Lux's Farewell

549 [0543] Chain of suspicion

549 [0543] Chain of suspicion

Jarvan III's blindfold effect was very effective. Even if he made it clear that he was blocked at both ends and only waited for his son to return from the peak, the Illuminati had to cooperate with his actions, and everyone on the noble council was kept in the dark .

However, under the instigation of His Majesty Sentu's saber (conscience of heaven and earth, Karya didn't even use the power of demons), Sentu II had some undeserved thoughts, so that his reckless actions ruined Jarvan III All the cover-ups presented an absolutely unacceptable possibility in front of all the nobles.

If the Illuminati and the Light Shield family unite, this is absolutely unacceptable to all nobles.

The sudden change in the situation caught Jarvan III by surprise. He never expected that things could unfold like this. Why did Sentu II, a young man who was still cautious in the side branch, suddenly follow the wind? He also started to get sick—wait a minute, that saber, shouldn’t it be real?

The situation in Xiongdu is starting to get weird.

Before appeasing the nobles, Jarvan III felt that it was necessary for him to confirm the situation.

Jarvan III, who originally thought he could fully control the Illuminati, now has doubts about his control over the Illuminati. Because of Sentu II's convincing words, he also doubted the authenticity of the sword for a while. In this case, he simply summoned Centu II for the first time in the name of congratulations, wanting to see his great sword.

After hesitating for a moment, Sentu II simply entered the Castle of Dawn with his saber. However, in order to avoid any strange accidents, he still kept an eye out - he made great fanfare when he entered the Castle of Dawn, hoping to It made Jarvan III fearful.

Then, all the nobles in Xiongdu knew the news that Sentu II was going to Dawn Castle to have an audience with him with the newly acquired Sentu Saber.

The situation has become more tense.

In Dawn Castle, Jarvan III saw Sentu II, and also saw the saber in Sentu II's hand - and after identification, Jarvan III judged that this sword was genuine, because it conformed to the royal family's original idea of ​​Sentu All descriptions of His Majesty's sword, with all its idiosyncrasies.

Things have developed to this point, and everything is finally irreversible.

As the king, Jarvan III couldn't make the determination to keep Sentu II or kill him, and he couldn't say that the sword was fake. He was a fairly generous king, and he couldn't be sure about the Will the saber have any magical functions, and in the end he can only let Sentu II leave.

Years of high positions made Jarvan III hesitate at critical moments. He has always worn shoes. Even at this time, he still habitually maintains his dignity as a king. subconscious reserve.

When Sentu II left Dawn Castle, two invisible chains of suspicion protruded from the heavily fortified Dawn Castle, and finally tightly bound the political situation in Xiongdu.

On Jarvan III's side, he suspected that the Illuminati were also trying to hedge their bets, getting in touch with the Light Shield branch in advance, and giving it support.

On the side of the noble council, they suspected that something happened to Jarvan IV, and Jarvan III wanted to transfer power to a side branch and use the Illuminati to escort him.

Under the order of unspoken political rules, the royal family and the aristocratic council, which maintained basic mutual trust, have not broken their faces, but they have fallen into suspicion that they cannot trust each other. Unless Jarvan III convenes a noble meeting on the spot, it is almost impossible to form effective communication .

However, Jarvan III cannot convene a council of nobles. Once the meeting is held, he will face an unanswerable question: where is Jarvan IV?

He absolutely could not tell the news that Jarvan IV was going to climb the peak, because as long as he told the news, the nobles would turn against him on the spot, which completely meant that he was cooperating with the Illuminati and was completely against the nobles!

Moreover, without telling the news about Jarvan IV, he can't lie, because if Jarvan IV fails to climb the peak, his lies may even cause the Light Shield family to lose the throne directly.

In history, the throne of Demacia has changed hands several times, but every time the king finally became a member of the Lightshield family.

But in theory, all nobles have the opportunity to ascend to the throne through the noble council. If the lies are exposed and the trust of the nobles is completely lost, there will be problems with the throne of Light Shield.

Before Carya stirred up the muddy water, Jarvan III could calmly deal with all situations in silence, and even solve problems with both ends.

But now, the atmosphere in Xiongdu has changed drastically. Under the chain of suspicion, Jiawen III was forced to a dead end.

But the troubles His Majesty is facing are not only that.

As a side branch of the light shield at the center of the vortex, Sentu II is completely unaware of the seriousness of the problem.

At this time, the young man was immersed in the expectation of recasting his own glory—the Sentu Saber has been certified by many professionals, and it is basically certain that it is genuine. Moreover, Sentu Er, who had always been a marginal person before, After a long time, he finally got the news that Jarvan IV had not seen him for a long time, which further fueled his ambition.

In addition, the Illuminati also carried forward their past traditions, and there was a trend of internal division.

Since Jarvan III's plan needs to be kept secret, Jarvan IV's ascent to the peak is only known to a few senior members of the Illuminati.

But now it’s all right. Everyone in the Illuminati knew that Sentu II had obtained the Sentu Saber from the Illuminati. Therefore, the missionaries who had become more and more difficult to live under the pressure of the royal family in recent years began to flock one after another. There was a lot of noise.

They thought that the Sentu Saber was found by their senior officials from the secret store of the Illuminati and handed over to Centur II. They thought it was a signal, a kind of all-out attack, to give those annoying nobles some color Signal!

In the past, even if the Illuminati had any actions that needed to be kept secret, there would never be such a split up and down.

However, in recent years, under continuous blows, three cardinals have been changed within the Illuminati within five years, and a large number of high-level bishops have also retired, and the Silencers have also split, and even the organization of the Illuminati has emerged. There was a lot of tearing, and there was no way to be united.

As a result, within the Illuminati, the news that "Jarvan IV is dead" began to spread. Missionaries and even fringe bishops thought that Sentu II was the next king supported by the Illuminati. Mobility, starting to build momentum for their "God's Chosen King."

The support of the Illuminati missionaries finally became the last straw that crushed the situation in Xiongdu.

The aristocratic council, which had always been at odds with the Illuminati, issued an ultimatum to Jarvan III, demanding that the aristocratic council be formally convened, and that Jarvan IV must attend.

Like an invisible noose, the chain of suspicion finally strangled Demacia's most vulnerable throat called "Nobles and Illuminati" at this moment, and then...suddenly tightened!
 Today is shorter, rest early, and adjust your schedule.

(End of this chapter)

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