Lux's Farewell

556 Introduction to advanced elements

556 Introduction to advanced elements
Lux didn't know what happened or what was about to happen in Noxus, and she didn't have time to pay attention to it for the time being.

Even though it was clear that Noxus would make big moves after the civil war, Lux still had to focus on Fossbarrow and the coming spring.

In her spring speech, as in the past, Lacus gave her promises for this year’s governance, including but not limited to promoting the cultivation of red sage, trying to artificially cultivate hazelnuts, repairing canals, expanding the port of Xingang and other key work projects .

And the Fossbarrow people are gradually getting used to their lord chatting with everyone every spring, talking about what to do and what to do this year.

Gradually getting used to Lux's speeches and finding that Lux can always keep her promises, many Forsbarrow people have begun to try to arrange their main work for a year according to the content of Spring's speech.

For example, this year, many herb pickers simply chose to learn how to grow saffron; among the Orion, many of them were attracted by the lucrative rewards and chose to help the engineering team—it can be seen that Lacus In Fossbarrow now has a preliminary credibility.

This kind of credibility is no longer the celebrity effect brought about by the endorsement of the herb pickers guild, chamber of commerce and mining association when she first arrived, but that the Fossbarrow people really saw the results of Lacus's work, plus there was The clerk worked hard, and it was gradually established.

Only with this kind of credibility can Lux be qualified to pat her chest and say that she really controls Fossbarrow.


What is different from the past few years is that although Ino went to Ionia, one of the Big Three was missing, but after the matter came to Lux himself, the specific workload was much less.

After setting up the role of clerk and archon, Lux was pleasantly surprised to find that most of the time she no longer needs to do everything herself!
Except for some courses and tasks that she needs to come forward, most of the time Lacus only needs to explain clearly to the clerk, and then sign the specific documents and give the main points of guidance.

Although the schedule is still very full, but now her state is closer to her time in Zaun - she is mainly responsible for decision-making, and key guidance when necessary, no longer need to hand in hand to explain many problems!

This was the norm in Zaun as a leader for the first time in Fossbarrow, which means that Lux has finally built a simple and effective administrative team, although she is well aware that clerks and archons can do so. The main reason for her leaving school soon was that Fossbarrow didn't actually have much government affairs, but this still surprised her quite a bit.

An indescribable sense of pride welled up in her heart, and Lacus was visibly excited by the naked eye, and even the spring with Forsbarrow seemed to be brighter.

The establishment of the administrative team not only means that Fossbarrow's order is on the path that Lacus wants, but also means that after many years, Lacus has precious private time again - she no longer needs 007 to work , Construction site Xingang and mining areas run all over the place, except for necessary inspections and private visits, she has a lot of spare time every day!

Then, just when Lux finished a meeting on the expansion of sea fish fishing, arranged some archons and Xingang people to cooperate with fishing in the non-ice season, and planned to go to eat something with Sona, recently Kalya, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Since you have free time now, it's time to start the practice of the introduction to advanced elements."

Hearing these words, Lux's heart finally skipped a beat.

Introduction to Advanced Elements?

This seems to be what Kalya said, an advanced course in elemental magic, right?
I have just had some vacation, and now I am about to go to the second training?
"Introduction to advanced elements, did you mention it when you talked about pure elements?"

"To be precise, the introduction to pure elements is the basis for learning the introduction to advanced elements." Kalya switched to the scholar form, "As the name suggests, this is the cornerstone of advanced magic theory research. Starting from this part, you will gradually I understand how the magic theories I taught you before were explored, and what are the deep-seated reasons behind these magic theories."

Lux blinked.

Undoubtedly, this is a field that Lux has never set foot in. Don't look at the magic theory and magic combat skills she has learned from Kalya for so long before, but when it comes to "knowing what it is and knowing why it is", she I really haven't thought about it.

It's interesting to say, although Lux has good combat power and solid basic theory of magic, but in fact, she is not very interested in magic itself...

Don’t forget, at first Lacus was “forced” by Karya to learn magic, and a large part of her motivation to learn came from her desire to understand what magic is and what it means to be infected with magic. For magic theory, magic She doesn't care about issues such as the laws of Runeterra.

Compared to studying "why does elemental magic resonate", Lux cares more about "where should the resonance of elemental magic be applied". In Kalya's view, this is a typical pragmatist and engineer thinking.

For Karya, who is used to teaching students according to their aptitude, students like Lacus should be sent to the Academy of Magical Engineering or the Academy of Combat, not the Academy of Theory.

However, at this time, Kalya has completely regarded Lacus as her successor. Even if she is not interested in this, and I am afraid that she will not learn it too quickly, Kalya still requires her to at least master the introduction to advanced elements, symbols, etc. A preliminary explanation of magic, and a model of magic power flow.

Although most of these theoretical books on magic should be well preserved in the Great Library or in the hands of the Ixtarians, Kalya has to worry that even if there are these theoretical books, the current mages cannot do archaeological work well. Research.

It's not that Karya looks down on the command of modern people. It's because magic theory research requires amazing manpower and material resources as the basis for magic experiments. , At most, I will talk about swallowing dates wholeheartedly, laying a foundation for students.

The glory of the Shurima Empire at the beginning was based on a very advanced level of magic theory. For example, the magic power pipeline underground in Shurima, its technology of using magic power to flow and flowing water regardless of terrain differences, is now known as For a miracle!

Using an inappropriate metaphor, in Kalya’s eyes, Runeterra after Shurima Civil War and Rune Wars is like a wasteland after two nuclear wars. Technology and magic items, but these are non-renewable "magic relics".

Why did Piltover explorers find so many magic items in Shurima that made them rich overnight?

Because in Kalya’s era, magic was pervasive in thousands of households in Shurima—even the seemingly primitive "traveling on a Doman" has the hybridization and professional domestication of Doman behind it , Normalized maintenance of desert roads, small-scale constant temperature system, civilian-grade windshield and other basic skills.

The introduction to advanced elements is the stepping stone to this new world.

 I still have a low fever, it took me a long time to write this point, sorry.

  Those who are still yin must pay more attention to it, it is too painful to be yang, woo woo woo!

(End of this chapter)

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