Lux's Farewell

559 [0553] The Rescued Sefika

559 [0553] The Rescued Sefika
Objectively speaking, the expansion of trade in the northern border should be regarded as the "deserved reward" for Lacus and Fossbarrow. If she hadn't defeated Sejuani herself, neither would the mighty Winter's Claw tribe. It will collapse overnight, and naturally there will be no part of Avarosa to accommodate small tribes and sell excess supplies.

And to be honest, don't look at Aixi being sold at a high price by jumping off a building, but for her, taking these materials that are not very important to the tribe in exchange for oats, tobacco and tea is actually a big deal in itself. It is a very profitable thing. If it is not sold to Lux, it is like herbs, animal bones, nuts, and mane. Although the people of Avarosa will collect these things, they will not collect too much. many.

For them, as long as these things are enough, if there is extra time, everyone would rather sit together and fight and brag, than go back to gather herbs, pluck manes, clean animal bones, and collect nuts.

That doesn't make sense—or, rather, it doesn't make much sense.

However, if these things can be replaced by oats, tobacco, and tea from Lux, it will be different.

Healthy people don't need herbs, and the tribe's regular herbs don't need too much, but whether it's oats, tobacco or tea, there is a huge shortage in Avarosa.

Due to the existence of trade in the north, the labor of the Avarosa people will generate additional transaction value on the basis of self-sufficiency!
No one had ever talked to Ashe about these things, but after more than a year of trading in the northern border, she felt this very deeply. She clearly realized that the tribe members were becoming more and more aggressive.

And Ashe herself likes this kind of "running to the head" very much. In her opinion, the Freljord people are worse than fighting with each other in the plunder and shedding the last drop of blood in the endless war. It would be better to have more of this kind of rush. Now that the strength of the Avarosa tribe is limited, I can only trade with Fossbarrow in the south. If all the Freljord people stop fighting among themselves, then in the future, even if only It's an internal transaction in the Freljord, and it's enough to make everyone have a head start.

It is no exaggeration to say that the northern trade has brought a huge impact on Ashe, and even made her have a different plan for the future of Avarosa.

In the past, Ashe believed that Avarosa represented the unity of the Freljord, and it represented that the Freljord would no longer be at war because of the war, and that they would face the challenge from Winter together.

Now, Ashe already has a firmer sense of mission. In addition to avoiding internal friction, Avarosa should also represent a brand-new order, one that allows all Freljord people to Order with self-worth!

After having this idea, Ashe began to have a subtle curiosity about Lacus and Fossbarrow. After the transaction was completed, she made an unexpected request to Lacus.

"Avarosa also wishes to send an emissary to Fossbarrow, like the Fossbarrow emissary at Frosthaven."

When she heard this request, Lacus almost thought that she had been discovered by using the envoy to collect information—however, judging from Ashe's attitude, it seemed that she didn't mean any irony or revenge, but put on a A curious, open-minded look.

"If the people of Avarosa know the price of Fossbarrow, will they go berserk on the spot?" Even so, Lux asked Kalya in a low voice, "To be honest, if it were me, I'm afraid I can't Accepting being stripped of so much profit face to face."

"You think you should refuse?"

"No, absolutely not." Lux denied, "It's not my style to hide my head and show my tail, not to mention that Avarosa can be regarded as our temporary ally."

"So, we just need to be careful not to puncture the self-esteem of our allies with too impactful numbers." Kalya said in a relaxed tone, "And, as allies, we should also work hard to show a better future."

"I smell a conspiracy." Lux said in a delicate tone, "What are you planning?"

"I'm an honest man, don't talk nonsense." Kalya defended himself as if he had suffered an injustice, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in being a lighthouse—I'm just a little curious, wondering what Ashe will give Frey What kind of changes will Eldrod bring."

"You better..."

"That must be."

In the end, Lux agreed to Ashe's request, and was willing to receive Avarosa's envoys in a reciprocal manner, allowing them to enter the city of Fossbarrow.

Of course, many core data about trade, engineering, etc., these Lacus will still have reservations.


Lux's trip to the Port of Priel undoubtedly had a happy ending.

The scale of trade in the North has expanded, and Fossbarrow will soon have a large number of Freljord specialties.

Some of these special products can be sold at high prices to return funds, and some are indispensable good things for Fossbarrow at the current stage. Perhaps by this winter, the dining table of the Fossbarrow people will be even more abundant.

However, when Lux returned to Forsbarrow, the smile didn't stay on her face for long.

With the resumption of the advanced elemental introduction course, Lux was quickly pressed under the five-finger mountain of Karya by the heavy theoretical magic course.

It's too difficult, it's really too difficult.

Lux couldn't imagine what kind of mentality Kalya and the elemental mages of the ancient Shurima Empire had when they studied these things.

Isn't magic just magic? Why are there so many strange things?
What makes it difficult for her to understand is that these people have really figured out a lot of "why". According to Kalya, the magic theory of the Shurima Empire has even been deduced to "what is the essence of the elements?" It sounds like a fantastic question.

According to Carya, they even have the strange ability to "use magic to weave new elements out of thin air"!

Artificial elements!
After hearing this incident, Lacus finally had a deeper understanding of Kalya's attitude of contempt for the gods—perhaps compared to the "gods" such as giant gods, the Shurima Empire at that time... was more like a god country.

With a very complicated mood, Lacus buried herself in her studies and was a little dazed by what she had learned. Seeing this situation, her roommate Sona had to drag her to participate in her "Ring of Forsbarrow Concert" , let Lacus briefly bubble up from the sea of ​​learning and relax for a while.

In this way, after spending more than half a year, Lacus finally finished the first half of the introduction to advanced elements under the supervision of Karya, and then, a special task was handed over to Lacus.

"Now your understanding and mastery of the pure elements have reached the standard." Carya's tone was rarely relieved, "Now, a mid-term experimental class will be used as a subject to monitor your learning results in the past six months."

"What kind of experimental class?" Lux was quite surprised, "Does Fossbarrow not have the magic experimental conditions you mentioned?"

"The content of the experimental class is very simple." Kalya didn't make a fool of himself, "I will ensure Sefika's safety, and you will be responsible for treating the erosion of pure elements that he has suffered."

The content of this "experimental class" obviously far exceeded Lux's expectations. She never expected that she would save Sefika as soon as she got started.

However, apart from being surprised, Lux wasn't too worried about this matter.

In the past, although she also had some understanding of pure elements, but that understanding was undoubtedly superficial and superficial.

But after learning the introduction to advanced elements, at least the pure elements are not too complicated in her opinion-it is true that the pure elements are difficult to deal with, but the difficulty in dealing with it is not how many changes the pure elements have, What kind of reaction will it produce due to different environments? It is difficult to deal with because it is too pure and difficult to control.

In other words, as long as the control of the elements is sufficient, then the pure elements will not encounter too many problems when dealing with them.

The only thing that makes Lux feel a little tricky is Sefika's own special state.

"Kalya, the state of Sefika at that time was that you forcibly contained the erosion of the pure elements and maintained his life." Lacus, who had accepted the test, began to formulate her own rescue plan, "Leave you now Doesn't that mean that his life will be eroded in an instant?"

"So it must be you who control the power of the pure element first, and then let me withdraw the power."

"Any suggestions on how to control it?"

"In theory, all methods of controlling the pure elements are feasible, but the specific situation depends on your choice. This is your exam, and I will not interfere indiscriminately." Kalya refused to provide suggestions, "Or even the opposite, I will How to draw power away at the time, you still need to take command."

"That's it..." Lacus nodded, "I need some time to prepare a detailed rescue plan."


Saving Sefika, who is now a living statue, will not be easy.

After learning the introduction to advanced elements, when Lux looked back at Sefika again, she was surprised to find that Kalya was right before, and it was really a miracle that he survived.

According to the custom of ancient Shurima, pure rock elements are called bedrock, and at this time Sefika, the whole person has entered a semi-bedrock state, if it is not for the special power from Karya , so that he still retains a strong vitality. I am afraid that after the fragment of the monolith entered his heart, his whole body has become a cold stone sculpture.

According to the method taught by Kalya, Lux lit up a warm and bright light on her fingertips, then carefully touched Sefika and observed his state.

As Lux's fingers slid across his body surface, the halo swayed for a while. Lax squinted his eyes and concentrated on observing the shimmering light on his fingertips to judge the degree and regularity of Sefika's body's bedrock formation. .

"Wait, Kalya." Suddenly, the halo on the fingertips became discolored, and Lux ​​immediately widened her eyes and realized something was wrong, "There are traces of other miscellaneous elements on Sefika's body, that stone —a fragment of a monolith that doesn't appear to be a pure bedrock?"

"Of course not." Kalya replied in a natural tone, "Didn't I say it all, Shurima has man-made elements, monoliths are not bedrock, but man-made elements."

Lux's expression suddenly became serious.

"But I don't know much about monoliths."

"The exam is relatively simple. You can treat the monolith as a bedrock." Karya signaled Lacus to relax, "In addition to being a rock element, the monolith also has additional functions such as empowerment, energy guidance, and memory shape. , but apart from interfering with the halo resonance, these have no effect on what you are going to do next—what to do, what to do."

"it is good."

In this way, after careful detection, Lux finally had a relatively clear understanding of Sefika's situation. Based on this, she quickly formulated a plan to remove the elemental erosion for Sefika.

According to Lux's plan, she will first prepare a light-based element to curb magic.

This is a fairly "high-end" spell, its full name is "non-resonant expulsion magic of other types of elements based on light elements". The essence of its magic is to use the low resonance of pure pure elements to While avoiding resonance, banish and exclude all other elements affected by this spell.

In layman's terms, this is a light element dispel spell.

However, this dispel spell will not dispel Sefika's abnormal state, but will change him from a stone man to a light elemental.

Compared with the rock element, the light element is actually more damaging to the flesh and blood, so in this process, Lacus needs the help of Karya, who controls the remaining dark power in Sefika's body while dispelling it. The energy of the spell, on the one hand, "withdraws" from Sefika's body to achieve the effect of expelling the influence of the monolith, but not applying the influence of light.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a very sophisticated "advanced magic surgery", which belongs to the category of elemental body transformation, and it is very difficult.

But if successful, Sefika will get a nearly brand new body, and his consciousness will not be affected too much.

Although Kalya did not comment on this plan, he was actually very pleased - this is the best way to solve elemental erosion.

In this way, after a long preparation and complicated drawing of the magic power circuit slate, Lux finally adjusted her state and was ready for the light-based element to contain magic.

Putting Sefika on the "operating table" made of forbidden magic slabs, Lux started this exciting repair of elemental erosion.

Everything went well. It didn't take long for Lux, who was fully prepared, to expel the rock element in Sefika's body in a tacit agreement with Karya, and then slowly offset the power of the darkborn and the scattered light element. It became the new flesh and blood of Sefika.


With a raving, Sefika finally twisted his body.

 Carya's Small Classroom Monolithic Elements:

  Monolith is a special element, and it is a high-end man-made composite element. It has the characteristics of memory shape, elemental gravity, self-combination, self-repair, and immortality. It is the highest achievement of elemental magic in the Shurima Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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