Lux's Farewell

547 [0541] Conspiracy from the perspective of God

547 [0541] Conspiracy from the perspective of God

Treating people with sincerity, dignified and upright, farming with peace of mind, increasing production, and using power to overwhelm others is conspiracy and righteousness.

Deceiving others with deceit, picking chestnuts from the fire, fishing in troubled waters, sowing dissension, and taking advantage of the situation are conspiracy and strange.

In Fossbarrow, Karya guided Lux ​​to liberate the restrictions of magic and transform it into effective productivity and improve people's livelihood, which is the right way.

In the capital of Demacia, seeing that Jarvan IV has already gone to climb Mount Targon, Demacia is likely to be one of the orthodox churches. At this time, leading the nobles to make troubles and causing conflicts between the royal family and the noble council is to delay the enemy The trick of the footsteps.

And if you want to separate the nobles and the royal family, the most important thing is to speculate on people's hearts. Knowing what can make the royal family frightened the noble council and what can make the noble council dissatisfied with the royal family, with these foundations, Carya can make arrangements.

When Lacus was still living in the Xiongdu of Demacia, Carya also learned a lot of inside information about the nobles when she taught her.

However, considering the timeliness of news, Carya decided to start with a more secure target.

So, here comes the question, which noble family Carya is more familiar with and can use it, but it will not bring the problem to Lacus and Fossbarrow after the incident?

After thinking about it for a while, Karya had a calculation in his heart.


It was getting light, and Sebastian Laurent got up early. After washing, he put on his own dress, leaned on a cane, and planned to go out slowly.

"Are you still going to Dawn Castle?" Just as Sebastian was picking out the scarf, Mrs. Laurent said helplessly, "Didn't it mean that His Majesty the King does not accept audiences?"

"Whether His Majesty sees or not is his business, and whether I go or not is my business." Sebastian finally chose a dark blue scarf with white stripes and wrapped it around his shoulders, "The recent rumors in the city There is a lot of trouble, we have to be ourselves."

"I hope His Majesty's health will recover soon." Mrs. Laurent could only nod her head when she heard the words, "There has been a lot of trouble in Xiongdu recently. When will the situation stabilize?"

Sebastian felt sorry for his wife's sigh.

As the patriarch of the Laurent family, Sebastian is also very eager for the situation to be stabilized, and the male capital can return to the previous days of singing and dancing, without such ups and downs, let alone Any dramatic change.

This kind of thought is not because Sebastian is a man of life, but because he knows very well what the core competitiveness of the Laurent family is - to be able to stand out from a lot of unknown small families, Lauren The Te family does not rely on personal ability!
Fiona, who has a bright future, followed Lacus to Fossbarrow, which is not a shit. This fully demonstrated the loyalty of the Laurent family. After that, Sebastian consciously strengthened his own family. This is the true loyalty attribute, which really gradually gained a firm foothold in Xiongdu.

In the past year, three of his six sons who were unmarried got married successively, and perfectly inherited and carried forward his loyalty, loyalty to marriage, loyalty to family, loyalty to position, let Laurent The reputation of the family finally gradually improved.

Sebastian saw very clearly that his family, except for his daughter, was actually nothing special, so it was better to be more down-to-earth and be the most loyal person among the pompous nobles. Rely on this loyalty and trust to climb up!

When everyone thinks that the Laurent family is very loyal and knows how to repay kindness, then in the face of the same political opportunity, the members of the Laurent family will naturally have an advantage—we know how to repay , If you give me a chance, I will reward you!

We, the Laurent family, want to be a bastard family with a good reputation in the aristocratic circle!
It is precisely because of the establishment of this family strategy that Sebastian still sees Jarvan III every day even though he knows that he may not even see him. Kung fu is better than nothing.

Shaking his head, no longer thinking about what Jarvan III was going to do, Sebastian leaned on a cane and walked slowly towards Dawn Castle.

Then, as expected, he failed to meet Jarvan III, but left Castle of Dawn after receiving a verbal commendation.

It looks like Sebastian's mission is over for today.

However, when he wanted to go to his favorite tavern for a drink while it was still early, and meet someone to go fishing in the afternoon, the patriarch of the Laurent family accidentally heard something Rumors that he cares.

"Have you heard? A few days ago, someone from the branch of the royal family in Needle Creek County came to Xiongdu and was asking for an audience every day!"

"I heard, but it seems that they haven't even seen the guards of Dawn Castle..."

"Those crooked melons and cracked dates really dare to think!"

"What do they dare not think about? Let me tell you, they might have bought someone right now, and they are staring at His Majesty every day..."

Sebastian raised his head subconsciously, trying to find the speaker without any trace, but because there seemed to be a discount in the tavern, there were a lot of people here today, and he looked around, but he didn't find anyone Clue.

There were a lot of people talking around, and the conversation just now was vague, so Sebastian only got the general idea.

This tavern is a place where many down-and-out aristocrats and artists often gather, and it is normal for all kinds of strange news to appear here - Sebastian can only comfort himself in this way.

Soon, Sebastian's fishing friend came, and the two chatted happily, and soon made an appointment to go fishing in the afternoon, and then Sebastian stopped thinking about those messy things , packed up and returned home, ready to go fishing in the afternoon.

However, when he was taking fishing gear and riding a carriage to the outskirts of Xiongdu to go fishing, he happened to meet a carriage that caught his attention.

This carriage is very shabby, but the emblem of the Light Shield family is impressively engraved on the body.

Considering that His Majesty the King has only one son, and the Queen passed away early, the person riding in this carriage is probably the Guangdun side branch from Needle Creek County!
The two carriages passed by each other without further intersection, but recalling the rumors in the tavern at noon before, Sebastian still minded a little.

So, in the afternoon of that day, Sebastian had a rare air force, and he was a little anxious, and he didn't even catch a single aquatic plant in the end.

"What's the matter, Sebastian?" His fishing friend asked in surprise, "Your luck looks a little bad today!"

"Yeah, not so lucky." Sebastian nodded, "Maybe I should try another bait."

"Then try my kind." His fishing friend excitedly took out a new bait box, "This is a popular sea bait in Needle Creek County. I heard that there will be sea fish migrating at this time. Maybe we can still catch a few big guys that we haven't seen before!"

Needle Creek County, what the hell is Needle Creek County!
Sebastian felt that his blood pressure had risen a bit—although reason told him that Needle Creek County was indeed close to the sea and sea fishing was popular, but within a day, he saw things related to Needle Creek County many times in a row. The coincidence still made him a little annoyed.

There is no doubt that Sebastian has nothing to do with those offshoots of the Lightshield family who are pretending to be the throne.

But that didn't stop him from feeling awkward.

I see him every day to show respect to His Majesty the King and to maintain the personality of the Laurent family, but now it is inexplicably involved with the issue of the royal family's succession...

Sebastian, who was in an even worse mood, managed to use some special bait from Needle Creek County, but in the end he still didn't catch a single fish. In the end, he could only sit in his own carriage, and in a not-so-good mood, silently went home.


The coincidence that Sebastian met was naturally not a pure coincidence.

Whether it's the discussion in the tavern, or the special needle creek bait of the fishing friends, or even the carriage that met halfway, these are all carefully planned by Carya.

Rumors are spread by artists who don’t think it’s a big deal to watch the excitement, and the old version of rumors that have been around for a long time has been re-spread after a little careful modification. body.

The bait was sold by a fellow in the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce. After Lacus became the lord of Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce, the Fossbarrow Chamber of Commerce set up a small shop in Mithril City. In addition to Luo's specialties, it also sells some other gadgets.

Although Needle Creek County is relatively far from Xiongdu, since the lord there is also a member of the Guangdun family, it is normal for Needle Creek County’s products to appear in Xiongdu, but such things as sea fishing bait are relatively rare. This was specially prepared by Karya after finding out Sebastian's hobbies.

The carriage that met halfway was even simpler. After Jarvan III declared that he was ill, people from Guangdun’s side branch had already come to visit relatives, and because Jarvan III had "not recovered", these people stayed in Xiongdu. Returning, after confirming that the other party will participate in a social event this afternoon, Kalya created a little confusion on the way they must pass.

In order to catch up with the tea party, the carriage on the side of the light shield would naturally divert, and they had a chance encounter with Sebastian.

These very coincidental things are simply normal things in Xiongdu. Although Karya has done a lot, she will definitely not leave any traces.

However, due to Sebastian's overly regular life and continuous encounters with unexpected situations, the patriarch of the Laurent family still had doubts in his heart, for fear that he would be somehow involved in the succession of the throne.

Everyone knows that the issue of succession to the throne is a big hole, and if you jump into it, you will only be smashed to pieces!
So, to be on the safe side, he decided to avoid suspicion a little bit, and it's best not to have any communication with this kind of thing - if you can't get involved in this kind of thing, then don't get involved at all!

And what Karya wants is for Sebastian to avoid suspicion.

If you want to avoid something, you need to know something about it. Sebastian can't simply and rudely get rid of all the affairs related to Needle Creek County in the family, so after dinner, he found his son , and simply held a family meeting with them.

At the family meeting, Sebastian certainly couldn't say that he ran into a branch of the royal family in Needle Creek County. It's really not easy to tell his sons about such suspicious things, so he used the excuse that His Majesty the King has always said that he was sick. , sighed a few words with great concern, and then brought the topic to the offshoot of the Guangdun family, hoping that the children would not get mixed up with dubious people.

Regarding the father's words, the younger generation of the Laurent family of course nodded and said yes-the most rebellious sister is in Forsbarrow, and the rest are good babies, plus the light shield in Needle Creek County has always been unpopular. How good, so they just thought that their father was reminding themselves.

So, after they went home, they briefly talked about these things, just like when Guangdun Pangzhi from Needle Creek County first arrived in Xiongdu, and reminded the family members not to get involved.

What happened with the Laurent family was just the beginning.

In the next few days, through a similar method, Kalya quietly blew the wind of "Be careful of the side branch of the light shield in Needle Creek County". Through the accumulation of details, the aristocratic circle in Xiongdu once again had no trace of the wind. Beside the light shield in Needle Creek County, vigilance was set up, and the guys from Needle Creek County were examined again.


Karya spent a lot of time trying to stir up waves, and there was a purpose behind it.

In fact, from the fact that the peak-climbing incident has not been announced for a long time, Carya has already guessed that Jarvan III is unwilling to give up at both ends-if he believes that the peak-climbing can be achieved, he will definitely not secretly carry out it without telling everyone ; He was still holding his breath after Jarvan IV had left for a long time, so he must have his own purpose.

Therefore, the cooperation between the royal family and the Illuminati must not be intimate, and the point of difference between them must be the royal family's back-up after the failure of climbing the peak!
What is the backhand?

The answer is already very clear. The second hand is the side branch. The royal family has been passed down for several generations. If you want to curb the growth of the Illuminati after the failure of climbing the peak, Jarvan III did not rely on the noble council, then you must rely on your own side branch .

Then, if there is no accident, the Illuminati will also allocate energy to pay attention to the movements of the side branches of the light shield.

The reason is also very simple. From the perspective of the Illuminati, if they reach the peak, they will step up to the fore and become a tool for the royal family to suppress the noble council.

And if the climb to the peak fails and they can't get to the front stage, then do they need to consider cooperating with the new royal family?

The relationship with the new royal family can't be as bad as it is now!

After sorting out this point, the current situation in Xiongdu is very clear in the eyes of Karya, which roughly looks like this:
In the eyes of Jarvan III, he only needs to wait for his son to return from the peak. If he succeeds, the orthodox religion will be unified, and the foundation of his family's rule will be as stable as Mount Tai; Ask east and west, find abnormalities.

In the eyes of most of the nobles in Xiongdu, there is no need for them to get involved in the issue of succession to the throne. Although they were a little puzzled by the absence of King Jiawen III, they did not realize that there was any problem. I have some scrutiny on the side branch of the light shield.

In the eyes of the Illuminati, the side branch of Light Shield is the royal family after the failure to climb the peak. They do not want to continue to be suppressed after the failure of the summit, but it is impossible to contact the side branch in advance. Now they can only pay attention to the rumors. By the way, also pay attention to the offshoot children of the younger generation.

Everyone has their own behavioral logic because of their different interests and different information they get.

Next, Kalya only needs to let the nobles who are looking at the side branch of the light shield discover that the side branch of the light shield has something to do with the Illuminati, and then they will very actively jump out to make trouble for Jarvan III and ask Jarvan IV to come out.

As for how to connect the side branches of the light shield with the Illuminati...

Then wait for Jarvan III's New Year's speech.

Three days later, Carya wanted to let all the nobles in Xiongdu know that their king had abandoned them and planned to cooperate with the Illuminati to suppress the nobles together!
 Sorry, I finished my work very late last night. When I sat down to code, I wrote hundreds of words of garbled characters, and then I fell asleep on the chair. I woke up in the morning. I thought the update in the middle of the night would go directly to the next day noon.

  There is another chapter tonight.

  PS. Everyone must pay attention to your health. Even if you have no yang, you have other diseases, and it will be very troublesome to treat. The medical run-off is really serious.

(End of this chapter)

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