Lux's Farewell

544 [0538] The new climber

544 [0538] The new climber
If possible, the Cardinal of the Illuminati really wants to announce to all Demacians that their king has sent his most precious son to climb Mount Targon, and the light of the Illuminati shines on every Demacian West Asians!

Unfortunately, he can't.

At least for now, theocracy is still completely suppressed by the royal power in Demacia - there is no way, although the nobles took [-]% or even [-]% of the income from the land through the rent and taxes after the merger, but in the fertile land In Demacia, this level of exploitation is still not enough to arouse civilian resistance.

In other words, because of the fertile land and the prosperity of water conservancy, the vitality of Demacia's civilians is extremely tenacious. Even if [-]% to [-]% of the land income is taken away, as long as there is no disaster, they can still survive and even have a good harvest at the end of the year. After that, there was some surplus. As a feudal military kingdom, as long as the army does not have any problems, the foundation of Demacia's feudal rule is still very solid.

In addition to being exploited, the nobles did fulfill their responsibilities. Whenever foreign enemies invaded, the army with noble children as the main members fought with all their might. Even Jarvan I died at the Gate of Sorrow back then. die for the country.

And as for the Illuminati...

Objectively speaking, the Illuminati is effective in soothing the spirits of the Demacians, but it is difficult to say how effective this comforting is.

Therefore, for the Demacians, although the noble lord has a bad hand, he is really good at things. If you can really save a family fortune and join the army, as long as you make meritorious service, you have the opportunity to become a new noble lord.

But the Illuminati, they are at best a group of clergy who persuade people to be good. The establishment of the Illuminati, and with the split of the Reticents, the "useful" parts of the Illuminati were almost completely stripped away.

Lacus, the "noble model", is really cruel to the Illuminati. Every time the Illuminati thinks she can do it again, she can always tell the Illuminati that you can't do it in an unexpected way.

So, up to now, the kingship of Demacia is completely suppressed by theocracy. Although the people of Demacia will still go to the church of the Illuminati to pray, but this kind of prayer is becoming full of pragmatism and formalism little by little—already and Piety has nothing to do with it.

Regarding the current situation, the newly succeeded cardinal sees it in his eyes and is anxious in his heart.

Just when he began to think about whether to downgrade the Illuminati and simply go to the grassroots to compete with the lords of various places, an angel descended.

The cardinal who got the news rushed to Dawn Castle where the incident happened immediately, wanting to seize this precious opportunity and try to revive the Illuminati. Then, he saw a scene that left him dumbfounded.

Kyle, the majestic angel of justice, had just arrived at Dawn Castle, and was directly taken down.

And the one who took her down was none other than the former Demacia Shield, and another of the Flying Wing Sisters—the fallen angel Morgana.

The cardinal didn't see the fighting process, but judging from the scorched earth in the back garden of Dawn Castle, I'm afraid it's better that he didn't see the fighting process.

Then, just as the Cardinal was thinking about how to leave in an awkward and polite manner, Jarvan III suddenly invited him to come over for a talk.

With no choice, he could only cheer up and "talk" to this unfathomable His Majesty the King.

This conversation revealed a big plan that he never dreamed of - Jarvan III planned to send his precious son Jarvan IV, the heir to the throne of Demacia, to suffer the punishment of the stone crown!

Crazy? !

That is the punishment of the stone crown!
Although it is true that the success of Laxana and Tarek seems a bit out of place recently, according to the internal records of the Illuminati, in the past 500 years, there were 1492 prisoners of the Stone Crown, except for the last Laxana and Tarek. Besides, no one was spared.

Of course, many of them did not go to the summit at all, but abandoned all honors and hid their names incognito. However, all those who tried to challenge Mount Targon counted as one, and were all wind-dried in the middle of the journey.

If it wasn't for the arrival of the angel just now, the cardinal would even think that Jarvan IV didn't want to continue to be a prince and just rebelled—otherwise, why would His Majesty let him suffer the punishment of the stone crown?
However, his doubts did not last long, and then Jarvan III unhurriedly revealed his follow-up plan.


In fact, the angelic event that the cardinal saw was actually an ambush.

Jarvan III did not say anything about Kyle's ambush—how Morgana came to Xiongdu and why Tarek chose to do it—by Morgana and Tarek. The common conclusion: the gods should be respected, but Demacia also needs to be respected.

This is a rather abstract conclusion, but if you take it into account with the royal family's long-standing attitude and hope that Jarvan IV will go to the summit, and take a closer look, it will not be difficult to understand what Jarvan III means.

Just like the royal family has been firmly suppressing the Illuminati, even if the real angel descends, the royal family does not want the other party to ride on their heads.

Whether it is from the point of view of law or strength, the only way to suppress angels like suppressing the Illuminati is to allow themselves to have an equal identity.

What is peer identity?

The answer is...the climber!

If you think about it from this perspective, the whole thing makes sense.

(In addition, in fact, what Galen said to Lacus before, asking her if she wants to be a princess is not entirely a joke. If possible, Jarvan III really hopes that this model nobleman will become his daughter-in-law. In this case, my grandson itself is a collection of royal power and divine power—it’s a pity that Lacus didn’t mean it at all, and after the change of Xiongdu, he left without hesitation.)
Jarvan III saw very clearly that as long as the Illuminati shut up about the incident of the angel coming, no matter how curious others are, they are destined to be unable to break the casserole and ask the end. In the end, they can only accept the conclusions given by themselves and the Illuminati .

And in the same way, the Illuminati, which is now becoming more and more sluggish, will not give up this opportunity to regroup - the royal family suppressed the Illuminati in the past because of the conflict between royal power and theocracy, but if Jarvan IV successfully returns from the peak, he may not only Being crowned as the emperor of Demacia (note, it is no longer a king, but an emperor), will also become the Pope of the Illuminati, truly achieving the unity of Orthodoxy.

In this way, the Illuminati will no longer be the object of future suppression by the royal family, but will become another force that will fight against the nobles!
Faced with such a temptation, the cardinal agreed without hesitation after having some breath with the most core bishops.

Then, something happened that he didn't expect again: Jiawen III directly ordered the silence to be sealed, and tried his best to get Prince Jinchan out of his shell, and he would never announce his return to the peak.

After the cardinal got the order, everyone was stupid - it was clear that he was cheating himself!

Jarvan IV succeeded in ascent to the peak, and your Lightshield family has been half-human and half-god ever since, and Demacia is fully orthodox, and you can even get a claim to the Shurima Empire.

Jarvan IV failed to climb the peak, why did you directly announce the sudden death of the prince, and then find a side branch to be in charge, our Illuminati will work for nothing, and we will be suppressed later? !
Are you treating us like fools?
But the situation is stronger than others. The power of the Illuminati has shrunk to the limit. It seems that they have to consider whether to go to the grassroots and the nobles to grab food. Even if they are taken for a fool, the Cardinal can only bow his head and be a fool. up.

So what to do!

At this time, his only expectation is that His Royal Highness will return to the peak soon, and then ascend to heaven alone, so that the Illuminati will regain its former glory.

I beg you, you must succeed in climbing the peak!

It is naturally impossible for Jarvan IV to feel the Cardinal's expectations.

At this time, His Royal Highness had already climbed to the middle of Mount Targon.

Although it seems that his climbing speed is very fast, in fact, because he has not experienced the "Karya-style will experience", he can hardly climb after passing the meadow.

Even with Tarek protecting him, Jarvan IV gradually stopped climbing—after the celestial energy gradually began to flood, in the bitter cold wind, he felt as if a layer of his bones had been scraped off , Every step is a real pain.

"This is not real pain, Your Highness." Seeing that Jarvan IV's face became paler, Tariq could only explain it in his own way, "This is a test of will..."

"Is that how you climbed Mount Targon back then?"

Jarvan IV grasped a protruding rock on the stone wall with all his strength, his knuckles turned white, and while barely moving his body, he asked in a trembling voice.

"The me at the time... the me at the time couldn't hold on, and finally my consciousness was taken over by the giant god." Tariq lowered his voice with some shame, "Your Highness, please be sure to stay awake and never give up, otherwise, you will succeed in time Dengfeng, you will no longer be you."

"Don't worry, even if I fail to climb the peak, I will not give up my will." Jarvan IV tried to show a smile, but in the end he just twitched the corners of his mouth stiffly, "I have seen Sentu before I set off. Cousin, if I fail, he will be a sure king."

Tariq closed his mouth helplessly - he couldn't take up this kind of topic, although he also knew Jarvan III's two-handed preparation, after all, it involved the inheritance of the throne within the Light Shield family, and outsiders couldn't comment on it .

Facing Tarek's silence, it took Jarvan IV a few minutes to realize that he seemed to have touched on an awkward topic.

He really wanted to laugh a few more times to ease the atmosphere, but a gust of cold wind blew his smile back.

Then, when the cold wind subsided, Jarvan IV felt that he didn't even have the strength to laugh, so he could only grit his teeth and start climbing again.

The silent climb lasted two hours.

When Jarvan IV began to lose his grip on the rock, he climbed nearly three hundred feet above sea level, literally at the speed of a turtle.

However, Tariq is quite satisfied with this speed - he knows better than anyone how terrifying it is to climb the peak. At the beginning, he climbed the peak with a heart of repentance, but as soon as he entered the meadow area, his will couldn't hold on and was beaten The titans took control.

Now, Jarvan IV has surpassed the meadow area and entered above the snow line, which is much stronger than he was back then.

Therefore, when he found a resting place where he could take a rest, Tariq did not hesitate to praise His Royal Highness's will.

Facing Tarek's praise, Jarvan IV was a little out of his wits.

At the beginning, Tarek thought it was because the strong wind had blown His Highness a little dazed, but as Jarvan IV's eyes gradually became clearer, and he fixedly looked at something behind him, Stretching out his fingers, Tariq finally turned around.

Then, after the wind and snow cleared, there was another stone platform not far from the slow stone platform where the two were, and on that stone platform stood a crooked-looking hut.

A small stone house.

"I may be hallucinating." Jarvan IV rubbed his eyes and said vaguely, "I saw a house."

"That's not a hallucination, Your Highness." Tariq shook his head, "Because I saw it too."

There are buildings on the snow line of Mount Targon. The Rakkol people who have lived here for generations have built many temples on the snow line. Even the training of Rahorak fighters is above the snow line.

However, such a stone hut that looks like it has been built so abruptly appears here, no matter from which angle you look at it, it is a very strange thing.

What's even weirder is that this cottage still looks very cozy!
This, what's the situation?
Seeing the longing in Jarvan IV's eyes, Tariq hesitated for a moment, then decided to go and see for himself first.

So, he carefully told Jarvan IV to stay where he was, and then quickly set off by himself, climbing towards the stone hut.

Although Tarik's will to protect the protoss was wiped out by Lux, his body has endured the baptism of the sky after all. Even if he lost a hand or a leg, he can still flexibly rely on simple prosthetic limbs. climb up.

After a few breaths, he carefully came to the hut, observed carefully and found no danger, and finally stretched out his hand and knocked on the stone door.

Knock knock,

"It's really rare, is there another visitor from Targon Peak?" Shortly after the knock on the door, a gentle voice appeared behind the door, "Wait a moment, my potion is almost ready—"

Tariq waited on guard for a moment, and the door of the hut was finally pulled open from the inside.

"Guardian... No, you are not the guardian." A pair of extremely gentle eyes looked up and down Tarik, and then showed a bit of disbelief, "No wonder there is a crack in the guardian constellation, come on, the fate is rippling People of Ripple, and your mortal friends, come in and have a cup of tea."

 Karya's Little Classroom Tariq's Choice:

  When he first awakened Tariq's will, he was deeply impressed by the demonic illusion created by Kalya. Since then, he has become wary of the power of the gods—until Tariq, who was almost in self-exile, met Morgana.

(End of this chapter)

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