Lux's Farewell

551 [0545] Serious manpower shortage

The first phase of the canal project is currently underway - based on the original channel of the Seasonal River, it will be deepened, dredged, and dredged to stabilize the Seasonal River.

The channel of the old seasonal river was crushed by glaciers. After the artificial lake was built last year, the glaciers did not run over as usual in the spring.

Although the river successfully flowed into the Meilan River along the course of the previous year, because it was not crushed by glaciers, the river flooded many areas last year, making the already bad road even worse.

Therefore, taking advantage of this winter, on the basis of the old river course, the royalists deepened the river course, cleared the riverbed, and built high embankments, trying to stabilize the river completely.

This is a very hard work. Compared with the previous excavation of the artificial lake, the most troublesome part is that as the project progresses, the camp needs to be relocated every three to five days. In addition, it is different from the artificial lake project with a stable location and environment. , the river bed deepening project involves a straight-line distance of nearly [-] miles, and it is inevitable to face different geological environments during the process.

In the worst place, three feet below the river bed was a huge granite rock, and it took a lot of effort for the Archons to blow up and remove the huge granite blocks lying underground to deepen the river bed.

Therefore, although Karya lowered the construction speed requirements, when he came to the construction office to check the construction situation, he still had to admit that the progress of the project was much lower than his expectations.

At least this winter, the river deepening project will not be completed.

And when the spring is warm and the river is filled with water, the project will stop. According to the current speed, the construction of this artificial river may take another two years.

It took three years to complete the repair of the river channel and turn the seasonal river into a perennial river. Although this speed is a bit slow, it is not unacceptable. Thinking of this, Kalya was slightly relieved, and then let Shivana take her away The construction site continued north, and finally returned to Fossbarrow smoothly the next day.


"So, what happened in Xiongdu?" When Kalya returned, Lux temporarily put down the work at hand, and asked Kalya immediately, "Not long ago, my mother sent me a letter , the letter asked me in detail about many details of the Battle of Mithral City."

"Some bad things happened in Xiongdu." Kalya replied, "Generally speaking, His Majesty Jarvan III used a little trick to send His Royal Highness to climb Mount Targon."

Lux's eyes widened in disbelief upon hearing this.

"Without your guidance, climbing Mount Targon would be a dangerous thing, right?" Sona stroked the strings with some doubts, "Your Majesty is so confident?"

"Maybe it has something to do with the angel's arrival before - I don't know the specific details." Kalya said honestly, "But the good news is that I have disclosed this matter. If there is no accident, you will be sent home soon." There may be some changes in the attitudes of the Crownguard family and the Bouvier family..."

As he said that, Kalya confessed what he saw and speculated in Xiong, and what he did later, which made Lacus and Sona stunned for a while.

"So, what are we going to do next?" Lux swallowed hard as she tried to digest the information Kalya gave, "Are you going to start training the army?"

"Training the army?" Carya was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, "What are you thinking, it must not be—don't worry, now our king is not in the mood to think about the northern border, and the noble council will not care about us. The attitude of the backcountry, our strategy does not need to be changed, just work hard to develop!"

"But the giant god interferes..."

"The interference of the giant gods is very troublesome, but it's not as troublesome as you think." Noticing the rare nervousness of Lacus, Kalya explained with a smile, "The giant gods are a group of guys who lack the concept of time. , It’s almost the same thing as three to five days for us, and they won’t make any big moves in a short period of time.”


Both Lacus and Sona blinked, seemingly in disbelief.

"Believe me, even if there is a problem with Kyle, it will probably be three or five years before the giant finds the problem and reacts. As long as Jarvan IV does not rely on the prestige of returning from the peak and integrates all Demacia resources, we still have time.”

"So you chose to detonate His Majesty's plan and put him in a confrontation with the noble council?"

"That's right." Carya admitted, "Nobles will not be willing to lose their authority. Once the situation becomes tense, Jarvan IV, who has returned from the summit, will not be able to integrate the political situation smoothly. At that time, the nobles will have one more reason to fight against the royal family—— Perhaps, they will also want to share the immortal power."

"Then we can continue to develop with peace of mind?"

"Continue to develop—take three years as a cycle, show your posture in Zaun, and turn Fossbarrow upside down!"

Kalya's categorical words made Lacus and Sona finally relieved. A few days later, they respectively received letters from their mothers (adoptive mothers). The political situation here, and said that His Majesty the King "may deviate from the Demacia tradition".

It seems that because the negotiations between the noble council and Jarvan III have not yet ended, neither of the letters they received described the problem in too much detail. , it seems that Jarvan III was quite tough in the negotiations with the noble council. He neither directly confessed Jarvan IV's whereabouts nor completely rejected the succession of Centur II. remain silent.

"Will this lead to civil war?" After receiving the letter, Lacus asked Kalya with some anxiety, "It seems that the noble council and His Majesty the king may tear their faces apart at any time."

"Civil war? How is it possible to have a civil war!" Kalya was not worried about this, "Do you think the nobles might go directly to Luo with their own private army?"

Lux blinked, realizing that this seemed unlikely.

After all, the garrison was completely in the hands of Jarvan III at this time, and the military had always supported Jarvan III—if it was just such a trivial matter as the missing prince, the offspring who might inherit the throne, and Illuminati would be closer, it seemed that It will not shake Jiawen III's prestige in the army.

And as long as they have a firm grip on the army, the nobles don't have the capital to start a civil war.

"So according to my judgment, the noble council and Jarvan III will engage in a brutal cold war, but they will definitely not resort to force." Kalya concluded, "In other words, this can be regarded as some kind of political transaction - Jarvan III won Get close to the power of the Illuminati, but correspondingly, I am afraid that you will lose control over the nobles."

"So, this is a split?"

"Not quite, but...almost."

After reaching this conclusion, Lux was silent for a while.

She never thought that Demacia, which has always been united, would actually split in a short period of time, and her most respected teacher played a very important role in this process.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, you will know that the root of this matter lies in Jarvan III's ambition, and his desire to bring the divine right into his own control. It is the imbalance of the power structure that caused this split.

But I understand that, after all, Lacus who has come to this step is a little bit disappointed. In the end, she can only sigh a long time, and then turn around and start to prepare the speech of her spring speech.


The turbulent waves in Xiongdu spread to the northern border, and they have become calm.

For the Fossbarrow people, the power struggle of those Xiongdu lords is far away in the sky. What they care more about now is the newly sprouted fragrant red persimmons in the newly opened Fossbarrow Nursery this spring.

That's right, after a year of experimental planting, starting this spring, a new wave of sage plantings will be restricted to the public at the Forsbarrow Nursery, proving to the Forsbarrow people that Fauqueline The plant breeding group I belong to has now initially mastered the ability to grow fragrant red sage.

Herb collectors are well aware of the economic value of fenugreek. They usually don’t pick much because they take up space and are unlucky. If they can be planted directly near the city, everything will be different!

Therefore, when the nursery announced its opening, even in the severe winter, there was still an endless stream of people who came to visit.

Then, in this warm atmosphere, Lux gave her spring speech again as usual.

This is the second spring speech given by Lux after she came to Forsbarrow.

The atmosphere of the speech was very enthusiastic, and the content of the speech was also very rich.

Unlike last year, Lux started with the experience of the Battle of Mithral City, and firmly attracted the attention of Fossbarrow people from the very beginning—everyone knew that the Battle of Mithral City was won, and there were sporadic cases The news came from the refugees of Mithril City, but these news were fragmented and unsystematic. For the specific process of the Battle of Mithril City, the Fossbarrow people were full of curiosity.

And at the beginning of Spring's speech, Lux satisfied their curiosity and briefly told the story of the Battle of Mithral City (omitting the part where her brother found someone to single out and never fought).

Kalya's carefully revised speech made Lacus quickly grab the attention of the people, and their moods changed with the changes in the situation in Mithral City that Lacus described. After hearing the part about the flooding of Mithril, Many people exclaimed in disbelief.

Fortunately, Lacus spoke quickly and clearly, and she didn't make a fool of herself, and quickly finished the part where she was half-struck. Although these words were somewhat boastful by her, the Fossbarrows were very I believe that it was not all cheering, the atmosphere in the central square became quite lively for a while.

After finishing the part about the Battle of Mithral City, Lux finally got the topic back on track and began to make this year's "ruling plan".

The planting of Xianghongsu has gone through the laboratory, and now it has been officially moved into the nursery. Last year, Xianghongsu was maintained and cultivated by several experienced herb pickers according to the conditions provided by Fuquelin. Successfully completed a year of prosperity and withering. The sage in the nursery this year is the result of last year's cultivation. Now the scale of planting has been expanded. If it goes well, when the saffron bears seeds this autumn, the imperial law Participants will start a special course on the planting of red sage, and those who are interested in investing in the planting of sage can come and learn.

After passing the study, the court will provide the initial seeds, help build a professional nursery, and conduct a unified purchase.

Hearing this, the crowd burst into cheers again, especially many older herb pickers, who were full of anticipation for the cultivation of Xianghongsu.

In addition to the promotion and planting of red sage, Fossbarrow has another important task this year, which is the establishment of the Newport Wharf in Fossbarrow.

The Xingang in the west of Fossbarrow City is the residence of the Walrus' Tusk tribe in the past and now the Xingang people. After the construction last year, the Xingang has begun to take shape.

Last winter, the sea near Xingang was almost free of ice, and Xingang residents who were unable to ice-fish had to seek help from the Archons, and finally paddled ice boats away from the coastline and carried out traditional ice-fishing.

After dispatching the Archon, Lux collected information about the western waters of Forsbarrow through the clerk, and then she got a very pleasant result—although the temperature is very low, Newport is a non-freezing port!

Even in the coldest winter, there are at most some unsuitable fine ice crystals on the sea surface, and this place can be navigated all year round!

Although Lux has not heard from Eno for almost a month since she received a letter written by Eno in Bilgewater, regardless of whether the fur trade is successful or not, Newport, a high-latitude ice-free port They are all well worth the effort to build!
Therefore, Lux plans to expand the area of ​​the new port this year, and start building a pier that can berth large sea ships.

According to the plan she discussed with Karya, the entire Newport will extend southwards, eventually crossing the remaining veins of the Dragon's Back Mountains, and become a slender port city, and in the south of the city, a large wharf will be built there .

In addition, in the direction of the artificial lake, the canal will also lead to a narrower harbor flow canal to the port, from which it enters the sea.

Although the construction of this tributary is extremely difficult, it is of great significance. With this harbor canal, all commodities in the northern border of Demacia can be transported by water, easily reach the seaside, and then ship at the Newport Wharf. , transported to various locations in Runeterra via the Sea of ​​Conquest.

At that time, Fossbarrow, a place that used to be a place of no shit, will become Piltover of Demacia!

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