Lux's Farewell

562 [0556] Urban planning of Xinfu City

562 [0556] Urban planning of Xinfu City
Under the planned publicity, many citizens of Mithril City became interested in Fossbarrow.

Previously, due to the war, the port area of ​​Miyin City was destroyed, and the east and west urban areas also suffered damage to varying degrees. The freight channel Yinlin River needed a large-scale dredging and a series of water conservancy reconstruction. The superposition of many unfavorable factors Under the current situation, Mithral City, the pearl of the northern border, also looked a bit bleak.

As a result, the post-disaster reconstruction had just begun, and the noble lord and the king fought each other. The Illuminati directly bypassed the tax officials and collected the second round of taxes from the residents of Mithril City, and almost wiped out the wallets of the residents of Mithril City—— Life is already so difficult, but looking to the future, the difficulties in Miyin City will continue for who knows how many more years. Under such circumstances, if you are not interested in Fossbarrow, you are all loving your hometown!
In the end, under the double influence of public opinion fermentation + demonstration effect, combined with the face earned by Lux last winter, when the northerners set foot on their way home, there were more than [-] families who acted with them .

Most of these people are small traders in Mithril City, and some farmers whose farmland was destroyed and who had worked hard for a year but found nothing to do. They did not leave with Lux in winter because they hoped to stay in Mithril City. Started all over again, but just in time for two rounds of taxes, the last hope was also shattered, so he simply left his hometown and chose to go to Forsbarrow.

In addition, there are a small number of people who are related to the Forsbarrow immigrants who are willing to go to Forsbarrow with their relatives or friends, including Ino's parents and elder brother-their family He successfully survived the siege of Mithril City, but lost confidence in the city after the reconstruction of Mithril City and the arrival of the two taxes. Under the strong decision of Yinuo's mother, Yinuo's brother gave up. In the military position in Mithril City, he followed the Northlander to Fossbarrow, intending to defect to Ino.

Although Ino is not in Fossbarrow for the time being, both Lacus and Sona took the time to receive the family, and promised to come to them directly if they had any questions, and then arranged for Ino's brother to be a member of the Northern Walker's reserve team. As long as he can successfully pass the assessment, he can join the northern border walker.

Then, after receiving immigration representatives and confirming the number of immigrants, an extremely important matter finally appeared at the center of Fossbarrow's work.

City extension of Fossbarrow.


As mentioned earlier, Fossbarrow is essentially a fortress city, an important pass guarding the pass of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range. The terrain here is dangerous, and it is an absolute lock and key.

Before Lux arrived, Fossbarrow developed very poorly, largely because of the special terrain and climate here.

Now, with the continuous cooperation between the Archon and the local herb collectors in Fossbarrow, the residents of Fossbarrow have vaguely seen the direction of tomorrow. However, Sibarrow has maintained a steady and positive trend, and everyone is full of expectations for the future.

It's just because the local population of Fossbarrow is too small. Although there is development potential, it will take some time to realize the potential. In order to increase the population as much as possible, Lacus specially formulated a population attraction strategy , directly from the "mother's house" in Miyin City.

The behavior of pulling wool was very successful, and the crown guards of Mithril City have no good way to deal with this aunt, but the wool is pulled down to be woven into sweaters, and the residents who want to let these residents who migrated from Mithril City Settling in Fossbarrow, just relying on the old city of Fossbarrow now is not enough.

As a fortress city, Fossbarrow's urban area is limited, and it is very difficult to expand further.

To absorb and accommodate more people, Forsbarrow must expand the new town.

As for Fossbarrow's new city, Lacus—or Carya—had actually planned it long ago. According to Carya's plan, Fossbarrow's new city and Newport should be integrated. Sparrow City continued to be maintained as a fortress, while the new Fossbarrow City as an economic center was built at the end of the Dragon's Back Mountain Range fifty miles south of the present Fossbarrow.

The northwest of New Forsbarrow City is where Newport's Ice-Free Port Wharf is located. At that time, New Forsbarrow City and Newport will be connected to form a trade zone, connecting ocean trade and canal shipping.

The specific urban construction plan for Carya has been prepared. Last year, the Archon team conducted a simple hydrographic survey of the area where the Ice-Free Port is located. From a design point of view, there is no problem in the construction of the new port and the new city.

But the design belongs to the design. If it involves construction, there are not many specific problems at all.

The first is the builders.

Although the Archon has formed a special magic construction team, the construction efficiency can be said to be the highest in Demacia, but in the past their main construction content was to dig artificial lakes and canals, which belonged to dry water conservancy.

And now they are brought here to build the city... Although the efficiency should be pretty good, but many things have to be learned from scratch, so the speed is naturally not guaranteed.

Secondly, the issue of construction materials is also worth considering.

According to the consistent style of Demacia, the city walls should use the magic stone, and the pier of the port should also use the magic stone. The council files an application and pays a certain price to obtain an additional enchantment stone.

Lux, who has money in her hand, is not short of the money for the magic stone materials, but the noble council is pulling her hips—now the entire noble council is focusing on how to make trouble for Jarvan III. There is almost no one in charge of the work; and the Illuminati and the Demon Seekers who are in charge of the Arcatria, now represent the royal family and the nobles, and they are fighting endlessly. Even a ton of forbidden magic stone was sent to the north.

Everyone was busy with faction, and where was anyone working but Fossbarrow?

In order to solve this problem, Lacus decided to find cooperation with the Dulan family. As a researcher of the forbidden magic stone, the Dulan family's fiefdom, which once gave birth to many stone carving masters, is located not far from White Cliff City. On their fiefdom, There is a private forest of forbidden magic tree fossils. If possible, Lacus hopes to buy a batch of forbidden magic stones from the Durand family to build the city wall.

Although Lux herself has nothing to do with the Durand family, and the Crownguard family, a former loyal dog of the royal family, is not at all close to the neutral Durand family. Talking to this family full of humanity and art, although the two sides have no cooperation, at least they can be regarded as nodding acquaintances.

With this relationship, Lacus tentatively sent a letter to the Durand family, wanting to discuss the business of the Temperament Stone, but she didn't know what the result would be.

If the Durand family can't handle it, then Lux can only try to demolish part of the current city wall of Fossbarrow, and give priority to building the magic stone pier-although it sounds like demolishing the east wall to make up for the west wall. It's a bit bad, but in fact, there is really no need to use the magic stone on the east wall of Fossbarrow (that is, the pass that does not touch the enemy).

In addition to manpower and building materials, the construction model of Xincheng Xingang also needs to be considered by Lux. The shops inside Xincheng Xingang should be very expensive, but at the same time, it also needs to be affordable for temporarily poor and poor immigrants. The policy scale requires Lax Si can handle it well.

The construction plan of the new city and new port was carefully disassembled, and Lacus and Sona devoted themselves to the work again. In order to leave enough space for the further development of the subsequent city and port, they must give consideration to practicality and development as much as possible. This in turn places extremely high demands on the level of planning and construction.

After a lapse of more than a year, all members of the Archons were transferred again to become Ash Masters. Except for the necessary manpower (such as Fuquelin's team), all Archons were required to participate in the construction of this new city, Xingang.

What is different from before is that as a reward, the Archon will have a residential area of ​​his own in the new city.

The current dormitory in Forsbarrow is very good, but after all, sometimes it is not convenient enough. Now the Archon has a good social status in Forsbarrow. They are no longer demons who need to hide, but have a bright future. Many of the courts of the right age have already found their significant other, and have begun to plan to get married.

Once they get married, it is almost impossible for them to live in the collective dormitory. It is precisely based on this consideration that Lux specially planned a court area in the new city to accommodate these people who have made great contributions to the development of Fossbarrow. of the Judgment.

Although the Archon is full of gratitude to Lacus and regards her as a mentor and leader, after coming to Fossbarrow, Lax will clearly reward her every time she dispatches the Archon. Construction is no exception.

In this way, Lacus mobilized manpower and prepared funds. At this time, she received a reply from the Du Lang family.

The current patriarch of the Durand family responded enthusiastically to Lux, and said, "If you can win the friendship of the noble model, such as the magic stone, it is not worth mentioning."

Of course, politeness is polite. At the end of the letter, he put forward his request rather tactfully - he hopes to revive the glory of the family through the Art Support Association. Great work".

And the greatest work of the Durand family... is none other than Galio.

Lacus happily agreed to the request of the patriarch of the Durand family, while writing a letter to the art support association in Xiongdu, inviting him to come to Forsbarrow for "art exchange", and at the end of the letter, she stated indistinctly that she is indeed The Sorcerer's Stone is very much needed, and I hope Mr. Durand can hurry up too.

Then, when the preparatory work for the urban construction of the new city was completed, she received a reply from Mr. Durand.

"I have the raw material of the forbidden magic stone, and it is already on the way."

Mr. Durand's resolute behavior was somewhat beyond Lacus' expectations—in fact, most Demacian nobles would hesitate for "noble demeanor", and there were very few decisive people. In my impression, anyone who has anything to do with art is a procrastinator.

Lacus was ready to lay the foundation first and put the city wall aside for the time being, but she didn't expect that Mr. Durand had already set off.

Lux was quite pleasantly surprised by the efficiency of this walk-and-go.


One month later, when the imperial court and the immigrants who employed labor instead of the down payment had delineated the scope of Xinfu City (New Fossbarrow City) according to the plan, and laid a solid foundation, Mr. Durand and his family's motorcade, At last we reached Fossbarrow without incident.

Lux saw the noble sculptor for the first time, and was shocked to find that the other party didn't look like an artist at all, but a stonemason.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this Mr. Durand is the least nobleman that Lacus has ever seen.

Although the materials, patterns and accessories of the clothes on his body are all exquisite, but because of his habitual hunched body, Mr. Durand does not have the demeanor of aristocrats at all in this suit. Instead, he looks more like a liar wearing noble clothes. It was covered with thick cocoons brought about by years of sculpture, and Lux ​​didn't even dare to confirm the other party's identity for the first time.

"Mr. Durand, welcome to Fossbarrow!" Repressing her curiosity, Lacus assumed the attitude of a noble model, and greeted Mr. Durand with a standard aristocratic smile, "The great sculptor is here." , the backcountry is also full of splendor!"

Then, she saw that Mr. Durand shrank his head obviously.

This kind of behavior, as if a country bumpkin came to the city and saw the nobleman at a loss, made Lacus a little stunned. She had never seen such a nobleman who did not meet the noble standard!
The Du Lang family, this is a well-known nobleman in Demacia, the current patriarch is actually such a person?

Realizing that her posture might make the other person uncomfortable, Lacus decisively changed her appearance, and began to try to get along with this Mr. Durand as an artist. Then, she saw another side of Mr. Durand.

When talking about sculpture art, this guy who was like a country bumpkin suddenly became eloquent. He quickly grasped the rhythm of the conversation, and began to comment on Lark mercilessly. All the artists mentioned by Ruth—except for a few who he considered "somewhat capable" were judged by him as rubbish.

This is not finished.

When Mr. Durand talked about the rise, he even bluntly pointed out that Lux is "wasting her outstanding talent because of boring noble games", implying that if Lux can devote herself to the field of art, her The future will be unlimited!

Lacus was stunned by what she said. She finally understood why Mr. Durand, who had a prominent background and extraordinary artistic attainments, was marginalized by the Demacian noble council.

High artistic level?

EQ is changed!

 Carya's Small Classroom Durand Family:

  The Durand family has always been famous for their exquisite stone carving skills in Demacia. They are one of the few pure art families and pure neutral families, and they hardly get involved in political affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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