Lux's Farewell

545 Ripples of fate [0539]

545 Ripples of fate [0539]

The stone door slowly opened.

"Come on." The other party's voice was extremely gentle, giving people a kind of warmth as if returning to the mother's body, making people subconsciously believe, "I have no malicious intentions, but I am a little curious about the people whose fate ripples—and, you guys Looks like it needs a break too."

Tarek and Jarvan IV looked at each other, finally nodded, and walked into the small stone house silently.

Then, they finally meet the owner of the house.

This is a slender woman, she is wearing a simple robe, her face is as gentle as her voice, and her lavender skin is like the first light of dawn when the sky is about to dawn, which makes people subconsciously produce a kind of nobility Even Jarvan IV, who is a member of the Lightshield family and will be the king of Demacia in the future, will subconsciously feel ashamed after seeing each other.

Large traces that look like natural birthmarks and magical tattoos, like the tracks of comets in the stars, are engraved on her noble purple skin, without any ugliness or rebellion at all, as if it should be like this, making people look at it at a glance , I can hardly help but indulge in it.

On her forehead, a slender unicorn that is not too sharp sticks out upwards, and even the arc has a bit of nobility. Coupled with her pointed ears, it is the first time I saw her erudition. One might subconsciously think of the legendary vastayas, but once such a thought arises, the person who thinks it will always shake his head violently to get rid of such blasphemous thoughts from his mind.

She is not Vastaya, not even the legendary Vastashari, but something more advanced, ancient, and more natural!

"What flavor do you like?" Although she was stared at by two big men, Tarek and Jarvan IV, she did not show any shyness, but was as gentle as a mother, "Sweeter, or saltier?"



Almost without brainstorming, Jarvan IV and Tariq gave their opinions at the same time, but unfortunately, the opinions of the two were not unified, one was the sweet party, and the other was the salty party.


Without the slightest hesitation, she took down a few jars from the shelf beside her, then gently and reverently scooped out some powder with the wooden spoon in the jar, put them into two bowls of tea respectively, and picked up The kettle began to neigh just right, pouring the hot water that had just boiled into the earthenware tea bowl.

The hot water was swirling, a little foam appeared, and gradually revealed the luster of amber, as if she was very satisfied with her work, a smile finally appeared on the corner of her mouth, then picked up two bowls of tea and put them separately In front of Tarek and Jarvan IV.

"Be careful, it's hot."

Tariq and Jarvan IV almost subconsciously wanted to take the teacup. After her reminder, they suddenly realized it. Then, both of them were a little embarrassed, and they felt the reminder in the other's words very clearly. In other words, they all felt sorry for the slightly impolite staring at them just now, and at the same time were surprised at the amazing charm of the other party.

"I'm Soraka." After both of them seemed to have come to their senses, the owner of the stone house sat on the rough chair opposite them, "It's been a long time since anyone came to climb Mount Targon, so I I invite you to come and talk."

"Actually, Ms. Soraka." Hearing what the other party said, Tariq subconsciously said, "I came here just over a year ago."

"The will to guard, I know that." Soraka nodded with a smile upon hearing this, "But you should also know that it was not a climb, but... it was a play that had been planned in advance. You who walk barefoot above the snow line are not who you are today."

"Does Ms. Soraka know about giant gods?" Tariq asked a question that he regretted as soon as he opened his mouth. "Uh, I mean, you already knew about my climbing?"

"I already knew about the guardian's climbing." Soraka smiled and waved his hand, and calmly corrected, "You should know that in that play, although you are the protagonist, the protagonist needs to follow the script. "

"What about Laxana?" Seeing that the other party seemed to know some of the inside story of Mount Targon, Tariq couldn't help asking the question he had been wondering for a long time, "Is her climbing a play?"

"Lakshana?" It was Soraka's turn to be surprised this time, "This name sounds like a lady."

"A lady indeed, a worthy example of nobility." Tariq nodded. "She climbed Mount Targon just before I climbed it."

"If your concept of time hasn't changed because of climbing, then I might not have seen that Laxana." Soraka finally showed a curious look on his face, "Can you tell me her story? ? In exchange, I can also tell you what I know about the climbing of Mount Targon."

Hearing what Soraka said, Tarek and Jarvan IV were stunned for a moment.

Although it was only the first time they met, both of them clearly felt the ethereal feeling in the person in front of them. Although she was sitting in front of them with a smile like this, she seemed to be in the endless starry sky, which made people feel completely inaccessible Between words, she seemed to have a sense of the same illusory fate, as if it was this calmness in facing fate that allowed her to maintain her smile so calmly.

However, after talking about Laxana, Soraka seemed to come to the world from the sky. For the first time, she showed real doubts and childlike curiosity. It seemed that she was really interested in Laxana !

However, neither Tarek nor Jarvan IV spoke immediately.

Regarding Laksana, the feelings of the two are actually not the same.

For Jarvan IV, Laxana can be regarded as "the one who has been watching her grow up". In his eyes, she is a mature little girl who does not match her age, and the reason for this maturity is , perhaps from her brother's pressure?
Although it is not very authentic to slander his best friend, the behavior of "blaming the bed-wetting to his sister" still makes Jarvan IV feel a bit of absurd contempt every time he thinks about it.

Perhaps it is precisely because of her brother's inconspicuous personality that Laxana became a model of nobles in Xiongdu early, and then in order to bear the responsibility of being a model of nobles, she went to accept the punishment of the stone crown and finally climbed Mount Targon.

However, in Tariq's impression, Laxana is quite a mysterious and legendary person.

He could feel very clearly that Laksana had some kind of purpose in many cases, but she was always able to subtly hide her real purpose, and made the superficial effort to the extreme.

Therefore, he subconsciously wanted to ask the person in front of him about what happened to Laxana when she climbed before. According to his thinking, Laxana should have come to this hut before and sat in her place to drink tea.

But what Tariq never expected was that Soraka said that he had never met Laksana.

This is very strange, didn't Laxana reach the top of Mount Targon?

How is that possible!

Although the power of the Guardian Protoss has faded, Tarek knew very clearly that there were obvious traces of the baptism of the sky on Laxana's body.

In other words, she definitely used her own strength to climb Mount Targon and bathe in the brilliant light of the sky, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to have such power—plus the encounter on Mount Targon, Laxana once climbed the peak Success is a certainty, how could it be impossible to reach the peak?

"Maybe there is another way to climb Targon?" Tariq whispered with some doubts, "Laksana is a respectable climber, she is known as the noble model of Demacia, when I climbed She managed to climb the mountain before reaching Targon."

"The Mount Targon is huge." Soraka's voice was as ethereal as ever, "There are countless paths up the mountain, but the fate of anyone who bathes in the light of the sky will be connected with the heavens."


Tarek and Jarvan IV looked at each other, and both of them sensed the meaning behind Soraka's words.

"However, on the star dome that depicts the past and the future, there is no trace of a person named Laxana."

"It's impossible." Jarvan IV shook his head, "Unless everything in Demacia won't appear on the star dome."

"I can see it very clearly." Soraka held up his tea bowl, "The country called Demacia, there is justice across, there are dark marks of corruption, there are residual stars left by the guardian constellation, but, there is no A star called Laxana, not even a comet."

"Are you an astrologer?" Jarvan IV, whose perception of Soraka is not clear enough, frowned subconsciously, "With all due respect, maybe the star dome can indeed bring some revelation, but that probably doesn't explain it everything."

Unlike Tarek, Jarvan IV could only feel Soraka's tenderness and kindness. His Royal Highness, who had not bathed in the glory of the heavens, could not clearly realize who he was talking to, so when Soraka talked about the stars, After saying conclusively that there was nothing to do with Laxana, he finally couldn't help but refute a few words.

However, although Jarvan IV's rebuttal was somewhat rude, Soraka was not angry, but nodded seriously.

"That's right, that's exactly what I discovered." She said in a very novel and somewhat hopeful tone, "Fate is not an eternal star map, sometimes even a meteor or even a Even a comet can cause unpredictable ripples in the sky, so, Your Excellency Jarvan IV, please tell me about the past of this lady Laxana!"

"Laxana is the youngest daughter of the Crownguard family..." Jarvan IV subconsciously opened his mouth, and then his eyes widened in astonishment, "Wait, I really don't think I introduced myself!"

"Astrologers should always know a little bit of tricks." Soraka blinked playfully, "His Royal Highness, tell me, just treat it as a way to satisfy my curiosity and drink a cup of tea. It shouldn't be a secret news?"

Of course it is not some secret news. In fact, in Demacia, no one seems to be more frank than Laksana—maybe other nobles have their own problems, but this model of nobles is walking right and doing well. end model.

So, after thinking for a while and finding that there was no problem, Jarvan IV began to talk about the Laxana he knew.

"She is the youngest daughter of the Crownguard family, and has an older brother named Galen."

"She has been a very calm person since she was a child. Although girls tend to mature more precociously than boys, I always feel that Laxana is obviously more precocious than ordinary girls."

"In the beginning, the nobles of Xiongdu heard of this name for the first time because of her precise etiquette and maturity beyond her age."

"Later, during the banquet of the Bouvier family..."

"She has an astonishing artistic talent and is quite skilled in many fields. Even today, her works are still sold at very high prices in Xiongdu..."

"The crown guard family's fief is in Mithral City, I heard that she once led some things in Mithral City..."

"And then, a side branch of the Crown Guard family had a marriage..."

"Laxana rejected the mediation of the Illuminati, chose to leave Xiongdu, and accepted the punishment of the stone crown..."

"Wait until she returns from the summit..."

After confirming that there was nothing worth hiding, Jarvan IV told Soraka about the Laxana in his eyes while drinking tea. In his description, this was a somewhat staid but admirable woman. As a noblewoman, even when talking about her choice to go to the north to guard the frontier, Jarvan IV's tone was somewhat regretful. Obviously, he was very sorry for the decision Lacus made.

During Jarvan IV's narration, Soraka didn't say a word, and only added hot water for him twice. It wasn't until Jarvan IV finished speaking that she smiled and showed a dazed expression.

"It turns out that she is really an admirable lady!"

This kind of praise from the truth made both Tarek and Jarvan IV stand up subconsciously, and then, after a moment of hesitation, Tarek finally spoke again.

"So, Ms. Soraka, have you seen anything else about guardianship?"

"Guardian...the guardian has been broken, and above the constellation, the two remnant stars have been left in Demacia forever." Sora Ka paused, and then added, "At least from my perspective That's it."


Tarek didn't speak, but looked at Jarvan IV from the corner of his eye.

He didn't ask.

Soraka didn't answer either, but when she put down the teacup, she almost nodded her head in awe - Jarvan IV, who just raised his head to drink tea, didn't see this subtle exchange.

After getting the answer, Tariq heaved a sigh of relief, he finally put down his teacup, and stood up voluntarily.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality, Ms. Soraka." Taking a deep breath, Tariq said in a low voice, "Although I still want to have another drink, the comfortable environment is obviously not conducive to our next climb. I think it's time for us to go."

"Of course, while the sun is still there, you may be able to reach the next stone platform quickly." Soraka nodded, then took two things that looked like amulets from the shelf behind him, and handed them to the tower Rick, "Well then, I wish you all the best of luck."

Just like that, Jarvan IV, who was still a little confused, was dragged by Tariq, left the warm stone hut, and embarked on the climbing journey again.

And it seems that because of the effect of the hot tea, Jarvan IV, who used to climb slower than the turtle, climbed even faster than Tariq, who was used to the skylight!

 Carya's Little Classroom·Star Map of Destiny:
  According to some astrologers, everything in Runeterra and even the universe will be reflected on the star dome, so the star map will often become a tool for people's divination—some people can really understand it, while others are looking for it for bluffing and deceiving. an excuse.

(End of this chapter)

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