Lux's Farewell

563 Mr. Durand who made up his mind [0557]

Honesty is a virtue, but it turns out that communicating with honest people—especially honest and self-centered people—is not necessarily a pleasant thing.

Mr. Durand has the honesty that does not look like a nobleman, but his habitual self-centered evaluation standard makes Lacus, who is in charge of the reception, feel physically and mentally exhausted. In the eyes of this Mr. Durand, art is worth spreading The beauty of everything, compared with it, the political game among the nobles is nothing but "boring, destined to become a mediocre page of historical records".

From an artist's point of view, Du Lang's words are actually very reasonable. Artists must have their own artistic pursuits, and they should not be influenced by fame and fortune.

But the problem is that becoming an artist is just Dulan's ideal. Lacus in front of him has already proved with her actions that her pursuit of art is limited. In this case, Dulan is still insisting on persuading Lacus. "Don't live up to your talent", this is somewhat ignorant.

In desperation, Lacus simply moved out of Sona to "chat" with Dulan, while she hid as far away as possible.

Then, facing Sona who couldn't speak and didn't reveal that she could communicate through the sound of the piano, Duran finally shut his mouth and turned to visit Galio.

After Galio returned to Fossbarrow after the Battle of Mithril City, Lacus formed a special team of Archons to take care of him, and then specially planned the "range of activities" for him.

Standing on the top of Fossbarrow's city, Galio can move freely, or say hello to passers-by, as long as he keeps his feet still so as not to interfere with people coming and going.

Although most Fossbarrow people are in awe of Galio, the Colossus of Justice is one of the symbols of Demacia after all. Even if Galio feels oppressive when he waves his hand, everyone will not be too scared.

Perhaps the fact that Galio came back to life would cause panic in other places, but this is Fossbarrow, and everyone is used to the Archon, so what's so scary about Galio who came back to life?
With the ability to communicate freely with people, Galio is undoubtedly very excited, but considering Galio's astonishing mana consumption after being active, even with the Archon as a "magic reserve", it is impossible for Fossbarrow to allow Galio Every day I wave my arms and chat with everyone I pass by.

For this reason, Fossbarrow issued a special law prohibiting people from staying in the vicinity of Galio for a long time. If you want to chat with the Colossus of Justice, then wait until the rest day every five days. At this time, anyone can freely Talk to Galio.

Although the communication time is limited, Galio is still very satisfied with his current situation. In the past, standing outside the city of Xiongdu, he could only listen but not move, let alone speak or communicate. Only then can one day be free to move around, but this is already not easy.

After all, magic power is not easy to come by, and this little guy, Lux, also has her own work to do!
When Durand came to visit, it was a rest day. Mr. Durand, who wanted to carefully observe the greatest works of his ancestors, came to the top of the city excitedly, and then staggered in fright because of Galio's waving.

"He, he really came back to life?"

Sona nodded and smiled.

"It's unbelievable, it turns out that the content in the notes is true, this colossus can really move!" Mr. Durand pushed his glasses, and looked at the Colossus of Justice in disbelief, "This is really a miracle of great art! "

Sona wanted to tell him that Galio's ability to move had nothing to do with art, but she nodded again, smiling, considering her role and the poor communication skills of this Mr. Durand.

Sona's smile is gentle and beautiful, and even has a kind of soothing magic, but in Dulan's eyes, it can only make the sculptor feel a little annoyed, he shook his head, and simply stopped talking to Sona , but strode to Galio's feet.

"Colossus of Justice, you can hear me and understand me, can't you?"

"Of course, little man, I'm the knowledgeable Galio!" Galio looked carefully at the somewhat familiar guy in front of him, "You look a little familiar, have I met you somewhere?"

"Of course!" Mr. Durand puffed up his chest proudly, "20 years ago, I became the youngest sculptor in history who was qualified to take care of you, although I don't deny that part of this honor comes from The legacy of my ancestors, but it also speaks volumes about my art..."

It can be seen that Durand is genuinely proud of his artistic level and talent.

"20 years ago, oh, I remembered." Galio blinked his big eyes, "You left an emblem at my feet, I didn't see what it looked like, but later you were asked to put It erased..."

Dulan's eyes widened, and he hurriedly waved his hands to signal Galio to shut up, but Galio seemed to regard this behavior as a kind of excitement, and loudly narrated his memories in a voice that could be heard by everyone within a three-mile radius .

"You seem to have quarreled with someone, but I haven't seen you since then, what are those little people who quarreled with you saying about you..."

Du Lang's face was ashen.

"They say that you are far behind your ancestor, but it seems that your posture has surpassed him long ago." Galio's memory is almost as good as that of a teacher who likes to expose people's old truths, "Who is your ancestor?" ? Is he famous?"

"...He is your maker." Mr. Durang seemed to be a frost-beaten eggplant, and his whole body was visibly decadent. "Damn it, how do you remember it so clearly?"

"Oh, you are a descendant of my father!"

Galio was completely unaware of how much trouble his exposing the old man had brought to Dulan. He leaned down and carefully picked up Dulan in front of him with an unprecedented seriousness.

"It's a pity, little man." Galio finally shook his head, "I woke up for the first time in a war, and I couldn't see my father. I once thought of expressing my gratitude to him personally, thank you He created me, but Lux told me that the little man will die, and he can't be repaired after he dies... so it's a pity that I couldn't see him after all."

Galio's words caused Duran to fall into silence. Looking at the statue of justice in front of him who was seriously learning to express his emotions, he was suddenly at a loss for words.

It is no exaggeration to say that in Mr. Durand's heart, the level of art is constantly developing, so in his opinion, when it comes to the level of art, he has already surpassed his ancestors who became monks halfway through——Mr. Durand of that generation was the most At the beginning, he was just a stonemason carving tombstones. After a series of studies and opportunities, he became a sculptor and had the honor to preside over the carving of the Colossus of Justice.

As for Mr. Durand himself, since he was sensible, he was guided by his family to start playing with mud. It is not an exaggeration to say that his own study and research time in the field of sculpture may have already surpassed his ancestors.

But in the eyes of most Demacians, the current Mr. Durand is still far behind his ancestors. It should be that he has a high level of sculpture, but he already has his ancestors. level, most Demacians do not recognize it.

In fact, Durant chose to come to Fossbarrow largely because of a quarrel - his bad temper has always looked down on some guys in the Art Volunteer Association who fish in troubled waters, so when the Art Support Association needed During the business exchange with him, he ruthlessly accused some artists of "lack of artistic accomplishment and mediocrity", which annoyed the Arts Support Association.

Then, the guy who was criticized by him became angry and responded with an open letter.

"Some pretentious artists should think carefully about their own positioning. They keep saying that blue is better than blue, but his respectable ancestors left us a statue of justice, but he himself only knows how to use the harshest language. Evaluate those promising newcomers..."

After the response, the Art Support Association blocked Duran.

Mr. Durand is willing to accept Lax's request for help, not because he needs fame and fortune, but because he hopes to use Lax's relationship to lift the "ban" imposed on him by the Xiongdu art circle, so that he can happily spray back, by the way Come to Forsbarrow to take a good look at Galio, the Colossus of Justice, and if possible, make one yourself, so that you will have more confidence when spraying it back.

As a result, after meeting Galio, Mr. Du Lang suddenly felt a little bit confused about his future.

Do you really have a chance to spray it back?
Or, is he really capable of creating a new Galio?
Durand is fully confident that he can use the Charmstone to create a more refined, more alive, and more artistic colossus, but he can't actually guarantee that the colossus will come to life.

And after actually meeting Galio, Duran has confirmed that the sculpture that cannot be brought back to life, no matter how high the artistic attainment is, may not be able to compare with the Colossus of Justice.

Realizing this, Du Lang was quite confused. He didn't know what he was going to do for a while, and after a few words with Galio, he stumbled away.

The next day, Mr. Durand's eyes were red, as if he hadn't slept all night.

After meeting Lacus, he walked over immediately and asked a question that he had been thinking about for a long time.

"Miss Laxana, is there any way you can bring a carved colossus back to life?"

Although Lacus knew from Sona that Duran was exposed by Galio, she obviously still couldn't understand the other party's mental journey—yesterday she was shouting about the sculptor whose art is priceless, and today she suddenly found herself asking how to make the colossus come alive. Come here... The contrast between before and after is really a bit big!

"What... what happened?" Lux asked with some doubts, "Magic is probably needed to bring the colossus back to life. Galio's come back to life was related to the battle of Green Tooth Peak."

Hearing that it was related to magic, Du Lang seemed to have been drained of all his energy, and he lost his energy in an instant. He murmured "Impossible", and turned around and left like a walking dead.


After that, Dulan locked himself in the hotel and didn't go out for three whole days. Just when Lux was thinking about something wrong with him and was about to break the door forcibly, Mr. Duran finally came out.

Compared with before, although his eyes are sunken and his voice is hoarse, his mental state seems to be much better. In his hand, he is holding a small, figurine-like villain. When he saw Lacus After that, he showed it for the first time.

"I can't give up my pursuit of art!" He resumed his previous fanatical appearance, and put the little figure that he spent three days shaping and carving with the magic stone in front of Lacus, "Lacus Ms. Shanna, even I have heard the news that you fought in Mihril City last year. Compared to someone like me who only pursues art, you must have a better chance of appearing on the battlefield and chasing your own glory, right? "

Lacus blinked. Dulan, who was so eloquent and human, made her feel somewhat uncomfortable, so that she didn't even realize what the other party was going to do at first.

"Please take it with you and bring it to the battlefield!" Duran stuffed the little figure sculpture into Lux's hand, "It can be your amulet, just like the Colossus of Justice once did, if possible , I hope to see it come alive..."

Lacus opened her mouth. She really wanted to say that if she was only exposed to magic, it would not be enough to bring the sculpture made of the Temperament Stone back to life. Galio's awakening was a very complicated coincidence, but obviously, she didn't say that. law said.

"I will go back to White Cliff City." Du Lang seemed to have regained his confidence, "Like my ancestors, they spent their entire lives carving a giant statue with all their might. The guys are arguing, it's all because I'm not pure enough!"

Lux's eyes widened, and for a moment she didn't know how to respond to Dulan's words—for this idealistic statement that attributed everything to "not pure enough", she only felt full of faults, but she couldn't complain.

In the end, Lacus could only nod numbly, and promised that she would take this little magic stone figure to act together. She figured it out, even if Mr. Durand provided her with lime For the sake of the fossils of the forbidden magic tree that are enough to build the city wall of Xinfu City, I have no reason to use words to dispel the "Dao Heart" that the opponent has finally gathered again.

Moreover, considering that the situation in Demacia may be chaotic in the future, it may be a good thing for Duran to stay behind closed doors and concentrate on sculpture at this time?

In this way, Lacus made a promise, then accepted Duran's gift, and bid farewell to Duran who was eager to return the next day.

Then, just when Lux finally breathed a sigh of relief and was about to start making the forbidden magic stone, Iva brought back the latest letter from Ino.

In this letter, Ino proposed for the first time her plan to return to Forsbarrow, and, following her back, there was also an Ionian expedition.

Karya's Small Classroom Mr. Durand the Misfit:
In Demacia, most of the more famous artists are happy to flatter each other with the Art Support Association. After all, although there are bastards in the Art Support Association, there are also real geniuses.

Only a pure and proud person like Mr. Durand can't tolerate sand in his eyes, and directly sprays with the Art Support Association-and then gets banned.

PS. It's finally overcast!Still coughing, which is annoying.

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