ends!

If Jarvan IV can really walk through the ranks of ascension to the gods, then his descendants will be both kings and gods.

If Jarvan IV failed to withstand the test of climbing the peak, he would take advantage of the situation and announce the sudden death of his son, hand over the throne to a side branch, and then try his best to suppress the Illuminati!

The old king looked kind and kind on the surface, but he was decisive and ruthless in real action!
"Go back, I've made up my mind." Without giving the cardinal any room to speak, Jarvan III lay back on the bed again, "Go back and find out who leaked the news, that's what you should do now."

Jarvan III repeated the request for an investigation again, which made the cardinal feel a little nervous-could he be hinting to himself that there are people from him in the Illuminati?
With a full heart, the Cardinal quietly left the Castle of Dawn.

And almost at the same time, another secret meeting quietly kicked off in the newly built Arcatraz Prison.

 Carya's Small Classroom, an offshoot of the Light Shield family:
  Although the current royal family of Demacia has been passed down through four generations, but going back to the fifth generation, the Light Shield family still has offshoots—and, if you continue to trace back, there are quite a few offshoots.

  PS. I'm groggy, I have to sleep for more than ten hours every day these days...

(End of this chapter)

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