Lux's Farewell

568 [0562] Black mist and dark descendants

568 [0562] Black mist and dark descendants

When Demacia came to the precipice of the civil war, Noxus, the Immortal Bastion and Besilico reached a stunned ceasefire agreement, and Besilico, who had the advantage, accepted the Immortal Bastion The ceasefire agreement, which is something that almost no one thought of.

So, how did Vladimir and LeBlanc make Darius and Swain give up the good situation and choose a temporary truce?
In fact, it is very simple. All they have to do is to show their strength and prove to Swain that they have the ability to kill the net, and then tell Swain that the civil strife in Demacia is imminent, and now is the best opportunity for Noxus to unify Valoran. If this opportunity is missed, it will be very difficult for Noxus to continue to expand in the future.

You can think of us as worms of the empire, and we don't deny it, but don't you Darius and Swain love Noxus?
Since you love Noxus, can you sit back and let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip away?

Considering Black Rose's behavior of dragging the empire back, LeBlanc's words are somewhat disgusting. Darius was about to pick up an ax on the spot when he heard it, but the rational Swain But after a brief silence, he said that the two sides can indeed talk.

Regardless of Black Rose's position, LeBlanc's words are actually correct. If Demacia is about to fall into civil war, this is indeed a golden opportunity for Noxus.

Swain knew better than anyone the consequences of internal chaos.

Although Noxus has always put military expansion first, if they really set up their formations and fight against each other, they will not be able to defeat Demacia-there are the natural dangers of Green Tooth Peak and the Gate of Sorrow, and there are forbidden demons. With walls and fortresses made of stone, Demacia is as difficult to deal with as it is in the defensive battle.

Over the years, Noxus and Demacia have been supporting puppets to fight against the Duchy of Valoran, and they rarely end up in person. The Demacians do this because they don't want to interfere too much in other people's internal affairs, and Noxus They do it because that's all they can do.

If possible, the Noxians really hope to directly send troops to occupy Demacia and completely own the fertile and fertile land, but the problem is that they cannot defeat them, and every time they attack Demacia, they will fail.

Over time, even Noxus, which has always been strong externally, has recognized Demacia's status as a great power and will treat Demacia-related issues with caution.

It was precisely because of the failure of westward expansion that Noxus later adopted the strategy of drawing Shurima to the south and attacking Ionia from the east. In the final analysis, it was all because he couldn't chew on the hard bone of Demacia.

But now, Demacia, which has always been united, suddenly experienced civil strife. As LeBlanc said, this is a god-sent opportunity for Noxus, not to be missed!

Out of rational and patriotic considerations, Swain barely suppressed his distaste for the black rose, and while sending war stonemasons to understand the situation in Demacia, he started arguing with LeBlanc on the negotiating table about "a possible truce agreement." "open discussion.

During this period, the front line still maintained a state of confrontation.

Then, when Swain and LeBlanc barely reached a paltry agreement, the war masons brought back a wealth of news from the Demacian folk. The prestige of the people in Demacia has plummeted, and many civilians are dissatisfied with the royal family and the lord.

The news of the war masons is very important.

Demacia's elite military system predestined that their local garrison should be dominated by militias and private troops. Once the royal family loses popular support and the lord no longer loyal to the king, then in the face of invasion, as long as Noxus does not act like In Ionia, there is no taboo for burning, killing and looting, so the resistance they face will be much smaller!

It can be said that the news brought back by the war mason made Swain truly examine the possibility of winning a surprise war against Demacia.

As a result, after careful consideration and calculation, Swain believes that the probability of Noxus winning when Demacia's interior is unstable is launched... is almost zero.

That's right, although Demacia already looks like a bird, in Swain's view, if Noxus invades at this time, Demacia will quickly unite, eliminate conflicts, and fight against the enemy unanimously. After the raid period, the depth of Demacia will completely hold back Noxus. Once they accumulate enough strength to launch a counterattack, the national strength of Noxus, which has been extremely weak after years of civil war, may not be enough. Not enough to support a long tug of war.

"So, come up with whatever means you have." After analyzing the situation, Swain resumed his aggressive posture when he came to the negotiating table again, "If this is the only way, then I hope to take advantage of the German When the Marcias were unable to intervene, they eliminated hidden dangers that should not exist within the empire."

Obviously, what Swain means is that if you can't come up with something that can reverse the situation, he will still choose to stick to the civil war, clear the black rose first, and wait until Noxus' national strength recovers—at worst, fight Ioni again Ya!

Swain's attitude was very rude, but LeBlanc seemed to have expected this kind of rudeness. Facing Swain's threat, she mentioned an unexpected thing with a smile.

"Swain, have you heard of Soul Eater Night?"

"Soul Eater Night?" Swain narrowed his eyes, "The ghost festival of the sea rats in Bilgewater?"

"No, no, that's not Ghost Festival, but the real Night of Soul Eater." LeBlanc shook her head lightly, "In Soul Eater Night, undead ghosts will roam the world and destroy everything they see.


"This year's Soul Eater Night, the undead will bring a little surprise to Demacia." LeBlanc's tone seemed to be that of a child who was expecting an adult to go out and bring him a gift, "I'm really curious, Demacia Can the tall city walls stop the erosion of the black fog?"

"The Night of Soul Eater has never attacked Demacia in the past." Swain's emotions did not fluctuate even the slightest because of the other party's tone, "How do I know that this year's Night of Soul Eater will erode Demacia? ?”

"It's enough for you to know." LeBlanc obviously didn't intend to tell Swain his own information channel, "Anyway, you have a lot of little crows under your command, and they will always bring back the news."

That's right. Under Swain's instructions, some war stonemasons have already entered Demacia. Although they can't act unscrupulously and spy on information here, if such a major event as Soul Devouring Night Black Mist Lost City happens, they The news will be passed on to Swain as soon as possible.

"I want to see Soul Eater Night." Swain still didn't let go, "I don't believe you."

"Even if it costs Noxus a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?"

"At least to prevent Noxus from being doomed."

"Well, maybe we can each take a step back." LeBlanc put on a helpless look, "If the civil war in Demacia breaks out, we'll prepare for a truce. This is a good opportunity not to be missed!"

"Are you so sure that a civil war will break out in Demacia?"

"Of course, because I will do it myself."

In the end, after stipulating the relevant ceasefire agreements in incredible detail and establishing not-so-reliable but still effective communication channels, a temporary coalition that lacked trust but at least worked was formed.

Then, when Vladimir and LeBlanc, who became the Godins, completely sparked the flames of the civil war, as agreed, Noxus suspended the civil war and went straight to the Western Front.

Demacia knew nothing of the Noxians' movements.

Both the royal family and the nobles are now planning for the worst-case scenario - Jarvan III began to mobilize the army and gather military power, while the noble lords are working hard to expand their private army to avoid being wiped out by the royal family.

Then, just when Jarvan III summoned military generals loyal to the royal family, intending to put some military pressure on the nobles, Soul Eater Night—— came.


In the past, the southwestern coast of Demacia was occasionally eroded by the black mist, and a few unlucky fishermen would be sucked into the black mist and never returned.

And for most Demacians, Soul Eater Night is a completely unfamiliar word that has never been heard before.

Soul Eater Night?
What is that?
The Demacians who have never seen Soul Eater Night have no idea what the black mist on the sea represents, let alone the consciousness to avoid it.

So, when the gloomy black mist spread from the sea and completely enveloped the coastal cities including Dornhold, many Demacians even entered the black mist out of curiosity—— And their results are naturally gone forever.

Not only the curious Demacians, but also many of the private armies gathered by the lords from all over the world were directly swallowed by the black mist, and finally disappeared without a trace. After the soldiers returned, everyone realized that there were still a large number of deadly undead hidden in the depths of the black mist.

According to the descriptions of the survivors, these undead are pale and skeleton-like. They come mightily in the black mist, like a different kind of ocean waves. They will actively attack the living and drag them to the black mist. In the depths of the fog, and in the depths of the black fog, there seems to be something special that can transform the living into walking corpses like these undead.

Such appalling news obviously cannot be concealed. After hearing that the Sorcerer Stone can restrain the undead, a large number of terrified coastal residents flocked into towns protected by the Sorcerer Stone walls. The entire Demacia The Southwest is in deep panic.

However, the advancement of the black mist will not be diverted by human will. When the panic spread, the black mist finally filled the Xiongdu Bay, and the billowing black mist climbed to the Demacia Xiongdu for the first time. city ​​walls!
Although the city wall of the forbidden magic stone restrained the black mist to a great extent, the fog could not cross the city wall and enter the city of Xiongdu, but standing on the top of the city, the surrounding area of ​​Xiongdu became dark at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This kind of posture of black clouds overwhelming the city, anyone who sees it will feel fear in his heart.

In order to stabilize the situation, Jarvan III had no choice but to send out the newly assembled army and let the soldiers stand in full armor on the city wall to guard against the invisible enemies. He also frequently gave public speeches in the magnificent square to boost morale and morale. Confidence of the public—Jiawen III found the origin of Soul Eater Night from the royal collection, and introduced it to the public, telling them that it was a "natural phenomenon" on the sea, and it would disappear by itself after a while.

However, the black mist did not subside on its own initiative as Jarvan III thought it would, on the contrary, it became thicker and thicker, making people feel more and more palpitating.

And as the black mist continued to spread, the east of Xiongdu was also surrounded by black mist, and the communication between the city and the outside world was forced to stop, and the whole city became a terrifying isolated island.

You must know that in a big city like Xiongdu, a lot of supplies depend on the input from the outside world. Once they are isolated from the inside and outside, the supplies will soon be insufficient. Unless Jiawen III directly opens a warehouse to release grain, otherwise as the price of grain soars, many citizens will They will all fall into the predicament of being broke!

In this case, the angel of justice finally made a move.

With the idea that "mortals have proved that relying on their own strength can't solve the black mist, at this time they can show the glory of the gods", Kyle spread his golden wings and flew to the top of the city, waving his hands like Moses dividing the sea. The sharp blade of the Holy Flame seemed to split the black mist in two!
As the holy flame streaked across the air, the black mist was visible to the naked eye, and many soldiers who saw this scene cheered excitedly.

The Flying Wing sisters are indeed protecting Demacia as always!

Seeing that many people were chanting the glory of the gods, a smile appeared on the corner of Kyle's mouth. She flapped her wings and crossed the city wall, and raised her sharp blade high. More holy flames poured into the sharp blade, intending to strike a stronger blow at the black mist, and use miracles to prove to the people that only gods can protect Demacia!
However, when Kyle swung his sword down for the second time, the black mist in front of her was not as dim as last time, but became thicker and rolled over on its own initiative.

Just when Kyle couldn't help frowning, an incomparably thick voice echoed in the endless black mist like rolling thunder.

"Look at what I saw." The voice was full of sarcasm. If Lux were here, she would be surprised at how similar she was to Kalya, "A hybrid bred by a giant god and a human—it's really difficult I believe that there will be people who will have a physiological reaction to those irregular meteors in the heavens."

Along with this taunt, there was also a pitch-black sharp blade, which appeared from the black mist, and precisely held Kyle's sharp blade, and then, with a sudden force, connected Kyle to her sharp blade , smashed together on the city wall of Xiongdu.

"Why, after the giant god has licked the wound, is he planning to stretch out your dog's paw again?"

 Carya's Small Classroom·Different Situations:
  Although the situation in Runeterra doesn't seem to be much different from when Kalya hadn't been here, under the water, many people whose fate has been changed, the Darkborn, have taken some secret actions.

  The Shadow Isles are no longer a hapless nation ruined by hapless lunatics—the Shadow Isles themselves have a greater purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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