Lux's Farewell

548 [0542] The sword falling from the sky

548 [0542] The sword falling from the sky

The New Year's Speech, as the name suggests, is a speech that the King of Demacia gave to all Demacians on the occasion of the New Year.

Of course, due to the ability to communicate, only the nobles and citizens of the Xiongdu of Demacia have the opportunity to listen to the speech. Except for the locals of Xiongdu, the Demacians from other places will not travel thousands of miles during the New Year. I came to Xiongdu just to listen to a speech.

Moreover, unlike Lux's Spring Speech and Winter Speech, Jarvan III's New Year's Speech was notoriously boring.

The main purpose of the king's speech was to show his face and strengthen the public's understanding of the king. Jarvan III did not intend to break up Demacia's strategy, crush it, and then speak it in words that the public could understand—and, To be honest, Demacia doesn't have a clear national strategy.

Therefore, for the citizens of Xiongdu who can listen to the speech, their main purpose of listening to the speech is not to hear what the king said, but to look forward to the early completion of Jarvan III, and then go to the free open-air New Year's concert, watch The New Year's fireworks show is very similar to elementary school students who don't care about the principal's speech at the sports meeting.

However, for the nobles who needed to attend the speech, Jarvan III's speech had another meaning.

In the New Year’s speech, the nobles do not need to come up to say a few words (of course, they are not qualified to do so), but their seats are a very important issue at the subsequent "Happy with the People" concert, which represents Their status in His Majesty's heart, and their status among nobles.

The closer to the front row and the position closer to His Majesty the King, the more it represents the status of a noble family among all the nobles in Xiongdu. Although it seems that this is just a naive sorting game, since the New Year speech began, all the participating nobles But they will try their best to fight for the front row.

Except for a small number of "his own people", Jarvan III will not stipulate which nobleman sits where, and the nobles can't grab the position like ordinary people. Behind the superficial compliments and humility is the competition of the "internal strength" of each noble family. .


In this year's New Year's speech, Sebastian successfully squeezed into the second row because of his unique way of loyalty and his family's three consecutive outstanding marriages.

For Sebastian, who was usually in the fourth or fifth row in the past, the second row is undoubtedly a very perfect position. He knows very well that he and his family do not have the qualifications and abilities to sit in the first row. This front, but not so front position, is the best choice.

In order to match this position, so that he will not lose his identity, Sebastian, who attended the New Year's speech and New Year's concert, specially customized a robe with a foxtail lapel, which is full of luxury.

However, just the day before the New Year's speech, Sebastian got a piece of news that gave him quite a headache.

"In this year's New Year's speech, the branch of the Light Shield family in Needle Creek County will also participate. If there is no accident, they will also sit in the second row."

What the hell, the Guangdun side branch of Needle Creek County, who was so low-key in the past, is staying in Xiongdu this year?
Now that His Majesty Jarvan III is going to give a New Year's speech normally, what are they doing here and not returning to their fiefdom?

Does His Majesty Jarvan III not mind these guys wandering around in Xiongdu?
Due to the recent wind direction in Xiongdu, most of the nobles in the first three rows are thinking about how to stay away from these troublesome guys - everyone tacitly agrees that Jarvan IV will inherit the throne, and they don't want to get involved with these guys from Needle Creek County .

But it is a pity that there is a guy hiding in the dark who contributes to the flames, and it is obviously impossible for this matter to stop here.

In order to give the people of Xiongdu a little excitement, Kalya happily gave a big gift to these branches of Needle Creek County, a saber specially brought by Shivana, and it was still a complete version with a scabbard.

This saber looks ordinary, but anyone who knows its history will not underestimate it, because the previous owner of this sword was the second king of Demacia, His Majesty Sentu .

Sentu, who failed to inherit Oren's Warhammer, used his martial arts skills to elevate this sword, which was only made of better materials, to the level of a holy relic, but after his death, this sword was as good as Oren's The Warhammer is generally gone.

Now, Kalya decides to "return the sword to its original owner" and quietly give it to the direct descendants of Sentu - after losing the throne, it was sealed in the hands of the light shield branch of Needle Creek County .

What's terrible is that the name of the branch of the contemporary light shield is also called Sentu; and the young man who got the Karya Saber is Sentu II.

No one is better at stirring up one's ambitions than Karya.

When the young man who was originally on the side of the light shield woke up and found a familiar-looking saber beside him, Sentu II did not alarm anyone, but looked at the saber while thinking. Why does it look so familiar.

After thinking for a long time, he finally realized that this saber was exactly the same as the saber on a sculpture in his manor.

At this moment, his breathing became short of breath.

Everyone knows that in Demacia, the identities of the offshoots of the Light Shield are a bit embarrassing; but few people know that the identity of the offshoots of the Light Shield is so embarrassing, mainly because they were once the main family - Sentu led the first generation of fearless pioneers into the shadows The act of sealing the devil in the world was very heroic, but the king's fearlessness directly led to the big problem of royal succession. In order to stabilize people's hearts, the light shield family inherited the throne not from Sentu's son, but his younger brother; The son obtained the fief of Needle Creek County, which is rich in products but far away from the political center.

Historically, there have been several disharmonious incidents in the Light Shield branch of Needle Creek County, but in the end it was just a small fight, far away from Xiongdu, isolated in the Light Shield branch south of the Silver Mountain Range, just like their The location of the fief is average. It seems that the straight-line distance to Xiongdu is very close, but when you actually walk, you find that you have to go around a long way.

Since the side branch of the light shield was Jarvan III's backup, after they entered Xiongdu, Jarvan III maintained an attitude of neither letting them go nor paying attention to them, which made these countrymen from Needle Creek County quite awkward.

Coupled with the scrutiny of other Xiongdu nobles, the life of the young Sentu II in Xiongdu can be said to be quite unsatisfactory.

However, in such an unsatisfactory situation, he miraculously received a gift from heaven.

If the sword were real, the meaning would be rather subtle.

Realizing this, Sentu II, who was short of breath, finally pulled out the saber, and then carefully examined every detail of the sword from beginning to end; the more he looked at it, the more short of breath he had .

Regardless of the material or shape, it is exactly the same as the saber of His Majesty Sentu recorded in the clan!
Could this be the lost king's sword? !

Although it was out of consideration for the stability of the successor that the side branch was included in the main light shield, after the change of the royal family, the loss of the relics of Oren and Sentu for two consecutive generations is considered a kind of loss in the hearts of many Demacians. Now this light shield is even more important. A symbol of destiny.

This kind of understanding is actually very far-fetched. Jarvan III's current stable position is actually obtained by his grandfather Jarvan I with his life, his father Jarvan II with his life's diligence, and his own hard work. Politicians and the public can better understand some prophecy stories, and the throne is lost only after losing weapons. This has always been the hardest hit area of ​​Demacia's unofficial history.

And now, the sword that once belonged to His Excellency Sentu has returned to Sentu II. Any Demacian who has an understanding of the history of the Lightshield family will not be able to maintain absolute confidence after hearing this news. calm.

Sentu II became very excited.

But apart from his excitement, he still had a big doubt: who left this sword here, on the bedside where he could see it when he woke up?

For Centu II, who has no connections or resources in Xiongdu, this is undoubtedly a difficult question to answer. He can clearly feel that when the nobles of Xiongdu face him, they usually show There is a kind of vigilance, a kind of scrutiny, and His Majesty the King has only seen himself so far. Although he is kind on the surface, he is actually quite vigilant.

Under such circumstances, in the entire city of Xiongdu, he really couldn't figure out who would give this sword to him.

Could it be that this sword is a gift of fate, a sign of some kind of greatness?

After getting the Sentu Saber, the state of Sentu II began to become more subtle. On the surface, he still maintained the previous style and looked very normal, but in fact he carefully observed everything around him, hoping to find some A clue to the appearance of this saber.

And when he was nervous and almost fell into a state of paranoia, the Illuminati entered his field of vision.

The Illuminati, who were watching Sentu II in the dark, had to consider the attitude of Jarvan III, so they mostly just looked at Sentu II—but compared with the obviously alienated nobles of Xiongdu, they sometimes calmly looked at him. It can also be seen as a kind of intimacy.

And as the Illuminati became a "candidate for the sword sender", Sentu II began to act like a suspicious neighbor stealing an axe, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that there was a door.

You know, there are a lot of old things in Demacia inside the Illuminati. They have actually kept the Sentu Saber secretly. Isn't this a problem?

In recent years, the Illuminati has always been known for its embarrassment in Xiongdu, and even its own authority is being lost at a speed visible to the naked eye. Under such circumstances, it seems that there is no problem for them to find a new way out to protect themselves, right?

More importantly, not long ago, there was an angel descending incident in Xiongdu, after which the Illuminati remained strangely silent. In addition, in order to conceal the purpose, the cardinal's face would be uneasy every time he met with him. Therefore, in Centurion II It seems that the sword I got is probably the Illumination Society acting silently!

You first observed me secretly, and then gave me the Sentu Saber... Does this mean that Guangguang has some subtle thoughts?

Sentu II tried to contact the Illuminati, and even took the initiative to show his piety, but obviously, the Illuminati could not respond now.

Once ambition spreads, it will become a weed. Even a wildfire cannot burn it out. The indifference and routine of the Illuminati are regarded by Sentu II as a high-level secrecy work.

Just when Sentu II was emotionally agitated in silence, almost unable to contain himself, it was time for the New Year's speech.

According to the order of seating, Sentu II will sit in the second row.

Among the many positions in the second row, he chose behind the cardinal without hesitation.

Then, when Jarvan III's speech was about to start, this young man, who was usually far away from the political center of Xiongdu, completely forgot his father's advice to him, and whispered to the cardinal sitting in front, "Thank you Saber".

The Cardinal was at a loss, completely unaware of what this guy was talking about, and since Jarvan III's speech was about to begin, he could only nod vaguely.

All of the above clearly fell into Sebastian's eyes. He didn't hear what Centu II said clearly, but only vaguely heard "thank you".

Sebastian had no idea what the relationship between Centu II and the cardinal was, and why thanksgiving was involved, but after seeing this scene, he still had a vague scalp tingling feeling.

Is the side branch of the light shield related to the light society?

What the hell, what is the Illuminati going to do, are they in a daze?

The next day, when the people of Xiongdu were still celebrating the New Year, an explosive news swept across the entire aristocratic circle of Demacia.

Centu II claimed that the Illuminati had retrieved His Majesty Sentu's sword and returned it to its original owner. In order to express his gratitude, he generously donated a large sum of money to the Illuminati.

Naturally, the Illuminati Society did not dare to accept this money.

But it's a pity that when the news came out, it didn't really matter whether the Illuminati would accept the money or not.

Prince Jiawen IV has not seen anyone for a long time, and he didn't even attend the king's speech. At this juncture, the younger generation of the light shield, Centu II announced that he had obtained the adornment of his ancestor His Majesty Centu from the Illuminati. sword……

After connecting these pieces of news together, the nobles of Xiongdu discovered to their astonishment that the current situation in Demacia seemed to be quite different from what they knew.

Could it be that something really happened to His Royal Highness, so that Guangdun might have to lead another side into the room again and rot the meat in his own pot?
Is that sword real or fake?

Most importantly, why did Illuminati send that sword away?
My dear majesty, what are you going to do?
Facing this sudden situation, the nobles of Xiongdu finally couldn't bear it any longer, and they strongly demanded to convene all the noble council again to discuss this matter together - and Jarvan III, who just gave a New Year's speech yesterday, this time Finally lost all excuses and reasons for rejection.

 Carya's Small Classroom From Needle Creek County to Xiongdu:
  From the map, the distance between Needle Creek County and the Xiongdu of Demacia is undoubtedly very close, only a few hundred miles away.

  But after a real walk, you will find that Needle Creek County is almost the farthest city from Xiongdu, because from Needle Creek County to Xiongdu, you need to cross the shimmering silver mountain range, which can be called a natural danger, and if you want to cross the shimmering silver For the mountains, you can only go through the sad door of the mountain pass.

  The location of Needle Creek County is like the political location of the side branch of Guangdun. It seems that it is very close to Xiongdu, but in fact it is far away.

(End of this chapter)

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