Lux's Farewell

Chapter 564 [0558] Ionian Featured Virgin Mary

Chapter 564 [0558] Ionian Featured Virgin Mary
When Lux read that "the Ionians are sending a delegation to visit Forsbarrow," she didn't feel a problem.

For bulk trade, and for bulk trade that needs to be transported tens of thousands of miles, it is normal for Ionia to send a special inspection team, just like Fossbarrow's before conducting trade in the northern border, Ino made a special trip to Condensation Like Frost Harbor, these are all necessary information-gathering steps.

However, when Lux continued reading and figured out the personnel and purpose of the expedition, she was finally a little dumbfounded.

Originally, according to Lux's idea, when she was in Zaun, she had always been in contact with Yingliu, so now this investigation team should also be formed by Yingliu--Shadowliu sect is also the same for Lux. They are old acquaintances. Although they are a bit ruthless, as partners and with the same interests, the efficiency is really high, and the cooperation is also very smooth.

However, unlike what Lux had expected, Eno stated in the letter that it was not Yingliu who dispatched the inspection team, but "a professional team composed of monks and elders", which made Lax subconsciously frowned. I frowned.

Monks and elders?
Why would they get involved at this time?
What about Shadow Stream?
Full of doubts, Lux turned over a page of the letter and read a page about the situation in Ionia.

Ino arrived in Ionia through Sarah's relationship, and the first contact was the Shadow Stream Sect, so among the information about Ionia, she first described the situation of the Shadow Stream Sect.

To sum it up in one sentence... Yingliu's life in Ionia is not going well.

Shadow Stream originally came from the Kinkou Sect. They were dissatisfied with the Kinkou Sect’s attitude towards the Noxus invaders. They advocated an eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, and death and blood to punish all invaders. They were among the Ionian radicals. Radicals.

Taking revenge as the idea of ​​action is actually not a big problem. In the Ionian War, Ionia was a pure victim. In Ino's view, they are qualified to take revenge on Noxus—not to mention now The area including the southern part of the Weili Peninsula, the eastern part of the province of Barua, and most of the island of Philo is still under the control of the Noxus at this time. The war is not completely over yet. Now attack the Noxians , This is completely an act of war to regain lost ground.

However, when it comes to specific actions, Jie and Yingliu are struggling.

According to the description in Yinuoxin, Yingliu is a group of guys who "do not seem like good people". Can't deal with the relationship with other forces, in Ionia it can almost be regarded as "the enemy of the whole world".

In order to accumulate enough psychic magic power and train more warriors, Yingliu decisively attacked the vastayas, allies with whom he had no relationship with him, and raided and occupied many vastaya temples. Temple supported Yingliu's large-scale military expansion, but it directly pushed all vastayas to their opposite.

Then, Yingliu did not intend to restore the relationship between the two parties at all, and did not "declare righteousness" and told the vastaya people that this is forbearance for the country. Instead, they continued to treat the vastaya village as their own blood. Bao, when there is a lack of military resources, we will directly mop up a wave.

It is no exaggeration to say that apart from using gas bombs, the Noxians have done this at most.

Therefore, even not long ago, taking advantage of the opportunity of the Noxus civil war, Yingliu directly took Tivasser as the starting point, recovered the entire territory of Baru, and drove the local Noxus forces out of the sea. , but they did not receive any substantial support from the Ionians.

Originally, when Ino came to Ionia and began to try to conduct trade, she also connected with Yingliu. As a result, the negotiations had just begun, and the monks and elders of Preshidian were moved by the wind and went directly to Ino.

According to them, in the past Ionian trade, many of the goods provided by Yingliu were "looted proceeds", so the Preshidian authorities do not intend to sit back and watch Yingliu continue to host another trade, because it will As a result, "many innocent vastaya villages have been devastated".

When she heard this, the Ino people were dumbfounded. She really never dreamed that Yingliu would be so outrageous to her own people-plundering villages, even when Piltover squeezed Zaun back then. To such a point of violence and plunder!

Considering that Yingliu's behavior was indeed too outrageous, Eno could only express his agreement with the proposal of "no sale, no plunder" proposed by these elder monks.

After all, the Presidian government can be regarded as the only legal government in Ionia. It is also possible to trade with Presidian instead of Yingliu!
However, if that's all it is, then Ino won't be able to write such a long letter with more than [-] words to make complaints about it, and the following things will be even more outrageous.

First of all, after the monks and elders agreed with Ino's kindness, they took advantage of the situation and said that they needed to send an observation team to Fosbarrow to have a look.

However, when asked about the direction of the investigation team and intending to remind Lacus to prepare early, the head monk said very proudly that he would "supervise whether there is any forced exploitation and destruction of nature during the production of Fossbarrow's commodities." the behavior of".

Ino was dumbfounded.

What the hell?
The Ionian language is really broad and profound, and I don't seem to understand it. Why does it seem that I heard that he wants to supervise the forced exploitation and destruction of nature?
Just when Ino was puzzled, the benevolent monk repeated his purpose. Ino did not hear or understand wrongly. He was concerned about the forced exploitation and destruction of nature.

The dumbfounded Ino tentatively asked what is the forced extraction and destruction of nature, and then got a very official explanation: If the fur production of Fossbarrow is not what the Fossbarrow people like, if the Fossbarrow people The way to obtain fur is against the balance of nature, so Ionia will not accept this kind of trade.

After finishing this part, Ino, who is always easy to talk, wrote a whole thirteen lines of swear words, greeting these monks and elders who are completely confused in their minds.

Obviously Ionia is in urgent need of reconstruction now, Ionians need to adapt to the globalization trend of Runeterra, and the Noxians on the land of Ionia have not been completely driven away. Obviously this is an Io The real win-win trade that Niah needs, these bastards who have the power to preside over the trade are thinking about these messy things in their heads.

Are the Demacians thousands of miles away willing to hunt and process fur, and whether the hunting of wild animals in the Freljord thousands of miles away disrupts the balance? Do you care about these things?

With this skill, why don’t you pay attention to the southern part of the Weili Peninsula that you are still occupied by the Noxus, and pay attention to the island of Philo, which is half in the hands of Noxus?
Ino had heard of the terrible crimes committed by the Noxians in Ionia. They used alchemy gas bombs to turn the once fertile land of Navoli into a ghost. When Demacia came like this, the angry Demacia wanted to rush all the way to the Immortal Fortress!

However, before the war was over, the Ionians did not pay attention to their own development, did not accumulate strength to expel the invaders, but instead nitpicked about a trade with huge benefits!
For a moment, Yinuo almost thought that these monks and elders were asking for bribes tactfully—it wasn't for money, how could they do such a bad job?
It's a pity that when Yinuo hinted that his subordinates would give some meaning, the other party sternly refused.

It is their duty to pay attention to the balance of nature and the balance of society at Fossbarrow!
In this regard, Ino finally lost his temper completely, and even her impression of Ionia plummeted.

In her letter, Ionia is described as a "rare place" where the Ionian people living here are "numb and short-sighted, with a kind of stupid self-righteousness". The political situation is "a house-playing game between a group of little kids and dementia".

Judging from the large pieces of non-swear words but extremely ironic words, she seems to have really learned the essence of Kalya, which made Lacus, who read the letter carefully, a little eye-opening and amazed.

At the end of the letter, Eno said that "although I will try my best, the inspection team is imperative, and I hope that Fossbarrow will be ready", and that "I am working hard to win the opportunity to meet Ai. Relia or Karma".

However, judging from her writing, it seems that she is not very sure about this kind of attempt. Even if she traveled north and south, crossed the Great Sai Desert in Shurima, and walked through the vast snowfields in Freljord, but it seems like The peculiar culture of Ionia is still beyond her understanding and cognition level. She may need more time to collect information and understand Ionia.

Ino plans to divide the mission into two, let some people serve as guides, and bring these Ionian special products back to Fossbarrow, while he himself takes most of the people to stay in Ionia, and study carefully This strange place...

Putting down the letter paper, Lacus was speechless for a long time, and even Karya didn't know what to say for a while.

In fact, no matter Lux or Ino, before they actually arrived in Ionia, they actually had a good impression of this land of birth-this favor mainly comes from the land of birth's attitude towards magic, Ioni Asians will use magic in their own lives. According to many travel notes and poems, Ionia is an idyllic country with "a small town with few people, and chickens and dogs hear each other".

In addition, Ionia has encountered the invasion of Noxus, and the gentle Sona is also an Ionian, so they naturally have a good impression of this country where people and magic coexist harmoniously.

But now, as Ino really arrived in Ionia, the beautiful bubble shattered to the ground.

Ino was shocked to find that Ionia does have a balanced side that advocates nature, but at the same time, this ethos has also brought great negative effects. Ionia has no national consciousness, and each province has its own. Thoughts, and it seems that because they are too close to the spirit world, these Ionian brains lack a string called reason.

In comparison, Yingliu, who doesn't look like a good guy, looks more pleasing to the eye as a collaborator.

"So, what should we do now?" Putting down the letterhead, after a long silence, Lux finally spoke, "Ready to welcome a group of Holy Mothers?"

"Judging from Ino's letter, it seems that this is inevitable." Kalya said in a rare tone of resignation, "but the good news is that it may not be difficult to fool these guys."

"From Eno's description, this is a group of people who are irrational and difficult to speculate logically." Lux leaned back on the chair, "I really don't know what to do with these people."

"Actually, we don't need too much preparation." Kalya quickly had a solution, "Don't forget, we have Sona!"


Lacus subconsciously thought of Mr. Durand's helplessness when facing Sona—as long as Sona didn't show the ability to use Huahua to communicate, she could indeed deal with anyone.

"Sona is from Ionia." Carya continued, "And it is the witness of the friendship between Ionia and Demacia. When the war swept across Ionia, Demacia was the only one who provided the actual Even if the help to the country is not too great, but these benevolent and gentle monks and elders will not deny their account, right?"

"That's a good idea." Lux nodded, "But that's a matter for Demacia and Ionia. If they really go to Xiongdu, I'm afraid that with the current situation in Xiongdu, everything will be over. gone."

"If they really went to Xiongdu, what you said might happen." Carlya paused, then continued in a relaxed tone, "However, these people probably have no interest in Xiongdu."

Not interested in Xiong?
That's the capital of Demacia... Wait, the Ionians don't seem to have a strong sense of state and centralization?
Blinking her eyes, Lux was pleasantly surprised to find that the bastards of the Ionian people are not completely useless, at least they won't plunge into the muddy quagmire that even she is afraid of because of Yixiongdu's attitude go!
That's it!

After figuring this out, Lacus made up her mind—Kalya was right, although there was no way to guess what these monks and elders were thinking, it was actually not difficult for these people to fool them!

Although I don't know what the focus of these people's attention is, and I don't know what they will do when they come to Forsbarrow, but as long as they find the right people to deal with them, there will be no problem!

At this point, Lacus felt that the world was wide open, and she didn't need Karya's reminder. She directly prepared a "special reception plan for the Virgin of Ionia" for this Ionian delegation.

You are not the Holy Mother!
Then, through the relationship of the Art Support Association, I will bring you the group of the most holy mothers of Demacia. It just so happens that the situation in Xiongdu is turbulent, and those guys don't understand it!
Don't you have a sense of morality?
Let me take Demacia’s reception of refugees and Fossbarrow’s reception of refugees from the Mithral City war as an example. We also have a very high moral level, so everyone can become noble partners!

Don't you want balance?
Yes, our Fossbarrow is extremely balanced, not only the harmony and balance between man and nature, but also the balance between the real world and the shadow world, how about it, is it balanced enough?
This reception plan is very long, and Lux ​​has considered all aspects, and the core of everything is only one point-face the Virgin with the Virgin, and defeat the Equilibrium with the Equilibrium.

To be a bewildered person, who wouldn't?

 Karya's Little Classroom The Ionian War is not over:

  Considering that part of the territory of Ionia is still occupied by Noxus, in theory, the war between the two sides is not over yet, and Noxus and Ionia are still at war - except that Noxus Incapable of fighting, and the Ionians seem to have little interest in reclaiming lost ground...

(End of this chapter)

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