Lux's Farewell

565 [0559] The first job of the northerners in winter

One and a half months later, when the Ionian delegation arrived in Xinfugang and started a formal investigation and investigation, these benevolent monks and elders immediately received a warm welcome from the local people.

Subsequently, a large-scale symposium called cultural exchange, which is actually an art salon, was officially launched.

Through the Art Support Association, Lux invited the most humanistic artists in Demacia. At the exchange meeting hosted by Sona, these artists had a good chat with these Ionians through temporary translators.

Although due to the fact that the translation is relatively amateurish, the two sides may occasionally fail to express their meaning during the exchange, but after the exchange, both parties said that "it is of great benefit" and that they are "very rewarding", just like a stone from another mountain. The appearance of attacking jade.

As for the host, Lacus, except for appearing at the beginning of the communication, excused her busy schedule for the rest of the time, and at most showed up in the morning and evening every day, and did not participate in the agenda at all—however, due to the presence of Sona Now, Lux still knows the content of the communication like the back of his hand.

In the beginning, Lacus was worried that the communication would get out of control, so she asked Sona about the situation every day, but the results she got were not at all interesting. To describe this communication in one word, it was a complete business exchange.

So, starting from the third day, Lux didn't pay much attention to their art salon, it was a waste of time!
And it turns out that this matter really doesn't need to be paid much attention to.

Ten days later, without Lux knowing what these guys were talking about, the happy exchange between the host and the guest ended, and Fossbarrow officially became Ionia's "partner".

The psychologically satisfied monks and elders said when they left that Ionia would export tea, spices, dyes, and fabrics to Fossbarrow at a fair price. Fur and blue ocher.

Fossbarrow's pelts and blue ocher were well-balanced by several venerable monks and elders - who knows how.

In this way, a cross-cultural exchange started and ended in a unique and childish way. Although it experienced some twists and turns, Fossbarrow finally got what he wanted.

After the farce ended, Lacus and Sona looked at each other speechlessly, both happy and helpless in their hearts, obviously everything was what they wanted, but no matter how they thought about it, they couldn't feel happy.

These Ionians... are outrageous!
No matter how grotesque and disempowering the process, the end result is always good.

Before winter, Xinfu Port will welcome new merchants. At that time, in addition to Demacia's internal trade and northern trade, Fossbarrow will have a third trade route. This not only means that Fossbyro Luo will have a wider trade space, which means that Fossbarrow has gradually got rid of the dependence on the internal trade of Demacia. War, Fossbarrow's financial resources will not be cut off.

With the support of new financial resources, Lux has more confidence in her heart.

The scale of Sun Fook City and Sun Fook Kong can be maximized, and children's education can be promoted among the newly arrived immigrants. In addition, the second phase of training for clerks is about to be put on the agenda... Unknowingly, Lacus There is a feeling of berating Fang Qiu in Za'an again.

Then, the cold water of Karya came in due course.

"The study of the introduction to advanced elements should continue." Kalya's voice sounded like a devil's whisper, making Lux's face instantly bitter. "This time we can learn something with practical application value—such as element puppets."


Compared with the boring pure theoretical knowledge in the early stage of Introduction to Advanced Elements, Lux's second half of the semester course is undoubtedly much more interesting.

Although the theoretical knowledge is still a big headache, there is more or less practical content in it - as Kalya said, in this part, Lux will start to learn the theory of elemental puppets.

Elemental puppets are very important magical achievements of the Shurima Empire, including the monolith that bridges the gap in the void. Its essence is a giant elemental puppets made of pure elements, but this puppets are in the shape of a fortress suspended in mid-air .

In Shurima, most experienced explorers have seen various elemental puppets in various ruins. These big guys have fixed procedures. They rely on magical perception to detect targets that enter the warning range. As long as the target Without giving a specific response in the first place, they will treat it as an intruder and hit it head-on.

And to make a qualified elemental puppet, even the simplest one, requires a solid theory of elemental magic. Therefore, the second half of the advanced elemental introduction is a process of learning and making elemental puppets at the same time. Silk can complete a complete elemental puppet, her study is completely over.

At first, when Lux learned that "as long as she has the ability to make elemental puppets, she can graduate smoothly", she immediately thought of Porter No. [-] in Zaan Newport.

Is the giant puppet with the forbidden magic tree as its body and limbs controlled by a magic circuit considered an elemental puppet?

If that counts, it won't take long for Lux to assemble one on the spot.

"That can only be regarded as a helper puppet, and it is still far away from the elemental puppet." Kalya decisively denied Lacus's wishful thinking, "The most important meaning of the elemental puppet lies in automation!"

"Can't automation be achieved with magic circuits?"

"Of course it can't be achieved only through the magic power circuit! Using the element erosion of the pure element as the power source, combined with the magic power circuit, can the element puppets act spontaneously!" Carya snorted, "If you don't rely on the elements of the pure element Corrosiveness, elemental puppets are destined to be dead things, things that need human control to move!"

"This is too difficult..." Lux understood Karya's meaning, and after blinking her eyes, her tone was a bit unbelievable, "Element erosion is chaotic, and it has a lot to do with the environment. Using the erosiveness of pure elements as a power source, isn't the elemental puppet very unstable?"

"So you need advanced magic power circuits such as energy storage circuits, oscillation circuits, magic capacity circuits, and anti-dissipation circuits." Carya chuckled, "In addition, you need to master at least one kind of pure element control, which can follow your ideas. Magically shaping it—the elemental puppet was a scoring item in the Ascendant Qualification Examination, so naturally it cannot be simple."

Hearing this, Lacus was a little confused.

She knows the energy storage circuit, and she has barely mastered the oscillation circuit, but the magic capacity circuit and the anti-dissipation circuit... one of these two magic power circuits can make the magic power fill the entire magic creation smoothly, and the other can avoid the magic power under the full magic power. Escaping is the magic power circuit that needs to be painted on the entire elemental puppet, not to mention that these two magic power circuits are only barely understood by Lux, and they can't even be called mastered. Even if she really masters these magic power circuits, if she wants to It's also an incredibly difficult task to paint an elemental golem without any issues.

It kills me just thinking about it.

Moreover, considering that cross-interference often occurs between multiple magic power circuits, and that pure elements are not easy to process, it is foreseeable that Lux will spend a long time completing the second half of the semester of the introduction to advanced elements. .


Time always flies by when everything is going according to plan.

For Lux, it seemed that she had just started to learn the second half of the introduction to advanced elements, and winter came to Fossbarrow again.

During this period, Xinfu Port ushered in the first batch of merchant ships. The Ionians hired Bilgewater's ships and sent a large amount of tea and fabrics (mainly silk), and at the same time purchased a large amount of furs and spices from the mountain, each side gets what it needs.

And almost after the Ionians left, the construction of Xinfugang and Xinfu City basically came to an end. Although the Archons participated in the whole process of ashes hunting, and the immigrants from Miyin City continued to work hard for their new home, but Xinfucheng is still a bit empty.

When winter came, Lux raised her head from her heavy studies and began to prepare for this year's winter speech. She was surprised to find that she was facing a brand new problem-should the winter speech be held in Forsbarrow or go to Xinfucheng carried out.

Fossbarrow is Lux's basic board, and Xinfu City will be the focus of Lux's work in the next few years. It seems that it makes sense to give speeches wherever she goes.

After thinking about it, she decided that the winter speech would be held in Xinfu City and the spring speech would be held in Forsbarrow without any delay.

In this way, when the first heavy snow came one after another, and the northern border was dressed up in a snow-covered appearance, Lacus gave this year's winter speech in the central square of Xinfu City.

Since the residents of Xinfu City are either law-enforcers or immigrants from Mithral City, when preparing the speech, Lux lost a bit of liveliness and added a bit of sincerity.

For Lux's speech, the residents of Xinfucheng responded enthusiastically. They have just built their own homes with their own hands and are trying to integrate into the new order of Forsbarrow. For them, this will It's a fresh start.

The long winter is coming, and unlike in the past, some residents of Fossbarrow and Xinfucheng will start to try to grow hazelnuts this winter.

The artificial cultivation of hazel velvet is very smooth. Due to its relatively short growth cycle, as early as autumn, the royal team has basically mastered the method of cultivating hazel velvet in the greenhouse—as long as the specific temperature and humidity are maintained, and the With excess sunlight and sufficient humus, these precious mountain products will grow and mature quickly, and they can be picked in just ten days!

Compared with saffron, hazel antler has simpler cultivation conditions and can produce stably without sunlight and wind. The only problem is that the requirements for humus are relatively strict. Hazel velvet can only be cultivated in a soil rich in humus, and as the velvet grows, the humus will quickly become barren, and no matter how fertile the humus is, at most one crop of velvet can grow.

For this reason, while trying to promote the cultivation of hazelnut mushrooms, the Archon group also mobilized professional manpower and began to study whether it is possible to artificially manufacture humus.

As long as there is humus, there will be a steady stream of hazelnuts, and hazelnuts, whether fresh or dried, are the top mountain delicacies. When the Ionians bought hazelnuts before, even The silk will be exchanged for dried hazelnuts of equal weight, which shows the preciousness of hazelnuts!
Although the price of hazel velvet will inevitably drop with the large-scale cultivation, due to its small size and light weight after drying, it can be carefully packaged and shipped to various places in Runeterra by sea—and with someone Unlike the fragrant red persimmon that some people hate, hazelnut is a treasure that everyone likes. As long as the magicians research the method of making humus, the income level of the Forsbarrow people will rise to a higher level!

At the very beginning, the Archons had no idea about the production of humus. Even Fuqueline, who can speed up the life process of plants, could not quickly rot the dead plants into humus. The five Archon groups joined forces , racking their brains and gaining nothing.

However, later by a coincidence, a shadow-type archon met the archon technical team who was frowning in the face of the humus. This guy who has always been a vicious tongue habitually made a few weird words, which happened to bump into everyone's irritability. On the muzzle of the gun, a dialogue of "you do what you want" started.

Under normal circumstances, the result of "you do what you want" is "I can't, but I will BB loudly", but unexpectedly, this shadow-type archon is really capable of making humus-plant death The decay is slow afterwards, but with the help of shadow energy, the process will go much smoother.

So, the members of the five teams watched in dumbfoundedness as this guy with special abilities and few jobs easily let a dead tree rot and created a large area of ​​humus. After testing, the rot caused by shadow erosion Humus soil can be used for hazel mushroom cultivation!

The shadow-type archon, who was still a fringe figure before, suddenly became a hot commodity and became a specialized humus making machine, and this achievement was quickly notified to Lux.

After learning that shadow energy can produce humus in batches, Lux immediately thought of the shadow world.

There is an entrance to the Shadow Realm near Fossbarrow. If you use this channel, you can send the materials that need to rot into the Shadow Realm to artificially catalyze the decay to form humus, and then take it out for hazelnut cultivation...

Just do it, under the supervision of Kalya, Lacus and the shadow archer once again opened the temporary passage of the shadow world, and then sent some dead wood and leaves that made humus into it.

After seven days, they got a large pile of soft and sticky humus soil with a rotten smell.

In this way, Fossbarrow finally mastered a whole set of hazelnut cultivation process from the manufacture of humus to the planting and harvesting of hazelnut.

In this winter, in Xinfu City, the first wave of hazelnut planting will begin.

And this also means that for the first time, people in the north will work in winter.

Karya's Little Classroom: The Erosion of Shadow Energy and Hazelnut:
The erosion of shadow energy has the effect of accelerating decay. Although in most people's eyes, shadow is a dark and dangerous force, but likewise, as negative energy, it is also part of the elemental cycle of Runeterra - without decay, there is no new life .

The hazelnut cultivation uses the high-energy humus soil produced by the trees and dead leaves after the shadow erosion.

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