Lux's Farewell

552 Letter from Ino [0546]

552 Letter from Ino [0546]

Almost at the same time that Lux confirmed the construction plan of the Newport Wharf, a letter from Ino was sent to Forsbarrow.

This letter was sent by Iva—it had been discussed before Ino left, she would send her letterhead to Vazuan, and then Iva would pick it up with Lacus’ token. In terms of distance message transmission, it is undoubtedly a better way to choose a relay station for multi-stage transmission, and Iva is also very used to sending messages to Ino now.

For Iva, flying around was hard work, but the thought of being able to stay away from that guy Kalya filled him with energy.

Ivar's little Scalia is not ignorant, but for him now, what is more important is the letter sent back by Ino, and the above news is what Fossbarrow hopes most at present.

After getting the letter and calling Sona, Lacus finally opened the sealant carefully, unlocked the magic lock on the letter, pulled out the letter paper, and read it word by word.

"Dear Lacus, Sona, and Teacher Kalya."

"At this time, I am writing to you at the municipal building in Vazuan. Ike promised to deliver the letter to Eva. Calculate the time. When you receive this letter, I should have arrived in Bilgewater .”

"In the past few months, we have traveled all the way across the mountains and across the ocean. Although there were some small twists and turns, we still arrived in Vazuan smoothly."

"Different from the planned route, after we arrived at Stonewall Town by boat, we were delayed for a short period of time, and after discussion, we unanimously decided to divert to Tellishne, and what prompted us to make this decision was exactly It is the key information that I need to explain to you carefully next."

"After everyone's investigation and analysis in Stonewall Town, we have unanimously judged that the Noxus civil war has undergone tremendous changes. Judging from the current situation, it seems that the Noxus in Besilico have just won A big win."

"The main reason for us to make such a judgment is the martial law in Stonewall Town and the appearance of a large number of ships going to Besilico at the pier-when the Noxus Civil War broke out, Stonewall Town has always been on the fence. The lord of the town has the temperament of a Piltover merchant, and is not the same as a Noxus-style warlord. According to the dock workers, at that time, the ships in Stonewall Town went to Longmen, Blood Cliff, and Besilico , to Fendo.”

"However, the Stonewall Town wharf has now conducted strict inspections on bulk commodities and enforced a fairly strict martial law. Bribery is completely unacceptable here. Anyone who enters Stonewall Town needs to go through detailed registration. "

"Of course, if it's just this, it's not enough to show that the war situation has changed."

"More importantly, when we were stranded at the pier, there were a large number of cargo ships from Triwell, Kilgolf, and Groft replenishing at the pier, which even caused congestion at the pier. It was a messy sailor, so we took the opportunity to get a shocking news from a drunk sailor."

"The targets of these ships, without exception, are all Besilico."

"It may be a coincidence that Stonewall Town sent a large amount of supplies to Besilico, but if the Noxus cities on the northern shore of the Valoran Strait all began to transport bulk commodities to Besilico, this may be enough to explain the problem."

"The hand of Noxus in Besilico may have made a lot of breakthroughs in the civil war in Noxus. Otherwise, these shrewd cities on the north shore would not be able to withstand the high tolls of Vazuan. Go and provide material support to Becilico."

"Because of our sensitive identity, we finally chose to go south, transit through Telishne, and finally arrived in Vazuan."

"In Vazuan, I also tried to inquire about the news of the Noxus civil war. For this reason, I also specially invited Victor, Jess, and their wives, Skye and Ms. Mel Talis dinner."

"During the period, I tried to learn some information about Noxus from Ms. Mel, but according to her, the Myrdalda family chose to be neutral in this turmoil, and she was not concerned about the situation in Noxus. I don't understand."

"However, judging from the ship data in the port area, the scale of the Noxian civil war is at least close to the most tense period of the Ionian War, and a large number of cities on the northern shore of the Valoran Strait have sent a large number of cargo ships. This also seems to confirm our speculation."

"If the civil war in Noxus goes wrong, or even one side wins outright, then I'm afraid we will have to worry about this belligerent empire looking for prey."

"In addition, the previous tension in Shurima has been completely eased. I heard that Nashilami has changed a new harbor governor. His name is like Blake Sward. , and took the initiative to end the war, and since then, Shurima seems to have never seen a large-scale conflict."

"In Vazuan, we visited all the Ionian commodity stores in detail. As of the time I wrote this letter, Ionian trade has become a very important type of trade in Vazuan. Once again the Texans began to pay large sums of tolls, and Vazuan enjoyed a precious period of prosperity."

"I had a brief talk with Ike about the trade of furs and tea. He said that tea is a good commodity for long-distance transportation, but he didn't know if Ionians like furs, and asked me about Fossbarrow and even In the entire Demacia, what products can participate in the international trade of Runeterra?"

"When I heard that Demacia's most abundant output is food, Ike's already dark face is like the bottom of the pot."

"He said that grain is the worst commodity for long-distance trade and the lowest profit margin among bulk commodities, and suggested that I propose some high-value-added commodities, so I showed him Hongsu."

"Ike seems to hate the taste of saffron, but unfortunately, Bobo likes it very much, so he can only frown and say 'maybe it can enter the trading system as a spice', and then he opens the window."

"Zuan's Alchemy Association is developing very well, but because there are too few people with spellcasting talents, their research on the utilization of the magic stone's energy has once again fallen into a bottleneck-although the cooperation with Piltover has made this aspect There have been many breakthroughs in research, but it still seems far away from Mr. Kalya's vision of industrialization of magic."

"All in all, the current itinerary is halfway through. Except for a small twist, most of the situation is within my expectations and control. This letter is also mainly to remind everyone that the Noxus may not be too honest."

"Finally, I hope the next journey will be smooth and the development of Forsbarrow will be prosperous!"

"Love you, Ino."

Putting down the letter paper, Lacus' expression became extremely solemn.

This is very, very bad news.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Jarvan IV chose to take a gamble. In addition to the reason for the arrival of angels, he also definitely considered the factors of the Noxus civil war-in the absence of foreign troubles, Demacia will have a little trouble Well, it shouldn't be a big problem.

But now the situation of the Noxus civil war has changed. According to Ino's news, Triwell has shown his dog-legged side, so the situation is probably quite clear.

For a normal country, the end of the civil war should be a very weak period, and it should be recuperating at this time.

However, Noxus is obviously not a normal country. Compared with recuperating and developing internally, this empire may prefer to expand externally and restore blood to itself through war and plunder!

In Lux's perception, when the Noxus civil war ended, it was when they launched the next war - throughout history, Noxus has never had peace!

So, who did the Noxians choose to target?

If the civil war in Shurima is not over, then perhaps the Noxians will have their sights set on Shurima.

If the Ionians remain divided, maybe the Noxians will have an Ionian War 2.0.

But now, both Shurima and Ionia are quiet, but it is Demacia, which was still very strong before, and the conflict between the nobles and the king is gradually irreconcilable. In this case, Noxus chose to attack Demacia. Possibilities will undoubtedly increase significantly!
Demacia was chosen as the opponent not because Demacia is weak, but because Demacia is weaker than usual—in addition, since both Noxus and Demacia are located in Valoran, if Germany can really be conquered Marcia, the Noxus Empire will become the Valoran Empire. Compared with this, crossing the ocean to conquer a desert land may not be so attractive...

Although Lux believes that even Demacia, which is currently divided among people, is not qualified for Noxus to covet, but after experiencing the Battle of Mithril City, she is very aware of the destructiveness brought by the war. If so, she sincerely hopes that the war will stay away from Demacia.

It's a pity that as the lord of Fossbarrow, Lacus doesn't have much influence on this international situation, and even the information she has at this time is quite vague, maybe everything is based on wrong inferences?
"Mr. Kalya." After thinking for a long time, Lux finally said with a little worry, "Can we think of a way, just like in the Freljord, to collect information on the Noxus?"

"Impossible." What made Lux sad was that Kalya gave a very direct negative answer, "If you want to cross the Principality of Valoran to collect information on Noxus, you need a professional intelligence comparable to a war mason. organization, and Fossbarrow's intelligence network has just begun to be established, with such a few people, there is no way to collect useful intelligence."

Lux blinked her eyes, then lowered her head quite sadly—Kalya was right, Fossbarrow, located in the northwest corner of Demacia, could go to the Freljord to collect information, but no matter what Way to cross tens of thousands of miles to gather information in the heart of the Noxus.

"The legions of the Green Tooth Peak and the Gate of Sorrow have not been affected." When Lux was frustrated, Sona stroked the strings of Yu Hua, "Even if the Noxians are really ambitious, they can't break through The defenses of Greenfang Peak and the Gate of Mourn."

"I'm quite confident about the defense of these two places." Lux leaned back and leaned back on the chair, "But to be honest, after the intelligence network was arranged in the northern border, I think the Noxus The War Mason does have its merits."

Sona's eyes widened in surprise—it never occurred to her that Lux would be positive about those gutter rats of the war masons!

"Information, intelligence, this is the premise for making a decision." Lacus looked at Sona, talking about her own thoughts, "It's like if you want to teach students, you have to examine where students can and where they can't; if you want to develop For a city or a region, it is necessary to understand the natural and cultural environment, and if a country wants to conduct diplomacy, it must understand other countries as a prerequisite."

Sona blinked, then nodded thoughtfully.

"And Demacia doesn't understand Noxus at all, and doesn't intend to understand Noxus."

"Even if you understand, Demacia won't take the initiative to intervene, right?" Sona blinked and stroked the strings again, "It's like now, even if His Majesty the King knows that Noxus is about to end the civil war, he will Only the defenses of Greenfang Peak and the Gate of Mourn will be maintained."

"Although it seems to be defensive, but in the case of knowing the enemy's defense, it is to take the initiative to adopt a defensive posture." Lax finally integrated some words that Kalya had mentioned to her, "Regardless of Noxus What people are doing, just maintaining defense, that is passive defense."

Sona looked at Lux very unexpectedly, as if wondering when her friend had researched this aspect.

"Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles." Sensing Sona's gaze, Lux smiled slightly, "Seeing a lot, some things will be understood."

"Then us?"

"We keep an eye on it and collect second-hand information from Vazuan while trading in furs and tea." Lux quickly sorted out the clues, "Forging iron requires hard work. Fossbarrow has developed well, and we have the confidence , whether it is taking the initiative to take a defensive stance or waiting for an opportunity, there are cards to play!"

Sona nodded, and left Lux's office after a slight sigh of relief, and went back to prepare for this afternoon's class.

But after she left, Lux, who was still full of confidence before, became tangled again.

"Teacher Kalya." She rubbed the hilt of her sword and murmured in a low voice, "Is this the rational choice you are talking about?"

"You did a good job." Kalya softly praised Lacus, "It's better than I imagined."

"I never thought that one day, I would become such a cruel person." Lux's voice was mixed with helplessness and pain, "I know that the Noxians are likely to take action, but they will not Give any reminders to my motherland, and even have the idea of ​​taking advantage of it...I don’t even dare to reveal this idea to my best friend!"

"Then remember the taste of this suffering." Carya comforted softly in a tone of someone who has experienced it, "Ideals are too upright, kindness is too soft, only by wrapping them with an objective hard shell can we overcome obstacles , ride the wind and waves."

Lux pursed her lips and nodded emphatically.

 Karya's Small Classroom Grass on the wall:
  During the Noxus Civil War, the Noxus city-states headed by Trivel and located on the northern shore of the Valoran Strait have always maintained a sloppy attitude. They do not support any side, but insist that they are loyal to Noxus. s.

  PS. My head is a little dizzy...

(End of this chapter)

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