Lux's Farewell

557 [0551] Lacus and Ashe

557 [0551] Lacus and Ashe
Facts have proved that even if the sun is as bright as Lacus, people will become irritable in the process of studying the introduction to advanced elements that they are not interested in and difficult to understand for a long time.

Unlike in the past, this time Lux didn't even have a classmate.

Ino is still on his own trip to Ionia. Sona started collecting music after she was not so busy at work. She wanted to learn to compose by herself. Lin started looking for someone to play Wang Zhi's assertion.

When everyone finally finished the work at hand and began to combine work and rest, and even Ino's letter contained some descriptions of delicious food and beautiful scenery, Lacus had to follow Kalya painstakingly after work, learning The introduction to advanced elements that gave her a headache is simply killing her.

In all fairness, no one would feel comfortable putting this kind of thing on anyone, and although Lacus would complain to Kalya, she insisted on it for a full three months, and just finished the introduction to the introduction to advanced elements.

When Lux confirmed that the "first unit" she studied during this period was actually the introduction, she really almost collapsed.

Fortunately, Kalya is not a devil. Seeing that he couldn't cram ducks in a short time, he simply gave Lux a vacation and let her digest the content of the three months of study—even if she has indigestion, at least Just get rid of negative emotions.

After learning that she has no theory classes or homework for the time being, Lacus feels that spring is brighter.

Of course, it’s impossible for Fossbarrow’s spring to be bright. This is entirely due to the psychological effect of Lacus after she got rid of the boring study. Except for her, no one feels that this year’s Forsbarrow’s sunshine is the same as the past. What's the difference, so when Lux ran to the city wall every day to bask in the sun and enjoy the spring sunshine, many Fossbarrow people secretly guessed that the lord must have some extra meaning in doing so.

Lacus didn't see the deep meaning, but when the summer was about to enter, these Fossbarrow people who had nothing to do and liked to climb to the top of the city to look around, unexpectedly found a special group of visitors.

A team of messengers from the Avarosa tribe.


Although Avarosa and Fossbarrow's partner, Lacus has a considerable degree of trust in him, but due to the particularity of Fossbarrow, the meeting between Lacus and the mission was finally chosen in Newport.

The mission didn't mind this either - in their view, Newport was already a "big city", and because the people living here were mainly immigrants from walrus tusks, compared to behind the high wall, it was here It is more comfortable and more secure for them.

The leader of this mission is none other than Ashe’s blood alliance and Avarosa’s duel representative, Tryndamere. Although he is still taciturn, Kalya can clearly see that he has good control over the entire mission. force.

Obviously, through his own strength, this powerful man finally allowed himself considerable prestige within Avarosa—not the prestige brought about by "being the blood of Ashe", but the prestige that belongs to Tryndamere himself .

And Tryndamere personally led the team to Forsbarrow with only one purpose, that is, to convey Ashe's wish to have a meeting with Lacus.

"That's it." Facing Lux, Tryndamere still had that cool, expressionless look on his face, "I've already repeated Ashe's original words, this is written by those of you who stayed in Frost Harbor letter."

Saying that, Tryndamere handed a sealed letter to Lux.

After confirming that the sealant and magic lock were intact, Lux opened the letterhead, and carefully read the letter written by members of the intelligence team and brought by Tryndamere.

First of all, there is no problem with the format, and the code words that should be there are not ignored, such as wax paint, fan lock, and code words, it can be confirmed that this is a genuine letter.

Slightly relieved, Lacus finally paid attention to the specific content of the letter, and unlike the taciturn Tryndamere, if it wasn't for the limited space, the intelligence team might almost want to write this letter into a novel—and its general The content is that after the spring of this year, the news of the Battle of Mithral City last year finally spread in the Freljord. It was "Orthodox Winter's Claw", and then the passion tore each other.

In this situation, Ashe made a decisive move and recruited many small tribes with limited combat effectiveness but good development potential to join the Avarosa tribe. No small trouble.

First of all, due to the large number of these tribes, and currently occupying a certain amount of forests and grasslands, even if the Avarosa tribe does not want to intervene in the war, they have to move the tribe's center of gravity to the east at this time, and Ashe himself can't do it for the time being. Sitting in Frost Harbor, the next step may be to go to town in Lax Stark Plain.

Secondly, the Avarosa tribe has many, many more mouths. Now that the weather is getting warmer and the snow on the plains is beginning to melt, the Avarosa people can still fill their stomachs by gathering and hunting, but according to Ashe’s calculations, etc. When winter comes, the tribe may not be able to store enough food for the winter, and she may need to expand trade.

Moreover, the addition of these new small tribes split from Winter's Claw also brought many special specialties to the Avarosa tribe. Ashe, who has tasted the sweetness in the fur trade, is likely to Also put these things on the trade list of the northern border trade (here is a description of the contents of the latest specialty).

In the end, it is rumored throughout the Freljord that Lord Laxana defeated Sejuani head-on, and Ashe is said to have a certain personal relationship with Sejuani. From a personal point of view, she may also hope to meet Lax. one side.

The intelligence team that Eno stayed in Frost Harbor back then was the intelligence team with the strongest working ability. Even if she left Forsbarrow to go to Ionia, she didn't draw people from it, so in the letter to Lacus, The intelligence team combined the intelligence he had collected in Frost Harbor and gave a lot of useful information. Ashe never expected that he would send the blood alliance Tryndamere as an envoy, but the accompanying letter sent his Almost all purposes have been dug upside down.

Not only that, but in terms of intelligence collection, it can be said that as much as Ashe knows about the collapse of Winter's Claws, the intelligence team knows as much-everyone hears it, and the intelligence team has an extra link of sorting out. The situation, they even know better than the local Ashe!
After reading the letter, Lux was visibly relieved.

There is no doubt that whether it is the end of Winter's Claw or Avarosa's center of gravity moving eastward in the near future, it is a good thing for Fossbarrow.

The former means that the northern border no longer needs to face large-scale barbarian invasions in a short period of time, while the latter means that Avarosa will soon rely more on trade in the northern border, and is actively adding chips to trade.

These are all things that Lux is happy to see, which means that in a short period of time, Fossbarrow will have a relatively stable environment and a large amount of trade income. Based on this, she can drastically execute her own Byero retrofit plans without worrying about financial difficulties.

Therefore, Lak, who was in a happy mood, accepted Ashe's invitation without any hesitation, and the two parties agreed to meet in Port Riel for a face-to-face exchange.


The exchange time between Lacus and Ashe was scheduled for a month later. For this reason, Lacus worked very hard for a while, approved many plans in advance, and freed up a lot of time for herself.

Then, after calculating that the time was almost up, she took a small group of Northern Territory Walkers and a small group of Archons, and officially set off from Fossbarrow towards the port of Briar.

Along the way, Lux was pleasantly surprised to appreciate the ice field scenery that was completely different from what she knew - after the arrival of summer and the melting of ice and snow, it turned out that the Freljord would also have a moment of blooming mountains.

Most of the plants here are low, with their stems and leaves crawling on the ground to resist the cold and strong winds, but as long as they are in the flowering period, even if their flowers are often only the size of rice grains, their flower branches will still stand proudly in the roaring wind. Swaying in the wind.

One or two flowers are inconspicuous in the meadow.

But when thousands of clusters of these flowers gather together, they will become a vibrant sea of ​​flowers on the permafrost after the ice and snow have melted.

It's a pity that the smell of these flowers is not very good, it smells an impressive bitter taste, Lux also saw some wild Ernuk on the road, even these big guys who are not picky eaters, for flowering Early-stage plants are also kept at a respectful distance.

To the west is the roaring sea, and to the east is the endless ice field meadow. Lux and the mission headed north all the way, and finally arrived at the port of Briel after passing by seven seas of flowers.

Compared with the time when Ino came here, the current Port of Briel is lonely.

This used to be the seat of the Walrus' Fang tribe, where diving hunters went fishing. Now, with the family relocation of the Walrus' Fang tribe, the vacant Port of Briel has gradually become a resting place for passers-by. , became a neutral camp in the West Freljord.

Although the environment in Severljord is relatively peaceful, there are no large-scale looters, and most of the people resting here are passing ice travelers, but they obviously don't care about the hygiene and cleanliness of Briel Harbor, so in Walrus After Zhifang moved away, not only was there a lot of deserted areas in Briar Port, but the places that weren't deserted were also dirty and messy, completely unsuitable as a negotiating place.

Fortunately, Avarosa's manpower is still relatively ample. When Lux arrived, a special cleaning team had already started to clean up here-although it is a bit bad to directly throw garbage into the sea, but considering the ice traveler Most of the leftover garbage is domestic garbage, and this kind of treatment is understandable.

In such a slightly embarrassing situation, but not really embarrassing, Lacus and Ashe met each other for the first time and had a face-to-face communication.


When seeing Lacus, Ashe's mood was complicated.

Sejuani's life and death are unknown, but judging from the current situation where Winter's Claw is falling apart and everyone claims to be orthodox, she may be really bad luck, as in the legend, she died in the hands of Laxana.

In Ashe's vision, Laxana should be a wise and powerful middle-aged image of a strong woman, just like her mother's most powerful years. She should perhaps have the same blood as Ino, with the blood of ice. Han Bing's wisdom and strength guided her to do her current career.

However, after the real meeting, Ashe realized that she was wrong.

Lacus is not a middle-aged woman, let alone a cold-blooded woman, she is just a skinny little girl with blond hair who is about the same age as Ino.

That's right, although according to Demacia's aesthetics, Lax's figure is perfect, but in Ashe's view, Lax can only be described as thin - she didn't understand for a while, the thin arms Little thin legs, how to defeat Sejuani head-on in the battle and let Winter's Claw be defeated in one battle?

Moreover, the other party's golden hair color shows that she is indeed not of the blood of ice, which makes Ashe somewhat unacceptable.

Ino is so shrewd and capable because she has the blood of ice, even if she was born in Demacia, but her silver-white hair already shows the source of her blood, even if she is not for the Freljord temporarily. And fight, Ashe believes she will feel the call of her own blood in the future.

But Lux, she really seems to be just a warm-blooded little girl.

So, in a head-on battle, a thin, warm-blooded girl wielded a gleaming spear more than ten feet long and directly defeated Sejuani?

Ashe felt that her world view had been greatly impacted.

Shaking her head secretly in her heart, after seeing Lux, Ashe wiped out many plans that used the ice blood as the entry point, and finally could only start with the trade that she was not good at.

She doesn't know enough about warm-blooded people, even though she has conducted several large-scale trades with Fossbarrow under the rule of Lacus, which has greatly changed the lack of supplies within the tribe, but she insists on business, Ashe was still unsure.

The previous negotiations with Ino have proved that losing the initiative to negotiate is undoubtedly a bad thing, so Ashe made up her mind to show as many products as possible that the other party has never seen before, so that Lux Be dazzled by the dazzling array of new products!
I have too many good things here that you haven't seen before. These are all special products of the Freljord. After the test of Anivia's breath, the quality is guaranteed!
Herbs, mane, animal bones, nuts... Ashe believes that there is always one that can get more food, more smoke and tea for herself!
 Kalya's Little Classroom Freljord's Mane:

  Even in the Freljord, the bristles of the Juvask boar are an important commodity - although the bristles of the Juvask boar are too thick and stiff to be used as a daily brush, after After being processed, it can be used as a substitute for "short wire" in many cases, as a part of a trap or other tools.

  After the collapse of the Winter's Claw tribe, a small tribe that was originally responsible for domesticating the Juvask wild boar defected to Avarosa, so the mane was listed on the new product list.

  PS. Finally, the fever is gone, but my throat is almost blocked...

(End of this chapter)

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