Lux's Farewell

546 [0540] Carya's Countermeasures

Tariq asked Soraka about Laksanna, but he didn't get a definite answer. Instead, it was Tariq's own fate, which was clearly and clearly seen by Soraka.

Sometimes, though, no answer is an answer—so, as he left Soraka's hut, Tariq had a thoughtful face.

Then, before Tarek could figure it out from Soraka's answer that it wasn't the answer, his thoughts were interrupted.

Because when His Royal Highness set off again and began to climb, the speed of the whole person was visibly faster by a large margin. Not only was he no longer afraid of the cold wind, but his tolerance to the energy of the heavens was also greatly improved.

Wasn't it possessed by a giant god?
And that's not even the most exaggerated.

What's even more exaggerated is that just when Tarik began to talk to Jarvan IV, trying to judge whether his will still belonged to him, Tarek's own body also underwent an astonishing change—before he met Lux. During the battle, he lost one of his arms and one of his legs, and now, an indescribable itching is appearing on his wound!
Tariq, who has experienced many battles, knows exactly what this itching means. It is not a wound infection, but a wound healing!

Just like that, under Jarvan IV's astonished gaze, he took the initiative to remove the prosthesis, and then at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a baby developing in a mother's body, a mutilated severed limb grew out!
Moving his new arms, legs and feet, an indescribable feeling made Tariq even a little in a trance.

As the former Guardian Protoss, even though he lost his limbs, Tariq's flexibility was not greatly affected. Except for the stiffness of the artificial limbs, there was no bad thing such as infection on him.

But the gap between having all four limbs and only half of the body is still hard to describe in words.

Reluctantly suppressing his thoughts, he had a conversation with Jarvan IV and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with him. Tarek finally felt a turmoil in his heart.

A cup of tea made Jarvan IV get used to the light of the sky, and allowed him to regenerate his severed limbs... That lady Soraka, who is she?

Thinking of this, Tariq turned his head and looked in the direction he came from.

But where is the stone hut in the light of the sky?
As far as the eyes can see, there is only a whistling cold wind and pieces of remnant snow swept by the cold wind, flying above the abyss.

Tarek and Jarvan IV looked at each other, and then looked up at the height of Mount Targon at the same time. This time, they only saw a mountain so high that they didn't know where to go, and the brilliant sky light that made people almost unable to open their eyes.

"Let's go." Tarek left his prosthesis in place and took the lead, "Go ahead."


Jarvan IV didn't speak, just nodded, and recalling his father and the Demacia he loved, his emotions rose again, and he followed Tariq, heading towards the bright sky. Row.


Thanks to Soraka's support, Taric and Jarvan IV's climbing journey went much smoother. Unlike the giant god with a strong purpose, Soraka, who gave up his body in the celestial world, does not seem to have any selfish intentions The plan is just to invite the two of them to have a cup of tea and inquire about Lacus by the way.

Of course, these Caryas don't know.

After judging the whereabouts of Jarvan IV, he did not disclose this news in the form of rumors as before. Unlike the previous rumors, if this news is leaked on a large scale, then Karya himself It will also be troublesome.

With Shivana wanting to inquire about Jarvan IV's news and spread some "ordinary" gossip, as long as the head and tail are clean, there will be no flaws left. After all, about the health of His Majesty the King, Xiongdu is full of gossip. Even the news that "the prince died suddenly and the king was exhausted" was not made up by Karya.

But if Shyvana directly spread the news that "Jarvan IV has gone to climb Mount Targon", then it may not be long before the Debang Director will come directly to the door, because under normal circumstances, there will be no one at all. Connect Jarvan IV with Targon!
Moreover, even if Shyvana slipped away immediately, with Jarvan III's shrewdness, she would probably think of Lux immediately. There are only a few peak climbers in Demacia!
Now Fossbarrow is still developing with peace of mind, no matter what Kalya does, he can't lead the fire to Fossbarrow's side!
But Karya couldn't sit idly by.

Jarvan IV chose to climb Mount Targon, which in itself was already a huge trouble - no one knew better than Kalya the power of the unity of Orthodoxy.

In the original Shurima Empire, after the rise of the Ascended, the extent of the belief in giant gods is still vivid today, which cannot be controlled by manpower.

Leaders have set an "example" with actions, so how can subjects really stay away?
You don't have to worry about the qualifications of the Ascendant, as long as you embrace the giant god devoutly, you may get eternal life... The temptation in this is exciting to think about!
Shortcuts, absolute shortcuts!

And now, Demacia seems to be facing similar troubles.

Karya didn't know whether Jarvan IV's ascent to the peak would be successful, or whether he would be himself after returning, and he didn't know how much preparation Jarvan III had made for this. In fact, if it wasn't for a coincidence, he wouldn't even have guessed that the disappearance Jarvan IV actually ran to climb the mountain.

In this case, Kalya couldn't help but think of the Sun Goddess he saw on Targon Peak.

It seems that after many failures, the giants have found some ways to "cooperate" with humans.

For these giant gods, Jarvan IV who came from the peak may be a very good partner. He is the representative of royal power and the ruler of Demacia. Believers, under such circumstances, if the giant god is willing to let go of his status and cooperate with Jarvan IV, I am afraid that Demacia will soon usher in a drastic change.

Although Kalya dared to say that this drastic change would not affect the northern border in a short time, but this time he dared not say that the speed of development in the northern border could match the speed of change in Xiongdu—if the Lightshield family and the Giant God Reaching a cooperation and transforming Demacia, I am afraid that the situation in the entire Demacia will become more subtle.

Facing the conservative aristocrats and the Illuminati supported by extraordinary power, and the northern border with a weak development foundation, it may be difficult to leverage the situation on its own.

It sucks.

Fortunately, until now, everything has not officially started, and Karya still has a chance to hold them back.

In the small world, Karya sat in the long yellow sand, calculated in a low voice, and began to write and draw on the sand.

Since it is impossible to confirm when Jarvan IV left Xiongdu and began to climb the peak, for Karya, the time is quite urgent now.

It's too late to stop it directly. All Kalya can do now is to make trouble.

In other words, Carya should give Jarvan III eye drops before Jarvan IV returns as king and take control of the situation—it is best to completely muddy the political situation in Xiongdu in a short time, and wait until Jarvan IV When they returned, the royal family and the nobles were already in dire straits. At that time, even if Jarvan IV revealed the amazing benefits of cooperating with the giant god after ascending the peak, the nobles would not cooperate with him, but had the ambition to replace him. .

To achieve this, we must start from two aspects.

The first aspect is to create obvious and irreconcilable conflicts between the nobles and the royal family, causing the two sides to tear each other up immediately, and the tearing will become more and more ruthless, even if Jarvan IV returns from the peak, he will not stop.

The second aspect is to make the nobles think that even if cooperating with giant gods can bring powerful power and immortal life, there is no need for them to respect the royal family, and they can completely replace them.

Judging from the current situation in Demacia, no matter what point, it can be called a fantasy.

First of all, Jarvan III, the old king, has good skills, and his grandfather and father are both wise kings. For three consecutive generations, he not only ruled Anrutai Mountain, but also always implemented the principle of "uniting the nobles to clean up the Illuminati". The way of the devil, eroding the power of the Illuminati in the past, and distributing it to the nobles.

In this case, although there are contradictions between the nobles and the royal family in many aspects (such as local taxation and talent selection), this contradiction is neither the fundamental contradiction in Demacia nor the biggest contradiction in the political situation, and it can be temporarily alleviated. of.

Judging from Jarvan III's current actions of pretending to be sick and dumb, he is very sober, at most procrastinating, and does not intend to have any conflicts with the noble council at all, so although many nobles do not like certain policies of Jarvan III, But at this juncture, it was astonishingly difficult for Jarvan III and the nobles to tear each other apart.

As for the second point, it is also difficult at first glance to get the nobles to have the idea of ​​being able to replace it.

Hundreds of years have passed since the founding of Demacia.

And the surname of the king of Demacia was Light Shield from the beginning—although for some reason, the middle throne had been transferred between different lines of the Light Shield family, and there were even several generations of puppet kings, but In any case, the king is a member of the Lightshield family, which is almost an imprint of the Demacians' thinking.

Throughout the history of Demacia, even when the noble council was the most powerful, they could not completely overthrow the rule of the Lightshield family. Take control of this country.

It seems that even Karya doesn't think he can change this situation in a short time.

However, today is different.

Why in the past, even if the noble council controlled the throne, why didn't they get involved in the throne?
Is it because they don't want to?

Hey, it’s true—when the royal family was at its weakest, the Guangdun family was no longer far behind Zhou Tianzi. The direct fiefs of the royal family were pitifully small, and the king was reduced to a rubber stamp. Engage in civil war, but the situation in Xiongdu is also like swords and swords.

For the nobles at the time, the King of Demacia, that really meant nothing.

But it's different now.

How much mortals long for immortality, this is very clear to Karya. In the past thousands of years, he has witnessed countless intelligent people being confused by immortality, and even Karya himself was almost lost in immortality.

If the nobles knew that becoming the king of Demacia would greatly prolong life and even bring immortality, would they refuse such an opportunity?

The answer must be no!
According to the current situation in Demacia, the advantage of Jarvan III is that he himself firmly holds military power, the royal family owns a large area of ​​fiefs directly under him, and the nobles are just younger brothers.

Moreover, the nobles probably didn't even know what cooperating with the giant god would bring. When they knew, Jarvan IV had returned from the king and completely controlled the situation.

If there is no Karya, then the nobles may only be in doubt, watching Jarvan IV, who has returned from the summit, embrace immortality, and the Orthodoxy of the Light Shield family unite.

But now, since Kalya had seen through Jarvan III's calculations, there was naturally room for manipulation.

Soon, a vague plan gradually took shape in Karya's mind, and Shivana, who had been idling in the hotel for two days, finally got the next step.

The names of one noble family after another were listed, and then various marks were drawn on them. After half a day, Kalya let out a long breath, and finally seemed to be exhausted, lying on his back on the sand dune.

Then, as his mind moved slightly, a gust of wind blew and wiped away all these words and symbols.


The end of the year is approaching, and the Art Support Association is extremely lively.

New Year, when we say goodbye to the old and usher in the new, we must have a basic sense of ritual. This is one of the busiest and most profitable times of the year for artists, almost the same as the time of the Xiongdu Fair.

So, when Shivana came to the Art Support Association this time, there was a lot of people here. Even though she was really amazing in height, no librarian came to her when she was wandering around—the receptionist who chatted with her before looked for her. Woke up already busy.

According to Kalya's request, Shyvana walked through the crowd, pricking up her ears to collect all the news about the noble ball and the New Year's speech.

According to the tradition of Demacia, on New Year's Day, His Majesty the King will give a New Year's speech in the Grand Plaza—although Jarvan III has been pretending to be sick for a while, but he will still "support his sick body" for this New Year's speech.

As for whether to really support the sick body or pretend to be sick, Ren Jiawen III himself said.

The New Year's speech is the best opportunity to intensify the conflict between the noble council and the royal family.

The current noble council probably doesn't know what Jarvan III is thinking. They only know that Jarvan III is sick, and it is very likely that he is pretending to be sick. Consider peak orientation.

In the absence of direct transmission of news, Carya wants to give the royal family some eye medicine. The best way is to let the nobles "discover" the whereabouts of Jarvan IV, and let them realize that Jarvan III is now communicating with the Illuminati. cooperate.

During this process, Shivana must stop when enough is enough to ensure that everyone's eyes do not fall on Fossbarrow, and then Kalya will be able to fuel the flames and fan the flames when the royal family and the noble council bite dogs!

As the former Shurima empire's dark and dog-headed military adviser, Kalya can be said to be quite familiar with this part of the content.

After all, uniting allies and alienating enemies is two sides of the same coin!

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