Lux's Farewell

566 [0560] The bottom line of magic

For Archons, harnessing the power of the Shadowlands to create humus has literally opened up new worlds for them.

This seems to prove that "there is no useless power, only people who can't find a way to use it". For a while, many research groups took the initiative to bring in negative energy mages who couldn't find a job at ordinary times, and began to study some strange things. strange power.

Then this kind of research was stopped by Lacus.

Just kidding, the power of shadow in the Shadow Realm can be used at will, that's because the demons entrenched here before have been dealt with, and the shadow creatures in the Shadow Realm are weak and will not cause any trouble.

But other forces are different!

The ignorant and fearless archon cannot fully understand the dangers of magic. If they are allowed to develop and research like this, if they fail to do well, they will repeat the mistakes of Rune Wars.

Magic should indeed be integrated into life, but only if it is kept under control and its theoretical safety confirmed!
After realizing that the bottom line of magic research needs to be defined, Lacus simply convened all the guardians and held a themed meeting in Xinfucheng to discuss the bottom line of magic research.

Draw the red line first, don't say it is unexpected!


Lux's idea is very correct. For the archon, the bottom line of magic is undoubtedly a very complicated issue.

The bottom line of magic in different aspects such as exploration, research, experimentation, and application cannot be generalized. Therefore, if you want to explore the bottom line of magic, you must discuss the different directions according to the situation.

For example, in the field of frontier exploration of magic, any slight progress and new discoveries should be reported to avoid dangerous things such as injection and connection to the void.

In terms of magic research, the subject of research needs to go through a special review before it can be officially started, and the research content without review can easily take a dangerous and extreme path.

At the stage of magic experiments, in addition to safety audits, it is also necessary to follow the principle of experimental controllability, starting from small experiments, partial experiments, and demonstration experiments, and equipped with special security personnel to ensure that the failure of the experiment or loss of control will not cause serious damage. as a result of.

The magic theory that has passed the experimental stage and is ready to be applied needs to be more cautious, because once the magic results are spread, it will involve thousands of households, so before the application is promoted, it is necessary to completely simulate the promotion and operation of the link , to conduct at least one complete cycle of simulation experiments.

Generally speaking, for magic theory, in the process of exploration, research, experimentation, and application, not only does every link need special review, but the review should also be stricter and stricter. Only in this way can it be avoided as much as possible. Appeared unexpectedly.

Some of the above content was discussed by Lux and Archon, and some were lessons of blood and tears provided by Kalya. The power of magic is very great, but it must be used in the right place, otherwise it will only cause disaster!

After basically confirming the bottom line principle of magic, in the meeting, the Archon also specially set up a Magic Bottom Line Committee, which is responsible for the review of magic theory research and safety issues, and Lacus himself serves as the chairman of the committee. If Lux cannot guarantee the safety of the experiment, it cannot be carried out.

Although the topic of the meeting is somewhat serious, in fact, most of the Archons have a very relaxed attitude. Although they are the most talented group of people in Demacia, they have never come to Fossbarrow to receive formal magic education. Looking at the time, it is less than three years.

What is enough for three years?

Lacus was taught one-on-one by Kalya. After three years of learning, she would still be stunned by a group of scarabs in the simulated training. These archons can make such a big change in Fossbarrow. It was a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change, and a large number of talented archons used their specialties to realize Fossbarrow's transformation.

Really let them study cutting-edge magic theories...

Stop it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if a world rune is handed over to the Archon, at most they can only be eroded by the power of the rune and become puppets of the world rune—the kind of puppets of the walking dead, not the kind of Brand The kind that merges with the world runes.

Therefore, this meeting is more like a vaccination, the main purpose is to set up a framework for the bottom line of magic research one step ahead.

This framework does not have too many application scenarios for the time being. After controlling the research of the Shadow Realm and issuing regulations on the research and use of the power of the Shadow Realm, Fossbarrow actually has no "frontier fields".

Whether it's building canals or artificially domesticating wild plants, these don't require too complicated theoretical knowledge for the time being. They are all "stupid projects" that rely entirely on the talent of the archon, and are extremely low-risk projects.

After the meeting, apart from a few more approval documents on Lux's desk, the daily life of the Forsbarrow Archon seemed not to be greatly affected.

Among these approval documents, most of them have only one theme - the localization and domestication of Erniuk and Yucar.


Demacia is a country with a long tradition of animal husbandry. However, unlike the free-range grazing of the Freljord and Noxus, Demacia's animal husbandry has been dominated by captive breeding from the beginning.

In Demacia, oats and wheat are the main food crops, and the by-products of oats and wheat cultivation, wheat bran and straw, are good forages for feeding cattle and sheep.

In addition, as early as more than 500 years ago, the Demacians had mastered the most primitive silage storage technology. In addition, the land of Demacia was fertile and the price of food was cheap. , using grain as concentrated feed combined with forage and green storage to feed together, does not require large-scale grazing, as long as small-scale captivity is used, the livestock can be fat and strong.

Therefore, even though Demacia is an out-and-out agricultural country, when it comes to the per capita possession of cattle and sheep, Demacia is even higher than Noxus-this is in Noxus with the Dalmo Plain. There is a kind of grassland suitable for large-scale grazing, and there are peoples who specialize in grazing in Noxus, and the Demacians do not regard animal husbandry as their main business at all!
Before the start of the two rounds of taxes, when the year was relatively good, high-quality protein appeared on the tables of most Demacian families every eight days—river fish, sea fish, dairy products, beef and mutton. It's very high, but it's not so that ordinary people can't afford it.

Relying on the high per capita protein intake, the physical fitness of the Demacians is also at the forefront of Runeterra. Although the strong Freljord looks strong, it is completely an illusion left by natural selection. Those who are not strong enough will not survive the name day at all; and compared with Noxus at almost the same latitude, the average stature of Demacia is almost completely stronger, which is also the solid foundation of Demacia's policy of elite soldiers.

With the start of the three-way trade and the promotion of the cultivation of saffron and hazelnut, the residents of Fossbarrow and Xinfu City have gradually been able to fill their stomachs. Non-staple food, after all, no one likes to eat oatmeal or whole wheat bread with pickles if they can.

Although Fossbarrow also bought dairy products and a small amount of meat from other places in the past, and Newport's walrus teeth immigrants also brought sea fish, but for the Fossbarrow people who are getting richer, there is still a large protein gap .

Under the circumstance that other cities still prohibit magic, Fossbarrow cannot buy a large amount of fresh meat and fresh milk through trade, and a small amount of frozen milk needs to be transported by the archon himself. The best way is to be self-sufficient.

However, Demacia's traditional livestock farming methods are not suitable for Fossbarrow.

The climate in Fossbarrow is harsh, and the seasonal winter all over the land is not suitable for the development of planting. It is not a big problem if you buy food through trade, but if you want to use trade to obtain the feed needed for animal husbandry, Fossbarrow The transport capacity can't support it.

Therefore, in order to make the Fossbarrow people eat better, the Archon had to find another way.

Some people began to learn from the previous methods of artificially cultivating saffron and hazelnut, and went to cooperate with Orion to see if they could domesticate some animals unique to the northern border.

And more people focused on the big guys that Lux had obtained in the Freljord trade before.

Ernuk and Ukal, these two large animals unique to the Freljord, have always been known for being able to adapt to extreme conditions. Although their meat quality is not as delicious as ordinary beef and mutton, they are at least a good non-staple food choose.

Moreover, the milk of Erniuk and Ucal is rich in high fat. For people in the northern border, this kind of calorie bomb is just right to drink in winter.

However, although the Erniuk and Yukar bought from Avarosa are living well, they are still out-and-out manure-making machines. They are big enough, so they eat a lot and pull a lot. Many, like the current raising method of Lacus, it is better to sell the meat directly. If you really want to expand the scale of the breeding of Yukaer and Erniuk, you must find a suitable for Fossby. Luo's feeding method.

To this end, the relevant courtiers formed a special research team, wrote an opening report, and handed it over to Lux for review, hoping to start looking for methods for large-scale breeding of Erniuk and Ucar.

For this kind of request, Lux is naturally happy to see it come true.

Let Fossbarrow have cheap meat and dairy products, which will not only improve the living standards of Fossbarrow, but also greatly increase Fossbarrow's attractiveness to Demacians in other regions!

Although Lax managed to attract a group of immigrants from Mithril City because of the "assistance" of Jarvan III's two taxes, she is also very clear that the ability to attract immigrants from Mithril City is the result of many factors working together ——The heavy burden of the double taxation, the destruction of production caused by the war, the prestige brought by Lux's battle, the similar customs of the same northern region, and the fact that Miyin City is Lux's "native land", The local lord had no room to resist this aunt, which allowed Lux ​​to successfully take away a large number of immigrants.

But for the rest of the country, Forsbarrow's only appeal is the tax exemption, and beyond that, there are enough jobs, barely one, and nothing more.

In this case, even if the life of the Demacians in other places is a little bit harder, they will not want to go to Forsbarrow, because from their point of view, they left their hometown and went to Forsbarrow, and there is no What a wonderful future.

For Fossbarrow, even though there have been two waves of baby booms in recent years with the improvement of living standards, considering the originally pitifully small population base, even if these babies grow up, Fossbarrow still There is a staggering shortage of human resources.

For now, bringing in a labor force that abides by the Forsbarrow order is still the focus of Lux's work.

In order to increase Fossbarrow's attractiveness to immigrants, high income and high living standards are the most attractive things when government orders cannot be used to force migration, just like Mithral City, although it is also located in the northern border, But before the Battle of Mithral City last year, it had been in a state of net population influx—if Fossbarrow can also develop and develop better than the previous Mithral City, then Lux believes that Demacia's Labor will continue to flow into the North, to Forsbarrow!
So improving the standard of living in Forsbarrow is as important as improving the economy in Forsbarrow.

The improvement of economic level is the foundation, and the improvement of living standards as a manifestation will further attract immigrants. Only in this way can the snowball of the development of the northern border become bigger and bigger, so that the order in the northern border can be accepted and recognized by more people.

The acquisition of meat and dairy products is the most direct way to improve the standard of living. I am full of confidence in the archons, and I plan to make a big effort to find a suitable breeding method for Erniuk and Ucal in Fossbarrow and Xinfucheng. , Lux naturally strongly supports it.

Different from the previous planting of saffron and velvet, the breeding of Yukaer and Erniuk requires more links, including the selection and cultivation of pasture, the breeding and domestication of Yukaer and Erniuk, and the follow-up Breeding and disease prevention, etc.

Many archons had raised large animals before being imprisoned in the Arcatraz, so they were full of confidence in these subjects.

And Lacus is also full of confidence in the localized breeding of Ucal and Erniuk—and her main source of confidence is Kaya.

That's right, Kalya intends to do it himself and work with the Archon to solve the breeding problem of Ernuk and Ukal. Although it may not sound easy to introduce the Freljord species into Fossbarrow's breeding, it depends on the right Who will say.

According to Karya, a breeder, agronomy master, and founder of Shurima animal husbandry, the more difficult part of this subject is how to guide students.

Migrating Yukaer and Ernyuk to lower latitudes, isn't it enough to have hands?
Kalya's Little Classroom: The Dangerous Powers of Runeterra:

In Runeterra, certain spellcasters with particularly sensitive senses are often able to perceive and even communicate directly with the power of other planes; from a historical point of view, this perception is often dangerous.

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