Lux's Farewell

Chapter 560 [0554]

Lux complied with Karya's request and successfully revived Sefika with light-based elemental containment magic.

However, Sefika, who has regained consciousness, still needs a period of time to adapt to his body and his new environment, so after briefly telling him what happened in the Yousi Oasis, and considering his special talent, Lak Si put him into the ranks of the Archon, and asked him to live in Fossbarrow temporarily as an Archon.

After Sefika can fully control his own power in the future, it will be up to him to decide whether to go or stay.

As a reward, Lux got Sefika's ancestral monolith fragments - this thing is still too dangerous for Sefika, as the most powerful man-made element of the Shurima Empire, monoliths have a very strong magical erosion , Sefika's current level of mages, if they are exposed to monoliths for a long time, it is very likely that the symptoms of element erosion will appear again.

Anyway, the Oil Silk Oasis no longer needs to be guarded by himself, so Sefika simply gave up the monolith and gave it to Lux as a reward for healing herself.

Previously, the elders of Yousi Oasis had given the monolith and Sefika to Lux instead of Yasi Oasis, and now Sefika has also given up the monolith, and it is completely legitimate for Lacus to use the monolith now.

However, she still doesn't know what the use of this thing is.

As the highest achievement of elemental magic in the Shurima Empire, monoliths have a natural gravitational force and control over rock elements. Even a small monolith fragment, in the hands of an ordinary mage, is enough to collapse a section of the stone wall. Let a piece of the earth crack open.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Dushi thing is a natural killer for changing the terrain.

After feeling the special power of Monolith, a brand new idea appeared in Lux's mind.

"Can it be used to help build canals?"

"Your idea is very good, but it's a pity that it's not realistic." Karya poured cold water on Lacus helplessly, "The monolith's attributes are very special, it can temporarily command the power of the rock and help in the battle, but if you want to Changing the terrain permanently is a matter of twice the result with half the effort, and the terrain changed by monolith manipulation is easy to recover after leaving the monolith, unless it is reinforced with additional magic."

"It will still be like this?" Lux obviously didn't expect the monolith to have such a wonderful property, "But if I use it to destroy the city wall, the destroyed city wall will not recover by itself after the monolith is put away!"

"That's the crux of the matter. The monolith is a weapon of war." Kalya emphasized, "It can easily cause damage and change order into disorder, but not the other way around—for you, this monolith is the most important thing. The significance lies in using it as an experimental material, rather than making it into a production tool."

Understanding Karya's meaning, Lux was a little frustrated.

What Fossbarrow lacks now is not a piece of war weapon, but a lot of magical tools to strengthen the construction of the territory!
"Okay, don't be so sad, you have passed the mid-term test, and you can continue to learn the introduction to advanced elements!" Kalya tried to make Lacus happier, "I will soon be wandering in the ocean of knowledge, be happy, Lux!"

Not to mention okay.

Hearing that Kalya said that she was going to start learning the damn advanced element introduction again, Lux became even more depressed.


When Lux was "wandering in the ocean of magical theoretical knowledge", a drastic change was taking place in the capital of Demacia.

Because Jarvan III did not cooperate before, the noble council issued an ultimatum, but after that Jarvan III still went his own way, and played to the end. Claiming to have "encountered a disaster", and then not paying any money to Xiongdu.

Nobles had a lot of autonomy in their fiefdoms. Now, with Jarvan III's "ignorance of current affairs", nobles from all over the place immediately took action-the current king is still the commander of the army, and he can even use his guns. At this time It is meaningless to tear your face apart and fight. Wait for two years without paying taxes, and the royal family has no money to maintain the army. Let's see if you can still sit on the throne!

However, just as the nobles began their first phase of non-cooperation, Jarvan IV returned.

After many hardships, with the help of Soraka, Jarvan IV finally successfully climbed to the top of the giant god, and returned after bathing in the sky. Fortunately, he was not taken away by the giant god, but retained almost all of himself, Everything Jarvan III expected was perfectly achieved.

And with Jarvan IV's return from the summit, Jarvan III, the old king who had pretended to be confused for almost half a year, finally showed his skills again.

The nobles don't cooperate?
Well, even if you don't cooperate!

After confirming that Jarvan IV had successfully climbed the peak without losing himself, he released Kyle with a backhand.

Facing Kyle, Jarvan III expressed his attitude very clearly: The Lightshield family is willing to embrace the brilliance of the gods, but they will not prostrate on the ground and become servants of the gods. Look, Jarvan IV has passed Mount Targon We have the qualifications for equal dialogue!

Although Kyle was worried about the previous sneak attack (done by Morgana and Tariq), facing Jarvan IV who had returned from the summit, the upright Judgment Angel finally admitted Jarvan III's rhetoric.

That's right, you have the right to negotiate with me on an equal footing.

With this acknowledgment, Jiawen III quickly grasped the situation. On the one hand, he expressed his respect and emphasized that the previous sneak attack was a last resort. Domination endorsement.

This seems to be quite nonsense, but Kyle agreed, because in her opinion, Jarvan III does represent "a secular ruler with a heart for heaven", and when she came to Demacia, the most important test content , is to cooperate with these secular rulers to explore another way to influence the secular world.

As a result, Jarvan III was recognized by the "Flying Wing Sisters".

Afterwards, the old king found Morgana, and once again began to show affection and reason. This time, unlike when facing Kyle, he emphasized the mortal attributes of Jarvan IV. Here, Jarvan IV is not a Titan reserve, but a person who has passed the test of the Titan, and is the one who should lead Demacia.

This kind of rhetoric is actually not a problem, because Jarvan IV is not controlled by the protoss, and his consciousness is very clear. Although he has embraced the power of the heavens and has stepped into the rank of God, his thoughts are still mortals. Therefore, in Morgana's eyes, Jarvan IV's rule of Demacia is also "the fate of mortals controlled by mortals".

At the beginning, Morgana took the initiative and even teamed up with Tariq to ambush her sister, because she insisted that mortals should control their own destiny and should not accept the plan of the gods. After Kyle left Demacia, she spent many years Walking in the world, I also have a clear understanding of human nature - human nature can be noble or despicable. Now Jarvan IV has proved his courage and perseverance, and Jarvan III has also shown his wisdom as a ruler .

Under such circumstances, Morgana is naturally happy to see the Light Shield family "rule Demacia with courage and wisdom" in the future.

After Morgana nodded, Jarvan III was "recognized by the Flying Wing Sisters".

When the upper and lower members were assembled, Jarvan III quickly contacted the Illuminati, which had been suppressed by the nobles into a fringe organization, and directly set off a Jedi counterattack.

The prince came back from the peak, proving his courage and wisdom.

The Feiyi sisters appeared to endorse the rule of the Light Shield family.

This is simply an unprecedented event in a thousand years!
Sentu II, who was foolish and caused waves before, was dragged by his old father to apologize, and then reluctantly handed over the Sentu Saber, so Jarvan III got the original "sacred relic".

Under such jurisprudence, the previous ultimatums of the noble council have become ridiculous. Even though His Majesty the King is cooperating with the Illuminati with great fanfare, the nobles are at best non-violent non-cooperation, and secretly making troubles , No one dared to stand up and be the leader.

What the hell, the lion on the throne is not an old and foolish lion at all, but a cunning old fox. He insisted on pretending to be a fool under the pressure of the noble council, and when his son returned from the summit, he was even qualified Kicked away the noble council!
Heck, what a hell!
The members of the aristocratic council gathered together again were a little numb. With the cooperation of the Illuminati, Jarvan III had already begun to extend his hands to the fiefdoms of other nobles—he did not destroy the ruling power of the nobles on the surface, but continued to The Feiyi sisters, through the way of the Illuminati, went directly to the lower classes to promote the greatness of the royal family among the common people.

For this kind of thing, the local lord is undoubtedly unable to resist.

Soon after, Jarvan III rejected the request of the local lord to "stop paying taxes due to the disaster" "with reason and evidence".

In the past, this kind of behavior was out of bounds.

But now, Jarvan III is also crossing the line, but the noble council has lost the means to counter it—with the endorsement of the Feiyi sisters and the Sentu saber in hand, the Light Shield family looks like a man of destiny.

The most important thing is that, as a king in the past, Jarvan III was afraid of the Illuminati, but now, he holds divine power, and the Illuminati is a vicious dog under his command!
With the cooperation of the Illuminati, Jarvan III can easily bypass the lords in various places and truly do whatever he wants. Even if the behavior is out of bounds, the lords of various places have no good way to him!

It is no exaggeration to say that Jarvan III, with the destiny in his hands, completely tore up the centuries-old feudal tradition in Demacia where the royal family and nobles ruled the world together, and unabashedly showed his ambition to control everything.

Although he is old and can't struggle for a few years, Jarvan IV is studying behind him at this time. Considering Jarvan IV's successful ascension to the peak, I am afraid that his lifespan will far exceed ordinary people. I am afraid that my life will no longer be as happy and happy as it is today!
In the past, the nobles of Demacia were the emperors of the land. They could annex the land at will and formulate local laws, as long as they fulfilled their noble obligations, they could do whatever they wanted.

But now, if their behavior does not meet the expectations of Jarvan III, the king will use the resources of the Illuminati to bypass the fief lord-he did not deprive the nobles of their rights in the fief, but unlike before, he now has disqualified.

Under such a situation, the noble council was still in session, but the gathered nobles could no longer come up with a good idea. They tried to maintain unity, but soon there were small nobles whose territories were almost completely emptied by the Illuminati. Surrendered to the ground, the speed of light became the loyal dog of the royal family.

It seems that it is a matter of time before the nobles in the noble council are defeated one by one.

At this time of panic, no one noticed that two young aristocratic couples from the Godin family in the countryside of Renwall entered the chaotic capital at this time and became spectators of the noble council.

At the meeting of the noble council, the two "country bumpkins" were trembling, as if they were also affected by the terrible atmosphere, and they dared not show their atmosphere.

But after the meeting was over and they returned to the courtyard they rented, after the dead of night, they finally laughed secretly.

"Demacia, it's really interesting." In the darkness, Mrs. Godin did not have the slightest submissiveness during the day, but her laughter was full of joy, "I saw the soil where roses grow!"

"Really?" Mr. Godin's tone was extremely slippery, "But you also heard that His Majesty the King really found two angels, and their prince also climbed that Mount Targon."

"But it doesn't mean they can control the situation." Mrs. Godin continued to laugh, "We have all seen the fall of those powerful people. If being strong can control everything, then we can't sit here and have a conversation now—you Should have died on the test bench, and I should have been piled deep in the fortress."

"I like your words, my dear." Mr. Godin poured himself a glass of wine in the dark, "Yes, those who think they are strong will always stumble on the little people, just like dark descendants, like It's undead, like some idiot who has mastered the power of a demon, like an old idiot who thinks he's a god... But, are you sure this will interest Swain?"

"Of course." Mrs. Godin said firmly, "He even sacrificed his soul for his motherland and for the great Noxus. If one day he knows that Demacia is in civil strife, he only needs to transfer troops Feng can unify Valoran, I think that rational strategist commander, even if he gritted his teeth, would suppress the throbbing deep in his heart and choose to cooperate with his mortal enemy to put aside the past."

"It sounds like he is still a very principled person." Mr. Godin said with a smile, "I can't wait to get my lost memory back from him...It's so interesting, my dear, I can't I enjoy the taste of guiding everything even more."

"me too."

Carya's Small Classroom·Tentacles of the Illuminati:
Even if it has been strictly guarded against, the Illuminati still has a lot of influence at the grassroots level-everyone has a wedding or funeral. Unlike the nobles who only send tax collectors to collect taxes, the Illuminati is considered by ordinary people There is a positive side.

But in the past, due to the limitation of royal power, the Illuminati had no grass-roots power, but they could not use it-they had no name.

And now, after Jarvan IV returned from the summit, Jarvan III, who thought he had the ability to fully control the Illuminati, finally began to use this power.

PS. Happy New Year!

In addition, everyone should know the identity of the Godin couple, right?

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