Lux's Farewell

558 Another unequal negotiation [0552]

558 [0552] Another unequal negotiation
For the next negotiation, Ashe can be said to be full of confidence-after the collapse of Winter's Claw, due to Avarosa's special reputation, small tribes that are capable of producing but not good at producing fighters are very happy Going to her, this allowed the Avarosa tribe to have a lot of miscellaneous resources in a short period of time.

These resources are somewhat difficult to integrate in the Freljord, but if they are packaged and sold to the Demacians in the south, the food and delicacies in exchange will greatly enhance the strength of Avarosa, allowing the tribe to Further expansion can be said to be very profitable.

However, what Ashe did not expect was that Lacus, who was negotiating with a translator, seemed to be prepared for everything. Although she politely expressed "willing to cooperate" at the beginning, it can only be done with madness when the price is lowered. describe.


Demacia needs herbs, but most of the herbs in the Freljord are used to treat trauma, so Demacia doesn't need so many trauma medicines; moreover, Demacia's physique is not strong enough to the point of ice blood , many herbal medicines used by the Freljord are considered ordinary wound medicines, but if they are put on the Demacians, it is the medicine of tigers and wolves, the kind that is easy to kill!
But, I also know that the Avarosa tribe is a peace-loving tribe, and they don't need these herbs, so we can buy some medicinal herbs with large yields at a low price, and buy them back to treat our livestock. Of course, since they are veterinary medicines, then The price... naturally cannot be high.


Nuts are a good thing. Forsbarrow is next to the Dragon's Back Mountains, and we usually eat hazelnuts, acorns, and pine nuts. If there are a lot of nuts in the Freljord for sale, we are willing to use equal weights instead of equal volumes. In exchange for more food, is it a sincere price?
Animal bones?

I'm afraid there aren't many people in Demacia who need this thing. We don't need animal bones as tool materials. Well, I can buy some animal bones from magical beasts. They are more commemorative and can be sold to those nobles, Foreign mages, this part of the price can be given higher!


Our hunters don't use it as a material for triggering traps. If we have to say it, the bristles of these Juvask wild boars can be used as a material for brushes. However, except for the mine in Vero Village, there is currently no Brushes with Juvask boar bristles can be used, so our demand for this part is very low, sorry.



Ashe was elated from the very beginning, but gradually became suspicious of life. No matter how useful she was touting an item, Lux could always quickly point out that it was "not so suitable in Demacia" or "in Demacia Sia already has something more suitable", it seems that if you want to sell these raw materials to Lux, you can only accept the terrible price from her mouth.

However, Lux's words did not offend at all, and even vaguely complimented. Every time Ashe said something, she seemed to have eyes shining like "wow", and then she said that this thing is inappropriate and a pity in Demacia , it seems that unless they are cheap enough, there is no reason for Demacians to choose them.

After some negotiations, Ashe's brows became tighter and tighter.
At this moment, she is facing a difficult decision: Are these rare specialties really sold to the Demacians cheaply?
Fortunately, the negotiation does not need to be concluded in one go, so Ashe still has a long time to think about this issue, and on the first night of the negotiation, she had already realized that she was not prepared enough.

Due to her lack of understanding of Demacia, she was unable to judge the authenticity of Lacus's words, and she lacked countermeasures against Lacus's low price. She had obviously overestimated the price that the Demacias would offer. No, Laxana is obviously more difficult to deal with. She doesn't even want to learn Freljord, but finds someone to translate it!

(Actually, Lux can speak Freljord, but because of her status, as the Lord of Fossbarrow and the representative of Demacia, she can't speak foreign languages, only her native language. The so-called translation is just a fake It's just a person who puts a little pressure on Ashe by the way.)
From Ashe's point of view, if everything goes according to the price of Lux, she can hardly exchange much tea and tobacco on the premise of guaranteeing enough oats for Erniuk and Ucal calves to survive the winter!
You must know that in the past year, tea and tobacco have become completely popular in Avarosa. These indulgences can not only alleviate the alcohol addiction of the tribe when they are not drinking, but also relieve them of the witch doctor and Sasha. In the eyes of Ashe, who was once betrayed by the priest of the Frostguard, those mysterious guys are not worthy of trust, and it is a good thing to keep the tribe away from them.

That's why Ashe urgently needed more tobacco and tea to fill the barren spiritual realm of the Avarosa people.

But judging from the current situation, things are not going well at all!
Rubbing her swollen temples helplessly, Ashe could only squat outside the tent by herself, broke a branch to write and draw on the ground, and guessed where her bottom line was.


On the other side, Lux, who finished the first day of negotiations, was in a good mood.

Although the leader of this negotiation was actually Kalya, a considerable part of the content was played by Lux herself. The improvisation in this part was good, and Kalya rarely praised her.

Judging from the results of today's negotiations, Ashe has been completely suppressed. She doesn't know the situation of Demacia, so she has no idea that the product in her hands is not as "ordinary" as Lacus said.

Like the bristles of the Juvask boar, Lux was right, brushes made of these tough bristles can only be used in the mines of Velo Village.

However, what she didn't say was that with this kind of brush that is as hard as iron wire, full of toughness, wear-resistant and strong, the cleaning speed of the mine will be increased several times-the most troublesome thing about the blue ocher mine is cleaning. The broom can't clean the slag scattered in the mine with a high content of blue ochre. If you can use the Juvask wild boar bristle brush like an iron grate, the mine cleaning work will be much easier!
If Ashe knew this, she could have opened her mouth to ask Lux to increase her purchase price, but unfortunately, she didn't know. Being opened by the Lux Lion, the price of these precious raw material resources was lowered to the point of insanity.

Equal weight of nuts for equal weight of grain... Demacia will be considered a fool if this kind of thing is said!
But when she talked to Ashe, her face clearly showed an expression of emotion—for the Avarosa people, nuts are just "the most hungry food to eat", and their value is the same as "energy There is no comparison to the oats that keep Ucal and Erniuk through the winter.

"Tell me, will Ashe accept the offer in full tomorrow?" Lux, who was in a good mood, hummed a ditty and said to Kalya, "I feel that from today's situation, she doesn't seem to have any room to bargain. "

"You are quite proud." Kalya snorted, "This is all thanks to the intelligence team, and we are not doing a one-off deal. Even if she is unable to bargain tomorrow, we must show our sincerity!"

"Is sincerity the grain of real gold and silver?" When it comes to this question, Lacus actually has a bit of a headache. Most of Spiro's food depends on buying from other places, so it's not a problem if this continues!"

"Food security is of course important." When it comes to this topic, Carya is also quite helpless, "But the problem is that Fossbarrow is really not a good place to grow food. The alkaline permafrost is all over the ground. If you want to grow food It’s better to develop something else and use the profits to buy food.”

"But it's not an option to continue like this." Lacus shook her head, "If there is a war or other circumstances, if there is not enough food to buy, then wouldn't Fossbarrow be famined? ?”

"So, we need to hoard as much food as possible." Kalya said earnestly, "The food trade with the Freljord, coupled with our daily purchase of food, will allow a large amount of food to flow through Fossbarrow, just Like an artificial lake, we also need to accumulate food and grass."

"But how to calculate the depreciation of food, we can't let everyone eat old food, right?"

"Didn't I just say, Freljord grain trade!" Kalya snorted, "Talk to Ashe tomorrow that we can sell old grains cheaper, and then ask her to buy Erniuk and Jude at the same time." Carl!"

"Buy new grain for storage just in case, and sell it to the Freljord after depreciation?" Lux's eyes widened in astonishment, "Can it still be like this?"

"Anyway, they are used to feed large animals." Kalya said in a natural tone, "This is cheap food!"

"So you specially asked someone to bring some old grain over?"

"if not?"


The next day, negotiations started as scheduled.

Ashe, who has been calculating for a long time, has already drawn a bottom line for herself. She cannot accept the purchase price of the Demacians at present. She needs to increase it by at least one-third to meet her requirements. Therefore, she plans to do whatever she wants. If you want to increase the price, even if you tear your face, you will not hesitate.

However, to Ashe's surprise, after the negotiation started, Lux did not agree to increase the purchase price, but chose to lower the selling price of her own products.

"We can provide another option." Lacus placed a bag of oats on the negotiating table, "This kind of oats is only two-thirds of the original price."

Ai Xi carefully observed the oats in the bag with a little curiosity, and chose a few grains to chew in his mouth for a while, and was surprised to find that there seemed to be no problem with these oats.

"Why are these oats cheaper?" Ashe wondered, "What happened to them?"

"This is oatmeal that has been stored for two years." Lacus is very frank. "If humans eat it, the texture and taste will be much worse, and it will be relatively dry, but if it is eaten by livestock, it will not be much different from new oatmeal."

Ashe is a little strange, she can't understand Demacia's complicated drying and storage technology, so she doesn't know why the oats can be preserved for two years, and she can't understand why the price of oats will be so much cheaper if it is only a little dry-but It didn't stop her from being overjoyed.

Cheap oats, is there such a thing?
Ashe, who was still a little dissatisfied, began to ask if there was any "Chen Tea" or "Chen Tobacco", but unfortunately, Demacia didn't have these either.

Tobacco is okay, but Demacia's tea is old.

Seeing that there are no old goods to take advantage of, Ashe quickly adjusted her mentality and planned to start raising the price of her own products. Then, before she could open her mouth, Lacus proposed a new trade.

"If possible, I would like to buy a large batch of domesticated Ernuk and Ukal from the Freljord."

Hearing this request, Ashe's eyes brightened obviously.

Although the sale of large animals is not common in the Freljord (large animals are the core assets of the tribe most of the time), it can be considered to happen from time to time. But it's hard to lower the price of big animals!
The domestication of Ernuk and Ukal are both unique skills of the Freljord. Only those experienced veterans know how to guide and domesticate these eccentric big guys. Without these professionals, even The second-generation Erniuk or Yucal calves will quickly become wild after they grow up, and they will never obey discipline again!

Now Lux wants to buy a big animal?
OK, sell!

When these Demacians get used to using these big animals, they will find that without a professional furnace owner, they can't control the calves of the big animals!
At that time, as long as the method of domestication is kept secret, the Avarosa tribe can continue to rely on selling large animals to earn more oats and raise more large animals!


Realizing this, Ashe's attitude quickly became eager, and she simply gave up the last part of the price increase demand.

In this way, after three days of formal negotiations, Lux and Ashe finally reached a series of brand new agreements regarding the expanded northern border trade this year.

Compared with the past trade in the north, Fossbarrow's import list has added items such as herbs, nuts, animal bones, animal teeth, mane, Ernyuk adult bodies, and Ucarl adult bodies, while on the export list, tobacco, The quantity of tea and oatmeal has increased by nearly 1200% compared with last year.

And if these products can be successfully sold, according to Carya's estimation, its gross profit will not be less than [-] Demacia standard gold coins.

What is the concept of [-] Demacia standard gold coins?

For the whole of last year, the total financial income of all the offshoots of the Crown Guard family in Mithril City, including taxes, rents, shop rents, port fees, etc., was only [-] Demacia standard gold coins.

The profits of the government-run monopoly trade are so insane.

 Carya's Little Classroom Demacia's Granary:
  The Demacians have always had the habit of building granaries. They will harvest and thresh the grains and expose them to the sun, and then put the dry, unhulled grains into specially built granaries based on the magic stone. .

  The preservation effect of this kind of granary is excellent, and the decay rate within three years does not exceed 13%.

(End of this chapter)

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