Lux's Farewell

567 [0561] The beginning and end of the war

567 [0561] The beginning and end of the war
Residents of Fossbarrow and Sunford City have been busy this winter.

But speaking of being busy, in this winter, no one in Demacia is busier than Jarvan III in Dawn Castle in Xiongdu.

The lack of cooperation of the noble council, the eccentricity of the local lords, the decline of the royal family's reputation, the small actions within the Illuminati... Facts have proved that Jarvan III, who was determined to integrate the power of Demacia, underestimated the ability of the nobles to counterattack.

If there is one key word for this year's Demacia, then it must be "two taxation". This is not only the heaviest burden on the common people of Demacia, but also represents the ultimate confrontation between kingship, theocracy and aristocratic power. The two sides engaged in the most intense non-cooperative struggle without the outbreak of armed conflict.

For this situation, Jarvan III actually expected it long ago. He strengthened his control over the army in advance, and at the same time used Jarvan IV's status as a climber to control the Illuminati, hoping to suppress the resistance of the nobles in this way, so that They honestly transferred more power to the central government.

However, even though Jarvan III was well prepared, when all the contradictions were brought to light, the intensity of the nobles' resistance was still beyond his imagination—what's even more outrageous was that what caught Jarvan III by surprise was that he Overestimated the bottom line of nobles oppressing civilians.

As mentioned earlier, compared with noble fiefdoms, the common people in the territory directly under the royal family have a great advantage in terms of living standards and room for improvement. As a feudal king, Jarvan III has always done a good job in treating common people well. A benevolent gentleman.

In Jarvan III's view, he directly used the Illuminati to collect his own part of the tax from the commoners, but he never expected that the noble lords would directly collect taxes as they were, and increase the burden on the commoners, directly causing the royal family's reputation to plummet. .

When he realized the problem, Jarvan III also tried to explain the situation to the public through the Illuminati, but obviously, although the Illuminati has a good influence at the grassroots level, it is still incomparable with the deep-rooted lords in various places, and it finally falls to the people. In his eyes, Jarvan III was still raising taxes.

What's more terrible is that the Illuminati is not honest here, and they also use their hands when collecting taxes-you can't expect how clean these clergy are, although they haven't dared to blatantly come up with indulgences and the like for the time being, but in They can still do such things as taking the opportunity to preach while collecting the king's tax, and accepting confession and confession money.

All these combined together, the result is that Jarvan III is clearly only trying to centralize power from the nobles, but the result is that the common people have been tossed miserably, and the political situation in Demacia has fallen into a certain degree of chaos.

Obviously, politics is not a game, and there is no such thing as loyalty. Even the royalists, who are so pure as the Crown Guard family, have subtly fallen into a trap when it comes to the issue of ruling power and financial power over their own fiefdoms. into silence.

If Carya handles this situation, he will immediately play the army card - the army is still loyal to the royal family. Considering that every soldier is a noble reserve, Jarvan III can definitely catch a man who obviously violated the king's order. The early birds used the military to directly suppress the local lords, and then partly recovered the fiefs and partly handed over to the new nobles in the army, using the most direct violence to solve the problem.

It's a pity that Jarvan III, who is accustomed to using political means, lacks the necessary decisiveness after all. On the one hand, he has scruples about using the army, fearing that the cold war will turn into a hot one. On the other hand, he is worried about the commander of the army, so he hesitated , and finally missed the opportunity to divide the noble lords.

As a result, His Majesty Jarvan III, the king, really became a loner. Unless the king is directly under the fiefdom, the order will change more or less as soon as it leaves Xiongdu, and the nobles have completed the final mission under the unprecedented crisis. United, through the parliament, they reached a tacit agreement to advance and retreat together, intending to give Jarvan III a little confrontation without leaving any excuses, and tell this whimsical king that Demacia is the common Demacia of nobles and kings.

Want to centralize power and tighten your grip on noble fiefdoms?
Dream it!
In this way, Jarvan III worked hard for more than half a year, but no matter whether he issued a king's decree, gave a king's speech, or tried to start a dialogue with the noble council, the results were fruitless.

Finally, with the arrival of winter, Jarvan III finally gave up fantasy.

Standing on the wall of Dawn Castle, looking at the extremely desolate palace, he finally took a deep breath and gave a difficult order to Xin Zhao who had been following behind him.

"Sister Feiyi please."


This year's winter in Demacia was extremely cold, and even Xiongdu rarely had a heavy snowfall.

In the blizzard, Jarvan III, Jarvan IV, Kyle, Morgana, Tarek, and Xin Zhao gathered together to formally start a discussion about "what should be the future of Demacia".

Among them, Kyle's attitude is the most obvious. From her point of view, most Demacians have lost their devotion to the gods and their insistence on justice. They need to be judged by the holy fire.

And Morgana also thinks that Demacia has some problems now, but in her opinion, Demacia does not need the trial of the holy fire. Demacia needs education, needs to let the people know good and evil, and then repent of their sins.

Neither Tariq nor Xin Zhao have their own attitudes, everything is based on the will of the king and prince.

After these people clearly expressed their attitudes, Jarvan III's eyes fell on the face of his silent son.

Since returning from the summit, Jarvan IV has matured a lot with the naked eye, and maturity has also brought silence. After returning to Xiongdu, Jarvan IV seems to be more used to silently observing his surroundings, unlike before. , keen to express themselves.

After going through a trial to reach the peak, Jarvan IV's perspective on the world seems to have changed.

Facing his father's gaze, Jarvan IV spoke astonishing words.

"I think it's time to use force to solve the problem."

Jarvan III originally thought that his son was mature, but now that Jarvan IV spoke, he could hardly believe his ears—to use force?I have been trying my best to avoid a civil war!

"Nobles will not give up their power unless faced with a situation they cannot resist." Jarvan IV seems to have thought about this issue a long time ago. "Facts have proved that nobles don't care about reputation or jurisprudence. Yes, they have long since lost their pure aristocratic honor."

Then, under Jarvan III's astonished eyes, Jarvan IV criticized the nobles of Demacia from various angles with reason and grounds. Although this kind of criticism from the perspective of the royal family was not profound enough, Saying it at this time is still shocking enough, if Jarvan IV hadn't accomplished the feat of returning from the summit, Jarvan III would probably have regarded his words as the ramblings of an ignorant person!
But words are like this, when they are spoken by different people, they have different meanings.

When Jarvan IV said these words, he clearly expressed his attitude. He was unwilling to use political means to solve the problem like his father. He believed that he should also have the ability to solve the problem thoroughly in a more direct way. .

Seeing his son clearly expressing his attitude, the old king finally narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he finally opened his eyes, and there was a bit of determination in his cloudy eyes.

"It seems that ordinary means will not allow Demacia to regain its lost glory." Jarvan III's tone was low and decisive, "Perhaps, it's time for us to adopt some more drastic means."

Hearing this, Kyle finally showed her eagerness to try—obviously, she had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. She set off from Mount Targon and came to the mortal world in order to spread the glory of Titan and finish her journey of ascension to God. order.

To make people truly respect the giant gods, what is more direct than punishing those who disrespect the gods?
And as one of the Flying Wing sisters, after hearing Jarvan III's decision, Morgana showed visible disappointment on her face. She ended her seclusion and chose to come to Xiongdu to meet the human king. To prevent my sister from bringing the way of the heavens to the human world, on the other hand, she also wants to guide human beings on their own path.

But even if she teamed up with Tariq to defeat her sister and imprison her temporarily, making her give up using force to directly change Demacia, as things developed, it seemed that war still seemed inevitable.

Then, just when Morgana was about to open her mouth to fight for it, Jarvan III came up with her own plan.

Jarvan III does not intend to start a full-scale civil war. According to him, Jarvan IV and the Flying Wing sisters should go directly to arrest those aristocrats and give them a fair trial. In order to take care of Morgana's opinion , He also proposed that before the trial, they should be given a chance to admit their mistakes and correct them.

Well, that's right, the respected His Excellency Jarvan III once again habitually showed his politician side, even though it was a meeting of a small group, he still chose to take care of everyone's views.

In the end, under his Duan Shui, the royal family and theocracy reached an agreement.


Just do it, Jarvan IV moved very quickly.

The Cordeira family, who had been very uncooperative before and whose fiefdom was not far from Xiongxiong, became the first to be judged—after the Illuminati confirmed that the head of the family, Neva Cordela, was in the fief castle In broad daylight, Jarvan III and the two Flying Wing sisters descended from the sky, pulled him out of the castle, and announced his crimes in public when the Dongxian villagers surrounded him curiously.

Neva Cordeira's crimes include excessive taxation, disrespect to the gods, disrespect to the royal family, obedience and transgression, etc. The people around were ignorant of what they heard, but they still instinctively cheered, celebrating the fall of this angry lord. Big mold.

Then, according to Jarvan III's previous arrangement, Morgana gave him a chance to reform himself, and let the fat-headed nobleman confess in public, and swore with the family's glory that he would reform himself. , Loyalty to the king, reverence to the gods and so on.

For the sake of his sincere repentance, Jarvan IV finally let him go, and publicly stated that if he committed another crime, the holy fire would fall from the sky to completely cleanse his sins.

And Neihua also publicly announced that starting next year, the Cordela family's fief will have a substantial tax cut, and that he will never collect the royal family's taxes on his behalf, and ask everyone to supervise.

Everything looks perfect.

Then, shortly after Jarvan III and the two angels left, Neihua found the Noble Council in a shitty way, and directly sent the news that "the king intends to resort to force".

In this case, the aristocratic council, which had just reached a common advance and retreat, quickly responded-under the suggestion of the recently famous Godin and his wife, the nobles would go directly to Dawn Castle to protest against the king's crossing Parliament directly humiliated the nobility.

"Even if His Highness the Prince becomes a climber, even if the Fei Yi sisters stand beside His Majesty the King, they will not be able to arrest us all in one go!"

Under Mrs. Godin's impassioned instigation, two-thirds of the nobles chose to go to Dawn Castle to protest against the atrocities committed by Jarvan III.

Then, just before Dawn Castle, in the holiest place in Demacia, a shocking bloodshed broke out.

As the leaders of the nobles, the Gottins died under the holy flame of the angel of judgment when expressing their wish to see Jarvan III.

What's more, the angel of judgment insisted that they had the aura of dark descendants on their bodies.

The aristocratic council was completely blown up. From their point of view, it was clear that there was nothing wrong with trying to inflict a crime. The incident of Jarvan IV's raid on the Cordeira family's fief had already made the nobles feel extremely insecure. Now someone died in the in front of them, and was also put on a hat with a dark-born aura...

Unacceptable, absolutely unacceptable!
For the inheritance of the family fiefdom, the nobles who are afraid of death finally showed their fearless side. While shouting the name of their ancestors, they stormed the city wall. Several soldiers guarding the castle were smashed by them with various things. With a bruised nose and a swollen face, it was difficult to fight back. It was not until Tarek and Xin Zhao came together that they took control of the situation.

Then, seeing that they could not rush into the Dawn Castle to find His Majesty the King to report their interests, the nobles quickly dispersed, packed up their belongings, and ran out of Xiongdu. .

The whole of Demacia seems to be sitting on a powder keg, just one spark is needed, and an earth-shattering explosion will occur!

Will this Mars come?
The answer is yes-almost at the same time that the Gottins "died", Noxus, Besilico and the Immortal Fortress reached a secret settlement, and the armies that were originally confronting each other quickly turned southward together, from multiple mountain passes Cross the Shimmering Silver Mountains and take a boat straight to Triwell.

Just when the war in Demacia was about to begin, the Noxians suspended their internal disputes and formed a united front for the time being, pointing at the door of sorrow!
 Carya's Little Classroom Proud Kyle:
  Kyle did not lie, the Gottins (mainly Vladimir who played Mr. Gottin) did have a Darkborn aura, but as a proud angel, she was unwilling to explain to these despicable nobles, and she This choice perfectly fit LeBlanc's plan and became the fuse that intensified the conflict in Demacia.

(End of this chapter)

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