Lux's Farewell

553 Swain's scheming [0547]

553 Swain's scheming [0547]

Ino's intelligence and speculation were correct. On the frontal battlefield, Noxus (Bei) under the command of Darius had indeed won an unprecedented victory at this time.

But the origin of this victory did not come from a breakthrough in the frontal battlefield, but a top-down collapse.

It started with the cooperation between Darius and Swain after the war started.

Successive failures damaged Swain's reputation. Although he knew very well that military failures, whether in Ionia or Piltover, were caused by the lack of political retreat, but in the eyes of the imperial soldiers, However, Swain was inevitably branded as a "loser".

Under such circumstances, Swain wisely chose to retreat. He persuaded and supported Darius, the spokesperson of the "Noxus Dream" who had a lot of opinions on the Immortal Fortress and was respected by the soldiers. Become a great commander, allowing himself to successfully hide behind the scenes as a strategist commander, and then Darius launched a campaign against Darkwill to set things right.

Compared with Swain, Darius is undoubtedly a representative more easily accepted by all Noxus soldiers. He came from a poor background. A well-known street sneaker in the local area—it’s no exaggeration to say that if he hadn’t joined the army, Darius would have been the culmination of his life, at most being the underground godfather of Becilico and becoming the number one golden spittoon of the local Durham family .

Then, when Noxus occupied Besilico, Darius' fate finally changed drastically. He enlisted in the army and was assigned to the front line of the Iron Spike Mountains, the most difficult area in the north at that time. Harassed by the Freljord, fighting bloody battles with the barbarians of the North in the snow and ice.

On the battlefield on the front line of the Ironthorn Mountains, Darius has won and failed. He was even almost captured by the Freljord. , Step by step, he was promoted to the position of general.

During this period, countless northern soldiers had received the favor of Darius. He was always the first to charge and the last to withdraw from the battlefield. All the Noxians who fought side by side with him recognized his A great warrior, a "true Noxian".

And his experience of being from a humble background and finally reaching a high position made him a true practitioner of the "Noxus Dream". After hearing about his experience, all soldiers from humble backgrounds regarded him as a for their own idol.

Similarly, although Besilico was conquered by Noxus, Darius has always regarded himself as a Noxian. Besilico gave him an extremely bad childhood, but Noxus gave him Seeing his wonderful and legendary life, it was precisely after seeing this that Swain successfully persuaded Darius to make him a banner to set things right.

In this way, the civil war in Noxus broke out. In the early days of the war, the two sides faced off on the Blood River. During the period, through Swain's dispatch, although Besilico's troops were at a disadvantage and the supplies were not as abundant as the Immortal Fortress, But miraculously, it was able to steadily advance the front line.

With the help of the special control during the war, Swain implemented a jaw-dropping thunderous method against the nobles in the occupied area.

You must know that Swain himself comes from the top military nobles of Noxus, and he is very familiar with a set of tricks within the nobles. He does not have the ability of Karya to support Lax's internal affairs, but he is good at dividing and wooing. By provoking conflicts among the various factions within the great aristocracy, he succeeded in destroying the deep-rooted great noble families in cities such as Besilico, Fendo, Longmen, Blood Cliff, and Chu Xiduo.

Under Swain's ability to read people's hearts, the great noble family was cut into pieces, and the capable offshoots became members of Noxus, while the fat-headed clan wastes were dealt with at once, and then Swain Because they will distribute their wealth to slaves and poor people, and absorb ambitious people among them to join the newly formed Trifari.

As mentioned earlier, Noxus wargroups have always had small coffers. As a former commander, Swain implemented comprehensive military management over the local area in the same way that the wargroup managed small coffers. Under the wartime policy, , Everything is for the war. In the past, the wealth used by the common people to provide the nobles with food, drink and entertainment has been turned into weapons and armor under the management of Swain, and handed over to the newly joined soldiers to fight for their own victory and glory.

"The king makes you kneel with worldly power and vain name, but the real Noxus will only make you stand up."

In this way, the Noxus (Bei) military and civilians united, erupting an astonishing combat power, fighting steadily on the front line of the Blood River, pushing the front line inch by inch towards the direction of the Immortal Fortress.

Brown Darkwill of the Immortal Bastion was furious at the situation.

Although it seems that the Immortal Fortress is full of talents, it is only when they actually go to the battlefield that they are all "crashing dragons and phoenix chicks", and they are all unreliable!

In this case, Darkwill could only use General Du Kecao as the marshal in the end, and let him deal with Besilico's traitors.

This seems like a very sensible choice.

If Darius is the representative of the "Noxus Dream", then Du Kecao is the epitome of the traditional military nobles of Noxus. Ma is also proficient in ghost tricks and has a high reputation in the military—and, although he was born in a noble family, he does not have the arrogance that nobles often have. He is a very pragmatic person.

Although the "military experts" from Piltover said that the Immortal Fortress would invite Du Kecao to come out of the mountain right after the war started, but in fact, if there is no other way, Darkwill doesn't want this hero to come out of the mountain at all. The illustrious General Kekao leads the battle again.

The reason is also very simple: the merits are high, but the merits are hard to reward.

If Kekao wiped out the rebellion, Darkwill's position as the Grand Commander would probably be unstable. Kekao is also "one of his own people", and the military nobles of Noxus would not mind recommending someone who looked better than him. Darkwill is a more reliable person as the new Grand Commander.

In Darkwill's mind, Darius was a rebel, while Kekao was a potential rebel, but the situation forced him to do nothing but rely on Kekao, a potential rebel.

In this way, Kekao, who had been almost laid off, returned quickly, led the army into battle, visited the front line of Blood River in person, and then successfully stabilized the situation.

Although Swain's commanding ability is very strong, and Darius, who is charging ahead, can use his own force to improve morale, but Marshal Kekao did all the work of the two of them alone.

Relying on his own prestige, Kekao reorganized resources, cleaned up military discipline, and kicked the guy who was sent over for gold plating to the navy, where it was easier to make money and there was no danger.

What, you said that Noxus has no navy now, and that the Battle of Dalu Bay was completely destroyed by the Ionians?
That’s right, this is for you to rebuild the navy. Building a navy costs a lot of money. You go there to get it, and don’t make trouble on the front line!
There is no doubt that Kekao is drinking poison to quench his thirst, at the expense of the rebuilding of the navy, so that those who may cause trouble for himself will be rolled aside and not interfere with the battle.

In this way, Du Kecao successfully turned the tide of battle on the Blood River front.

The experienced old marshal saw it very clearly. Although Swain seemed to have made a lot of big noises, the area he occupied was still too barren. , then Besilico has no chance of winning.

We have the black iron from the Iron Spike Mountains, the food from the Dalmo Plain, the Land Dragon Lizard Legion, and the Mage Corps of the Immortal Fortress. Such tricks, I am as stable as Mount Tai!
In addition, the old marshal took advantage of Swain's internal rectification, took the initiative to sow dissension, and sent a large number of assassins to disrupt the place.

In the entire Blood River line, apart from the regular army's confrontation across the river, in the darkness, the war masons who split apart were even fighting each other, fighting to the death.

There is no extremely shrewd strategy, nor is there any commanding art that makes people overwhelm the table. It is through this method of "it seems that anyone can do it" that Du Kecao has held back Becilico's army and gradually mastered the initiative on the battlefield. .


Although the battlefield situation gradually reversed due to the arrival of Du Kecao, Swain was not in a hurry at all.

Even after the Immortal Fortress began to push back against the front and burned down the batches of boats used to cross the river that Swain had worked so hard to prepare, the strategist commander, who had experienced two consecutive failures, even had an internal secret with Darius. There was a laugh at the meeting.

Facing Swain's laughter quacking like a crow as if suddenly ill, even someone as fearless as Darius couldn't help but feel his scalp go numb.

"What are you laughing at?" Darius was at a loss. "The situation on our front line is extremely bad. Although the morale is not bad, if we continue like this, sooner or later our supplies will have problems!"

"It's surprising enough that we haven't had any problems with our supplies." After laughing enough, Swain finally said again, "Our old marshal is loyal and respectable, but he's really a bit pedantic. Realize that the better you do it, the worse it will end up."


Darius obviously couldn't keep up with Swain's train of thought. He looked at Swain strangely, and couldn't help worrying about the other party's mental health silently in his heart.

"Don't worry, Darius, the key to victory is already in your hands." Swain finally stopped being tricky, "Next, we need to let everyone know that our supplies are running low. The confrontation has drained our last drop of blood!"

"Are you crazy?!" Darius stared wide-eyed, "We managed to maintain our morale—"

"Believe me, I know Darkwill!" Swain almost gritted his teeth and promised, "Before our morale collapses, he will definitely not be able to resist!"

"If the Immortal Fortress has more troops, then the front line of the Blood River will really be unable to support it!"

"But in addition to more soldiers, the Immortal Fortress will also send an order to replace the commander." Swain showed a sarcastic smile on his face, "Your Excellency Darkwill doesn't want our old marshal Returning from victory, at that time, on the throne of the Immortal Fortress, the Grand Commander may be about to change."

Darius' eyes widened.

"It's impossible." He whispered incredulously, "Even if Darkwill is as stupid as him, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing!"

"I will give him a chance, a perfect chance." Swain continued to laugh, "If we 'rebels' launched a desperate raid and paid a heavy price to injure the old marshal, you said our Lord Commander, Will you take the "protection of the hero of the empire" and replace it with someone who will not affect his status to carry out the final blow?"

Darius didn't talk, because he knew very well that if this really happened, everything that followed would inevitably develop in the direction Swain predicted.

Darkwill must have hoped that Du Kecao would leave the coaching position at this time, but he needed victory and an excuse, so Swain gave him victory and excuses.

Seven days later, when the news spread that there was a supply problem in the Besilico side, the Besilico Front army, which was deeply entangled in the rumors, launched a wave of desperate raids. With the intelligence support of the war masons, Drey Brothers Erth and Delevingne personally led the team and launched a surprise attack on Marshal Du Kecao.

From the point of view of the Immortal Fortress, this raid was "Swain's parody of his own failure in Prestidian". Brothers Erth and Delevingne went into battle together, and he was only slightly injured. On the contrary, a large number of elite troops from the Besilico Front Army were annihilated on the spot, and the balance of the war seemed to be tilting towards the Immortal Fortress.

Under such circumstances, Darkwill, who received the news, immediately sent a messenger to replace the commander-in-chief of the front line under the pretext of self-cultivation. This is the last blow to counter the rebellion.

At the same time, the Besilico Front Army, which had just suffered a defeat, was urgently assembled by Darius.

Under the horrified eyes of the soldiers, Darius, who was wounded, stood on the temporary podium without hesitation, and started the final pre-war mobilization according to the script provided by Swain.

Facing all the soldiers, this iron-like man admitted for the first time that his side was at a disadvantage.

"But we haven't failed yet, and we won't!"

"Now, General Du Caucao has been injured, and Brown has sent his little white-faced nephew Qiu to replace him, hoping that this idiot will give us the final blow. It seems that in his opinion, we are just a bunch of worthless trash, Just take out a broom like a housemaid and sweep into the trash."

"But they were obviously wrong. We are real Noxians. We have proved our courage and strength by fighting hard in the disadvantaged conditions for the past six months!"

"The fighters present are all truly capable people, not those who are naturally pretentious because they come from certain families!"

"Those bastards in the Immortal Fortress thought we were out of water, ammunition and food. They thought we would lay down our weapons and be slaughtered like cattle and sheep!"

"It's their usual arrogance, like they think we're just a bunch of Southern rednecks standing around the corner!"

"But we are not, we are great fighters who have truly proved ourselves with our abilities!"

"That bastard Darkwill is wrong, he doesn't know everything here!"

"He doesn't understand what great fighters you are, he doesn't understand the battle situation!"

"He thought all our boats crossing the river were burned through the previous battle - but, with the support of the Noxian citizens behind us, the splicable rafts arrived yesterday!"

"He thought we were short on supplies, that we were about to run out of food—but, at least tonight, all of us can have a full meal and eat with our bellies open!"

"He thought I'd hide behind like a coward after I got wounded and just send his trashy nephew to end the fight - but here I am, ready to lead the charge again and die !"

"In the end, Darkwill thought Becilico's traitors were just a rabble."

"But we're not, not all of us!"

"We will use our weapons and our blood to make that son-in-law Darkwill realize his stupidity clearly!"

Darius' bleeding wounds and impromptu swearing completely ignited the team. After a full meal, that night, the Besilico Front Army assembled the raft sent from the rear, taking advantage of the change of commander on the other side. During the shift, under the cover of night, a deadly raid was launched.

When the Immortal Fortress Front Army realized the problem, Darius had rushed into the camp first, brandishing his battle ax and began to slaughter all directions.

Chu Darkwell, who had just taken over the command and was entertaining officers at all levels, had no idea that these rebels who had just burned all their ships had somehow got a bunch of rafts, and at this juncture they almost It launched an army-wide assault in a desperate manner.

The camp was quickly ignited by fire, and Qiu, who realized that something was wrong, was fleeing and met Darius head-on, and was hooked by an axe.

"Your uncle will be looking for you soon."

The next moment, the sharp ax slashed down on the head, and Qiu finally completely lost consciousness.

It was night, and under the leadership of Darius, who was wounded, the Besilico Front Army took the initiative to cross the river and make a surprise attack.

The officers who were invited by Chu Darkwell to get closer to each other were thrown away, and because the new soldiers in the camp were not familiar with the original soldiers, after the fire ignited, the whole camp erupted, and it lasted five days. One battle group was completely annihilated in this battle, and three other battle groups were also seriously injured. Time is self-conscious, so that it has not suffered too serious losses.

And the nine regiments that were annihilated and maimed in the Battle of Blood River were almost all the mobile forces that the Immortal Fortress could mobilize.

After this battle, not only the offensive and defensive momentum of the Noxus civil war changed, but even many cities that had maintained a wait-and-see attitude before finally began to put their capital to bet.

With the injection of "gambling funds", the material pressure on Besilico's side dropped sharply. After simple repairs, Darius and his forward army directly crossed the broken Blood River defense line and entered the center of Noxus. , Bingfeng pointed directly at the Immortal Fortress.

Victory and defeat!

 Karya's Little Class Noxian Naval Reconstruction:
  In the Battle of Dalu Bay, Noxus lost its Sea of ​​Watch fleet. After the war, the Immortal Fortress has been hoping to reorganize the fleet.

  Unfortunately, due to internal corruption, fleet reorganization has become a money-making job.

(End of this chapter)

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